
Features of the use of the neuroleptic Aminazine: instructions and reviews

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aminazine solution Aminazine is a drug that has a sedative effect on the central nervous system. Relate to the group of neuroleptic drugs.

This medication is used as an antipsychotic.

The active substance of the drug is chlorpromazine hydrochloride.


  • Contents

    • Pharmacokinetics of
    • Pharmacokinetics of
    • Formulation and Composition of
    • How
    • Works
    • Usage Restrictions for Assignment
    • Instructions for Use
    • Overdose and Additional Indications
    • Interaction with Other Drugs
    • From Practice of Physicians and Patients
    • Purchase, storage andanalogs

    Pharmacological action

    In addition to general recreation, the active substance of Aminazine depresses the conditioned-reflex functionand defensive-motor dermoraphism.

    In addition, there is a decrease in spontaneous activity in the movements and there comes a decreased response to internal and external factors, but consciousness remains. The drug contributes to the relief of various types of psychomotor agitation and hallucinations. All this is accompanied by the removal of anxiety, fear and tension.

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    The main property of aminazine is the prevention of effects on adrenergic and dopaminergic receptors. The drug does not allow the increase in blood pressure and other effects that are caused by adrenaline and adrenomimetic substances.

    The manifestation of a calming effect is due to the blocking of the mesocortical system and dopamine receptors. As a result, all symptoms of psychosis and aggressiveness are removed.

    Medication is able to exert a pronounced catalytic effect. At the same time, the maximum therapeutic effect lasts from six weeks to six months.

    In addition to the sedative effect, the drug also has a small amount of anti-inflammatory and histamine action. Also after intake, the permeability of blood vessels is reduced and the activity of hyaluronidase decreases.

    Features of Aminazine

    Pharmacokinetics of the preparation

    When taking the medicine inside, it occurs quickly, but not always completely absorbed. The maximum concentration of the drug in the blood is observed after 2-3 hours. As a result, the effect of "first penetration through the liver" occurs.

    Due to this effect, the level of concentration of the drug in the blood plasma after oral intake is less than after intramuscular administration.

    The active substance undergoes a metabolism in the liver, followed by the formation of inactive and active metabolites. The pathway of metabolism of

    Aminazine consists of such reactions:

    • dealkylation;
    • hydroxylation;
    • oxidation of sulfur atoms;
    • conjugation with glucuronic acid;
    • N-oxidation.

    Metabolic products of the drug are excreted in the urine and bile. The same variability in pharmacokinetic characteristics is observed in the same patient during admission. The active substances of the drug bind well to plasma proteins( 96-98%).

    The drug is widely distributed throughout the body and penetrates the GEB.The half-life of the drug from the body is about thirty hours.

    Form release and composition of

    The formula of chlorpromazine

    The formula of chlorpromazine

    Aminazine is released in the form of tablets( 0.01 g each, coated with a special coating), pills( 0.025, 0.05 and 0.1 g), and 2.5% solution in ampoules( 1, 2, 5, and 10 ml).In 1 ml of the solution is 25 mg of hydrochloride and chlorpromazine.

    Also included in the composition are additional components: anhydrous sodium sulfate, ascorbic acid, sodium chloride, sodium metabisulphite and water for injection.

    One tablet contains 25 mg of chlorpromazine hydrochloride and additional components: hypromilose, titanium dioxide, talc, anhydrous calcium hydrophosphate, microcrystalline cellulose, potato starch, calcium stearate and stearic acid.

    How does the drug

    The mechanism of action of the drug has not been studied sufficiently tightly. The therapeutic effect is achieved by the influence of the active substance on the creation and passage of nervous excitation in various locations of the nervous and vegetative system.

    Also, the mechanism of action is the active influence on the metabolism by enhancing anabolic processes. The main role of Aminazine is its effect on the reticular formation of the brain stem. The drug prevents the formation of this formation and prevents its further impact on the cortex of the cerebral hemispheres.

    Based on the data of many studies it was proved that the wide use of the drug in medicine is due to its ability to block the effect on the adrenoreactive units of the reticular formation. In the field of psychiatry, this medicine is valuable due to the ability to lower the affective tension and cause prolonged patient peace.

    Scope of use

    Indications for use of aminazine:

    1. Prolonged paranoid and galyucinatory states , psychomotor innervation, alcoholic psychosis, manic-hallucinations of delirium depressive psychosis. These mental illnesses of endogenous nature are manifested mainly in young and adulthood and pass in a cyclic form.
    2. Vomiting in pregnant women, Meniere's disease .In this case, the drug acts as an anti-emetic.
    3. In oncological practice of Aminazine, is used to treat chloroethylaminamia .Also used for itching dermatoses and other similar diseases.
    4. Premedication and potentiated anesthesia .
    5. Artificial hypothermia .The medication lowers body temperature when combined with lytic mixtures( neurotropic drugs).These mixtures are administered intravenously or intramuscularly.
    6. Agitated depression , accompanied by presenile psychosis.
    7. Neurotic diseases of with further increase of muscle tone.

    Limitations for prescription

    Contraindications to ingestion of funds:

    • abnormal kidney, liver and hematopoietic function;
    • increasing systemic diseases of the brain and spinal cord;
    • marked suppression of the central nervous system;
    • brain injury or coma;
    • hyperplasia of the prostate, accompanied by a delay in urine;
    • bronchoectatic disease at a late stage;
    • cardiovascular diseases of severe degree and thromboembolic disease;
    • cirrhosis, hepatitis, nephritis and hemolytic jaundice;
    • rheumatic carditis, rheumatism, acute pyelitis, cholelithiasis and urolithiasis. These contraindications are relative;
    • period of taking barbiturates, alcohol and drugs;
    • deviation from the norm of the prothrombin index;
    • pregnancy and lactation;
    • hypervisibility to the drug;
    • old age.

    Instruction for use

    Aminazine tablets The dosage of the preparation is calculated on an individual basis. On average, when ingested, a single dose for adults is 10-100 mg, and a daily dose of 25-600 mg. For children under five years of age, the dose of medication is calculated based on the weight of the child. Children older than five years should take half the dose of an adult.

    For intravenous or intramuscular injection of aminazine( solution), the initial dose for adults is 25-50 mg. For children, a single dose is also determined based on the weight of the child. The frequency of intramuscular or intravenous administration depends on the clinical situation of the patient.

    The maximum dose of application is: 0.3 g - single;1.5 g daily.

    Overdose and additional indications

    An overdose of the drug may lead to many side effects. First of all, this is a rapid decrease in blood pressure, which occurs when an overdose is administered by parenteral administration of the drug.

    In this case, it is necessary to prescribe aminazine in small doses. After the substance is absorbed into the blood, painful seals may occur. When an overdose appears allergic reactions to the skin( rashes, myxedema of the face and limbs, photosensitivity).

    To prevent the occurrence of adverse reactions, it is necessary during treatment to monitor such indicators as: arterial Dragee Aminazine pressure, pulse, kidney and liver function. To prevent a decrease in blood pressure, the I / O and / or injection should be done in the "lying on the back" position.

    Even after administration of the solution, the patient should remain in the same arrangement for an hour. A sharp rise and a transition to a vertical position can cause an orthostatic collapse.

    During alcohol consumption, Aminazine should be taken with extreme caution. With alcohol intoxication and alcoholic psychosis, the drug is administered orally at a dose of 0.2-0.4 g per day. If the desired effect was not achieved, the drug is administered intravenously at a dose of 0.05-0.75 g in combination with levomepromazine.

    In case of impaired kidney and liver function, the use of Aminazine is contraindicated. Also, the drug is not prescribed to women during pregnancy and lactation.

    The medication is prescribed for children from one year. Doses of the drug in this case are set individually( depending on the weight of the child).Children aged from five years are prescribed half or a third of the daily dose for adults.

    Interaction with other

    drugs The simultaneous use of aminazine with drugs that can put pressure on the central nervous system can cause depressed breathing.

    One-time use with anticonvulsant drugs helps reduce the facet of convulsive alertness. Sharing with medicines for the treatment of hyperthyroidism causes the development of agranulocytosis.

    Simultaneous use of aminazine with antacids causes a decrease in the saturation of chlorpromazine in the blood plasma. The use of the drug with barbiturates induces microsomal enzymes in the liver.

    From the Practice of Doctors and Patients

    We interviewed people and doctors and here are some testimonials about the drug from specialists and patients who have tried Aminazine in practice.

    Aminazine has a powerful antipsychotic effect. The drug is very good for Alzheimer's and schizophrenia. If specific instructions are given, side effects should not occur.

    Andrei Alexandrovich( psychotherapist)

    The drug is very effective, but I prefer to appoint it with extreme caution. In the field of psychiatry, he is very popular, as he treats a number of mental illnesses. But it has an impressive list of side effects.

    Antonina Igorevna( psychotherapist)

    Once I had to undergo a course of treatment in the Narcological Dispensary. Aminazine had to be taken almost in place of food. I'm hypotonic in life, and even after taking this medication I could not get out of bed at all. I really felt like a vegetable. It's some kind of torture tool.

    Elena, 31

    I was prescribed aminazine after I had a stroke. As a result, I had a better sleep, an anxiety, and in general, I began to feel better than before the attack of a stroke. The main thing is to follow the dosage regimen. Personally, I took 400 mg of the drug per day.


    From the opinions of doctors and patients, it is clear that Aminazine is an effective drug, but it should be used with extreme caution.

    Because an incorrectly calculated dose can lead to many undesirable side effects. Therefore, at occurrence of any doubts it is best to consult a doctor.

    Purchase, storage and analogs of

    Aminazine is available in the following forms:

    • tablets of 0.025 mg each;
    • solution 2.5% in ampoules, 5 ml each( for the / m administration);
    • solution of 2.5% in ampoules, 2 ml each( for intravenous administration).

    The average price of the drug is 80 rubles.

    The medicine should be stored in a dark place at a temperature of no more than 20 degrees. Shelf life of the drug is two Largactil years from the date of production. The drug is dispensed in pharmacies solely on prescription.

    Aminazine has the following analogues:

    • Chlorpromazine;
    • Chlorpromazine hydrochloride;
    • Largactil;
    • Aminazine-Ferein.
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