
Eye drops for eye injury in an adult. List

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  1. Classification
  2. The best drugs from the pharmacy
  3. Lidocaine
  4. Alcaine
  5. Vizin
  6. Visoptic
  7. Artificial tear
  8. Systein Ultra
  9. Albucid
  10. Tobrex
  11. Balarpan
  12. Oftolik
  13. Video about eye drops

Eye drops are often prescribed patients with eye trauma of various origins. In an adult, such disorders occur quite often, are often associated with professional activities, and can provoke severe complications. The condition requires timely assistance to eliminate the risk of concomitant negative reactions from the visual apparatus. For treatment, drops from different groups are used, which depends on the severity of the injury and the presence of complications.


Today, pharmaceutical companies produce many drugs with different properties that can be used to treat the symptoms of trauma. The choice of the drug is carried out taking into account the origin of the damage, as well as the presence of other abnormalities in the patient.

Group of funds Peculiarities
Pain relievers One of the popular groups of drugs, which includes medicines that eliminate severe pain in the acute period after injury. The mechanism of action of medications is based on blocking the transmission of nerve impulses to tissues, which leads to the temporary elimination of pain. Preparations of this group are effective only in the field of application if an external dosage form is used. When using them in the acute period, patients may speak of a slight tingling sensation, but the pain disappears, which allows certain manipulations to be carried out to remove a foreign body. This group of medicines includes Lidocaine, Inocaine, Alcaine and other analogues with similar properties.
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Antiseptic and antibacterial Preparations with antiseptic and antibacterial properties in most cases are used for trauma to the cornea by a foreign body or damage caused by other causes. Their principle of action is based on the destruction of pathogenic bacteria. As a result, swelling, inflammation, redness are eliminated, the likelihood of the progression of the inflammatory process and its spread to large areas of healthy tissues is reduced. Medicines may contain different ingredients in the composition and belong to different groups of antibiotics, but have similar properties. Albucid, Floxal, Okomistin, Vitabact, Ciprofloxacin belongs to the group of antiseptic and antibacterial drugs, often prescribed for corneal trauma
Regenerating Preparations with regenerating properties stimulate the restoration of damaged tissues after injury. Their mechanism of action is based on the ability of the ingredients of the composition to stimulate the process of cell regeneration and the integrity of the cornea. The substances also have a positive effect on tissues, improve metabolic processes in them, accelerate regeneration, and reduce the likelihood of complications against the background of a long recovery period. These funds include Balarpan, Oftolik, Vitasik
Moisturizing and protective Effective means that do not affect the course of the pathological process and do not prevent the development of inflammation, but help to improve the condition of the tissues, eliminate the discomfort provoked dryness. A feature of the drugs is the ability to normalize the amount of fluid that is normally produced by the lacrimal glands to protect the cornea. The drugs prevent the negative effects of dust, strong wind, and other external factors that can slow down the process of repairing the cornea and mucous membranes after injury. The most popular drug in this group is Artificial Tear, Systein
Decongestants Anti-edema medications are often used in combination with medications from other groups. They act on blood vessels, constrict them, which leads to the elimination of edema and redness. The aggravation of such manifestations leads to the development of complications after trauma, therefore, drugs are used quite often and for long courses. Treatment helps to achieve significant improvement over a short period of time. Most often, patients are prescribed Vizin, Naphazoline, Visoptic

The choice of a specific medicine is made by the doctor after a preliminary examination of the patient. It is not recommended for patients to use medications on their own.

The best drugs from the pharmacy

Eye drops for an eye injury in an adult are selected taking into account the severity of the symptoms. Sometimes it is enough to use 1-2 drugs, often systemic treatment is prescribed in combination with local medicines.


Effective eye drops based on lidocaine, which have local anesthetic properties and help relieve patients in the first few days after injury. The mechanism of action of the drug is based on the ability of the ingredient to block the conduction of nerve impulses to the tissues, which leads to the elimination of pain.

Eye drops for eye injury in an adult. List
Lidocaine - eye drops for eye injury

Drops are indicated for pain of traumatic origin in adults. They are applied only in short courses when the need arises. The therapy regimen involves the introduction of 2 drops into each eye in a standard way. It is allowed to repeat the manipulation no more than 3 times a day and no longer than 3 days in a row.

Despite its high efficiency, the drug has contraindications:

  • Intolerance to the ingredients of the composition.
  • The period of lactation and bearing of the child.
  • The patient's age is up to 18 years.
  • Severe pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Critical decrease in blood pressure indicators.

The drug can provoke negative reactions in the form of a burning sensation in the eyes. Tingling and severe itching. Such symptoms usually appear as a result of the development of an allergic reaction, and disappear after discontinuation of therapy. The cost of drops ranges from 120-200 rubles. Dispensing of funds in pharmacies is carried out by prescription.


Eye drops with local anesthetic properties are often used for eye trauma, which is associated with a pronounced effect. In an adult, acute symptoms disappear, which relieves his condition. The drug Alcaine is available in the form of drops for topical use, it contains the substance proxymetacaine, which has an analgesic effect when applied topically.Eye drops for eye injury in an adult. List

The drug is prescribed for severe post-traumatic pain, as well as for pain relief before any ophthalmic manipulation. The therapy regimen is determined individually, but most often it is enough to use it for 2-3 days. A single dosage is 2 drops in each eye, the manipulation is carried out 2-3 times per day.

The drug is not prescribed when detecting allergies to components, diagnosing viral eye lesions, as well as women during lactation and pregnancy. The drug is contraindicated in children due to the high likelihood of developing severe complications. Relative contraindications include a severe course of heart disease.

Like many topical medicines, the medicine can provoke allergies, accompanied by irritation of the mucous membranes, swelling and the appearance of a rash on the skin of the face. Overdose during treatment does not develop due to minimal systemic absorption. The cost of the medication is approximately 140-230 rubles. It belongs to prescription drugs.


A popular medicine in the form of eye drops, which has anti-edema properties, helps to eliminate redness, and also prevents the spread of edema to large areas. In case of injury, the drug significantly reduces the likelihood of complications after corneal injury. It contains the ingredient tetrizolin, which has the main effect.

The medicine is indicated for the purpose of eliminating symptoms after injury, significantly improves the condition. It is usually prescribed after the acute symptoms have disappeared. The remedy is also indicated for irritation and fatigue of the eyes, a severe course of the recovery period after injury.

The drug therapy regimen involves the introduction of it into each eye for 5 days. A single dosage is 2 drops per eye. The manipulation is repeated 2 to 4 times a day. If necessary, the ophthalmologist can individually extend the course.

The tool has contraindications:

  • Closed-angle glaucoma.
  • Intolerance to the ingredients of the composition.
  • Severe hypertension.
  • Age up to 2 years.
  • Severe ischemic heart disease, diabetes mellitus.

The period of pregnancy and lactation is not considered a contraindication, which allows you to use the medication in short courses if necessary. If the injury provoked corneal dystrophy, the use of the medication is not recommended.

Unlike potent drugs, Vizin does not often provoke negative reactions. Sometimes patients talk about allergic manifestations in the form of swelling of the mucous membranes, itching and rash on the skin of the face. Overdose during therapy does not develop, and complications usually disappear after refusal of treatment. The drug is sold freely in pharmacies, its cost is 370-500 rubles.


Eye drops for eye injury in an adult based on tetrizoline, which are often used during the recovery period. They do not affect the course of the inflammatory process, but help eliminate puffiness and irritation, which allows you to achieve a pronounced result in a short period of time.Eye drops for eye injury in an adult. List

The drug is prescribed during the recovery period after a corneal injury, with tissue irritation, swelling and redness. It is used in short courses of 5 days if necessary. Often, drops are used in combination with other medicines to improve the effectiveness of treatment.

Eyes are instilled 3 times a day, 1-2 drops need to be injected into each eye. Lack of effect within 3 days is considered a reason for refusing therapy.

The medication is not used in the treatment of patients with allergies to the components of the composition, severe hypertension. Application during lactation and gestation is allowed when the potential benefit is greater than the possible risk.

The drug is prescribed with caution to elderly patients with chronic diseases of the heart, cerebral vessels. The medicine does not often provoke negative reactions, while they affect not only the area of ​​application, but do not lead to the development of an overdose.

Patients report eye irritation, dryness and itching. Symptoms may worsen or disappear after discontinuation. Sometimes patients have headache, weakness, and changes in intraocular pressure. The cost of drops ranges from 140-180 rubles. His release in pharmacies is free.

Artificial tear

The most popular drug with moisturizing properties, which is prescribed during the recovery period after injury. In the acute period, the drug is not used, but is prescribed to protect damaged tissues after their regeneration. This allows you to prevent the development of complications as a result of the negative impact of external factors.

The drops contain hypromellose substance, which has protective and moisturizing properties. The drug not only prevents the recurrence of symptoms, but also improves the condition of the tissues, normalizes the amount of fluid required to protect the cornea.

The medicine can be used in long courses of 2 weeks, inject 2 drops into each eye 3-4 times a day. The drug is allowed to be used for the treatment of children, adults, elderly patients. The only absolute contraindication is considered intolerance to the ingredients of the composition. With caution, the drug is prescribed to patients with a chemical burn of the cornea in the acute stage.

The medication does not provoke negative reactions when used correctly. Sometimes patients talk about the appearance of a rash, irritation, redness of the eyes. Overdose during therapy does not develop, negative reactions disappear after refusal to use. The cost of drops is 100-150 rubles. They are dispensed in pharmacies without presenting a prescription form.

Systein Ultra

Eye drops for eye injury in an adult, which contain several active ingredients:

  • Propylene glycol.
  • Polyethylene glycol.
  • Hydroxypropyl guar.
  • Boric acid.
    Eye drops for eye injury in an adult. List
    Systain Ultra eye drops

The medicine has protective and moisturizing properties, helps to speed up the process of tissue regeneration after eliminating acute symptoms that occur against the background of trauma. The medication can be used not only after injury, but also with dry eyes, constant wearing of lenses, irritation.

The duration of treatment with drops is 1-3 weeks, depending on the severity of the manifestations. They are injected into each eye 3 times, 1-2 drops per day. If necessary, administration is allowed 4-5 times, if dryness and irritation are not eliminated.

The drug is not used in the case of diagnosing the intolerance of its components or purulent inflammation against the background of a corneal injury. It is allowed to use the medication for the treatment of children, elderly patients, adults. Sometimes drops provoke complications in the form of headaches, weakness and irritation. The symptoms are accompanied by swelling, itching, which forces patients to scratch the affected area, damaging the skin of the eyelids and provoking other complications.

Overdose does not develop during treatment. You can buy the medicine for 500-700 rubles. without a prescription from a doctor.


Antiseptic preparation available as eye drops. The drug contains sulfacetamide, which has a therapeutic effect. The bacteriostatic effect of the drug on tissues is noted, which leads to a halt in the development of bacteria and prevents their rapid multiplication with spread to healthy tissues.

After the introduction of the solution into the eyes, the main substance spreads, the tissues are cleansed, the puffiness and symptoms of inflammation are eliminated. The medication is used in the acute period and continue to use for 3-5 days. The manipulation is carried out up to 4 times a day with approximately equal time intervals.Eye drops for eye injury in an adult. List

The absolute contraindications for the appointment of drops include intolerance to the ingredients of the composition and a tendency to such reactions. There are no other obstacles to therapy. The tool is considered relatively safe for children and adults, elderly patients, pregnant and lactating women.

Sometimes the medication provokes lacrimation and allergic reactions, which quickly disappear after discontinuation of therapy. The cost of drops in different pharmacies is 70-120 rubles, they are dispensed without a prescription form.


Eye drops for eye injury in an adult, which are a solution for topical use, which acts due to the presence of tobramycin in the composition. The substance has bactericidal and bacteriostatic properties, which makes it possible to use it for inflammation of various stages.

The medicine is active against many microorganisms, which, when in contact with the damaged cornea, provoke inflammation and complications. Drops over several days help relieve symptoms and prevent their progression. They are used for injuries of various origins, as well as the development of negative reactions against the background of tissue damage.

The therapy regimen involves the introduction of 2 drops into each eye 2 times a day. The duration of therapeutic use usually does not exceed 5 days, if necessary, the course can be extended to 7 days.

The medication has contraindications:

  • The patient's age is up to 1 year.
  • The period of lactation and bearing of the child.
  • Intolerance to the ingredients of the composition.
  • Severe viral eye lesions.Eye drops for eye injury in an adult. List

During therapy, negative reactions may appear in the form of irritation, swelling and lacrimation. Overdose does not develop during treatment. The price of drops is approximately 170 rubles. You can buy them without a prescription.


A drug in the form of eye drops, which has regenerative properties and is often used to accelerate tissue repair processes. The composition contains sulfated glycosaminoglycans, which stimulate cell regeneration and accelerate the recovery period.

Drops are used in short or long courses, depending on the degree of damage to the cornea. Usually the course lasts 10 days, the solution is injected into each eye in 2 drops, the manipulation is repeated 2-3 times a day with approximately equal time intervals.

The medicine is not prescribed in case of intolerance of its components or a severe course of the inflammatory process. In the second case, it is first necessary to eliminate acute manifestations of inflammation, after which regenerating agents can be prescribed.

Experts do not note the development of complications during therapy, but sometimes addiction develops, which leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of treatment. The price of drops is 500 rubles. You can get them at the pharmacy with a prescription.


A povidone-based regenerating medication that is available to patients in the form of drops. The medicine stimulates the processes of tissue repair, acts mainly on the cornea, its use is especially important for injuries and slowing down the recovery period.

Eye drops for eye injury in an adult. List
Ophtolique eye drops

The drug can be prescribed for dry eyes on the background of trauma and impaired formation of lacrimal fluid. The treatment regimen is standard and involves the introduction of 2 drops of the solution into the eye from 1 to 3 times a day. The duration of therapy is determined on an individual basis, on average it is 10-14 days.

The drug is not used in the treatment of viral eye diseases, in the presence of severe purulent lesions of the cornea or intolerance to the ingredients of the composition. When using it, negative reactions occur quite rarely, sometimes patients talk about irritation and itching of the eyelids. Dispensing funds from pharmacies is free, the cost is approximately 170-260 rubles.

Eye drops are considered the most effective for eye injuries, help eliminate acute symptoms and prevent the development of complications. In an adult, injuries can have a different origin, but in each case, the medicine is selected individually, depending on the symptoms and the degree of tissue damage.

Video about eye drops

Eye drops for different occasions:

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