
Pomegranate pits. Benefits and harm to the body

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  1. Product description
  2. Peculiarities
  3. Chemical composition
  4. Medicinal and beneficial properties of pomegranate seeds
  5. For women
  6. For men
  7. For children
  8. Potential harm
  9. Contraindications
  10. Traditional medicine recipes
  11. Powder
  12. Tea
  13. Infusion
  14. Bath and rinse
  15. Tincture
  16. Decoction
  17. Classic scrub
  18. Dry scrubs
  19. Video about pomegranate seeds

Benefits from use pomegranate seeds and harm, which they can inflict is often overlooked. Usually, emphasis is placed on the qualities of the fruit, and not on what is good in its seeds. But pomegranate seeds are no less useful than its pulp.

Product description

Pomegranate seeds, the benefits and harms of which have been studied well enough, but often little known. Outwardly and in description, they differ little from the seeds of any other plant. But when it comes to the composition, it immediately becomes clear why they are so useful.


Pomegranate seeds are found not just under the skin of the fruit, but inside those small red grains that are eaten and used for juice. The seeds can be seen if the flesh is clear enough.

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In appearance, these are small seeds, white and hard, irregular in shape, closer to oval. At home, you can get them by making pomegranate juice by rubbing edible grains through a colander. The cake will need to be thoroughly rinsed and dried. After that, all that remains is to cleanse the seeds from all that is superfluous.

Now grenades have been withdrawn, in which there are almost no seeds. By the appearance of the fruit, it is difficult to say which variety it belongs to, so sometimes you have to rely on luck when buying.

Chemical composition

According to their composition, pomegranate seeds are not unique, but they are interesting in the combination of substances.Pomegranate pits. Benefits and harm to the body

They contain:

  • vitamin E;
  • amino acids, more than 10 varieties;
  • vitamin B;
  • a nicotinic acid;
  • vitamin A;
  • tannin, a very active tanning agent;
  • iron;
  • cellulose;
  • iodine;
  • punicalagin, an antioxidant most commonly found in pomegranates;
  • phosphorus;
  • pomegranate oil;
  • potassium and calcium.

There are still a small amount of other substances in the seeds, but this list is enough to understand how useful they are. It is interesting that there is so much vitamin E in grains that a daily intake of 4–5 seeds, that you do not need to take additional capsules with the substance in order to make up for its deficiency.

Medicinal and beneficial properties of pomegranate seeds

Pomegranate seeds, the benefits and harms of which are often overlooked, are just as important to the body as the pulp of the fruit.

The beneficial properties of eating pomegranate seeds are as follows:

  • the ability of the agent to improve visual acuity;
  • the positive effect of grains on immunity;
  • help in the control of redox processes in the body;
  • the ability of the drug to affect the quality of blood;
  • normalization of blood pressure if bones are consumed regularly;
  • pronounced antioxidant properties of grains;
  • a positive effect on the hormonal background and the nervous system, since it is noticed that those who have used bones are less likely to suffer from neuroses and depression;
  • the ability of seeds to improve memory and performance;
  • the positive effect of grains on the level of hemoglobin;
  • preventive action against Alzheimer's disease;
    Pomegranate pits. Benefits and harm to the body
    Pomegranate pits. Benefit and harm

As an addition to the main treatment, bones are recommended to be consumed at elevated body temperature.

Oil will be obtained from the seeds. It is impossible to get it at home, just buy it. It is red-gold in color and has a faint fruit scent. The main element of the composition is pomegranate acid. Vitamin E and oleic acid are also present in the oil in significant amounts.

The substance is usually used to care for the skin of the face and hands, but you can drink 4 drops (under the tongue) daily by mouth.

It helps:

  • lower cholesterol levels;
  • lower blood pressure;
  • control sugar levels;
  • cleanse blood vessels;
  • nourish, moisturize and rejuvenate the skin.

But since oil is usually expensive, bones are most often used instead, by ingesting them.

For women

Women should pay attention to pomegranate seeds, not only because if you grind them, you get a good scrub for the face and body.

For them, the qualities of the bones are especially important, such as:

  • the ability to relieve pain during menstruation and reduce discomfort during menopause;
  • a positive effect on the balance of hormones in the female body;
  • the ability to prevent the development of breast cancer;
  • replenishment of the lack of vitamin E in the body.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, pomegranate seeds can be consumed, but you must first consult your doctor. They can relieve toxicosis, eliminate diarrhea, and reduce tissue swelling. Also, grains prevent sudden mood swings during pregnancy.Pomegranate pits. Benefits and harm to the body

However, while carrying a baby, the product can only be taken in very limited quantities so as not to cause constipation.

For men

There are 3 important reasons why men should add pomegranate seeds to their diet.

  1. They prevent prostate diseases. If you use them at least 1 time a week, even age-related problems associated with it may not arise.
  2. The use of seeds has a positive effect on potency. Those who take the remedy at least 2 times a week are less likely to experience impotence.
  3. Grains are rich in vitamin C, which is beneficial for blood circulation, including in the pelvic area.

If the seeds are eaten only once a week, they can simply be chewed without grinding.

For children

It is better to give seeds to a child for medical purposes from the age of 6. At an earlier age, even a slight excess of the dosage can cause not only constipation, but also the development of intestinal obstruction. However, accidental swallowing of 3-4 pieces will not harm the baby.

Otherwise, seeds for children have the same properties as for adults. Additionally, water extracts from the grains are useful for children as rinses or rinses for skin diseases.

Potential harm

Pomegranate seeds can be harmful, not just beneficial. In the first place, eating a lot of them will cause constipation. Second, the grains can damage tooth enamel if chewed constantly.

There is no reliable information about whether it can cause seeds to enter the appendix to cause inflammation. None of the studies that have been conducted have shown a direct effect of the bones. On the other hand, studies do not disprove that pomegranate seeds can provoke inflammation of the appendix in those who are especially prone to it.


Pomegranate seeds, the benefits and harms of which have already been studied enough, cannot always be used without harm to health. Contraindications can be divided into 2 groups - cases when the product should not be used in any case, and situations where it can be used, but carefully.Pomegranate pits. Benefits and harm to the body

You can be careful It is forbidden
Constipation tendency Diseases of the stomach and intestines
Hypotension Haemorrhoids
Tooth sensitivity Inflammation of the oral mucosa

In addition, you should refrain from eating seeds with individual intolerance to any part of the fruit. In all other cases, pomegranate seeds will only benefit if the dosage is not exceeded.

Traditional medicine recipes

Pomegranate seeds, the benefits and harms of which are well known to folk medicine, should be consumed in accordance with 3 main rules.

  1. It is advisable to grind the seeds. Otherwise, constant chewing can damage the tooth enamel.
  2. You cannot take pure powder from them for more than 2 weeks continuously. Otherwise, you can provoke severe constipation.
  3. The seeds from ripe pomegranates will work most effectively.

There are few medicinal recipes with pomegranate seeds. Much more useful products are prepared from the peel of the fruit or with its juice. But even from the grains, you can prepare an effective medicine.


The remedy is the basis for the preparation of most remedies and can be an independent remedy. It has all the same properties that unmilled seeds have, for good reason - they are just crushed seeds, without processing or additives.Pomegranate pits. Benefits and harm to the body

To prepare it, you need to follow 3 simple steps:

  1. Remove the pulp from the bones. The easiest way to do this is after squeezing out the pomegranate juice and rinsing the cake.
  2. Dry the seeds and clean them from the remnants of the peel and pulp.
  3. Grind the beans in a coffee grinder.

You can grind them in a hand mill, mortar, or blender, but it’s best done in a coffee grinder. It is fast, does not require much effort and will not damage the device, and will also provide quality raw materials.

The powder should be light brown. It can be used as an additive to food, seasoned with hot and cold dishes, put in drinks or consumed as a stand-alone product. In any case, you should not take more than 1 tsp per day. l. drug.


The recipe is extremely simple. To prepare a drink, you will need to pour a teaspoon of seed powder with a glass of boiling water and leave for at least 20 minutes. To improve the taste, it is permissible to add a little honey.

Tea has several properties:

  • diuretic;
  • strengthening, for the heart and blood vessels;
  • choleretic;
  • antioxidant;
  • anti-inflammatory.Pomegranate pits. Benefits and harm to the body

Also, the drink can compensate for the lack of vitamins. It is advisable to take the remedy no more than 2 times a day for a week. You can drink no more than 250 ml per day.


An aqueous extract for internal use is prepared according to a scheme similar to a tea recipe. The main difference between them is proportions and infusion time.

  1. Pour 1.5 hours into a thermos. l. seed powder.
  2. Pour 375-400 ml of boiling water.
  3. Leave for 4 hours.
  4. Carefully drain the liquid so as not to shake the precipitate.

The infusion should be taken twice a day, no more than 1 tsp. l. at a time. The course of treatment can be continued for 2 weeks.

The tool effectively fights diarrhea, vitamin deficiency, increases the level of hemoglobin and can act as a prophylactic drug against oncology.

Bath and rinse

This version of the external use of water infusion is suitable for both children and adults. So treat dermatitis, sore throat, stomatitis and relieve skin irritation. It is effective due to its astringent, drying and bactericidal properties.

It is not difficult to prepare an infusion for a bath or rinse:

  • dried raw materials are ground in a coffee grinder to the consistency of flour;
  • 1 hour l. the powder is placed in an enamel bowl or mug;
  • pour 250 ml of boiling water and heat the mixture for 2 minutes over low heat;
  • leave to cool for 30 minutes.

The finished product is used no more than 3 times a day to rinse the throat or wipe the skin. Baths are best done once a day, at night, for 10 minutes. Can be diluted with hot water infusion (1 part infusion, ½ part water). If you make 500-600 ml of infusion, it can be added to the bath to cope with the symptoms of dermatitis and other skin conditions that affect large areas of the skin.


The remedy is effective against premenstrual and menstrual pain, and the tincture also lowers cholesterol levels. There are 2 ways to cook it. They differ only in whether the seeds are crushed or not.Pomegranate pits. Benefits and harm to the body

To prepare according to the first scheme, you will need to take 1 liter of vodka and ½ a can of unmilled seeds:

  1. The grains are filled to the middle in a glass jar.
  2. Pour vodka so that it covers all the seeds and reaches about the "shoulders" of the container.
  3. Leave the mixture to infuse for 14 days.
  4. Strain and put away for storage.

For preparation according to the second scheme, you will need 0.5 liters of vodka and 2 tbsp. l. seed powder:

  1. Pour raw materials into a glass jar or bottle.
  2. Add vodka.
  3. Leave the mixture for 10 days, it is advisable to shake it every day.

The result is a more potent drug than if the tincture is prepared according to the first recipe.

You can take the product no more than 2 tsp. l. in a day. The course of treatment is no more than 10 days in a row. If necessary, it can be repeated after a month.


The decoction is primarily a remedy for diarrhea. It can also be used to improve immunity.

Step by step cooking is as follows.

  1. Place a tablespoon of the powder in an enamel bowl.
  2. Add 1.5 cups of warm water (375 ml).
  3. Bring the mixture to a boil and heat over low heat for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Remove from stove and leave to cool.Pomegranate pits. Benefits and harm to the body

The cooled broth is poured into a separate bowl so as not to raise the sediment. The finished product can be drunk a tablespoon per day for a week or less if the symptoms go away earlier. If necessary, the course can be repeated after 14 days.

You can make a decoction of whole grains:

  • 3 tbsp. l. pour the seeds in an enamel bowl with hot, but not boiling water (400 ml);
  • put on medium heat and cook until the volume of the liquid is reduced by half;
  • remove from the stove, chill and strain.

Such a drug can be taken in 2 tbsp. l. per day until the symptoms disappear.

Classic scrub

Shredded pomegranate seeds are one of the most popular additives in home cosmetics. Grains exfoliate dead skin cells well, do not scratch, slightly rejuvenate and give a mild cleansing effect.

To prepare the simplest scrub, you will need:

  • take a tablespoon of powder;
  • add olive oil to make a thick paste;
  • for a scent, add 1 drop of rose essential oil if desired.

This mixture is applied to the face in circular massaging movements, rubbing lightly. Then wash off with warm water and apply the usual cream to the skin.

You can complicate the recipe by making a product with a weak whitening effect, and add to a tablespoon of powder:

  • a few 5 drops of olive oil;
  • ¼ h. l. chamomile hydrolate;
  • 2 drops of lemon juice;
  • 10 drops of apricot kernel oil;
  • if the mixture turns out to be too thick, it is permissible to add a little more hydrolat or olive oil to make the product of the desired consistency.Pomegranate pits. Benefits and harm to the body

The scrub is used in the same way as the previous version. It is important to use the entire product at once and not leave it for storage.

Dry scrubs

The principle of action of such funds is the same as for scrubs with the addition of honey, oils or hydrolates. They cleanse, exfoliate, and give the skin a fresher and more rested look. But they have an important advantage. They can be stored for a long time without compromising the quality of the product.

One of the options for combining ingredients:

  • pomegranate seeds;
  • chamomile;
  • calendula;
  • mint;
  • oats;
  • sage.

Herbs are always taken dried. To prepare a scrub, you will need to perform 3 simple steps.

  1. Grind all ingredients in a coffee grinder to a flour condition. The finer the particles, the better. You can sift them through a sieve so that large items do not get into the mixture.
  2. Mix ingredients. If they were ground together, it is still better to stir again.
  3. Place powder in a jar with a tight lid.

There are 2 ways to use this type of scrub, they are equally effective, but vary greatly.

The first method is suitable for any skin type:

  • pour a little powder in a separate saucer;
  • rinse your face with warm water without soap, do not wipe;
  • with wet fingers, take the right amount of scrub and apply it thickly on a wet face, massaging movements, rubbing a little;
  • rinse your face with water again.

The second method works well for sensitive skin:

  • prepare a bottle of cosmetic oil;
  • pour the powder into a separate saucer;
  • rinse your face with warm water, do not wipe;
  • add a few drops of oil to the scrub, stir;
  • apply a little oil to an important person;
  • apply the scrub over the oil with massaging movements;
  • massage your face, rubbing in the product;
  • rinse the skin with warm water.

After such scrubs, it is better to use light, non-greasy creams. In the second case, it may not be needed at all.

The benefits and harms that pomegranate seeds are known for can be used to your advantage in many ways. They make home medicines and cosmetics equally well.

Video about pomegranate seeds

Is it possible to eat pomegranate with seeds:

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