
Low body temperature in women. Causes

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  1. Possible reasons
  2. Physiological hypothermia concept
  3. Causes of pathological hypothermia
  4. Anemic syndrome
  5. Liver pathology
  6. Signs of severe intoxication
  7. Influence of hormonal pathologies
  8. Diseases of the nervous system and brain
  9. The consequences of pharmacotherapy
  10. Influence of other factors
  11. Diagnostic program
  12. Treatment methods
  13. Treating anemia
  14. Thyroid dysfunction
  15. Help with diabetes
  16. Possible consequences and complications
  17. Low temperature video

Body temperature indicators reflect the level of human health, determined by the metabolic rate and thermoregulation processes. If the reasons for the increased temperature (infection, inflammation, overheating, oncology) of the body are clear enough, then its low indicators are of particular concern, since not everyone knows what to do to normalize heat transfer in the body.

Possible reasons

Body temperature is one of the biological markers that reflect the current processes in the human body. Normal health is based on constant heat exchange, which regulates vital processes. Standard temperature indicators fluctuate in the range of 36.0-36.9 ° C, and a temperature of 36.6 ° C is considered the ideal figure.

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Low body temperature in women. Causes

For some adults, a thermometer reading of 35.5 ° C and up to 36.0 ° C is normal. This is due to the individual characteristics of heat exchange processes and does not have a negative effect on the body. However, a value below 35 ° C indicates a failure of heat production, which requires a visit to a doctor. After all, the cause of a violation of thermoregulation can be both external and internal factors, and the state of low body temperature in medicine is called hypothermia.

Physiological hypothermia concept

In a healthy person, the temperature range can change during the day due to hormonal fluctuations and the influence of the external environment. For example, residents of countries with hot climates have a body temperature higher than the average norm. due to overheating, and in cold climates, the indicators decrease, which is associated with hypothermia. However, in the case of hypothermia, the situation becomes dangerous, especially taking into account the stages of the pathological condition.Low body temperature in women. Causes

Form Characteristics
Easy stage The reason for the decrease in temperature to 32-35 ° C is hypothermia due to insufficiently warm clothing. Symptoms are body shivering, cyanosis of the skin, decreased concentration, and slurred speech.
Moderate stage If the mark on the thermometer drops to 28-32 ° C, you should find out the reasons for the anomaly. Symptoms - to the signs of a mild form are added chills of the feet, drowsiness, a sluggish state with impaired coordination of movement.
Severe stage In this case, the figure reaches 28 ° C and continues to fall. Severe hypothermia syndrome requires immediate medical attention due to the threat of cardiac arrest. Symptoms are numbness, infrequent and intermittent breathing with practically no pulse.

The causes of low body temperature in women are not always physiological or pathological in nature. The anomaly may be associated with the onset of pregnancy, when hormonal changes occur, and the chemical composition of the blood also changes.

Causes of pathological hypothermia

In addition to physiological motives, hypothermia can be caused by the development of a number of diseases and their consequences. Due to the failure of the thermoregulatory function of the body, the rate of metabolic reactions and the deterioration of heat exchange occur, which disrupts the work of all organs and systems. Therefore, a pathologically low body temperature is considered to be a symptom of the disease. Not only the symptoms characteristic of a low temperature, but also the clinical manifestations of concomitant diseases, help to determine its specific type.

Anemic syndrome

Pathology is accompanied by a decrease in the volume of red blood cells, as well as a decrease in the level of hemoglobin, which is due to poor absorption of iron. As a result, the tissues are deprived of the oxygen necessary for their respiration, and the body (along with the brain) suffers from hypoxia.Low body temperature in women. Causes

Anemia is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • dizziness, fainting;
  • shortness of breath, weakness, interruptions in the work of the heart;
  • rapid fatigue, flickering of blackheads before the eyes.

The temperature range is 34-35.5 ° C. The patient's appearance deteriorates markedly due to brittle nails, hair loss, pale skin, cyanosis of the fingertips. To eliminate anemicity, it is necessary to increase hemoglobin, enrich the diet with protein, iron-containing foods, vitamins, and strengthen the drinking regime.

Liver pathology

Constantly low body temperature can be a consequence of liver failure, the development of hepatitis, signs of liver cirrhosis. The malfunctioning of the organ that produces glycogen from carbohydrate stores leads to the inability to maintain a normal temperature to provide heat.

How hypothermia manifests itself in the case of liver diseases:

  • decreased appetite, causing weight loss;
  • the patient suffers from nausea and vomiting;
  • the skin and sclera of the eyes turn yellow, and the feces are discolored.

The liver is a vital organ that stores large stores of glycogen, which is essential for the synthesis of energy in the event of a lack of nutrients. The main danger of liver failure lies in the failure of the glycogen accumulation process, which leads to a lack of energy resources. In order to determine the specific pathology that caused the decrease in the indicators on the thermometer, it is necessary to undergo in-depth diagnostics.

Signs of severe intoxication

As a result of poisoning with chemically hazardous substances, the functioning of all organs and systems is inhibited, but cardiovascular and respiratory functions are more affected. Due to the action of toxic substances, the body temperature drops by 3-4 ° C against the background of rapidly deteriorating health. The victim of poisoning becomes pale, the skin becomes cold, and the forehead becomes covered with profuse perspiration.Low body temperature in women. Causes

The causes of low body temperature in women sometimes signal drug poisoning. Uncontrolled and prolonged intake of strong medications, especially NSAIDs, turns into not only severe problems with the gastrointestinal tract, but also the appearance of a consistently low temperature.

Influence of hormonal pathologies

Conditions attributable to hormonal imbalance include hypothyroidism, adrenal disease (Addison's disease), as well as the pituitary gland, and diabetes mellitus. Among the most problematic conditions, in terms of low temperature indicators, hypothyroidism and diabetes mellitus.

  • Insufficient production of thyroid hormones leads to a slowdown in metabolism, which turns into inhibition of brain signals that provide thermoregulation. A person becomes lethargic and drowsy, gains weight with a reduced appetite, suffers from puffiness, dry skin, memory loss.
  • The development of hypothermia in diabetes mellitus is associated with impaired metabolism and oxidation of glucose, which causes an energy deficit. The characteristic symptoms of diabetes mellitus include dry mouth, constant thirst, frequent urge to urinate against the background of numbness of the extremities.

Correctly prescribed therapy with adherence to dosage and medication will help stabilize the situation caused by a hormonal imbalance. As a result, the patient's body temperature should rise to normal values.

Diseases of the nervous system and brain

The numbers on the thermometer, which are frightening with their low value, are characteristic of vegetative-vascular dystonia (VVD). The syndrome is accompanied by weakness, loss of consciousness, rapid heartbeat, lack of oxygen, panic attack. Attacks are unpredictable, but more often develop on the basis of stressful situations, due to increased physical exertion, stuffiness in the room.Low body temperature in women. Causes

The reason for the low temperature (32 ° C and below) may be due to damage to the hypothalamus, because the task of this area of ​​the brain is to regulate heat exchange. The result of incorrect signals given by the hypothalamus are strokes, brain injuries, the appearance of brain tumors, and the development of multiple sclerosis.

The consequences of pharmacotherapy

Patients who are forced to take long-term treatment with psychotropic drugs that depress the central nervous system sometimes face side effects of these drugs. As a result of suppression of muscle tremors and a decrease in heat production, a rapid loss of heat occurs in the body. Only adherence to the dosages prescribed by the doctor allows you to restrain the development of a dangerous phenomenon.

Hypothermia can also be caused by treatment for the common cold. Therapy with strong antibiotics and other medications leads to the appearance of a low body temperature, which lasts for a month, especially in women with depleted immunity. If the temperature indicator has a persistent tendency to decrease, you should consult a doctor to rule out the presence of severe pathologies.

Influence of other factors

Low temperature in women is sometimes not associated with illness, but are the result of measures taken to lose weight. Following exhausting diets depleted in vitamins, together with intense physical exercise, leads not only to getting rid of extra pounds, but also to a deterioration in health.

The fall in the numbers on the thermometer can be a consequence of extensive burns of the body surface, a reaction to vitamin B1 deficiency, and the development of internal bleeding. In old age, a decrease in temperature is explained by a slowdown in metabolic processes, a lack of energy production. Thinning of the skin causes it to dry out, which leads to large losses of heat, therefore, an indicator in the range of 35-35.5 ° C is not a serious deviation.

However, persistent hypothermia can be the cause of asthenic syndrome, the causes of which are various types of exhaustion (nervous, physical, mental). The influence of oncological diseases cannot be ruled out, they can affect a person at any age. Therefore, a drop in temperature to critical levels requires an examination of the patient, in order to establish the exact causes of impaired heat transfer in order to prescribe adequate treatment.

Diagnostic program

The appointment of certain diagnostic methods depends on the patient's condition and specific indicators of low temperature.

After a physical examination, the patient needs to:

  • donate blood for the determination of general indicators, glucose and hemoglobin levels, biochemistry results cards;Low body temperature in women. Causes
  • get hormonal profile data so that the doctor can get acquainted with the information about the balance of important hormones;
  • undergo electrographic studies to clarify the state of the heart muscle, brain, nerve channels;
  • get the results of an X-ray examination of the brain (hypothalamus), thyroid gland (organ structure).

In addition, urine glucose testing, an insulin test, and an ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs will also be required. These diagnostics will help in making the correct diagnosis, determining the cause of the lowered body temperature and prescribing therapeutic measures.

Treatment methods

The reasons for low body temperature in women can be a reaction to the arrival of menstruation, when during the day the thermometer shows different values, sometimes very low. The situation does not require special treatment, because after the end of menstruation, the digital indicators return to normal. The consequences of hypothermia can be easily eliminated by effective warming (ventilation, heating pads, inhalation), as well as by extracorporeal blood purification.

Therapy for uncomplicated hypothermia is enhanced with the following medications:

  • Thanks to B vitamins, the trophism of nerve tissues improves. Vitamin C supplementation and glucose infusion relieve severe muscle weakness. To provide a powerful antioxidant effect, an alpha-tocopherol solution is used.
  • The course of hormone replacement therapy accelerates metabolic processes, normalizes thermogenesis. The result is the restoration of normal body temperature.
  • Various types of cardiotropic drugs are prescribed to stimulate cardiac activity. Their action ensures the normalization of cardiac output and blood pressure indicators.
  • Taking antidepressants is necessary to stabilize neural connections between different parts of the brain. Stimulating the proper functioning of the hypothalamus restores normal body temperature.
  • Symptoms of bacterial infection are controlled with broad-spectrum antibiotics. The intoxication of the body is removed with universal drugs against various toxic substances in order to restore the temperature regime.

If the impaired thermoregulation is a consequence of the disease established during the diagnosis, it is urgent to treat it, and not eliminate the unpleasant symptom. Practically everyone knows how to get rid of a cold, but a specialist should treat more complex pathologies. The most common causes of hypothermia are thyroid problems, anemia and diabetes mellitus.

Treating anemia

The anemia syndrome is accompanied by a decreased number of red blood cells and a decreased level of hemoglobin. The painful situation is corrected depending on the severity of the anemia, because you can get rid of the simple form of the disease with proper nutrition, including foods rich in iron.

To restore the level of hemoglobin in iron-deficiency anemia, the appointment of iron preparations is relevant.

Low body temperature in women. Causes
Sorbifer Durules for anemia

The most commonly used medicines are:

Name of the medication Brief information about the medicinal product
Conferon Pills for increasing hemoglobin based on succinic acid. The daily dose is divided into 3 doses per day, 1-2 capsules.
Ferroplex Dragee containing ascorbic acid. The daily dose is 2 pills three times a day.
Tardiferon The drug has a complex composition, contains ferrous sulfate and mucoprotease. Take 1 tablet in the morning and in the evening per day.
Heferol Fumaric acid capsules. Dosage - 1 capsule per day, the course of treatment is 6-12 weeks.
Sorbifer In addition to ferrous sulfate, antianemic tablets contain ascorbic acid. Take one tablet twice a day.

The causes of low body temperature in women during pregnancy are based on the restructuring of the body for bearing the fetus. In order not to harm the unborn baby, pregnant women are provided with folic acid intake, as well as some preparations fortified with iron. The rest of the patients in case of vitamin B12 deficiency, it is administered by injection. Parasitic anemia, which is more common in children, is treated with antiparasitic drugs.

Thyroid dysfunction

Low temperatures are usually diagnosed with hypothyroidism, which is accompanied by a low level of thyroid hormone production. Endocrine pathology therapy is based on maintaining the necessary balance of thyroid hormones, they will have to be taken for life. The disease often affects women, and the main substitute drug is Levothyroxine. Therapy begins with a minimum dose of 75 mcg, gradually increasing it to 200 mcg per day.Low body temperature in women. Causes

The disease is not treated with folk methods, but vegetable drinks are taken as a home treatment - a mixture of carrot, potato and beetroot juices. 1 kg of cucumbers is eaten daily as a natural source of iodine. From medicinal herbs (St. John's wort, elecampane, birch buds, rowan fruits), a decoction is prepared, which is taken 3 times a day before meals. For nourishing the body with Omega 3 fatty acids, fish oil is recommended.

Help with diabetes

The general method of diabetes treatment for all patients is based on lifestyle changes, diet, exercise.

Since metabolic failure is a complex problem, treatment depends on the type of disease:

  • Therapy for type 1 diabetes mellitus is based on the use of insulin. For daily administration of the drug, they use insulin syringes, use an insulin pump. Treatment is accompanied by daily monitoring of blood sugar levels.
  • Type 2 diabetes care includes weight management and oral antihyperglycemic medications. If necessary, injections are prescribed with solutions that lower blood sugar levels against the background of mandatory insulin therapy.

Modern insulin preparations practically eliminate the appearance of allergies, since they are produced on the basis of human insulin, which allows to increase the duration of the drug's action. Insulin pumps are sutured subcutaneously for continuous infusions.

Possible consequences and complications

If low temperature syndrome is not the norm for a particular person, which is quite rare, urgent medical attention is needed. Lack of timely therapy is fraught with further drop in temperature, and its sharp jump below 31 0C threatens with the following manifestations:

  • the progression of dysfunction of the central nervous system;
  • lack of feeling of cold, irritability syndrome;
  • symptoms of confusion, hallucinations.Low body temperature in women. Causes

In addition, breathing slows down, the heart rate fades away until the heart stops completely. It is important to bear in mind that severe hypothermia is fatal. Therefore, before the arrival of doctors, the patient should be dried and wrapped - these actions will stop the heat transfer.

Further actions of doctors depend on the stage of hypothermia, the state of the cardiovascular system, since with a mild form of pathology, warming measures and plenty of drinking are enough. For complex forms of the disease, intravenous administration of a heated saline solution, as well as plasma substitutes, lavage of the chest or abdominal cavity is provided.

In addition to systemic abnormalities and emergencies, hypothermia can be caused by poor nutrition, which weakens the immune system. Over time, a slowdown in metabolic processes is manifested by low body temperature, which can be life threatening. Lack of nutrients in the diet, especially in women during pregnancy or with chronic fatigue syndrome, deprives the body of the necessary amounts of energy. As a result, there is a decrease in the fat layer, which warms the body and protects from the adverse effects (cold) of the external environment.

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