
How not to be nervous for any reason. Psychologist's advice, exercises

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  1. Why is excessive and constant nervousness dangerous?
  2. How to learn not to be nervous in different situations
  3. Psychologist's advice
  4. Exercises
  5. Correct breathing
  6. Yoga
  7. Cleaning
  8. Relaxing complex
  9. Other exercises
  10. Video on ways to stop being nervous

Constant stress, worries and other reasons cause many people to be constantly in nervous tension. As a result, a person starts to get nervous about any reason. This can lead to serious health problems. Therefore, it is important to know how to learn to live without constant stress.

Why is excessive and constant nervousness dangerous?

People who are in constant stress are more likely to be nervous about any reason. Solving one problem, they start to worry about something else. According to scientific studies, the body of people living in constant nervous tension wears out 40% faster. With increased nervousness in humans, the hormone cortisol is released. It has a strong effect on all body systems and, as a result, their normal functioning is disrupted. A person's general health worsens, chronic diseases become aggravated, problems with sleep occur, and so on.

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The most common symptoms of persistent nervousness are:

  • Feeling tired, fatigued immediately after waking up.
  • General weakness, constant feeling of anxiety.
  • Trembling of hands and feet.
  • Decrease or increase in weight.
  • Digestive tract disorder, stool disorder.
  • Rashes on the body, redness of the skin.How not to be nervous for any reason. Psychologist's advice, exercises

Ignoring these symptoms can lead to more serious problems - the development of a depressive state, disturbances in the work of the heart, the appearance of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (for example, an ulcer) and sudden changes in arterial pressure. Anorexia and hormonal imbalance may also develop.

How to learn not to be nervous in different situations

How not to be nervous about any reason, help to understand the causes and situations that cause stress, experiences. For example, a heavy load on a robot or entering a new job where you need to learn a lot of new things. Often thoughts may arise that “I cannot cope with this,” “this is a very big responsibility,” and so on. In this case, the main thing is not to give in to the panic that has arisen and not to scroll these negative thoughts in your head. Psychologists advise to see the positive aspects of what is happening.

If an experience causes a conflict with a certain person (at work, school, family, etc.), you should show objectivity and understand what exactly causes such emotions. You can abstract and imagine that the situation is happening to someone else and this person asks for advice in this situation.

It has been proven that when a person does not have an emotional attachment to what is happening, it is easier for him to show rationality and consistency in actions. You can also ask for help to understand the situation of a person who is not affected by this problem. A fresh look from the outside will help you find possible solutions. This technique is used not only for problems that arise in communicating with other people - it can be used in any stressful situation.

The best way to not get nervous is to know how not to create stressful situations for yourself. It is important to plan your affairs in advance, build a specific action plan (or several at once). This advice will not protect against spontaneous, anxiety-provoking situations. But you shouldn't dwell on them either, because in comparison with global goals and values ​​in life, a small nuisance (for example, being pushed in transport) is a trifle.

Psychologist's advice

How not to be nervous about any reason, psychologists know who give the following recommendations:

  • Think about something pleasant. It is not for nothing that during meditations, for complete relaxation, it is advised to mentally imagine beautiful landscapes or move to places where a person feels calm and happy. This method also helps to calm down. If it is difficult to mentally imagine something, you can think about the planned vacation, look for photos and information about the desired place of visit.How not to be nervous for any reason. Psychologist's advice, exercises
  • Do not give in to panic and believe in yourself. It is important to remember that the problem that has arisen will not last forever and there will definitely be a solution. You can imagine the worst outcome of the situation that has arisen and replay your actions in your thoughts. Knowing them in advance will make it easier to accept the difficulties that arise.
  • “Leave” for a while from a stressful situation, not only mentally, but also physically (change the situation). If there is such an opportunity, you can head to the forest, mountains, beach, to the river - any place where it will be comfortable and calm. Communication with nature always helps to calm down, so it is important to think about pleasant things at such moments.
  • Find an interesting activity for yourself that will help you switch from nervous tension. For example, it can be reading a book, playing computer games, collecting any items.
  • Learn to manage your time properly. This will help to organize not only affairs, but also to put in order thoughts. As a result, the likelihood of stressful situations will decrease and there will be time to solve the problems that have arisen.
  • Be able to forgive yourself and admit your mistakes. If a person feels guilty and constantly winds himself up because of this, it is worth realizing your mistakes and forgiving yourself. Also, in the situation that has occurred, it is important to see the positive moments and treat the circumstances with humor, if possible. Next time, this will help avoid similar mistakes.
  • Healthy food. Food has a direct impact on both health and mood. For calming, it is important to eat foods rich in vitamin C - it helps to lower the level of stress hormone in the body. It can be strawberries, black currants, citrus fruits. The use of dark chocolate in moderate doses is effective. It is worth giving up the consumption of coffee and other drinks containing caffeine - they make a person even more nervous. Linden, mint, or valerian tea can be an alternative. You can drink the herbal tea as a course to relieve nervousness, but before that you should consult with your doctor. Many people are used to seizing their problems, as the process of chewing really helps to calm down. But instead of gorging on anything that catches your eye, it's better to chew sugar-free gum. This should be done slowly, enjoying the taste. This concentration helps to distract yourself.
  • Find physical support. For example, it is more comfortable to sit on a chair / armchair of a car or other vehicle and lean on it well. The method of taking off your shoes and placing your feet on the floor so that you feel good stability also works. At the same time, it is important to monitor your breathing - it should be deep and slow.
  • Find support in loved ones. When there is confidence that the person next to you will support in any situation, all the problems that arise will seem not so significant.
  • Ensure proper and healthy sleep. To do this, a person will sleep for at least 8 hours. Before going to bed, it is recommended to ventilate the room, take a relaxing bath with the addition of aromatic oils and sea salt. You can also have an aromatherapy session using relaxing aromas (lavender, rose, ylang-ylang, tangerine, lemon balm, and others). It is also useful to take a contrast shower in the morning and in the evening.
  • Physical activity such as hiking, jogging, gym, or sports activities. During movement, the body begins to actively produce endorphins - the hormones of happiness. They are considered antidepressants and even natural analgesics. Well relieves nervous tension boxing, tennis and other sports, which can be accompanied by shouting. It has been proven that the voice helps to eliminate stress well, so karaoke can be another way to combat nervousness.
  • Do not hold back the accumulated emotions. If you want to cry, you need to do it, because after that it becomes easier. But the release of emotions should be monitored so as not to express or do something that can be regretted in the heat of the moment. It is recommended to count to 10. This technique helps to calm down and give time to recover a little. Often, as a result of increased nervousness, anger, rage arises and there is a desire to hit something. It is better to avoid such manifestations of emotions and direct them in the right direction, for example, do squats, jump, run.
  • Drink some water. Even a few sips helps a person to calm down a little thanks to the healing properties of the water. Washing with water, taking a shower / bath, bathing in a pond is also effective.
  • Conduct a mini-training every morning, going to the mirror and smiling at yourself. It is important to say that everything will definitely work out and will be fine. Smiling is also helpful in situations that make you nervous. During a smile, a signal is sent to the brain that a person is experiencing happiness. As a result, the body begins to actively produce the hormone of joy and slows down the heart rate, breathing rate and normalizes blood pressure.


How not to be nervous about any reason - not only mental attitude, but also physical actions will help to understand. There are several proven exercises and techniques aimed at normalizing the functioning of the nervous system.

Correct breathing

In 2017 biochemists have established that there is a part of the brain that is responsible for the connection of emotions with breathing. Based on this, it follows that a person breathes deeper and slowly, the faster he calms down and relaxes. Breathing like this helps breathing with the abdomen.

How not to be nervous for any reason. Psychologist's advice, exercises
Diaphragmatic breathing - as a way to stop being nervous about any reason

This requires:

  1. It is comfortable to sit or lie down.
  2. Place 1 hand on your chest and place the other on your stomach.
  3. Exhale slowly through your mouth.
  4. Next, take a slow breath through your nose. In this case, it is important to control that the abdomen rises higher than the chest during inhalation.

This technique allows you to normalize heart rate and blood pressure, reduce the likelihood of the release of stress hormones.


Yoga combines physical activity and proper breathing at the same time. The correct execution technique can reduce the amount of cortisol in the body, normalize blood pressure and slow down the heart rate. Kriya yoga, which includes breathing exercises, is very effective. It helps not only to calm down, but also to eliminate insomnia, depression and PTSD.

The execution technique looks like this:

  1. Close 1 nostril with your thumb.
  2. Inhale slowly for 5 seconds through the open nostril.
  3. After that, squeeze the 2nd nostril, and release the 1st and slowly exhale through it.How not to be nervous for any reason. Psychologist's advice, exercises
  4. Repeat the whole process again, but now starting from the other nostril.


How not to be nervous about any reason, you need to know to maintain your own health. Cleaning solves 2 problems - it helps to calm down and put things in order in the house. So, you can wash the dishes. Scientific experiments show that in the process of this lesson, the level of anxiety decreases and the person's attentiveness increases. As a result, the pulse slows down and the mood stabilizes.

Folding clothes in closets or simple cleaning around the house also helps - a person switches his attention to a certain activity and gradually calms down. You can simply remove from closets, closets and other places things that will no longer be used or dressed in the case of clothes. Thus, not only personal space is cleared, but also thoughts.

Relaxing complex

The complex of relaxing exercises includes several stages:

  1. To begin with, lie on your back and stretch your arms, palms up, along the body.
  2. Take a deep breath, hold your breath for 3 seconds and exhale slowly. At this moment, mentally say slowly the word "relaxation".
  3. Tighten the muscles of the face and freeze in such a grimace for 5 seconds.
  4. After that, completely relax your face.
  5. Consistently tighten the muscles of the arms, starting from the hands to the shoulders.
  6. In this position, linger for 5 seconds.
  7. Then also consistently relax the muscles.
  8. Tighten the muscles alternately from head to legs, and then gradually relax them.

At the end of the session, you need to calmly lie on your back with your eyes closed, while breathing should be slow and deep. It is recommended to repeat the exercises daily.

Other exercises

Exercises will also help you calm down, described in the table below.How not to be nervous for any reason. Psychologist's advice, exercises

An exercise How to do
With walnuts You will need 2 walnuts. They should be covered with palms and rolled in a circular motion on a flat surface. Due to the bumpy structure of the shell on the hands, energy points are activated. Instead of nuts, you can use small balls with a rough surface.
Palm pressure
  1. Relax your fingers and turn the palm of your right hand outward.
  2. Take a deep breath and press the center of your right palm with your left thumb.

This exercise should be repeated 5 times for each hand.

Clenching fists Before starting the exercise, you need to relax your shoulders and close your eyes. Next, a slow breath is taken, and the fingers are clenched into fists so that the thumb is inside the fist. As you inhale, your fingers should be gradually relaxed. The exercise is repeated 5 times.
  1. Raise straight arms over your head as high as possible - you should feel a stretch of the muscles in the abdominal area.
  2. Clasp your fingers into the lock.
  3. Make bends 4 times on each side.

The described tips and tricks, when applied in practice, will help you not to get nervous about any reason. And when combined with proper nutrition and adequate rest, they will provide emotional stability in all areas of life.

Video on ways to stop being nervous

10 ways to stop being nervous about anything:

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