
Anti-pediculosis laying according to SanPin in a hospital, kindergarten, school

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  1. What is anti-lice styling and its purpose
  2. What is regulated by Order No. 342?
  3. Types of lice, to combat which order number 342 is directed
  4. Why it is important to follow order number 342
  5. In what cases is processing carried out
  6. What is included in the styling used in the hospital, kindergartens, schools
  7. Classic and modern line-up - is there a difference?
  8. Effective remedies for head lice
  9. Pedikulen Ultra
  10. Paranit
  11. Benzyl benzoate ointment
  12. How processing is carried out according to SanPiN
  13. Training
  14. Carrying out the procedure
  15. The final stage
  16. How much does styling cost
  17. Anti-lice styling video

Anti-lice styling, developed according to the SanPin standards, is a list of rules and algorithms of actions aimed at combating lice in different segments of the population. This is a by-law normative legal act, which, within the framework of the legal framework, allows the implementation of anti-epidemiological measures to counter the spread of head lice. Following the rules enshrined in Order No. 342, it is possible to localize the center of the spread of lice within a short period of time.

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What is anti-lice styling and its purpose

Anti-lice styling is one of the ways to combat the spread of lice. According to SanPin, the main method of countering blood-sucking insects is the destruction of the habitual habitat of these parasites, as well as sanitization of infected persons.

The purpose of anti-lice packing is to prevent an epidemiological outbreak of pediculosis. In the absence of proper control from sanitary organizations, lice spread very quickly, affecting the skin of people from different segments of the population. Anti-lice styling was developed by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, and then spelled out in order No. 342.

What is regulated by Order No. 342?

Order No. 342 contains detailed information on how government agencies can effectively prevent head lice and counteract the spread of lice among the country's population. This by-law tells about the problem of this parasitic disease, the danger of its complications in the absence of timely treatment.Anti-pediculosis laying according to SanPin in hospital, kindergarten, school

Supplements to Order No. 342 are methodological guidelines for medical personnel of infectious diseases departments, who are engaged in the treatment of patients with pediculosis. This document outlines a step-by-step procedure for hospital workers in terms of training, as well as providing assistance to patients infected with various types of blood-sucking insects.

Types of lice, to combat which order number 342 is directed

The table below lists the main types of parasites of this type, for the fight against which order No. 342 has been developed.

Lice types Characteristics of blood-sucking insects
Head lice This type of lice lives on the scalp. Every 3 hours, the parasite bites its host to satisfy its nutritional needs. Females of these individuals lay about 7 eggs within 1 day. After 5-9 days, young lice are born from them, ready to lead a parasitic lifestyle. The head louse lives in the hair of its carrier for about 30 days. Once outside the host's body, it dies within 24 hours. For head lice to breed, their habitat temperature must be at least 28 degrees Celsius. When this indicator drops to +20 degrees, the parasites lose their physiological function to reproduce offspring.
Body lice A distinctive feature of this type of parasite is that their main habitat is not only the body of the wearer, but also his personal belongings, bedding. Within 1 day, these insects bite a person from 2 to 3 times, but at the same time they consume much more blood than head lice. Wardrobe parasites are characterized by rapid development rates. For the reproduction of these insects, a stable maintenance of the ambient temperature within +32 ° C is required. If this indicator decreases, then body lice may not eat food for 7 days, but resume their activity again after the restoration of comfortable living conditions. If the ambient temperature rises to a level above +37 ° C, body lice die. Blood-sucking insects of this species lend themselves to effective destruction using dry heat.
Pubic lice Among all the varieties of lice, the parasites of this species are the smallest in size. The natural habitat of these insects is the intimate zone of a person. Biting through the skin surface in the groin area, pubic lice leave behind characteristic marks in the form of local hematomas. The lifespan of a sexually mature individual is no more than 3 weeks. During this period, 1 louse is capable of laying at least 50 eggs. Outside the body of its host, the blood-sucking parasite of this species dies within 12 hours.

Each type of lice, against which the provisions of Order No. 342 are directed, has its own individual life cycle, carries threats and infectious complications for the infected population. Timely stopping the focus of the spread of insects helps prevent the further spread of parasites.

Why it is important to follow order number 342

Pediculosis is a rapidly spreading and dangerous disease, the development of which can be accompanied by simultaneous outbreaks of concomitant infectious diseases.Anti-pediculosis laying according to SanPin in hospital, kindergarten, school

It is extremely important that the norms of Order No. 342 are respected for the following reasons:

  • Due to their jumping ability, lice are very infectious, quickly spreading among different segments of the population.
  • First of all, the parasite infects closed social groups (families, kindergartens, schools, military barracks, prisons).
  • Even after a person has completely recovered from head lice, his personal belongings are still a source of infection for 90 days. Under conditions of maintaining a comfortable temperature, individual individuals, as well as their larvae, can remain viable.
  • Children of the younger, middle age group and adolescents are at risk for the incidence of head lice.
  • On the territory of Russia, labor migrants are the main distributors of head lice.
  • Lice are a carrier of a number of infectious diseases in the form of typhus, relapsing fever, Volyn fever, Brill's disease.
  • The spread of head lice occurs rapidly. Without timely and adequate responses, the epidemiological situation can easily spiral out of control.
  • Without proper treatment, lice will soon completely take over the body of their carrier, reaching the maximum number of the numerical population.

Compliance with the norms of Order No. 342 is very important for the reason that its creation was a requirement of the difficult epidemiological situation that developed in Russia in 1998. During this period of time, 300 thousand people were recorded on the territory of the Russian Federation. patients with head lice. In this case, the body was infected with different types of lice. Only 25% of the total number of patients with head lice were adults. The most difficult situation is in schools, kindergartens and boarding schools. After the enactment of the norms of Order No. 342, the epidemiological situation has completely changed.

In what cases is processing carried out

Anti-lice treatment is carried out for children and adults who have been diagnosed with any type of lice. Sanitary measures to remove parasites from the surface of the patient's body are strictly regulated by Order No. 342.Anti-pediculosis laying according to SanPin in hospital, kindergarten, school

The medical staff of the infectious diseases department, who provides therapeutic assistance, must carry out the preparatory stage, the main procedure and the final stage of anti-lice manipulations. These actions are aimed not only at localizing foci of pediculosis, but also at preventing the spread of other infectious diseases spread by lice.

What is included in the styling used in the hospital, kindergartens, schools

Anti-lice styling according to SanPin involves the use of materials that are necessary to combat parasitic insects:

  • A cotton or thick oilcloth bag for collecting personal belongings of the patient, in which body lice and other insects can hide.
  • A metal tray, or a galvanized bucket, so that hair can be burned in this container, and individual items can be disinfected.
  • Oilcloth drape.
  • Disposable medical gloves to sanitize the body and scalp of the infected person.
  • A metal comb that has not been used by other patients before.
  • Scissors.
  • Hair clipper.
  • Sterile cotton roll.
  • Acetic essence with a concentration of 5 to 10%.
  • Alcohol lamp.
  • Cloth scarf (at least 2-3 pcs.).
  • Chemicals or drugs to kill mature lice and their larvae.

A medical worker who carries out anti-lice styling must necessarily have disinfestation agents for processing the manipulation room.

Classic and modern line-up - is there a difference?

The classic and modern composition of the anti-lice styling does not have significant differences. The list of consumables required to effectively combat head, body and pubic lice has remained unchanged. The only differences are that as the pharmaceutical industry developed, there was a renewal anti-lice drugs, which have become more effective and safe for the body person.

Effective remedies for head lice

Anti-pediculosis styling according to SanPin involves the use of antiparasitic medicines. Medicines for head lice are medicines that must necessarily be part of the anti-lice styling.

Medicines in this category are divided into 2 groups:

  • Ovicides. They are used once. They destroy sexually mature individuals and lice larvae. After the completion of the therapeutic procedure, a prerequisite for the final stage of treatment is combing out the hair strands.
  • Neovicides. They are effective only against blood-sucking parasites, but are not able to infect their eggs. In the case of using medicines of this category, after 7-10 days, it will be necessary to re-treat the hairy part of the body to remove the lice that were born from the eggs.

For a faster localization of the lice spread, it is recommended to use drugs from the group of ovicides, which do not require re-treatment of the patient's body, destroy lice and nits.

Pedikulen Ultra

Lotion Pedikulen Ultra is an effective drug against lice and nits. This product is applied to the scalp of the infected area of ​​the body. Shows a therapeutic effect against head and pubic lice, as well as their larvae.

Anti-pediculosis laying according to SanPin in hospital, kindergarten, school
Pedikulen Ultra

This drug contains the following components:

  • isopropyl alcohol;
  • capric acid;
  • purified water;
  • anise oil.

Lotion Pedikulen Ultra is approved for use in children over the age of 5 years, but is contraindicated in women who are in a state of pregnancy, as well as breastfeeding a newborn baby. This remedy is not recommended for use in the treatment of patients diagnosed with open wounds of the scalp. At this stage, you will need to restore the integrity of the skin, and then apply an anti-lice lotion. The average price of the drug Pedikulen Ultra is 399 rubles. per bottle with a capacity of 50 ml.


Paranit shampoo is a safe pediculicidal agent that destroys lice and nits without toxic effects on the human body. The constituents of this drug are substances in the form of dimethicone and mineral oil.

The principle of operation of Paranit shampoo is as follows:

  1. The medical worker evenly distributes the drug over the entire surface of the head of the patient with head lice.
  2. A headscarf, scarf or hat is put on top of the treated area of ​​the body in order to enhance the therapeutic effect of this medication.
  3. Dimethicone and mineral oil envelop the body of lice and nits, blocking their airways.
  4. Without an influx of fresh air, blood-sucking parasites die for the first 1-2 minutes. after applying a pediculicide drug.

Due to the special mechanism of action, Paranit shampoo does not cause the effect of drug addiction in lice. Complete with anti-lice medication comes with a comb for combing out lice. In case of signs of skin redness, rash, edema formation that arose immediately after treatment of the head with this drug, it is recommended to seek help from an allergist or therapist. The average cost of 1 bottle of Paranit shampoo with a capacity of 200 ml is 898 rubles.

Benzyl benzoate ointment

The drug Benzyl benzoate is an ointment with a concentration of the medical form of benzyl benzoate 200 mg per 1 g of the finished anti-pediculosis drug. This drug has shown therapeutic efficacy against head and pubic lice.

Ointment Benzyl benzoate is applied directly to the infected area of ​​the patient's body, and after the death of the parasites, they are routinely combed out with a comb. If necessary, re-processing is carried out after 10 days. Therapy with this agent can cause the manifestation of local allergic reactions in the form of a rash, urticaria, edema of epithelial tissues.

Anti-pediculosis laying according to SanPin in hospital, kindergarten, school

Benzyl benzoate ointment is contraindicated for use in the following cases:

  • the patient's age is under 18 years old;
  • the state of pregnancy;
  • lactation of a newborn baby by breastfeeding;
  • individual intolerance to benzyl benzoate, which is manifested by symptoms of local and more extensive allergies.

The advantage in using this remedy for lice is its affordable cost. The average price of benzyl benzoate ointment is 33 rubles. per tube 25 g. The disadvantage of this pediculicidal drug is the high risk of developing allergic reactions provoked by its active ingredient.

How processing is carried out according to SanPiN

Anti-pediculosis laying according to SanPin provides for a preliminary examination of the patient. A nurse who has discovered signs of lice infestation in a person is obliged to follow the established algorithm of actions.


At the stage of preparation for carrying out anti-lice styling, a medical worker will need the following things and consumables:

  • clean robe;
  • anti-pediculicide drug;
  • disposable gloves;
  • waterproof oilcloth apron;
  • oilcloth;
  • metal comb;
  • cotton towel.
    Anti-pediculosis laying according to SanPin in hospital, kindergarten, school
    Anti-lice styling according to SanPin

Preparation for the procedure for carrying out anti-lice styling is as follows:

  1. Wear a gown and disposable medical gloves.
  2. Fix a waterproof apron made of oilcloth on the body.
  3. Conduct a conversation with the patient, explaining to him the specifics of this procedure.
  4. Obtain consent from the patient to perform anti-lice manipulations.
  5. Cover the chair with oilcloth, and then put the patient on it.
  6. A person with head lice picks up a clean cotton towel to protect the eyes from getting a pediculicide. If the patient is in a severely weakened condition, then his organ of vision is covered by a sanitary worker.

After all the actions aimed at preparing for the fight against lice are completed, the nurse proceeds to the main stage of anti-lice therapy.

Carrying out the procedure

The stage of the main part of the anti-lice procedure requires compliance with the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Treat the patient's hair with a drug for lice, which was included in the anti-lice styling. Apply the medication strictly in the amount provided by its instructions for use.
  2. Cover the patient's hair with a pre-prepared kerchief, scarf or special cap.
  3. Leave the patient's head closed for 20 minutes so that the active substance of the pediculicidal agent works.
  4. Rinse the patient's hair under a stream of warm water and then pat dry using a clean and dry towel.
  5. Comb out the scalp of the patient with a metal comb, evenly dividing all the strands. The duration of this procedure is 15-20 minutes.Anti-pediculosis laying according to SanPin in hospital, kindergarten, school

In the process of combing out of the patient's head, dead lice, as well as their larvae, are removed. During the performance of these actions, the nurse gets the opportunity to independently verify the effectiveness of the drug that is used in the fight against parasites.

The final stage

At the final stage of the anti-lice styling, the following steps must be performed:

  1. Remove the patient's clothes and bedding, and then put them in a separate bag for further disinfestation.
  2. Take off your gown, disposable gloves and oilcloth apron, placing them in another container for disinfestation.
  3. Wash hands thoroughly using soap and warm water.
  4. In the patient's inpatient medical record, make an entry that he was diagnosed with head lice. The title page of this documentation is marked with the letter “P”.
  5. Draw up an emergency notification to the sanitary and epidemiological surveillance authority at the location of the infectious diseases department. In this case, the medical professional fills out the form No. 058у.
  6. After completing the above documentation, the nurse returns to the patient to re-examine his dry hair.
  7. Disinfestation of the room is carried out, in which medical manipulations were carried out to combat head liceAnti-pediculosis laying according to SanPin in hospital, kindergarten, school

A metal comb, which was used to comb out lice, is doused with boiling water or wiped with a solution of ethyl alcohol of 70% concentration. All objects with which the patient was in contact are treated with pediculicidal medicines.

How much does styling cost

Anti-lice styling according to SanPin includes all consumables and medications. The average cost of this complex is 6552 rubles.

According to the requirements of SanPin, anti-lice styling is a complex of mandatory therapeutic manipulations aimed at preventing and localizing outbreaks of lice. The fight against head, body and pubic lice is carried out in the hospital of infectious diseases departments with strict adherence to the established algorithm of actions. The order of prevention and complex treatment of pediculosis is regulated by order No. 342.

This document contains a list of consumables that are needed to get rid of lice, as well as instructions for medical personnel. Supervision over the timely relief of potential foci of head lice is carried out by the sanitary epidemiology authorities, which are notified of each case of lice infestation.

Anti-lice styling video

Anti-lice treatment:

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