
Pyridoxine tablets. Price, instructions for use, reviews

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  1. Release form
  2. Composition of the preparation
  3. Pharmacological properties
  4. Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
  5. Indications for use
  6. Contraindications
  7. At what age can the drug be used?
  8. Instructions for use, dosage
  9. Prevention of diseases of the central nervous system
  10. Complex treatment of sideroblastic anemia
  11. Side effects
  12. Overdose
  13. special instructions
  14. Drug interactions
  15. Analogs
  16. Terms, conditions of sale and storage
  17. Price
  18. Video about Pyridoxine

Pharmacological agent Pyridoxine It is intended to replenish the deficiency of vitamin B6 in the body, which is involved in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The drug increases the concentration of sodium and potassium in the blood, improves the functioning of the central nervous system. Deficiency of vitamin B6 can provoke inflammation of the middle ear and oral mucosa, as well as affect the rapid decrease in the protective functions of the immune system. The average price of the drug in the form of tablets is in the range of 64-106 rubles.

Release form

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The drug Pyridoxine is available in tablet form. The drug is sold in a contour cell or non-cell packaging, which contains 10 tablets. To undergo a long therapeutic course, it is recommended to buy a medication in polymer cans, each of which contains 50 tablets. The drug is sold in a cardboard box along with instructions for use.

Composition of the preparation

As an active ingredient, the drug contains pyridoxine hydrochloride at a concentration of 10 mg.Pyridoxine tablets. Instructions for use, price

The tablets also contain the following auxiliary components:

  • Microcrystalline cellulose.
  • Dextrose monohydrate.
  • Calcium stearate.
  • Povidone-K17.
  • Colloidal silicon dioxide.

The tablets have a special chamfer for convenient dispensing.

Pharmacological properties

Pyridoxine in tablets deficiency of vitamin B6, which is extremely important for the effective treatment of psoriasis and diabetes mellitus) plays an important role in the metabolism of glutamic acid and cysteine. The drug helps deliver amino acids to the organs through the cell membranes.

The drug is also involved in the metabolism of folic acid and vitamin B12. Pyridoxine is recommended to be taken to activate metabolic processes in myofibrils. A positive therapeutic effect can be achieved only if the attending physician draws up an individual treatment regimen, taking into account the age and current condition of the patient.

Medical studies have shown that taking the drug Pyridoxine allows you to achieve the following results:

  • Normalize glucose levels in the body. With a lack of monosaccharides, a person is worried about increased fatigue and irritability, as well as insomnia. Pyridoxine is recommended during pregnancy when glucose control is essential.
  • Increasing the protective functions of the immune system. Pyridoxine helps to increase the concentration of antibodies that protect the body from pathogens.
  • Normalization of the balance of potassium and sodium in the blood serum. Pyridoxine helps to reduce the likelihood of swelling in the hands, feet, and face. An imbalance in potassium and sodium as a result of a lack of vitamin B6 in the body can affect an increase in abdominal volume, which is not associated with weight gain.
  • Normalization of protein assimilation by the body. Pyridoxine has a positive effect on protein absorption, thereby improving the condition of muscle tissue, ligaments, joints, hair, bones. Vitamin B6 is essential for the maintenance of normal nerve responses, cognitive abilities, the digestive tract and the cardiovascular system.
Pyridoxine tablets. Instructions for use, price

The drug Pyridoxine has a positive effect on the metabolism of amino acids and the action of steroid hormones. The drug improves memory and reduces the likelihood of developing cognitive impairment, dementia. Vitamin B6 is involved in the regulation of the psychoemotional state. Pyridoxine reduces the risk of cerebrovascular pathologies and neuropsychiatric disorders by 75%, including migraine, convulsions, depression.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Pyridoxine tablets help improve the functioning of the peripheral and central nervous system. When it enters the body, the drug is phosphorylated, turning into pyridoxal-5-phosphate. At the same time, vitamin B6 is part of those enzymes that are responsible for decarboxylation and transamination of amino acids. The affordable price of the drug allows it to be used for a long drug therapy, when it is necessary to improve the metabolism of methionine, tryptophan, cysteine, as well as glutamic and other acids.Pyridoxine tablets. Instructions for use, price

Pyridoxine increases diuresis. Isolated deficiency of vitamin B6 is rare, since children who are bottle-fed are most susceptible to this pathological condition. Long-term use of Pyridoxine helps prevent seizures, diarrhea, peripheral neuropathy and anemia in the child.

The components of the drug enter the patient's bloodstream through the mucous membrane of the small intestine. More than 89% of the drug is absorbed in the jejunum. Pyridoxine hydrochloride is metabolized in the liver with the subsequent formation of pharmacologically active metabolites. The active component of the drug binds to plasma proteins by 90%.

Pyridoxine penetrates into all tissues and accumulates in the liver, central nervous system and muscles. The drug crosses the placental barrier and is secreted together with breast milk. Laboratory studies have shown that the half-life of the drug varies from 15 to 20 days. Pyridoxine is excreted naturally (along with urine).

Indications for use

Pyridoxine helps to replenish vitamin B6 deficiency in the body. In this case, the active substance of the drug, after entering the body, is transformed into important coenzymes, which are necessary for the production of more than 100 enzymes. Pyridoxine is indicated for those patients who have been diagnosed with pathologies of the kidneys, cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system, as well as autoimmune diseases. The drug helps to improve the condition of those patients who have been prescribed Isoniazid.Pyridoxine tablets. Instructions for use, price

Indications for use are indicated in the annotation to the drug Pyridoxine:

  • The period of bearing a child. At this time, an increase in the concentration of estrogen occurs in the woman's body, which is why it is recommended to take Pyridoxine to prevent the development of complications.
  • Compliance with strict diets to reduce body weight.
  • Ulcerative lesion of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Adolescence when there are skin problems.
  • Using contraceptives or other medications that contain estrogen.
  • Chorea. This pathology is a genetic destruction of the nervous organization, which is characterized by dysfunction of the brain.
  • Acute, chronic hepatitis.
  • Diabetes.
  • Patients with mental disabilities.
  • Neurodermatitis.
  • Diathesis of the exudative type.
  • Meniere's syndrome.
  • Premenstrual period.
  • Hypovitaminosis B6.
  • Neuritis.
  • Parkinson's disease.
  • Radiculitis.
  • Little's disease.
  • Chronic, acute gastritis.
  • Psoriasis.
  • Shingles.
  • Reducing the neurotoxicity of Isoniazid and other anti-tuberculosis drugs.
  • Anemia.

An acute lack of vitamin B6 is diagnosed in 99% of cases in those patients who abuse alcoholic beverages. Before using Pyridoxine, it is recommended that you consult with your doctor so that in case of if necessary, the specialist prescribed combined drug therapy to improve the general condition sick.


In 99% of all cases, the drug Pyridoxine is well tolerated by the body of adults and children. Among the contraindications for use, one can single out only the increased sensitivity of the body to the components of the drug and children's age (up to 6 years).

At what age can the drug be used?

In pediatrics, Pyridoxine in tablet form is recommended for the treatment of children over 6 years old. Regular use of the drug helps to increase the production of hemoglobin, which is the prevention of the development of anemia. It is recommended that pyridoxine be included in combination drug therapy to speed up the healing process.

Instructions for use, dosage

Under favorable conditions, the body's need for vitamin B6 is satisfied by food, moreover, this substance is synthesized by the intestinal microflora. The daily requirement of an adult for pyridoxine is 2.5 g. If the patient has chronic liver disease, then the uncontrolled intake of the drug Pyridoxine can provoke a rapid progression of the pathology and the development of complications.Pyridoxine tablets. Instructions for use, price

For the treatment of hypovitaminosis B6 and the complex therapy of diagnosed diseases, adults and children are recommended to take the drug 1 tablet in the morning and in the evening. The maximum daily dosage is 4 tablets. The standard course of therapy is designed for 2 months.

Prevention of diseases of the central nervous system

If the patient was prescribed Ftivazid, Isoniazid or another drug that belongs to the category derivatives of isonicotinic acid hydrazide, then Pyridoxine is recommended to take 1-2 tablets 1 once a day. The drug helps to reduce the likelihood of developing disorders in the functioning of the central nervous system. The duration of therapy should be determined by the attending physician.

Complex treatment of sideroblastic anemia

For the effective treatment of acquired or hereditary blood diseases, which are characterized by hypochromia of red blood cells, as well as a high level of serum iron, followed by its deposition in the soft tissues of internal organs, it is recommended to take Pyridoxine 1 tablet in the morning, at lunchtime and in the evening. Additionally, you must take Cyanocobalamin, folic acid and Riboflavin.

Side effects

Pyridoxine in tablets (the price of a drug is justified by its safety and a wide spectrum of action, due to which pyridoxine hydrochloride are included in the combined drug therapy of various pathologies in order to speed up the patient's recovery) does not have a toxic effect on the body actions. The likelihood of adverse reactions in a patient is only 1%.Pyridoxine tablets. Instructions for use, price

In this case, the manufacturer of the drug assumes the likelihood that the patient will experience the following symptoms:

  • Hypersecretion of hydrochloric acid.
  • Chills.
  • Dizziness.
  • Allergic reactions: urticaria, Quincke's edema, itching and burning of the skin.

If side effects occur, it is recommended to abandon the further use of the drug Pyridoxine and seek advice from the attending physician in order to choose the most suitable one together with a specialist analogue.


Vitamin B6 can be toxic only if its concentration in the body is exceeded by 3-4 times. This is fraught with the emergence of sensory neuropathy, the mechanism of development of which is unknown. Uncontrolled use of vitamin B6 can provoke bilateral loss of peripheral sensitivity and hyperesthesia, accompanied by discoordination and discomfort in limbs.

The patient's condition may deteriorate rapidly after abrupt withdrawal of the drug. The use of more than 15 tablets of the drug at a time can cause a decrease in sperm motility.

In clinical practice, cases of overdose with Pyridoxine have not yet been recorded, but the manufacturer admits the likelihood that taking the drug in large doses can provoke the following symptoms:

  • Increased body temperature.
  • Numbness of the limbs.
  • Nausea, vomiting.
  • Confusion of consciousness.
  • Stool disorder.
  • Increased sleepiness.
  • Migraine attack.
  • Allergic reaction.Pyridoxine tablets. Instructions for use, price

To eliminate the symptoms of an overdose, you need to stop taking Pyridoxine. If the patient's condition continues to deteriorate, then it is necessary to seek qualified medical help so that the doctor can prescribe suitable symptomatic treatment.

special instructions

Pyridoxine in tablets (the price of the drug is justified by its positive effect on the functioning of the peripheral and central nervous system, as well as minimal the number of contraindications and adverse reactions) should be taken with caution by those patients who have been diagnosed with gastrointestinal pathologies path. An individual treatment regimen should be drawn up by the attending physician for a person with coronary heart disease. In chronic liver pathologies, it is recommended to reduce the dosage of the drug.

Drinking alcoholic beverages can reduce the total absorption of vitamin B6 by 30-50%. At the same time, Pyridoxine does not affect visual acuity and the speed of psychomotor reactions, due to which, when undergoing drug therapy, you can not give up driving and difficult mechanisms.

After completing the therapeutic course, it is recommended to include in your diet foods that contain vitamin B6.

It can be:

  • Green onions.
  • Buckwheat.
  • Lettuce leaves.
  • Oatmeal.
  • Legumes.
  • Chicken meat.
  • Dairy.
  • Fish.Pyridoxine tablets. Instructions for use, price

It should be borne in mind that products lose most of their beneficial properties during heat treatment. Products that have been frozen also become less useful.

Drug interactions

The effectiveness of Pyridoxine will be reduced by 25-40% if the patient takes this drug at the same time as Cycloserine, Isoniazid or Penicillamine. Studies have shown that vitamin B6 is incompatible with cyanocobalamin (B12) and thiamine (B1). Pyridoxine hydrochloride significantly reduces the antiparkinsonian activity of levodopa.Pyridoxine tablets. Instructions for use, price

If the patient is taking hormonal contraceptives, then the final concentration of vitamin B6 in the blood plasma may increase by 40%. When undergoing combined drug therapy, Pyridoxine reduces the therapeutic effect of Phenobarbital and Phenytoin.


Pyridoxine in tablets (the price of a pharmacological agent is justified by its effectiveness in cases where it is necessary to increase production serotonin and strengthen immunity) in 99% of cases is well tolerated by the body of adults, children and does not provoke the occurrence of side effects reactions. But if there are contraindications to use, the drug can be replaced with drugs of the combined principle of action, which contain pyridoxine hydrochloride.

Drug name Description
Beviplex This drug is a complex of B vitamins. Beviplex is included in the combined treatment of neurological, dermatological, cardiovascular and gastroenterological diseases. The drug is effective in primary and secondary deficiency of B vitamins. Beviplex is prohibited from taking with increased sensitivity of the body to the components of the drug, as well as with the use of levodopa. To achieve a positive therapeutic effect, 1 tablet is taken 3 times a day. The duration of therapy depends on the nature of the diagnosed disease and the general condition of the patient. The average price of a drug is 490 rubles.
Magne B6 Pyridoxine tablets. Instructions for use, priceAs active substances, the composition of the drug includes: magnesium lactate dihydrate, pyridoxine hydrochloride. The drug is effective for increased fatigue and irritability, insomnia, intestinal and stomach cramps, tachycardia. Magne B6 is prohibited from taking with impaired absorption of galactose and glucose, severe renal failure, hypersensitivity to drug components and phenylketonuria. Adults and children over 6 years of age are prescribed 1 tablet 2-3 times a day. The therapeutic course is designed for 30 days. Magne B6 costs 370-520 rubles in tablet form.
Hepasteril-A It is a high-quality combination medication for parenteral use. The preparation contains the following components: dexpanthenol, pyridoxine hydrochloride, arginine, asparagine, malic acid, riboflavin. The annotation to the pharmacological agent Hepasteril-A contains the following indications for use: hepatitis, renal coma, cirrhosis of the liver, hyperammonemia, which is provoked by extensive lesions of soft fabrics. Contraindications include: anuria, chronic renal failure, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. A safe treatment regimen should be drawn up by the attending physician, since everything depends on the initial concentration of ammonia in the blood. The average cost of funds is 450 rubles.
Angiovitis It is a combined pharmaceutical preparation containing B vitamins (folic acid, pyridoxine hydrochloride, cyanocobalamin). Angiovitis has received great demand in cardiology, as this drug is effective in the treatment and prevention of development the following diseases: coronary heart disease, stroke, angina pectoris, diabetic damage to the vascular system, heart attack myocardium. Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components of the drug. It is recommended to take Angiovit 1 tablet 1 time per day (best immediately after waking up). The maximum course of therapy is 1 month. Angiovitis costs 187-229 rubles.
Vitaxon The active ingredients of the drug are pyridoxine hydrochloride and benfotiamine. The drug belongs to the neurotropic B vitamins, which are effective in the presence of a patient with inflammatory or degenerative diseases of the nervous system and musculoskeletal apparatus. Vitaxon is recommended to be taken in case of a lack of vitamins B1 and B6 in the body. Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, children (up to 6 years). To achieve a positive therapeutic effect, Vitaxon tablets are recommended for 1 pc. 3 times a day. The treatment should last 30 days. The drug costs 1400-1890 rubles.

Therapists and pediatricians do not recommend independently choosing drugs to replenish vitamin B6 deficiency in the body, since self-medication is fraught with the development of adverse reactions and concomitant diseases that can be life-threatening the patient.

Terms, conditions of sale and storage

The pharmacological drug Pyridoxine can be purchased at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. The shelf life of the tablets is 3 years. The manufacturer recommends storing the drug in a well-ventilated, dry place out of the reach of children and direct sunlight. Pyridoxine tablets. Instructions for use, priceThe room temperature should be between +15 and +25 C. The shelf life of the drug is 3 years from the date of release, which is indicated on the package.


The average cost of Pyridoxine tablets in pharmacies in Moscow and St. Petersburg is in the range of 41-58 rubles. The drug has received great demand in traditional medicine, not only due to its affordable price, but also due to its wide spectrum of action. After completing the standard course of therapy, you can not only strengthen the immune system, but also increase the effectiveness of combined drug treatment of various pathologies, as well as improve the functioning of the central nervous system. Subject to the recommended dosage and frequency of use of the drug, the likelihood of adverse reactions is 1%.

Video about Pyridoxine

Vitamin B6:

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