
Rescue Remedy Bach. Reviews, instructions for use, price

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  1. Release form
  2. Chemical composition
  3. Pharmacological properties
  4. Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
  5. Indications for use
  6. Contraindications
  7. At what age can the drug be used?
  8. Instructions for use, dosage
  9. Side effects
  10. Overdose
  11. special instructions
  12. Drug interactions
  13. Analogs
  14. Terms, conditions of sale and storage
  15. Price
  16. Video about the drug Rescue Remedy

Rescue Remedy Bach - herbal remedy with sedative properties, which is prescribed to patients with mild psychoemotional disorders. Reviews about the medication are different, but mostly there are positive responses from patients who use the medication for a long period. The herbal composition makes the drug relatively safe for patients, allows it to be used when it is impossible to prescribe potent synthetic agents.

Release form

The herbal remedy is available in the form of a spray, which is intended for sublingual use. The medicine is a liquid with a specific aroma and sweet taste, packaged in small glass containers.Rescue Remedy Bach. Instructions for use, price, reviews

The container is equipped with a dispenser, which makes it easier to use and allows you to get the right dose, determined by the doctor, depending on the condition. The bottle with the liquid is placed in a small cardboard box. The package may contain a container and a description, which details the features of the application and possible complications for patients.

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Chemical composition

Rescue Remedy Bach (it is better to study reviews of the tool before starting its use) contains a herbal ingredient represented by flower essence. It is due to this substance that the agent has a pronounced effect on the body.

The composition of the drug contains water and glycerin in the form of auxiliary ingredients. The herbal remedy contains grape alcohol at a concentration of 27%. This substance is a preservative that ensures the preservation of the chemical formula of the spray.

It is impossible to determine the amount of plant matter, which is associated with its natural origin, but most of the liquid is represented by the active component.

Pharmacological properties

The drug belongs to homeopathic remedies with pronounced properties. Its plant composition helps to provide a sedative effect on the patient's body. When entering the body, the plant substance helps to somewhat inhibit psychoemotional reactions, which leads to the suppression of emotionality and the elimination of anxiety.

As a result of the use of the drug, the level of stress decreases, patients note an increase in efficiency and other positive properties for the nervous system.

The beneficial effect of the drug on the work of the brain, as well as the sleep of patients, is noted. As a result of the course application, the psychoemotional state is normalized.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The herbal remedy is considered to be quite effective for a variety of emotional disorders, helps prevent the progression of symptoms and improves overall well-being. The composition of the homeopathic medicine includes an essence of 5 different colors, which enhances the effectiveness of the therapy.

When using the liquid, the following effect on the body is noted:

  • After using the solution, fear and nervous tension are relieved.
  • Patients note the elimination of insomnia, which is often observed in emotional disorders. Over the course of several days, sleep improves, as does its quality. Patients feel a surge of energy, an increase in performance, both mental and physical.
  • The herbal remedy suppresses the impulsivity of many patients, which makes it possible to assess the situation without unnecessary emotions and prevents the development of a stressful state. Especially often, such reactions are observed in emotional people who are acutely reacting to various life situations.
  • The drug helps prevent various negative emotional reactions in patients when they get into stressful situations.
  • Normalization of sleep leads to an improvement in the functioning of the whole organism, stimulation of the processes of cell regeneration.
  • Taking the drug for the purpose of prevention allows you to prevent the development of complications during exacerbation of many pathologies of the nervous and cardiovascular system.

Experts pay attention that the herbal medicine is well absorbed in the body, does not accumulate in the blood and tissues. This significantly reduces the likelihood of overdose symptoms with prolonged use.

After penetration into the body, the components have a therapeutic effect on the nervous system, eliminate negative symptoms. The components are processed in the liver, their metabolites are evacuated by the kidneys for 10-12 hours. The lack of a cumulative effect and the rapid elimination of metabolites from the body makes the agent relatively safe for patients, provided it is used correctly.

Indications for use

Rescue Remedy Bach is prescribed for various emotional disorders.

Patient reviews confirm the effectiveness when used in case of violations:

  • Nervous tension against the background of frequent stress. The tool can be used for prophylaxis or as part of a comprehensive treatment of pathologies, depending on the frequency of symptoms.
  • Anxiety and unreasonable fear. In patients with various emotional disorders, such manifestations occur frequently.
  • Anxiety in patients before any event. Reception of the remedy helps to alleviate the condition somewhat.
  • Tachycardia with excitement and emotional stress.
  • Overwork arising against the background of emotional or physical stress.
  • The patient has a history of mental disorders, which can be aggravated against the background of any stressful condition.Rescue Remedy Bach. Instructions for use, price, reviews

The tool can be used in combination with synthetic medications that affect the central nervous system. Often it is included in preventive courses to prevent frequent relapses of the disease.


Despite the herbal composition and relative safety for patients, the spray may not always be prescribed. An important absolute contraindication is an allergy to any component in the composition of the drug and a history of such reactions.

Other barriers to therapy include the following conditions:

  • The period of exacerbation of pathologies of the stomach and intestines. When diagnosing acute gastritis, colitis, enteritis, the agent can provoke deterioration. Do not appoint it and when identifying a peptic ulcer in an acute form. After elimination of symptoms, it is possible to use the product according to individual indications.
  • Renal failure in acute form.
  • Liver diseases of viral origin, as well as organ failure.
  • Acute mental disorders requiring the use of potent drugs. The drug can be used for such violations, but in the absence of acute manifestations.
  • The period of gestation and breastfeeding. Herbal medicine can negatively affect the growth and development of the fetus, and there is no data on its safety for nursing patients. If necessary, a homeopathic remedy can be prescribed according to individual indications and in short courses, if the doctor considers the use appropriate.
  • Condition after undergoing surgery on the internal organs. The use of a spray can negatively affect the patient's well-being.
  • Acute conditions in violation of cerebral circulation or the development of myocardial infarction. Despite the mild sedative effect of the drug, its use in the case of such diseases does not help to improve the patient's condition.
  • Uncontrolled form of arterial hypertension. The medicine is not effective in this case, but it can provoke an aggravation of symptoms.

Doctors draw the attention of patients to the fact that it is impossible to replace classical medicines for the provision of ambulance with a herbal preparation. This can lead to the progression of the symptoms of the disorder, since the patient refuses to use potent medications, relying on the action of the herbal spray.

You should also not use the medicine for exacerbation of symptoms of heart failure, respiratory pathologies. The spray can only be an auxiliary method of therapy for diseases. As an independent method, it is used for mild emotional disorders.

At what age can the drug be used?

Rescue Remedy Bach (reviews of the drug with prolonged use are mostly positive) are allowed to be prescribed to patients over 3 years old.Rescue Remedy Bach. Instructions for use, price, reviews

Despite this indication in the official instructions, doctors rarely recommend the use of herbal liquid for patients under 12 years of age. In each case, the decision is made individually.

Instructions for use, dosage

Like other homeopathic remedies, the herbal spray is used according to a specific scheme. It is intended for sublingual administration using a special dispenser. The duration of use and dosage for each patient is determined depending on the age and the specific disease.

Disease Features of the spray application
Anxiety against the background of various factors With such a violation in children, it is allowed to take a spray in the minimum effective dosage for 5 days. It helps to normalize the condition and prevents the development of complications against the background of anxiety. It is allowed to use the medicine 2 times a day with approximately equal time intervals. Children are given 1 injection under the tongue. Adults use the drug 3 times a day, it is allowed to do 2 injections at a time.
Nervous tension from constant stress With such a violation, the agent is usually prescribed to adult patients and adolescents over 14 years of age. The duration of therapy does not exceed 2 weeks, and it is allowed to take the drug 4 times per day with approximately equal time intervals. Depending on the severity of the symptoms, 1 or 2 injections can be done at a time.
The need for a preventive course For prophylaxis, the drug is used no more than 2 times a day, no more than 1 injection is done. Usually, the prophylactic course lasts no more than 7 days, but on an individual basis it can be extended if the desired therapeutic effect is not achieved.

When using a herbal remedy, it is allowed to drink it with water if its taste is unpleasant for the patient. This does not affect the therapeutic effect. Sometimes the spray can be used prophylactically, for example, before an important exam or other event. This allows the patient to focus on performing the necessary actions, and not on their own experiences.

Rescue Remedy Bach. Instructions for use, price, reviews
Rescue remedy bach

The doctor makes the determination of the regimen and the duration of the course after examining the patient. The patient is not recommended to use a homeopathic spray on his own.

Side effects

Rescue Remedy Bach (reviews of the remedy can be negative if complications develop during therapy) does not often lead to negative reactions. But doctors cannot rule out this possibility.

During treatment, reactions develop more often:

  • From the side of the nervous system, headache and dizziness appear. These symptoms in most cases are associated with a slight sedation effect, which manifests itself in different ways in patients. If the patient additionally suffers from hypotension, the symptoms of the nervous system are complemented by weakness, rapid fatigue, and impaired coordination of movements.
  • From the side of the digestive tract, disorders are manifested in the presence of diseases of a chronic form. Patients report pain in the stomach, heartburn, and upset stools. Over the course of several days, symptoms may worsen if you continue to take the medication.
  • Complications from the cardiovascular system are rare. Sometimes patients may notice bradycardia, a decrease in blood pressure indicators, but such manifestations usually disappear on their own. If they worsen, it is recommended to stop using and consult a doctor. In some cases, treatment is required to normalize the condition.
  • Allergies to herbal ingredients are common. In patients, a rash appears on the body and limbs, itching, burning and peeling of the skin is observed. Patients scratch the affected area, which damages the outer layer of the skin and increases the likelihood of infection.

Negative symptoms usually appear with prolonged use, but can be acute. When they appear, it is recommended to consult a doctor who will determine the appropriateness of prescribing drugs to normalize the condition.


Since the components of the composition do not accumulate in the blood and tissues, an overdose does not develop during therapy. Such cases have not been recorded by specialists.

Despite this, the risk of developing such complications cannot be ruled out with prolonged use of the drug in high doses. In this case, all negative symptoms are aggravated, as well as the general condition of the patient. If signs of an overdose appear, it is important to visit a doctor immediately, who will prescribe medications depending on the symptoms. It is not worth using medications on your own, as well as ignoring the manifestations of an overdose.

special instructions

Rescue Remedy Bach (reviews of the herbal remedy allow patients to preliminarily assess its effectiveness) are not used in the absence of indications or a predisposition to their appearance. If the patient is usually calm, there is no anxiety and causeless excitement, the drug is usually not used.Rescue Remedy Bach. Instructions for use, price, reviews

When applying, it is better to first determine the sensitivity of the body to the components of the composition, that is, make a test, apply a small amount of liquid to the skin of the hand. If there are no negative reactions during the day, most likely, the patient does not have an intolerance to the herbal spray.

Drug interactions

Since the remedy belongs to homeopathic medicines, it does not affect the effect of systemic drugs of different origins.

It is allowed to combine the use with other medicines, if the need arises. It is preliminarily recommended to visit a doctor who will prescribe the optimal combination of medications.


The drug has no structural analogs with the same composition, but it is allowed to use herbal remedies with similar medicinal properties.

The most popular drug substitutes are:

  • Valerian tincture is considered an effective herbal sedative. It is used for anxiety, anxiety and stress.
  • Motherwort in tablet form also has a vegetable origin, helps to normalize the psycho-emotional state, eliminates anxiety and other symptoms.

The choice of an analogue is made by the doctor depending on the symptoms of the disorder in a particular patient.

Terms, conditions of sale and storage

The drug is dispensed without presenting a prescription form from a doctor. When storing it, it is important not to allow sunlight to enter the bottle. The storage period is 12 months. After the expiration date, use is prohibited.


The cost of a bottle of medicine depends on its volume, ranging from 800-1400 rubles.Rescue Remedy Bach. Instructions for use, price, reviews

Rescue Remedy Bach is an effective herbal solution that has sedative properties and is used for patients with mild anxiety disorders. They can occur against the background of various disorders, but the drug helps only with a mild course of pathologies. Reviews about the action of the spray differ depending on the reaction of the patient's body to the components of the composition. Patient responses are predominantly positive.

Video about the drug Rescue Remedy

Rescue Remedy. How to relieve stress:

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