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Which sedative pills are better and more effective?

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Contents of page


1 Types of sedatives

  • 2 Soothing tablets on herbs
  • 3 Restorative tablets without prescription
  • 4 Soothing tablets according to prescription
  • 5 Inexpensive resting tablets
  • 6 Restorative tablets for children and adolescents
  • 7 Additional recommendations

  • Calming tablets for the nervous system -a vast group of synthetic or herbal medicines, whose action is aimed at normalizing the psycho-emotional background, Resistance to various external stimuli and maintaining the functions of the nervous system.

    Preparations with a sedative effect are widely used in the treatment of neuroses, neurasthenia, autonomic nervous system disorders, are prescribed in the early stages of hypertensive disease, and also to alleviate menopausal symptoms in women. The safest soothing means plant-based medicines are considered, they can be purchased at a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription, while strong sedatives can be used only strictly according to indications.

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    Types of sedatives


    All sedatives are divided into the following groups:

    • Soothing tablets of plant origin. The basis of the preparations are extracts of valerian, motherwort, lily of the valley, passionflora, which have a mild sedative effect and reduce the excessive excitability of the nervous system.
    • Tranquilizers( anxiolytic drugs) - belong to a group of synthetic psychotropic drugs that can effectively eliminate increased anxiety, relieve unreasonable fears, relieve nervous strain and deal with stress. These are strong drugs based on benzodiazepines, which can be addictive, so they should be taken only under the supervision of a doctor. Representatives of this group are Diazepam, Frizium, Lorazepam, Amitriptyline.
    • Antidepressants are psychotropic drugs used in pronounced depressive states. Among them there are strong sedatives: Bifol, Pirazidol, Azafen. They quickly normalize the emotional background and improve a person's mental state.
    • Neuroleptics( antipsychotic drugs) - among the best representatives of this group can be called drugs Truksal, Aminosin, Tizercin. Applied with pronounced neurotic conditions, sleep disorders, excessive psychomotor agitation.
    • Barbiturates are potent soothing pills for adults. Their danger is that such drugs can inhibit the activity of the nervous system and cause drug dependence. Barbiturates are only released by prescription. Most often appointed Relanium, Seduxen, which have a pronounced sedative effect, without showing a strong sleeping pills.

    Among the listed sedatives, the safest are considered preparations on a plant basis, they have a minimum of contraindications and rarely cause side effects. Synthetic drugs with a strong sedative effect with an overdose have a toxic effect on the body, and with prolonged use cause drug dependence, so they can not be bought at the pharmacy. Such funds can be taken only as prescribed by a doctor.

    Soothing tablets on herbs

    With light disorders of the nervous system, accompanied by increased anxiety, irritability and insomnia, safe and effective tablets on a plant basis will help to cope.

    Valerian( in tablets)

    Valerian( in tablets)

    A popular sedative, with a mild sedative effect. Helps to get rid of unreasonable fears, anxiety, irritability, cope with hyperexcitability, the consequences of stressful situations, sleep disorders and manifestations of vegeto-vascular dystonia. Contra-indications to reception - individual intolerance of components and late terms of pregnancy.



    Motherwort pellets have the same indications as valerian preparations, but they have a more pronounced sedative effect. The drug helps with the therapy of neuroses and neurasthenic conditions, accompanied by insomnia, increased excitability, used for violations of the vegetative system, has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels, helps cope with the symptoms of climacteric syndrome, heart rhythm disturbances. This is a completely safe remedy - the only restriction to taking a motherwort is an increased sensitivity to its components.

    Neuroplant( Негрустин)


    Soothing tablets based on St. John's wort extract. Drugs help cope with increased excitability, normalize the functions of the nervous and autonomic system and in addition to soothing, improve mood, normalize the emotional background, that is, additionally have an antidepressant effect. Restriction to reception is only individual intolerance of the components.

    Persen( Persen Forte)


    Combined herbal preparation with a sedative effect based on valerian, mint and lemon balm. Produced in the form of capsules and tablets, which are recommended for use with increased excitability and irritability, the influence of stress factors, sleep disorders. From contra-indications the manufacturer specifies children's age, the period of pregnancy and thoracal feeding, arterial hypotension and inflammatory process in bile-excreting ways.



    Good soothing pills, which include a whole complex of well-chosen plant components - valerian, passionflower, St. John's wort, hawthorn, hops, elderberry. Another active ingredient is guaifenesin, quickly suppresses fears and helps cope with panic attacks. The drug is advised to take in case of overwork, chronic stress, insomnia, headaches, mild forms of neurasthenia. This remedy helps with irritable bowel syndrome and manifestations of menopause, it makes it possible to relieve the itching of dermatoses caused by psychological causes. Novopassit should not be taken with intolerance of components, acute inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract, liver pathologies, epilepsy, head trauma, and the drug is contraindicated for children under 12 years.



    Calming tablets against stress, which include extracts of valerian and lemon balm. The drug helps to remove the increased nervousness, excitability and increase the body's resistance to the effects of negative external factors. Receiving pills facilitates the process of falling asleep, makes sleep deeper and gives you the opportunity to sleep and rest from daytime anxieties. It is not recommended for children under 6 years, during pregnancy and lactation, with hepatic and renal insufficiency and individual sensitivity.

    With regard to the cost of herbal sedatives, the preparations of valerian motherwort, peony are quite inexpensive - from 20 to 50 rubles. Funds based on St. John's wort cost an order of magnitude more expensive - from 150 to 200 rubles. The cost of combined herbal preparations varies from 150 to 350 rubles.

    Non-prescription sedatives without prescription

    Over-the-counter sedatives are not addictive and other dangerous side effects, but before using them, consult a doctor, as each drug has its own characteristics and contraindications. A list of sedative pills that can be purchased from a pharmacy without a prescription:

    • Afobazol;
    • Adaptol;
    • Adonis bromine;
    • Glycine;
    • Tenoten;
    • Triftazine;
    • Phenibut.

    Let's take a closer look at the most popular products:



    The drug from the group of nootropics, which shows a pronounced sedative and antidepressant effect, helps to transfer high mental loads, lifts the mood, relieves increased anxiety and nervousness. At the same time, taking the medication does not cause retardation or drowsiness, on the contrary, it improves memory and eliminates psychosomatic disorders. This remedy does not cause side effects and has virtually no contraindications, except for intolerance to the components. The cost of the drug is from 160 rubles.



    A remedy with a powerful sedative effect from a group of tranquilizers. From pharmacies is dispensed without a prescription. It effectively fights irritability, nervousness, various phobias, helps to relax, eliminates problems with sleep. The intake of tablets allows you to cope with the organic manifestations of anxiety disorders - palpitations, tremors, excessive sweating, difficulty breathing, intestinal colic. The drug is well tolerated and only in very rare cases can it cause adverse reactions in persons with hypersensitivity. In addition, Afobazol is not recommended for pregnant women, nursing women and persons under 18 years of age. The price of the drug is from 260 rubles.



    Nootropic drug, whose action is aimed at activating mental and physical activity, improving the functions of the brain, stabilizing the psycho-emotional background, eliminating insomnia. Due to pronounced sedative properties, Phenibut relieves anxiety, nervousness, relieves stress and helps to resist stress. The drug is used to eliminate neuroses, vegetative disorders, anxiety, and in the treatment of nerve tics and stuttering in children. Restrictions on admission are such conditions as gastrointestinal ulcer, hepatic insufficiency, pregnancy, lactation, hypersensitivity and children's age( up to 2 years).The price of Phenibut is from 130 rubles.

    Calming pill according to prescription


    Prescription in pharmacies release strong sedatives from a group of tranquilizers, neuroleptics and antidepressants. All drugs should appoint a specialist( neurologist, psychiatrist), after a full examination and diagnosis. Soothing tablets for adults are powerful drugs that, in addition to the therapeutic effect, can cause dangerous side effects if the dose is not applied or exceeded.

    These drugs have a lot of contraindications, so they are appointed with caution, and from the pharmacy network they are released only on the prescription of a doctor. Of the strong sedatives that are prescribed by prescription, the following drugs can be named:

    • Diazepam;
    • Phenazepam;
    • Lorazepam;
    • Amitriptyline;
    • Buspirone;
    • Bifol;
    • Sandoz;
    • Bromazepam;
    • Aminazine;
    • Teasercin;
    • Fluoxetine;
    • Seduxen;
    • Relanium.

    Among the powerful tranquilizers can be identified drugs Diazepam and Phenazepam, which have a complex effect - a pronounced sedative, hypnotic, relaxing and anticonvulsant effect, which makes it possible to use these drugs in the treatment of severe neuroses and psychopathic conditions. The disadvantages of such drugs( antipsychotics, antidepressants, tranquilizers) are that they are addictive and addictive for prolonged use, and can also provoke negative side reactions from the digestive, cardiovascular and endocrine systems.

    Inexpensive resting tablets

    The assortment of sedatives on the shelves of pharmacies is quite extensive and has hundreds of names. Among them, you can always find inexpensive means that will not break the gap in the family budget. The most popular and cheap sedatives are:

    • Glycine( from 40 rubles);
    • Valerian( from 20 rubles); ;
    • Motherwort( from 24 rubles);
    • Peony extract( from 80 rubles);
    • Adonis Brom( from 80 rubles);
    • Bromkampora( from 90 rubles).


    The drug is based on amino acids, is available in the form of tablets for resorption under the tongue. The action of Glycine is aimed at reducing nervousness, anxiety, and psychoemotional stress. Receiving pills improves mental abilities, facilitates the process of social adaptation, has a sedative and antitoxic effect. Glycine improves mood, reduces the level of conflict, normalizes the functions of the central nervous system and the vegetative system. With it, you can eliminate sleep disorders, recover from a stroke. In adolescents, the use of the drug reduces the level of aggressiveness, and helps students and students to cope with high loads during the exams.

    Adonis bromine

    Adonis bromine

    The composition of the drug includes potassium bromide and glycoside, isolated from a medicinal plant-gorizveta. The drug is prescribed for manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia and neurotic syndrome, accompanied by rapid heartbeat, anxiety, trembling of limbs, increased sweating. The medication shows a pronounced soothing and cardiotonic effect. Contraindications to admission are pregnancy, lactation, peptic ulcer, intolerance to fructose.



    A drug from the bromide group, whose action is aimed at enhancing the braking processes in the brain, eliminating CNS disorders, normalizing cardiac activity. When taken orally, tablets have a pronounced soothing effect with increased nervous excitability, sleep disorders, jumps in blood pressure, changes in the heart rate. The drug can not be used in renal and hepatic insufficiency, in childhood( up to 7 years), with hypersensitivity to its components.

    Calming tablets for children and adolescents


    For children, safe plant-based sedatives or homeopathic preparations are recommended. Children and adolescents with increased nervous excitability, accompanied by restlessness and sleep disorders, are traditionally recommended safe sedatives on the basis of motherwort, valerian, mint, in the dosage recommended by the doctor.

    A popular remedy with a pronounced soothing and adaptive action is Glycine. It is prescribed to young children to normalize the emotional background, eliminate increased nervousness and anxiety, adolescents - to activate cognitive abilities, improve the assimilation of information at high mental loads. A good soothing effect is possessed by such means as Tenoten child, Persen, Pantogam, Magne B6.Of course, give them to the child should only be prescribed by the doctor.

    For overly excitable, restless and hyperactive children, a specialist can select strong drugs from the group of tranquilizers( Fenibut, Sebazon, Elinium), calculating the dosage taking into account the age and general health of the baby. Treatment is carried out under the supervision of a doctor, parents should strictly follow the correctness of taking sedatives and not exceed the indicated dosages.

    For the treatment of adolescents suffering from the syndrome of hyperactivity and attention deficit, such drugs as Grandaxin, Strattera, Kalmanevrin can be prescribed as sedatives.

    Young children are more likely to be recommended for safe homeopathic sedatives. These are the pellets of Shalun, Baby Seed, Kindinorm, Notta, Dormikind.

    Additional recommendations

    When choosing a good sedative, the determining factor should be not only the budget price, but also the safety of the purchased product.

    It is useful to know
    Therefore, before buying any sedative, be sure to check with your doctor, find out possible contraindications and the risk of adverse reactions.

    During the treatment, follow the recommended dosages and follow the instructions for using the medication exactly.

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