
Rosehip for the human body: properties, how it works

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  1. Chemical composition, BZHU, calorie content of berries, rosehip leaves
  2. General beneficial properties of rose hips for the human body
  3. For colds, flu, SARS
  4. With hypertension and vascular disease
  5. With blood diseases
  6. For immunity
  7. Diseases of the joints and cartilage tissues
  8. Gastroenterology
  9. Kidneys and urinary system
  10. Benefits for women
  11. Benefits for men
  12. Rosehip for youth and beauty
  13. When losing weight
  14. For skin
  15. For hair
  16. Possible harm and contraindications
  17. In what form is rosehip used?
  18. Rosehip recipes for health
  19. Tea
  20. Decoction
  21. Infusion
  22. Precautionary measures
  23. Harvesting and storage of rose hips
  24. Video about the benefits of rose hips

Rosehip due to its beneficial properties used for the recovery and treatment of the human body. Before using it, you should familiarize yourself with the chemical composition, application features and possible health risks of rosehips.

Chemical composition, BZHU, calorie content of berries, rosehip leaves

Rosehip fruits are a source of valuable substances:

  • Organic acids.
  • Flavanoids and carotene.
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  • Vitamins C, K, PP and group B.
  • Alimentary fiber.
  • Pectins and sugars.
  • Essential oils and antioxidants.
  • Minerals (iron, calcium, phosphorus, manganese, magnesium).

The calorie content of 100 g of fruits is 109 kcal, and the nutritional value is represented by 48.3 g of carbohydrates (covers 1/3 of the daily requirement), 1.4 g of fat and 3.4 g of protein.

The leaves of the plant also have a rich composition, which contain:

  • Tannins.
  • Polysaccharides.
  • Carotene and saponins.
  • Vitamins P, C, K and B1.

100 g of rosehip leaves contains only 49 kcal, and the ratio of the main substances looks like this:

  • Carbohydrates - 12.1 g.
  • Protein - 0.3 g.
  • There are no fats.

General beneficial properties of rose hips for the human body

Rosehip properties for the human body are due to its rich chemical composition and complex effects. It is used as an adjuvant for various diseases. But before using rose hips, you should consult with your doctor so as not to worsen the situation.

For colds, flu, SARS

Taking rose hips for colds and flu makes it easier to feel better and accelerate the healing process, since it contains a large amount of vitamin C (its concentration in rose hips is 50 r. higher than lemon). Also, the use of the plant helps the body recover faster after suffering diseases. Rosehip has the ability to restore the damaged mucous membrane of the respiratory organs, which is damaged as a result of coughs and runny nose. Rosehip infusion will help to reduce the temperature and improve the general well-being with flu and other viral diseases.

To prepare it you need:

  1. 3 tbsp. l. fresh rose hips, cut in half or beat off a little with a culinary hammer.
  2. Next, pour the fruits with hot water and soak in a thermos for at least 8 hours.
  3. Drink the prepared drink three times a day, 1 tbsp. after eating.

With hypertension and vascular disease

The benefits of rose hips for these health disorders are:

  • Lowering blood pressure.
  • Restoration of vascular elasticity.
  • Improving the work of the heart and vascular activity.
  • Normalization of the process of blood formation and increased blood flow.

For these purposes, it is recommended to use rosehip infusion.

It prepares like this:

  1. Rosehip berries in the amount of 2 tbsp. l. pour 1 tbsp. hot water.
  2. Insist infusion for half an hour.
  3. Strain the product.

The prepared infusion is taken 60 minutes after eating, 0.5 tbsp. To enhance the effect, rose hips can be brewed together with hawthorn fruits. But then the prepared remedy is taken in 1 tbsp. the day before bedtime.

With blood diseases

The presence of vitamins in the composition allows the use of rose hips in case of failures in the process of hematopoiesis, as well as in case of anemia and bleeding. The plant is used for treatment in the form of an infusion.

It is simple to prepare it:

  1. In 1 liter of hot water add 4 tbsp. l. rose hips.
  2. Cover the resulting mixture tightly and leave to infuse overnight. Strain the infusion before taking, and then take 1 tbsp. 2-3 p. a day before meals.

For immunity

Ascorbic acid is a powerful immunostimulant, so the consumption of rose hips helps to strengthen the body's defenses.

For these purposes, it is recommended to use the rosehip in the form of an infusion, which is prepared from the fresh fruits of the plant as follows:

  1. Pour 4 tbsp into a 1 liter jar. l. berries.Rosehip for the human body: properties and action
  2. Pour the jar to the top with clean cool water.
  3. Close the container hermetically and insist the rosehip for a day in a dark place.

Diseases of the joints and cartilage tissues

Vitamins PP relieve the inflammatory process in the joints, and in combination with vitamins E, A and B relieves pain. The minerals in the rose hips stimulate the creation of new cartilage tissue. And due to the content of red pigment, it prevents the development of cancers by protecting the body from the action of free radicals. For treatment, rose hips can be consumed in the form of tea.

Its preparation includes the following stages:

  1. Rinse the rosehip well and remove the seeds.
  2. Dry the remaining peel in the oven for 6 hours at a temperature of 50 0WITH.
  3. Dry raw materials are used for brewing in a ratio of 2 tsp. l. for 1 cup of boiling water.
  4. Tea is infused for about 10 minutes. Drink the drink warm. Lemon can be added if desired.


With increased acidity of the stomach, rose hips are allowed to be consumed only in the form of seed oil, since it contains a minimum amount of ascorbic acid. And with low acidity, various decoctions, infusions from any part of the plant are used. They relieve inflammation, improve digestion and have an enveloping effect on the mucous membrane.

Kidneys and urinary system

Rosehip is effective for:

  • Inflammatory processes in the kidneys.
  • The formation of stones.
  • Violation of fluid excretion.
  • Bacterial damage and cancer.

In case of kidney stones, a remedy is used based on an infusion of rose hips, honey and lemon juice. To prepare it, you need to take the indicated ingredients in equal proportions (200 g each) and mix. This mixture is boiled in a water bath for 40 minutes. The prepared product is taken three times a day 30 minutes before meals, 1 tbsp. l.

Benefits for women

Rosehip helps in the treatment of a number of gynecological problems associated with inflammation.

It also contributes to:

  • Normalization of the nervous system, which is important during menopause and PMS.
  • Strengthening the weakened immunity of women during pregnancy.
  • Elimination of signs of toxicosis during pregnancy.
  • Improving the functioning of the reproductive and reproductive systems.
  • Cleansing the body of toxins, toxins and other harmful substances.

Benefits for men

Rosehip has a positive effect on men's health:

  • Increases potency.Rosehip for the human body: properties and action
  • Strengthens and improves the functioning of the genitourinary system.
  • Eliminates prostatitis and prevents its development.
  • Helps with problems with premature ejaculation.

Rosehip for youth and beauty

The properties of rose hips for the human body are not only in improving health - they will allow the plant to be used to maintain youth and beauty.

When losing weight

The effectiveness of rose hips in weight loss is due to the following effects:

  • Acceleration of the metabolic process due to organic acids in the composition.
  • Activation of fat metabolism.
  • Removing excess fluid and improving the functioning of the excretory system.
  • Cleansing the intestines from toxins, toxins and other harmful substances thanks to pectin and dietary fiber.
  • Improving the blood circulation process.
  • Provides a long-lasting feeling of fullness thanks to fiber.
  • Cleansing the blood from bad cholesterol.

To reduce excess weight, you can take a decoction of rosehip berries.

It is prepared like this:

  1. 2 tbsp. l. Rinse and chop berries.
  2. Pour berries into 0.5 liters of water and boil.
  3. Boil the rose hips for 15 minutes.Rosehip for the human body: properties and action
  4. Remove the broth from heat and leave for 2 hours. under a closed lid.

The prepared product is taken within 3 weeks instead of water for 1 hour. before eating.

For skin

The beneficial properties of rose hips in skin care include:

  • Protection from ultraviolet radiation and other negative environmental factors.
  • Restoration of the skin.
  • Stimulating collagen production.
  • Elimination of toxins and normalization of metabolic processes at the cellular level.
  • Enriching the skin with vitamins and minerals.
  • Eliminate wrinkles.
  • Antiseptic protection, which allows the use of products for problem skin.
  • Cleansing and brightening the skin.

A cleansing scrub can be made from the fruits:

  1. Rosehip fruits (1 tbsp. l.) Grind into powder.
  2. Combine the resulting powder with 1 tbsp. l. sour cream.
  3. Apply the prepared product to clean face with massage movements, and then rinse.

A scrub is applied 1 r. in Week.

Rosehip oil is most often used for skin care, in which valuable substances are in maximum concentration.

For hair

Rosehip contains glycerin and beta-carotene, which stimulate and accelerate the hair growth process. The plant also helps to restore hair after dyeing, styling, perm and give it a natural shine. Additionally, rosehip products nourish and moisturize the scalp, eliminate dandruff.

A mask based on rosehip oil will help restore hair and give it shine. It is mixed in equal proportions with burdock oil and applied to the entire length of the hair. After that, the head must be insulated and the mask must be kept on the hair for 1 hour. After this time, the hair should be washed in the usual way.

Possible harm and contraindications

Rosehip, despite its beneficial properties, can harm the human body.

Therefore, its consumption is contraindicated in:

  • Stomach ulcers and gastritis.
  • Constipation.
  • Chronic diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Thrombophlebitis and a tendency to form blood clots.
  • Disorders in the work of the pancreas.
  • Individual intolerance to the constituent components.Rosehip for the human body: properties and action

With caution, plant-based products should be used at a constantly reduced pressure - this can lead to a sharp decrease in the upper indicators. In case of an overdose, increased urination is observed due to increased kidney function. Also, exceeding the dosage impairs the functioning of the liver.

In what form is rosehip used?

Rosehip properties for the human body are preserved in any form - both fresh and raw. In addition to the berries, other parts of the plant are also used. Features from use are presented in the table below.

Roots Improves digestion and appetite. A decoction from the roots stimulates the formation of red blood cells and the excretion of bile, strengthens the vascular walls.
Flowers Decoctions are used, which are used to treat eye diseases and colds.
Leaves They have a pronounced immunostimulating effect, are used in the treatment of blood vessels.
Seeds They contain a lot of fatty acids and vitamins. They are used to prepare oil used in dermatology and cosmetology.

Rosehip recipes for health

Rosehip for medicinal purposes is most often used in the form of decoctions, infusions and teas. To get a positive result from their use, it is necessary to properly prepare these funds. If, as a result, there is a deterioration in well-being, it is worth refusing to take funds.


Rosehip tea is good for the cold season. The easiest way is to add rose hips to your regular tea.Rosehip for the human body: properties and action

But still, it is better to prepare a drink using the following technology:

  1. Sort dry rose hips in the amount of 180 g and pour into a suitable container.
  2. Pour the berries with water and rinse several times with water.
  3. Pour the prepared fruits into a teapot and pour 600 ml of boiling water over them.
  4. Insist the rosehip for half an hour under a closed lid. For better steaming of the fruit, the teapot can be wrapped in a towel.
  5. After the specified time, tea can be consumed, supplemented with lemon and flower honey.


Making a decoction of fresh berries includes the following steps:

  1. Rinse the berries thoroughly.
  2. Pour cold water over the fruits so that it completely covers them.
  3. Leave the rosehip to infuse overnight.
  4. In the morning, put the berries on the fire and boil.

The remedy is taken before meals. The dosage depends on the purpose of the intake.

A decoction of dried fruits is prepared in a different way:

  1. Pour 100 g of pre-washed fruits in 1 liter of boiling water.
  2. Boil water and boil the rosehip for 5 minutes.
  3. Remove the broth from heat and insist for 2.5 hours.

Before use, the broth is filtered and consumed before meals, 0.5 tbsp.

With general weakness of the body and a lack of vitamins, it is recommended to use a decoction of rosehip flowers.

It prepares like this:

  1. Dry rosehip petals (required ΒΌ tbsp.) Pour 1 tbsp. boiling water.
  2. Cover the mixture with a towel and leave for 15 minutes.


On the basis of the fruit, water and alcohol infusions are prepared.Rosehip for the human body: properties and action

To prepare the 2nd option, you must:

  1. Boil 300 ml of water.
  2. Add 25 fresh rose hips to the water.
  3. Boil the resulting mixture for 10 minutes.
  4. Remove the broth from heat and leave for 4 hours.
  5. After the specified time, add 200 ml of alcohol and honey to the infusion.

For medicinal purposes, the prepared product is consumed in 1 tbsp. l. three times a day 30 minutes before eating.

Precautionary measures

When using rosehip-based products, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Drink drinks with rose hips through a straw, as the acids contained can damage tooth enamel and increase its sensitivity.
  • It is necessary to brew the fruits in a thermos with water, the temperature of which does not exceed 80 0WITH. This will allow you to preserve the maximum amount of nutrients in the future drink.
  • Brew rose hips in purified drinking water. It is not recommended to use tap water - it may contain impurities and residues of heavy metals.
  • At reduced pressure, alcohol tinctures are used, and at increased pressure, water infusions are used.
  • The period of treatment with rose hips should not exceed 1 month. After this time, you should take a break for 14 days.

Harvesting and storage of rose hips

The properties of rose hips for the human body and the benefits of its use will be maximal, provided that they are properly harvested. So, berries are picked before the first frost in the fall. In the frozen fruit, the concentration of nutrients decreases, and they crack during the drying process. Berries should be picked with gloves and protective clothing, because the shrub is prickly. After harvesting, the fruits must be dried for further storage. For these purposes, use an oven and a temperature regime of 90 0WITH. The time is determined independently - the fragility of the peel will indicate the readiness of the berries.Rosehip for the human body: properties and action

Dried fruits are stored for 2 years under the following conditions:

  • Dry and cool room.
  • Tightly closed container (preferably glass).
  • Lack of access to direct sunlight.

The leaves are harvested during the flowering period of the rose hips. They cannot be harvested in the morning due to dew and after rain - they will mold when wet. The collected leaves are dried in the shade or in a ventilated room, spreading out in a thin layer. When they become brittle, they should be placed in a tightly sealed storage container.

Rosehip has pronounced medicinal properties. This allows the plant to be used to strengthen the body's defenses and human health in general. You can get positive results if you follow these recommendations for cooking and taking medications.

Video about the benefits of rose hips

Why rose hips are useful:

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