
Brewer's yeast for weight gain. Price, photo

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  1. Composition and form of release
  2. Terms of sale, prices
  3. Action
  4. Indications and contraindications for use
  5. Method of administration and dosage for weight gain
  6. When can you stop taking brewer's yeast while gaining weight?
  7. Brewer's Yeast Video

Regular brewer's yeast rich in vitamins, minerals and amino acids. In modern pharmacology, they are produced in the form of dietary supplements. It can be used to gain weight. The price of drugs varies depending on the manufacturer, as well as the components.

Composition and form of release

The energy value of 100 g of brewer's yeast is about 388 Kcal.

The nutritional value:

  • fats - 2 g;
  • proteins - 52g;
  • carbohydrates - 30g;
  • water - 7 g;
  • ash - 8 g.

Vitamins and minerals that are contained in brewer's yeast are presented in the table per 100g.

Vitamins / Minerals Quantity % of the calculated daily rate
AT 2 5.0 mg 390
IN 1 4.0 mg 330
B3 (PP) 33.2 mg 208
AT 6 2.6 mg 200
AT 7 79 μg 150
AT 9 200 mcg 50
AT 12 1 μg 40
AT 5 2 μg 40
Copper 3.2 mg 360
Selenium 200 mcg 380
Chromium 110 mcg 200
Zinc 4 mg 45
Potassium 2100 mg 45
Magnesium 100 mg 25
Iron 3.5 mg 35
Sodium 200 mg 15
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Brewer's yeast contains:

  • nicotinamide riboside;
  • probiotics and prebiotics;
  • nucleic acids;
  • ergosterol (is an antiestrogen and can suppress the development of breast cancer).

Brewer's yeast for weight gain, the price of which differs depending on the form of release, are:

  • Liquid. Produced in breweries. If you want to, you can buy them there. But such a product is stored only for 8 hours at + 20 ° C or in the refrigerator for a day. Contraindications for the use of such a product are infections caused by various fungi, as well as dysbiosis.
  • Dry, produced most often in powder form. You can buy them at the pharmacy. They have an impressive lifespan.
  • Brewer's yeast tablets. They are produced with various additives and in pure form. The price for them varies, but both varieties are taken for weight gain. Additives can be sugar, flavors, etc.

The composition of the products varies depending on the manufacturer. The packaging of a product enriched with additional components must contain information about their daily requirement.

Terms of sale, prices

You can buy yeast both through online stores and in regular pharmacies and stores, as well as in specializing in the sale of dietary supplements, and even in some supermarkets in the departments with healthy food. But it is worth considering carefully the choice of the seller, since all dietary supplements must undergo certain control of the sanitary and epidemiological service. Each drug must receive a corresponding opinion.

In addition, you cannot sell brewer's yeast:

  • without quality certification;
  • expired;
  • in places not intended for the sale of dietary supplements;
  • without information on the mandatory registration of the drug;
  • without a label or with a label on which information is indicated different from the accompanying documents.

Brewer's yeast preparations, which are used for weight gain, are not expensive. Below are the most popular ones, along with estimated prices.

  • Evicent. Manufacturer - "Yeast Technologies". Brewer's yeast for weight gain. Price, photoIndications for use:
  1. lack of vitamins;
  2. disruptions in the work of metabolism;
  3. overload, both physical and mental.

The drug is available in tablets. The manufacturer promises to improve the appearance of hair and nails, increase efficiency and good functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Evicent is contraindicated only for persons with intolerance to the components.

The buyer will have to pay about 150 rubles for a package of yeast.

  • Eco-mon. The use of the tool will result in:
  1. to normalize digestion;
  2. to cleanse the intestines;
  3. to increase immunity;
  4. to weight gain;
  5. to get rid of the symptoms of fatigue.

In order for the effect of the use of pills to be full, you need to increase the amount of calories consumed and do not forget about sports. Flatulence can be a side effect, but after discontinuation of the drug, this unpleasant symptom goes away.

Brewer's yeast for weight gain (price per package is 120 rubles) is made by Bioterra. The main feature of this additive is its sulfur content. This component helps to cleanse the skin from acne and acne. The positive effect becomes noticeable after 2 weeks.

But this drug has a significant drawback, which is the need to take a large number of tablets at once. In addition, Bioterra has a specific, not very pleasant smell. A side effect can be flatulence, as well as increased appetite.

The drug is manufactured in Belarus, and the cost of 1 pack is 60 rubles.

  • Nagipol 100. These dietary supplements contain B vitamins, amino acids, nucleotides, and other useful components.Brewer's yeast for weight gain. Price, photo

The effect of the drug is:

  1. in replenishing weight deficit;
  2. in stimulating immune responses;
  3. in the restoration of all body systems after operations;
  4. in the removal of slags;
  5. in helping the body in the fight against ARVI.

Contraindication is only in the intolerance of the components of the drug. The cost of one package is about 100 rubles.

  • Naturallivite. In addition to the yeast itself, it contains B vitamins. Application effect:
  1. increased immunity;
  2. improved bowel function;
  3. stabilization of the functioning of metabolism;
  4. weight gain.

A contraindication is the intolerance of the components of Naturlivit. The price of the box is 150 rubles.Brewer's yeast for weight gain. Price, photo

  • Ekko Plus. In addition to the main component, the product contains folic acid and other valuable additives. The use of the drug will normalize metabolic processes, gain weight, and get rid of skin problems.

The use of Ekko Plus is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women. The cost of one package is 125 rubles.

Brewer's yeast for weight gain (the price for other preparations of the same type varies from 60 to 300 rubles. per pack) are the most popular dietary supplements.


Yeasts are the simplest organisms. They belong to the class of Mushrooms. Some men are afraid to consume brewer's yeast because there is estrogen in beer. Excessive amounts of it are really harmful to the stronger sex. But there is this female hormone only in beer.

It is not in mushrooms. And this is another proof that for the purpose of gaining weight, it is better to take brewer's yeast, and not drink a foamy drink. Do not forget about the dangers of alcohol in excessive quantities.

Brewer's yeast has a complex composition. They are easy to digest and definitely aid in weight gain. In addition, the dietary supplement cleanses the digestive system of the body.

The main aspects of yeast action:

  • an increase in the body's energy reserves;
  • replenishment of the number of bacteria in the intestine, which leads to better functioning;
  • improving the absorption of nutrients.

Brewer's yeast is a natural source of four B vitamins at once. These vitamins are involved in the functioning of the nervous system, metabolism, and the renewal of blood cells. They are necessary to maintain visual acuity, to restore the skin. Brewer's yeast supplies vitamin D, the need for which is difficult to underestimate. In addition, yeast contains vitamins E and PP.

Yeast preparations contain palmitic and stearic fatty acids. These components are actively involved in metabolism. Their lack can affect all processes in the body.

Due to the presence of fatty acids, carbohydrates, vitamins, enzymes and trace elements, the use of yeast stimulates the body's adaptability to various adverse environmental factors. Drugs improve metabolism, stress has less negative impact on body systems, fatigue decreases, increases working capacity, the emotional background rises, the work of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized, toxins are removed from the body faster and slags.

Due to the presence of not only vitamins in the preparation, but also the fungi themselves, which act as foreign agents, the immune system is stimulated. As a result, the person is less sick and recovers faster.

Brewer's yeast has a positive effect on the condition of hair and nails. They not only acquire a healthier appearance, but also begin to grow faster.

However, there is an opinion that all the useful components of the drug are located behind a solid wall of the fungus. The gastrointestinal tract is difficult to cope with this obstacle. Therefore, only an organism with a well-functioning digestive system is capable of effectively digesting and assimilating all useful substances.

In general, when taking yeast preparations for gaining weight, the body goes through 3 stages:

  1. Initial. The work of the endocrine system is normalized, metabolism is stabilized, appetite improves.
  2. Cleaning. The body is cleansed of toxins.
  3. Weight gain directly. After about half a month from the start of taking the drug, weight gain becomes noticeable.

Do not forget that in order for the effect of taking yeast to be noticeable, and the use of the drug to give the proper effect, you need to go in for sports and be attentive to nutrition.

Indications and contraindications for use

The main indications for the use of brewer's yeast:

Brewer's yeast for weight gain. Price, photo
  • skin diseases (acne, seborrhea, psoriasis, eczema, boils);
  • inability to comply with the principles of good nutrition;
  • period of increased stress (physical, mental, psychological);
  • recovery period after illness;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • bad habits (smoking, excessive alcohol consumption);
  • hypovitaminosis and vitamin deficiency;
  • diseases caused by a lack of minerals;
  • violation of metabolic processes.

Brewer's yeast has been shown to work well for weight gain. They are able to increase appetite, and when eating more food, the weight of a person also increases.

But do not take the drug uncontrollably. Increased appetite, as well as eating unhealthy foods, can quickly increase weight, especially if you take the drug in large quantities.

In addition, brewer's yeast should be carefully used in conjunction with other drugs, since they are able to interact:

  • Diabetes remedies. Yeast can lower blood sugar levels. If two drugs are taken, hypoglycemia may develop.
  • Monoamine oxidase inhibitors. Used as antidepressants. Yeast interacts with the components of the drug and can cause the development of a hypertensive crisis, and as its consequence to a stroke or heart attack.
  • Diphenhydramine. In combination with yeast, it can dramatically increase blood pressure.

The main contraindications to the use of yeast:

  • colitis and Crohn's disease;
  • gout and kidney stones;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the product;
  • candidiasis;
  • past allergic reactions to penicillin antibiotics;
  • diarrhea and intestinal dysbiosis.

Contraindications for taking dietary supplements containing brewer's yeast are also pregnancy and breastfeeding. Children under the age of six can use the drug only after being prescribed by a pediatrician. Yeast is carefully used for gastritis.

Method of administration and dosage for weight gain

Brewer's yeast for weight gain, the price of which may differ depending on the manufacturer and the components included in the composition, does not contain alcohols, unlike beer. Therefore, they can be used even by children, but only from 3 years old and only with the permission of a pediatrician. The same doctor should prescribe the dosage for the child.

For each gender, there are certain features in the choice of dietary supplements:

  • It is better for men to opt for a dietary supplement with a classic composition. A large proportion of the components in them are amino acids and proteins. They are the ones that are needed to build muscle.
  • Women are better off using brewer's yeast with added zinc and selenium. This is a good prevention of reproductive system diseases. Supplements are combined with yeast to help relieve fatigue, support skin health and prevent hormonal disruptions.
    Brewer's yeast for weight gain. Price, photo
    Brewer's yeast for weight gain

Live yeast is diluted in any liquid except boiling water. For 1 tbsp. the drug will need ½ glass of liquid. The solution should be drunk 30 minutes before the scheduled meal.

Recommended dosages:

  • for children from 3 to 6, only the doctor makes up the schedule;
  • children from 6 to 12 years old can take 1 tsp. l. 3 times a day;
  • children from 12 to 16 years old - 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day;
  • from 16 years old and further appoint 2-3 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.

The course used for prophylaxis should last at least a month. Then take a break for a period of 1 to 3 months. There are several recipes for making your own brewer's yeast.

Here is one of the popular ones:

  1. Pour 20 g of Borodino bread crumbs with 350 ml of water. Leave in a warm place for a couple of hours.
  2. Add 50 g of dry brewer's yeast.
  3. Heat the mixture, and after it has cooled sufficiently, put it in the refrigerator for an hour.
  4. Add another 10 g of yeast and leave in a warm place for 8 hours.

They consume such a product half a glass before meals up to 5 times a day. To make it tastier, you can add honey or sugar. Taking brewer's yeast should be accompanied by a fairly strict, but reasonable diet.

Basic nutritional rules that should be followed:

  • It is necessary to abandon flour, sweet, fatty and spicy foods. This will not only make the result from the reception more effective, but also save a lot of health.
  • Consume more protein, and replace sweets with healthy dried fruits and honey.
  • Breakfast should be hearty. The most high-calorie food should be consumed in the morning. Dinners should be kept to a minimum.
  • It is better to eat food in small portions every 3-4 hours.
  • Be sure to drink two liters of water daily.

Preparations produced in tablet form should be used in accordance with the specific instructions for each of them. You can find recommendations on the dietary supplement package insert.

Here are the main aspects of the use for the most popular dietary supplements containing brewer's yeast:

  • Naligol 100. It is recommended to use it three times a day 10-20 minutes before meals. The drug is used in a course that lasts from 1 to 8 weeks. And after 3 months it can be repeated.
  • Naturallivite. Persons over the age of 12 are advised to take 3 tablets 3 times a day. The course of admission is a month. The drug must be drunk during the meal.Brewer's yeast for weight gain. Price, photo
  • Evicent. Recommended for use only from 12 years old. Consumed after meals. An adult is prescribed up to 15 tablets per day, a child - within 10. You can take the drug continuously for no more than 2 months. And after 3 months, repeat the course.
  • AMT yeast. The dosage is 10 tablets per day for a teenager and 15 for an adult. They are consumed 10 minutes before meals with plenty of cold water. Duration of admission is 2 months.

During the use of dietary supplements, it is recommended to lead an active lifestyle. This will allow you to place the additional obtained protein in muscle mass, and not in fat.

When can you stop taking brewer's yeast while gaining weight?

Before taking brewer's yeast, in any case, it is better to consult a doctor. He will not only prescribe the correct dosage and the most suitable drug, but also select the optimal admission period.

However, as a general rule, you can stop taking brewer's yeast even when you have reached about 75% of the planned final weight. It is also worth remembering that if, when taking dietary supplements, there is flatulence, belching, upset stools, heaviness in the abdomen, then it is better to stop using the drug ahead of schedule. And then report the unpleasant symptoms to the doctor.

Brewer's yeast is a good way to gain weight. But when taking them, do not forget about the need for proper nutrition and exercise. The choice of drugs is wide, the price for them can also be very different.

Brewer's Yeast Video

Brewer's Yeast for Weight Gain:

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