
Pills for sclerosis for memory for the elderly allowed

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  1. Classification
  2. Cholesterol lowering drugs
  3. Statins
  4. Fibrates
  5. A nicotinic acid
  6. Fatty acid binding agents
  7. Nootropic medicines
  8. Piracetam
  9. Antihypoxants and antioxidants
  10. GABA derivatives
  11. Medicines that regulate blood circulation
  12. Herbal and vitamin complexes
  13. The best pharmaceutical preparations
  14. Rosuvastatin
  15. Phezam
  16. Noopept
  17. Bilobil Intensity-120
  18. Cereton
  19. Sclerosis treatment video

Sclerosis is the age-related memory impairment.associated with brain aging. As a result of narrowing of the cerebral vessels, problems arise with memorizing and storing information, which affects the quality of life. It is possible to correct disorders with sclerosis pills, created to improve the memory of the elderly.


For decades, atherosclerosis was thought to be the only reason for the deterioration of brain function with aging. Cholesterol plaques constrict the lumen of the arteries, block the flow of blood to the brain, and lead to the death of areas - this is a popular explanation for the appearance of sclerosis. Scientific research has expanded the list of factors leading to pathology.

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Influence is exerted by:

  • blood viscosity;
  • sugar level;
  • hormonal and metabolic disorders;
  • arterial pressure.

Traumatic brain injuries, mental abnormalities also affect the state of intelligence and memory.

Tablets for sclerosis for memory for the elderly are divided, depending on the area of ​​exposure, into the following groups:

  • hypolipidemic, regulating cholesterol metabolism;
  • neurotropic, acting on metabolism, blood supply;
  • reducing the viscosity of blood, adhesion of its elements;
  • vitamin and plant complexes, tonic metabolism, slowing down aging.

High blood pressure, diabetes aggravate sclerotic processes, therefore, vasodilating, antidiabetic drugs are additionally prescribed.

Cholesterol lowering drugs

The direction of action of this category is to reduce the level of "bad" lipids. Medicines are grouped according to the mechanism of prevention of atherosclerosis.


Popular lipid-lowering drugs destroy the chain of formation of monoglycerides in the liver, replacing the main enzyme of the process. Statins have reduced mortality from atherosclerosis due to their ability to inhibit the formation of new vascular plaques and strengthen the walls of arteries. Anti-inflammatory, antithrombotic properties enhance the therapeutic effect.Sclerosis pills for memory for the elderly

Disadvantages: complications on the muscles, up to damage, the likelihood of developing diabetes mellitus with prolonged use. A small percentage of patients complain of headache and gastrointestinal problems. Statins should not be taken for liver or kidney failure. Caution should be used when combined with similar medications and antibiotics.

There are 4 generations of statins, which differ in effectiveness and cost:

Name Manufacturer Dosage per day in mg Price in rub. Generation
Simvastatin 10mg No. 30 ALSI-Pharma CJSC 10-80 85 1
Zokor 10 mg No. 28 Great Britain 5-80 190 1
Lescol 80 mg forte No. 28 Spain 80 3000 2
Atorvastatin 20mg No. 30 Vertex 10-80 420 3
Livazo 2mg No. 28 Ireland 2-10 770 4
Crestor 10 mg No. 28 Great Britain 2-10 1630 4

Zokor is not absorbed well enough and therefore requires high doses. Lescol, a later invention, is better absorbed, but dosages remain high. Atoris and Crestor, representatives of the 3rd and 4th generations, destroy up to 52% of cholesterol, are devoid of serious side effects, and are allowed in diabetes. The dosage and duration of the course is set by the attending neurologist.


A relatively new class of cholesterol drugs activates an enzyme that regulates lipid ratios. Unlike statins, it acts mainly on triglycerides, lowering their level by 10-15%. It is allowed to combine both types of drugs under the supervision of blood clotting. Fibrates thicken cholesterol plaques, increase vascular lumen, and reduce platelet adhesion.Sclerosis pills for memory for the elderly

Side effects: dyspepsia, myositis, drowsiness. With a doctor's prescription, you can buy the Russian Fenofibrate Canon No. 30 worth 470 rubles. and the Belgian analogue Traikor for 780 rubles. The daily dose is 1 tablet, 145 mg. Reception is more effective in the morning, when the body is actively synthesizing triglycerides.

A nicotinic acid

Vitamin PP has a multifaceted effect in atherosclerosis:

  • lowers "bad" cholesterol - inhibits its release from adipose tissue;
  • improves the production of beneficial lipids;
  • expands the lumen of blood vessels;
  • thins the blood.

An effective therapeutic dose requires a special regimen: a week - 0.1 g x 3 times a day, a week - 0.2 g x 3 times, 5 days - 0.3 g three times. The medicine is taken after meals, not washed down with hot drinks.

Side effects: hot flashes, skin redness, liver irritation. Contraindications: gastric ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer, diabetes, hypersensitivity, hepatitis. Note: Nicotinic acid washes out vitamin C, therefore it is prescribed additionally. Pharmacy dosage forms: nicotinic acid 0.05 No. 50; solution for injection 1%, 1 ml. Available without a prescription, but large doses are dangerous and prescribed by a neurologist.

Fatty acid binding agents

Representatives of this group are cholestyramine, colestinol. Anionic resins absorb cholesterol in the intestines without being absorbed into the blood. Low toxicity allows them to be used without restrictions. Apply with water during meals. Disadvantages: adsorb useful substances, cause intestinal upset, have an unpleasant taste. Sclerosis tablets for memory for the elderly are the best among lipid-lowering drugs - statins. Secondary drugs are prescribed if monotherapy does not give the desired effect.

Nootropic medicines

This is the second extensive group of medicines that help improve memory and relieve neurological abnormalities. The purpose of this category is the return of lost brain functions by eliminating the causes of the disease. Pathology factors: cell hypoxia, metabolic disorders and blood microcirculation.

By function, nootropics are divided into the following categories:

  • rocetam;
  • antihypoxants, antioxidants;
  • circulatory regulators;
  • vitamins and herbal preparations with cerebrovascular action;
  • polypeptide composites.


The founder of the rocetam group is included in the complex therapy of sclerosis, as it accelerates the metabolic processes of the brain, improves memorization. Available in capsules, tablets, ampoules. The therapeutic intake is 0.4 g 2-3 times a day, but the doses are prescribed individually. Combinations of piracetam are often used: fezam - with cinnarizine, vinpotropil - with vinpocetine. The combination complements the nootropic action with a vasodilating effect.Sclerosis pills for memory for the elderly

Warning: Piracetam is not recommended to be taken after 5 pm due to its tonic effect. With increased bleeding, the antiaggregate properties of the tablets are taken into account. Contraindications: severe atherosclerosis, hyperthyroidism, acute neurosis. In these diseases, increased metabolism worsens the condition.

The opinion about the advantages of imported racetams has no basis. Analogues of lucetam and nootropil are identical in pharmacological action, differ only in dosage and price.

Antihypoxants and antioxidants

Sclerotic processes develop when cell respiration is impaired. Actovegin and Pantogam are drugs that help to cope with hypoxia, enhance oxygen delivery to tissues.

Actovegin is a natural preparation from the blood of calves with a positive effect on cellular respiration, glucose processing. Prevents inflammation and destruction of brain tissue. Normalizes blood circulation, vascular condition. Indications: violations of cognitive skills, memory, information perception. Allergy side effects are rare. Dispensed by prescription. Tablets of 200 mg No. 50 cost 1400 rubles. Pantogam is an antihypoxant, nootropic and neuroprotective agent. Recommended for atherosclerosis, organic brain lesions in elderly patients. Increases focus and performance.

Assign 0.5-1 g x 3 times. The course is 3 months. Antioxidants work to destroy free radicals that cause brain aging. Natural participants in metabolism exhibit similar properties: enzymes, vitamins, minerals. For pathologies, drugs with antioxidant qualities are additionally used.

Mexidol is a representative of this pharmacological group, which:

  • inhibits free radical processes;
  • strengthens cell membranes, vascular walls;
  • normalizes blood circulation;
  • prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques.

Sclerosis pills for memory for the elderlyIndications: therapy and prevention of cerebral and heart ischemia. Use with caution in case of hypersensitivity to the components, hepatic and renal failure. The course of treatment is at least 60 days, 0.1 g three times a day. Also available in ampoules for injection and intravenous infusion.

GABA derivatives

Tablets, derivatives of g-aminobutyric acid, are recommended for the elderly with vascular sclerosis and memory loss. Gamma-aminobutyric acid is involved in the metabolic processes of the brain, therefore age-related vascular disorders may be the result of its deficiency. Poor concentration, depression, and difficulty remembering are symptoms of GABA deficiency.

This pharmacological group includes Aminalon, Picamilon, Phenibut, which increase the absorption of glucose, relieve anxiety. Under the influence of drugs, new neural connections are formed that normalize thought processes.

Medicines that regulate blood circulation

The mechanism of anti-sclerotic effect consists of relieving spasm of the walls of blood vessels, improving blood flow, blood flow. As a result, the capture of oxygen and glucose, energy metabolism of tissues is activated.

Sclerosis treatment regimens are often supplemented with Cavinton and Vinpocetine. The drugs stimulate blood circulation in the veins and arteries against the background of antithrombotic properties. Patients stop complaining of headaches, impaired coordination and motor movements. Side effects in the form of arrhythmias, gastrointestinal disorders are rare.

Studies of 20 European clinics have proven the effectiveness of another drug - Trental. Pentoxifylline, an active ingredient, improves the rheological properties of blood: reduces viscosity, platelet and erythrocyte aggregation. Liquid, mobile blood circulates faster through the vessels, bringing nutrition and oxygen to the brain.Sclerosis pills for memory for the elderly

The cost of Trental: 100 mg tablets, 60 pieces - 550 rubles. Pharmacies offer Russian analogue Pentoxifylline No. 60 for 70-150 rubles.

Herbal and vitamin complexes

Sclerosis tablets for memory for the elderly are supplemented with medications and dietary supplements from the leaves of the relict ginkgo tree. The natural extract exhibits the properties inherent in nootropics: it dilates blood vessels, thins the blood, and destroys free radicals. Neurologists often prescribe German Memoplant and Ginkgo biloba, produced by the Russian company Vertex.

Dietary supplements based on ginkgo extract do not always undergo proper control, they are produced in small dosages. The advantage for certified preparations with an active ingredient content of 40 mg.

Avitaminosis is another cause of imbalance in lipid metabolism, atherosclerotic memory disorders. The table reflects the dependence of metabolism on vitamins and minerals.

Substance Function Consequences of the lack
Vitamin B1 Transmission of nerve impulses Neuron damage
B6 Glucose assimilation in brain tissues, amino acid metabolism Obesity, memory impairment, mood impairment
B12 The process of hematopoiesis, regulation of cholesterol Anemia, risk of Alzheimer's disease
E, C Antioxidants affecting blood viscosity, vascular walls Failure of metabolic processes, vascular thrombosis
Niacin Improving blood flow, normalizing lipid levels Slows down plaque formation, prevents dementia
Minerals: selenium, magnesium, zinc, chromium Participation in metabolism, formation of an emotional background, protection of neurons Decreased immunity, behavioral disorders

It is advisable to supplement tablets from sclerosis for memory for elderly patients with multivitamin complexes: Alphabet 50+, Gerimaks, Komplevit. With a deficiency of group B, neurologists prescribe Milgamma, Neuromultivitis.

The best pharmaceutical preparations

Fourth generation statins and racetam combinations are often the first choice of physicians in the treatment of atherosclerosis.


The most studied member of the class reduces cholesterol by 55%.Sclerosis pills for memory for the elderly

The medicine was created by Japanese pharmacists. Today, the production of generics has been established in Israel, India, Russia under the names: Suvardio, Tevastor, Krestor, Roxera. Available in tablets of 5, 10, 20 mg, 28-30 pcs. packaged. It is taken once, every day, for a long time. There are few contraindications: hepatic and renal failure, allergy to components, hypothyroidism.

Side effects that are possible with prolonged use: type 2 diabetes, myalgia, increased hepatic transaminases. Incompatible with cytosporin, erythromycin. The cost depends on the manufacturer, dosage, number of tablets. For comparison: a monthly course of 10 mg Crestor, produced in Puerto Rico, costs 1,500 rubles, Slovenian Roxera - 400 rubles, and Russian rosuvastatin will cost 250 rubles.


The Bulgarian drug contains 400 mg of the nootropic piracetam and 25 mg of cinnarizine, which expands the lumen of blood vessels. The components complement, reinforce each other. Intelligence, learning ability is activated. Indications: disorders of cerebral circulation, dysfunction of memory, attention, depressed mood. The package contains 60 capsules, take 1 capsule three times a day, the course is a month. Note: it is allowed to extend the course up to 3 months, repeat after six months. Contraindications: hepatic and renal failure, glaucoma, Parkinson's disease.

Side effects:

  • increased excitability, anxiety:
  • headache, sleep disturbance;
  • loss of balance when walking;
  • hives, itchy skin;
  • dry mouth, indigestion.

Note: Phezam enhances the action of thyroid hormones, which requires dosage adjustments when taken together. The cost of a standard package is 300 rubles.


Release form: tablets of 10 mg, 50 pcs. The Russian drug is recommended by 98% of patients. The active substance ombracetam is an analogue of neuropeptides that regulate human behavioral and adaptive responses. The therapeutic effect is manifested already from the 5th day of treatment.Sclerosis pills for memory for the elderly


  • encephalopathy associated with a lack of blood circulation in the brain;
  • memory disorder in old age;
  • asthenia, decreased mood;
  • traumatic brain injury.

Dosage: one tablet 2-3 times a day. The course is from one to three months. The drug does not violate cellular structures and blood biochemistry, but it is not recommended for severe liver, kidney damage, persistent hypertension.

Bilobil Intensity-120

A herbal preparation from Slovenia is a good option, combining quality, dosage and the necessary certification. Each capsule contains 120 mg of dry ginkgo leaf extract.


  • cerebral circulation disorders;
  • problems with mindfulness and memory;
  • confusion of consciousness;
  • tinnitus, fatigue.

Side effects: dizziness, allergies, gastrointestinal disorders. Contraindications: low blood clotting, ulcerative gastritis, acute phase of stroke and heart attack. Take a capsule in the morning, a course of 1-3 months. The price of 20 capsules is 530 rubles, the cost of 60 capsules reaches 1000 rubles.


Protected choline preparations represent a new direction in the treatment of vascular encephalopathies. Choline is involved in the synthesis of acetylcholine, a brain neurotransmitter that is responsible for memory and other cognitive functions. Indications: disorders of thinking, attention, age-related melancholy. It is produced in the form of capsules containing 400 mg of the active ingredient. The medicine is used 3 times after meals, for a long time - up to six months. Dispensed from pharmacies with a doctor's prescription.

Sclerosis pills for memory for the elderly
Cereton - sclerosis tablets for memory for the elderly

Cereton is low-toxic, exhibits the only side effect - nausea, which is eliminated by reducing the dose. The cost of 28 capsules will be 1,030 rubles, 56 capsules - 1,550 rubles.

It is important not to start the disease, to start treatment at the first signs of pathologies. Prevention, a healthy lifestyle protect the body from early aging.

Pills for sclerosis and the implementation of useful recommendations help older people preserve their memory into old age.

Sclerosis treatment video

New treatment for multiple sclerosis:

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