
Arpeflu 50-100 mg. Price, instructions for use, reviews

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  1. Release form
  2. Chemical composition
  3. Pharmacological properties
  4. Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
  5. Indications for use
  6. Contraindications
  7. At what age can the drug be used?
  8. Instructions for use, dosage
  9. Prevention of infectious diseases
  10. With herpes and chronic bronchitis
  11. Prevention of surgical complications
  12. Treatment of ARVI, influenza, pneumonia
  13. Side effects
  14. Overdose
  15. special instructions
  16. Drug interactions
  17. Analogs
  18. Terms, conditions of sale and storage
  19. Price
  20. Video about the drug Arpeflu

Arpeflu is a drug, which is an inducer of the synthesis of natural interferons, which are necessary for the stable functioning of the human immune system. This medication is available in a therapeutic dosage of 50 and 100 mg. Arpeflu belongs to the pharmacological group of antiviral agents with immunomodulatory properties. This drug is produced by the Belarusian pharmaceutical company Lekpharm JLLC, and its price does not exceed 270 rubles.

Release form

Arpeflu 50 and 100 mg is a complex action drug that comes in the form of round white tablets, coated with a layer of enteric coating. The packaging of the medication is carried out in cell blisters made of polymer material.

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Depending on the therapeutic dosage of the drug, each such plate contains 10 or 20 tablets. Blisters are placed in a cardboard box, which is complete with detailed instructions for the use of this medication. In most cases, the price of Arpeflu antiviral agent is printed on the front side of its packaging.

Chemical composition

The active substance of the drug Arpeflu is the chemical compound umifenovir hydrochloride at a concentration of 50 or 100 mg in 1 tablet.

The auxiliary function of the antiviral agent is performed by the following components:

  • pregelatinized corn starch at a dosage of 4.5 or 9 mg;
  • milk sugar in the amount of 150 mg;
  • silicon dioxide (colloidal) with a mass fraction of 1.5 or 3 mg;
  • microcrystalline cellulose, which increases the density of the contents of the tablets, is presented in a dosage of 34 or 68 mg;
  • food coloring Opadray II (saturates the drug with a snow-white shade) in the amount of 0.89, or 1.78 mg;
  • macrogol, which is part of the protective shell, is contained in a concentration of 1.23 or 2.46 mg.
    Arpeflu 50-100 mg. Instructions for use, price, reviews
    Arpeflu 50-100 mg

Arpeflu 50-100 mg. Instructions for use, price, reviewsAuxiliary components of the drug Arpeflu provide a longer storage of tablets, prevent their destruction up to the state of the powdery mass, and also contribute to the implementation of the medicinal properties of the active substance in the form of umifenovir hydrochloride. This antiviral agent contains milk sugar. This fact must be taken into account in patients whose digestive system is lactose intolerant.

Pharmacological properties

Arpeflu 100 mg (the price of the drug fully justifies the high level of its therapeutic efficacy) is a drug that is intended to be taken for a continuous course of treatment.

This medication has the following pharmacological properties:

  • strengthens the protective functions of the immune system by modeling the physiological activity of cells of the leukocyte group;
  • has a pronounced anti-influenza effect;
  • suppresses the pathogenic activity of viral microorganisms that are causative agents of influenza strain A and B;
  • acts as a safe stimulator of cellular and humoral reactions of the human immune system;
  • increases the resistance of macrophages in the fight against infectious agents (in this case, the pharmacological property of Arpeflu is manifested by increasing the phagocytic function of immunity);
  • reduces the risk of developing pathological complications caused by postinfluenza conditions;
  • prevents the exacerbation of chronic diseases during the period of infection of the body with infectious diseases;
  • normalizes the functioning of the immune system in patients who suffered from reversible immunodeficiency states;
  • accelerates the healing process of adults and children who suffer from colds, influenza virus, or have encountered various infectious invasions.

The pharmacological properties of Arpeflu tablets are aimed at activating all cells of the human immune system, as well as counteracting infectious microflora. This remedy is taken as the main medication, or it is included in the course of general therapy along with other antimicrobial, immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Arpeflu 100 mg (the price of the medication is affordable for most consumers) is an effective antiviral agent, the pharmacodynamics of which is aimed at counteracting viral microorganisms. The therapeutic effect of this drug is due to the biochemical properties of its main component in the form of umifenovir hydrochloride. This substance blocks the physiological process of fusion of the outer lipid membrane of the microbe with the surface of its cell membrane. The implementation of these properties of the drug occurs at the time of interaction of umifenovir hydrochloride with a viral microorganism.

Arpeflu 50-100 mg. Instructions for use, price, reviews

The active substance of the drug Arpeflu damages the structure of the infectious agent, which makes it impossible to carry out cell division in order to increase its own population.

Against the background of activation of the functions of the immune system to counteract viruses, there is a rapid improvement in overall well-being the patient, the level of intoxication of the body decreases, the symptoms of fever and chills disappear, the temperature normalizes body. Regular intake of the drug Arpeflu allows you to speed up the process of repairing tissues damaged by pathogens. Patients with influenza virus recover faster than usual.

The antiviral agent Arpeflu belongs to the category of drugs with a low level of toxicity. Clinical studies of this medication have shown that its oral administration in standard therapeutic doses does not cause dysfunctional disorders in the work of internal organs.

The pharmacodynamic properties of the drug Arpeflu have the same manifestation in children, adult men and women, as well as elderly patients. The active substance umifenovir hydrochloride has a high level of therapeutic efficacy in time of prevention and treatment of inflammatory diseases that are of a viral nature origin.

The pharmacokinetics of the drug Arpeflu is characterized by the rapid absorption of its constituent components in the organs of the digestive system. The active substance of the antiviral agent is absorbed into the intestinal walls, saturates the blood flow, and then is evenly distributed over all tissues of the internal organs. The maximum concentration of umifenovir in the blood plasma is reached after 1 hour and 20 minutes. after taking a therapeutic dose of 50 mg. In patients who are prescribed treatment with Arpeflu tablets with a dosage of 100 mg, the highest concentration of the main component in the blood is observed after 1 hour and 30 minutes.

Metabolic degradation of umifenovir hydrochloride occurs in the liver tissue. The duration of the period of chemical decomposition of a given substance is from 17 to 21 hours, depending on the total the patient's condition, his age, body weight, the presence or absence of concomitant diseases of internal organs. After taking the standard therapeutic dose of the drug Arpeflu, about 40% of its active substance is excreted from the body unchanged.

Another 39% is utilized through the intestines along with bile acids. A small part of the metabolites of umifenovir hydrochloride is excreted in the urine through the kidneys. On average, this figure is about 0.12%. The first 24 hours after taking a therapeutic dose of the drug Arpeflu, at least 90% of its active substance is excreted.

Indications for use

Arpeflu 100 mg (the price of an antiviral agent depends on general trends in the pharmaceutical market) is prescribed for use in children and patients of the adult age group.

This medication is used for complex treatment, as well as the prevention of the following diseases:

  • influenza, which is caused by viral microorganisms of the A and B strains;
  • ARVI with mild and moderate course, as well as complicated by pneumonia or acute bronchitis;
  • immunodeficiency states that have developed under the influence of secondary factors;
  • complex treatment of chronic bronchitis of various etiologies;
  • pneumonia of an infectious nature of origin;
  • course therapy of herpes infection, which is manifested by frequent relapses;
  • prevention of the development of infectious complications in patients who have undergone surgery, have a severely weakened body;
  • restoration of a full-fledged immune status after a decrease due to the negative effects of external and internal factors.Arpeflu 50-100 mg. Instructions for use, price, reviews

The use of the drug Arpeflu for medicinal purposes is carried out only after a preliminary examination of the patient's body. Before prescribing this medication, the doctor must have comprehensive information that the inflammatory the patient's illness is really provoked by the genotype of the virus, which is sensitive to the substance umifenovir hydrochloride.


The drug Arpeflu is contraindicated for use as a prophylactic and therapeutic agent in the presence of the following circumstances:

  • the patient's age is under 3 years old;
  • lactase deficiency;
  • individual sensitivity of the body to the constituent components of the tablets, which is manifested by various kinds of allergic reactions;
  • intolerance to patients with galactose.

The drug Arpeflu is not used to treat patients who, according to the results of the examination, are diagnosed with glucose-galactose malabsorption. Taking this drug, despite the above restrictions, will lead to a deterioration in general well-being, a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract.

At what age can the drug be used?

The antiviral agent Arpeflu is approved for use for the treatment of children aged 3 years and older. The dosage regimen for this medication depends on what disease is diagnosed in the patient.

Instructions for use, dosage

Arpeflu 50 mg (the price of this drug is not higher than that of other drugs with similar properties), and also tablets with a dosage of 100 mg are prescribed by the attending physician, pediatrician, infectious disease specialist or immunologist. The duration of the therapeutic course and the dose depend on the type of disease diagnosed in the patient.

Prevention of infectious diseases

The drug Arpeflu is prescribed for adults and children to prevent infection with ARVI, influenza and other infectious diseases. In this case, a child aged 3 to 6 years should take 50 mg of the medication 1 time per day. Children of the age category from 6 to 12 years old drink 100 mg of the drug once a day.

Arpeflu 50-100 mg. Instructions for use, price, reviews

A child over 12 years old, as well as adult men and women, the elderly take 200 mg of Arpeflu 1 time per day. The duration of the preventive course is from 10 to 14 days. Taking this medication in order to prevent the development of infectious diseases is especially indicated for people who have come into contact with patients with influenza or ARVI.

With herpes and chronic bronchitis

Patients who suffer from chronic bronchitis, and also often face an exacerbation of herpes infection, use this drug in order to increase the body's immune status. Children aged 3 to 6 years take a therapeutic dosage of 50 mg 2 times in 7 days.

A child of the age category from 6 to 12 years old drinks Arpeflu tablets in the amount of 100 mg 2 times a week. Adult patients and children over 12 years old take 200 mg of this medication 2 times every 7 days. The duration of the course of therapy is at least 3 weeks. The days on which the drug Arpeflu is taken are established by the doctor who prescribed the treatment with this drug.

Prevention of surgical complications

Patients who are indicated for a surgical operation take Arpeflu for the timely prevention of pathological complications:

  • Children aged 3 to 6 years should drink 50 mg of the drug.
  • A child of the age group from 6 to 12 years old takes 100 mg of umifenovir hydrochloride.
  • Adult patients and children over 12 years old should drink 200 mg of this medication.

Arpeflu tablets in the indicated dosages begin to be taken 2 days before the scheduled date of the planned operation. After performing the surgical intervention, the drug is re-taken on the 2nd and 5th days of the postoperative period. Compliance with this scheme of preventive therapy with the substance umifenovir hydrochloride minimizes the risk of contamination of the operated tissues with infectious microorganisms.

Treatment of ARVI, influenza, pneumonia

Therapy for inflammatory diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, which are caused by infectious pathogens, is carried out using similar dosages. Patients of the above age groups take the drug Arpeflu in the same quantities, but at least 4 times a day. The time interval between the next dose should be 6 hours. For a more effective organization of the therapeutic course, a schedule for taking pills should be drawn up. Arpeflu indicating the exact time when the next dose of antiviral should be drunk funds.

The duration of treatment is 5 days. At the end of this period of time, a single dose of the medication is taken 1 time in 7 days for the next 4 weeks. This is necessary in order to reduce the risk of developing postinfluenza complications in the work of internal organs and life support systems of the body. In the absence of a therapeutic effect, a deterioration in general well-being, it is necessary to consult a doctor who prescribed a course intake of these tablets.

Side effects

During the prevention or treatment of infectious diseases of the body using the drug Arpeflu, the occurrence of side effects in the form of an allergic reaction is not excluded.

In this case, the patient may experience the following symptoms:

  • a red or pink rash with localization in various areas of the skin;
  • itching of epithelial tissues and mucous membranes;
  • anaphylactic shock (the most dangerous form of the body's individual sensitivity to potential allergens, which in 10-20% of cases becomes the cause of death);
  • local edema of the skin, accompanied by hyperemia;
  • hives;
  • lacrimation;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • bronchial spasm (a protective reaction of the body to a drug caused by a sharp surge of histamine in the blood).

In case of side effects of the immunomodulating agent Arpeflu, it is necessary to stop further taking these tablets, and also immediately consult your doctor. The presence of an allergic reaction to the constituent components of this drug will require medication with antihistamine properties. Patients with signs of side effects from treatment with Arpeflu tablets receive symptomatic therapy until the general well-being is normalized.


In medical practice, there have been no cases of overdose with Arpeflu. The development of an allergic reaction of the patient's body in response to an excessive amount of the active substance of this medication is not excluded.

special instructions

The drug Arpeflu does not have a negative effect on the level of activity of the centers of the brain. Arpeflu 50-100 mg. Instructions for use, price, reviewsThis medication is approved for use for the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases by people who drive vehicles, mechanisms, technological equipment, perform work with increased danger.

Drug interactions

The appointment of the drug Arpeflu with the simultaneous administration of medicines of other pharmacological groups did not cause the development of negative drug interaction reactions. This tool can be included in the complex course of inflammatory diseases of an infectious nature of origin.


The table below lists medications that are analogs of the immunomodulating agent Arpeflu.

Drug name Average cost of analogues
Reaferon-lipint 795 RUB
Rimantadin 172 r
Arbidol 245 RUB
Tamiflu 986 r
Umifenovir RUB 418

Arpeflu 50-100 mg. Instructions for use, price, reviewsThe above drugs are prescribed for admission to children and adults for the purpose of prophylaxis, as well as complex treatment of infectious diseases of the body, accompanied by an inflammatory process.

Terms, conditions of sale and storage

The shelf life of Arpeflu tablets is 2 years. The drug must be stored in the original manufacturer's packaging away from children and direct sunlight. The optimum air temperature in the room in which the antiviral agent Arpeflu is located should not exceed +25 ° C.

You do not need a prescription from your doctor to buy Arpeflu.


The average cost of the antiviral agent Arpeflu with a dosage of 50 mg is from 72 to 74 rubles. per pack of 10 tab. The price of the same medication with an active substance concentration of 100 mg varies from 245 to 249 rubles. for 20 tablets.

Arpeflu is an antiviral agent based on an active substance in the form of umifenovir hydrochloride. This drug is produced by the Belarusian pharmaceutical company SOOO "Lekpharm" with a dosage of the active ingredient of 50 and 100 mg. Arpeflu stimulates the protective functions of the immune system, increases the activity of cells of the leukocyte group, damages the membrane membranes of viral microorganisms.

The advantage of this medication is its affordable price and high level of effectiveness against herpes infection, influenza pathogens of the A and B strains. Arpeflu tablets can speed up the healing process of patients with chronic bronchitis and pneumonia.

Video about the drug Arpeflu

Indications, description, reviews of Arpeflu tablets:

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