
Chondroitin-AKOS (Chondroitin-AKOS) capsules. Price, instruction, reviews

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  1. Composition and form of release
  2. Terms of sale, price
  3. Action
  4. Indications and contraindications for use
  5. Method of administration and dosage
  6. With arthrosis
  7. With osteochondrosis
  8. With osteoarthritis
  9. Some analogues
  10. Video about chondroprotectors

Chondroitin-AKOS is a chondroprotective medication, which has high efficiency and is prescribed for diagnosing pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. The capsules contain an ingredient useful for joint joints, and can be used in long courses to improve the condition of tissues and prevent the progression of the disorder. The price of a medicine depends on the region of distribution and the amount in the package.

Composition and form of release

Pharmaceutical companies produce the drug in the form of capsules used for oral administration when certain indications appear. The capsules are standard in shape and size.

The color of the capsule is white-blue, it has a gelatinous shell, inside there is a white or almost white powder, which, when the shell dissolves, is absorbed in the digestive tract. The capsules are placed in standard plastic plates, each of which can contain 10 pieces. Small cardboard boxes can contain 5 plates. The product is also produced in plastic bottles with a lid, they can contain 20 capsules.

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A description is attached to the medicine, indicating the nuances of use, possible contraindications, complications and other reactions that may occur during therapy. In the composition of the medication in the form of capsules, the main ingredient of chondroitin sodium sulfate is present, which provides a therapeutic effect on tissues.Chondroitin-AKOS (Chondroitin-AKOS) capsules. Instruction, price, reviews

The formation of the shell and the preservation of the chemical formula is carried out due to the presence of the following ingredients:

  • Gelatin.
  • Acetic acid.
  • Dye.
  • Titanium dioxide.
  • Calcium stearate.
  • Lactose in the form of monohydrate.
    Chondroitin-AKOS (Chondroitin-AKOS) capsules. Instruction, price, reviews
    Chondroitin-AKOS capsules

The amount of the main ingredient per 1 capsule is 0.25 g.

Terms of sale, price

Chondroitin-AKOS - capsules, the price of which depends on the specific region of distribution, the amount of the product in the package and the pharmacy. The average cost ranges from 300-600 rubles.

Dispensing of medicines in pharmacies is carried out upon presentation of a prescription form, certified by a doctor. This allows you to prevent the independent use of the medication without a doctor's prescription.


The drug belongs to the group of chondroprotective drugs, which explains its positive effect on the cartilage tissue of the articular joints, the spinal column. The capsules act slowly, since the therapeutic effect is observed only after 2-3 weeks of regular use.Chondroitin-AKOS (Chondroitin-AKOS) capsules. Instruction, price, reviews

The main ingredient, chondroitin, is obtained from bovine cartilage. It is an activator of the restoration of the cartilage of the musculoskeletal system, therefore the drug is highly effective.

After its penetration into the body, various changes occur:

  • The process of tissue restoration of the articular joints and intervertebral discs is accelerated. The medicine helps prevent further tissue breakdown under the influence of certain factors. Degenerative-dystrophic changes do not appear in an acute form, which is observed with course use.
  • The medicine normalizes the amount of synovial fluid. With the progression of degenerative changes, the amount of intra-articular fluid gradually decreases, which leads to a deterioration in the functioning of the joint, pain and rapid destruction of cartilage. The drug helps to reduce the likelihood of such complications.
  • Chondroitin increases the elasticity of tissues, which somewhat alleviates the symptoms of arthrosis of varying severity.
  • The ability of the main ingredient to reduce the loss of calcium from tissues, which is often observed when diagnosing inflammatory and degenerative diseases, is noted.
  • The drug has a positive effect not only on cartilage, but also on bone tissue, since pathologies are often accompanied by damage to the bones, which aggravates the general condition.
  • When capsules are taken for a long period of time, swelling and pain that bothers the patient with an exacerbation of symptoms are eliminated. If the course of the disease is chronic, capsules help to reduce the number of relapses throughout the year.
  • The medicine has anti-inflammatory properties, which makes it possible to use it during an exacerbation. The ability of the main ingredient to slow down the process of platelet adhesion is noted. This reduces the risk of blood clots and worsening of the pathological process.

After ingestion of the drug, the dissolution of the gelatin capsule occurs in the digestive tract, and the absorption of the ingredients is carried out through the walls of the small intestine. The substance spreads through the systemic circulation, concentrates mainly in the synovial fluid, bone and cartilage tissue.

Chondroitin-AKOS (Chondroitin-AKOS) capsules. Instruction, price, reviews

Chondroitin-AKOS - capsules, the price of which differs depending on the packaging, assimilated in the body in the absence of severe pathologies of the digestive tract. The aggravation of the symptoms of such disorders is considered a reason for refusal to use until the condition improves.

The bioavailability of the main substance does not exceed 13%, but this does not make the treatment ineffective. The binding of the ingredient with plasma proteins occurs after taking the drug in a single therapeutic dosage. The maximum concentration in the blood is reached 3 hours after oral administration and lasts for several hours. In the synovial fluid, the maximum concentration is reached after 4-5 hours, but persists for a longer period of time. The drug accumulates in the tissues, which ensures the preservation of the effect for several weeks after undergoing the treatment course.

But the accumulation occurs mainly in the articular fluid and cartilage tissue. The ingredient does not accumulate in the blood. After the processing of the ingredients, which is carried out in the liver, the waste products are excreted using the urinary system.

Kidney disorders can impair the process of evacuating substances, but this does not affect the effectiveness of the drug. Renal failure can lead to a greater accumulation of components in the tissues, and also increases the risk of overdose.

Indications and contraindications for use

Chondroitin-AKOS is prescribed for different stages of diseases, and the price allows you to complete a full course if necessary.

Capsules are usually used in the presence of the following deviations:

  • Arthrosis in acute and chronic form, accompanied by severe symptoms from the articular joints. With such a violation, it is possible to damage not only the large joints, but also the articular joints of the fingers of the extremities.
  • Osteochondrosis of different parts of the spinal column. The drug can be prescribed when the first symptoms appear and in case of progression of the pathology.
  • Osteoarthritis in patients of different ages.
  • Chronic course of arthritis. The drug is not used in the acute stage, since it does not help to eliminate the symptoms, but after they disappear, it can be prescribed when an additional complication of the inflammatory process is degenerative change fabrics.
  • The need for a preventive course in the presence of chronic pathologies of the musculoskeletal system in the patient's history.Chondroitin-AKOS (Chondroitin-AKOS) capsules. Instruction, price, reviews

The drug can be included in the course of therapy for certain neurological diseases if there are pathologies of the joints and the spinal column in the anamnesis.

Like other drugs from the group of chondroprotectors, the drug has contraindications that should be taken into account when prescribing it. The main obstacle is the identification of signs of intolerance to the ingredients of the composition or a tendency to such reactions in the history. Do not prescribe medicine to women during the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding. This contraindication is due to the lack of sufficient data on the effect of the components on the body of the mother and child.

If during lactation and gestation it becomes necessary to use such medicines, the doctor selects another drug.

There are other contraindications for treatment with a chondroprotective agent:

  • The patient's age is up to 15 years. Patients of this age usually do not need the use of drugs with chondroprotective properties, but if necessary, drugs based on other ingredients are prescribed.
  • Exacerbation of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, in which the patient is worried about severe pain and associated abnormalities. After the elimination of acute manifestations, it is allowed to use capsules according to individual indications, if the intended benefit is higher than the possible risk to the patient.
  • Bleeding of the gastrointestinal tract as a result of the progression of diseases and perforation of the intestinal wall, stomach.
  • Acute pancreatitis, peritonitis.
  • Exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis, diagnosis of viral hepatitis in the acute stage. The medicine can be used after the elimination of severe symptoms, if the doctor considers it appropriate.
  • Cerebral circulation disorder. The patient can use the capsules only after the condition has returned to normal.
  • Thrombophlebitis and other vascular abnormalities, accompanied by pain and tissue malnutrition.

On an individual basis, other contraindications may be identified, which is determined during the examination of the patient. Relative contraindications include a severe course of heart disease. The drug is used with caution in the treatment of patients with brain pathologies.

Chondroitin-AKOS - capsules (the price of the medicine is considered affordable for most patients), provoking complications, even if all recommendations are followed. Negative symptoms do not always occur, but if the rules of therapy are violated, the risk of their occurrence increases. Disorders affect the work of the digestive tract and other internal organs.Chondroitin-AKOS (Chondroitin-AKOS) capsules. Instruction, price, reviews

Organs and systems Frequent negative reactions
Nervous system Nervous system disorders occur with prolonged use of the drug. Patients report headaches, sleep disturbances, dizziness and weakness. Sometimes there is increased irritability and psychoemotional disorders.
Digestive organs Indigestion, pain in the stomach, flatulence may bother the patient when using capsules. The condition is aggravated when the patient has a history of diseases of the digestive system.
Vessels and blood system Bleeding and deterioration of blood vessels is possible with prolonged use by patients who suffer from chronic diseases of the vascular system.
Skin and mucous membranes Allergy to the drug is manifested by classic symptoms in the form of rash and itching of the skin, swelling of the mucous membranes of the eyes, nasal passages and oral cavity.

Complications during therapy are considered a reason for refusal to use and an immediate visit to the doctor.

Method of administration and dosage

The drug is intended only for oral use in the dosage prescribed by the doctor. Depending on the disease and its severity, the therapy regimen may vary.

The standard method involves taking 2 capsules of the medicine 2 times a day. The duration of therapeutic use differs depending on the symptomatology of the pathologist. When taking it, it is important to consume a sufficient amount of liquid, which will speed up the process of dissolution of the gelatin capsule and the entry of the ingredients into the blood.Chondroitin-AKOS (Chondroitin-AKOS) capsules. Instruction, price, reviews

The average duration of use is 3 months. After that, the doctor evaluates the result of the treatment and, if necessary, prolongs it.

With arthrosis

In the case of diagnosing arthrosis of the knee, hip joint or articular joints of the fingers of the extremities, the drug is used in courses of 4 months. The daily dosage of the drug is 4 capsules. It can be divided into 4 doses during the day, or 2 taken 2 times a day.

It is better to make the intervals between receptions equal, which will ensure a constant concentration of ingredients in the tissues. The lack of effect may be a reason to extend the course up to 6 months. Doctors note that the result of therapy can last for 4 months, but this period is individual for each patient.

With osteochondrosis

Chondroitin-AKOS - capsules (the price of the drug may be higher when purchasing a large package), prescribed for osteochondrosis in combination with other means to increase the effectiveness of treatment.Chondroitin-AKOS (Chondroitin-AKOS) capsules. Instruction, price, reviews

In this case, a standard scheme is used, which involves taking 4 capsules per day for 3-6 months. As with the treatment of other diseases, the daily rate must be divided into 2 or 4 doses during the day. A prerequisite for treatment is the use of a sufficient amount of liquid.

With osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is often accompanied by damage not only to the bone tissue of the spinal column, but also to the cartilage. That is why capsules are prescribed in combination with the main therapy. The mild course of the disease does not require high doses of the drug. It is enough to use 2 capsules per day, dividing the norm by 2 times during the day.Chondroitin-AKOS (Chondroitin-AKOS) capsules. Instruction, price, reviews

The duration of treatment depends on the patient's condition and the presence of concomitant abnormalities. Usually 3 months are enough for the onset of improvement.

Some analogues

The medicine cannot always be used to treat patients, so doctors select the most suitable analogue with similar properties.

The most commonly used medications are:

  • Structum also contains chondroitin as the main active substance. The drug has pronounced properties and is available in the form of capsules for oral administration. Unlike the original, 1 capsule of the analogue contains 2 times more active ingredient, which allows you to reduce the number of capsules taken per day. The drug is prescribed for arthrosis of varying degrees with damage to large and small joints. The substitute has contraindications and can provoke complications if used incorrectly.
  • Chondrolone has a similar composition, but differs from the original drug, since it is available in the form of a lyophilized powder intended to obtain a solution. The solution is administered intramuscularly, 1 ampoule per day. The original is most often used in long courses, but in most cases the analogue is administered 1 time per day for 35 days. Short courses are considered no less effective, but a substitute cannot always be prescribed to the patient.
  • Mucosat available in the form of tablets, capsules and solution for parenteral administration. It contains a similar active ingredient that has chondroprotective properties and helps to improve the condition cartilage tissue in patients with degenerative-dystrophic changes, chronic pathologies of the joints, vertebral pillar. The regimen of the drug depends on the severity of the manifestations of the disease. The solution is usually used in short courses, tablets and capsules are taken for a long time.

Despite the similar composition of substitutes, they cannot be used without a preliminary examination by a doctor, since how each medication has contraindications and can provoke negative reactions from internal organs.

Chondroitin-AKOS is a highly effective chondroprotective drug. Capsules are prescribed to patients when diagnosing arthrosis, osteochondrosis and some other diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The price of the medication differs depending on the number of capsules in the package, the region of distribution. On average, it fluctuates between 300-600 rubles. If necessary, most patients can take a full course.

Video about chondroprotectors

Chondroprotectors. Joint protection:

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