
Colchicine analogues in Russia. Price, reviews

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  1. Domestic and imported analogues of the product that can be bought in Russia
  2. Kolhikum-Dispert
  3. Allopurinol
  4. Milurite
  5. Zilorik
  6. Adenurik
  7. Probenecid
  8. Naproxen Actavis
  9. List of other structural analogues of the drug, substitutes in composition, mechanism of action
  10. Desuric
  11. Allomaron
  12. Prices
  13. Video about the analogues of Colchicine

Colchicine is a drug which is produced in Russia and has many budget counterparts. A medication is made in the form of tablets intended for oral administration, and belongs to the class of anti-gout drugs.

The active ingredient is colchicine.

Indications for admission:

  • gout (to prevent the development of attacks);
  • arthritis (gouty form of the disease);
  • Behcet's syndrome;
  • pseudogout;
  • hereditary familial amyloidosis without neuropathy;
  • scleroderma;
  • some types of phlebitis;
  • inflammatory processes (otolaryngological and dental practice)

The product should only be taken as directed by the attending physician.

Domestic and imported analogues of the product that can be bought in Russia

Substitutes are prescribed if the original tablets are poorly tolerated, since in some cases they can cause the development of hypersensitivity reactions.

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Analogues should be selected based on the physiological characteristics of the patient, the severity and form of the identified disease.

It is not recommended to select and use similar drugs on your own. The selection of the medication should be made only by the attending specialist.


This substitute is manufactured in Germany in the form of oral tablets. The main component is a dry extract of autumn autumn crocus seeds. The analogue and original tablets have one drug group and overlapping indications. The main tool has many more.Colchicine and analogues in Russia. Price, reviews

Recommendations for use:

  • gout (in acute attacks);
  • hereditary Mediterranean fever.

Dosage regimen: 2 capsules should be taken to relieve acute attacks. Then take 1-3 tablets every 1-2 hours until the symptoms are completely eliminated.

Reuse is possible only after a break of 3 days.

If necessary, take 1-3 tablets every other day or every day for 3 months. The drugs have almost the same side effects, which occur equally often.

Medicines have identical contraindications, with the exception of disorders of bone marrow hematopoiesis (additional restriction for generic drugs). Both drugs react with some identical drugs, therefore, this feature should be studied before taking them. The analogue has a similar therapeutic effect. The effectiveness in both cases is approximately the same. Generic can be purchased in pharmacies in Moscow with a doctor's prescription.


This domestic analogue is produced on the basis of the component of the same name (allopurinol) in the form of tablets intended for oral administration. The generic and the original drug have the same pharmacological group. At the same time, their indications coincide only partially.

Recommendations for admission:

  • gout and an increased content of uric acid in the blood, which have a different nature of origin;
  • the formation of kidney stones (hyperuricosuria);
  • enzymatic disorders, accompanied by an increase in the concentration of urates;
  • acute course of nephropathy caused by radiation therapy (with leukemia and neoplasms);
  • therapeutic fasting.

Dosage rules: from 0.1 to 0.9 g per day. The dose should be divided into 2-4 equal doses. In this case, the tablets should be taken after meals.

Colchicine and analogues in Russia. Price, reviews
Allopurinol - analogue of Colchicine in Russia

For functional disorders of the kidneys, the recommended dosage should not exceed 100 mg. Duration of treatment - according to the doctor's recommendations. The analog has much more adverse reactions that can develop from the internal organs and other systems. Moreover, they occur much more often and proceed in more pronounced forms.

Medicines have absolutely identical contraindications, including pregnancy. Age restrictions - for adults and children over 15 years old (original capsules are allowed to be used only from 18 years old). Both drugs have been shown to be highly effective against gout and other disorders associated with its development. The medicine is subject to prescription.

Colchicine (analogues in Russia can be purchased both in pharmacies and from official representatives in specialized stores) is prescribed only by the attending physician after a diagnosis is made.


This drug is available in Hungary in the form of oral tablets, the main component of which is allopurinol. The original drug and this substitute have one drug group. In this case, their testimonies coincide only partially.

Recommendations for use:

  • gout, accompanied by an increase in the level of uric acid in the blood;
  • the presence of kidney stones;Colchicine and analogues in Russia. Price, reviews
  • increasing the concentration of urates;
  • nephropathy (acute condition).

Dosing rules: 0.1-0.9 g of the drug per day, divided into 2-4 equal doses. The duration of therapy is set individually.

The generic drug has a much more extensive list of adverse reactions. As a rule, they occur much more often. In most cases, allergic manifestations and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract develop.

Medicines have absolutely identical contraindications, including pregnancy and children under 15 years of age.

Both drugs have worked well in the treatment of gout. The analogue can be used as an independent means of treatment. The original medication is recommended for use in complex therapy. The advantage of the main drug is its wide range of application and better tolerance of its components. Generic can only be purchased with a doctor's prescription.


This analogue is manufactured in the UK in tablet form. The funds have a different chemical composition. Generic is made on the basis of allopurinol. The medicine belongs to the same pharmacological group as the main medicine. The drugs have partially similar recommendations for admission.


  • gout (primary and secondary forms);
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • radiation therapy for malignant neoplasms;
  • psoriasis;
  • uric acid nephropathy (prevention of development);
  • hereditary disorders of purine metabolism.

Dosages: 0.1-0.2 g per day, in severe conditions, it is recommended to take 0.3-0.6 g per day.

In children under 15 years of age, the daily rate is calculated according to the following formula: 10-20 mg / kg, but not more than 0.4 g per day. The duration of treatment is according to the recommendations of a specialist. The contraindications for medicines completely coincide, with the exception of adolescence. The analogue can be used in pediatric practice only under the supervision of a physician.Colchicine and analogues in Russia. Price, reviews

The drugs have identical side effects. The frequency and degree of their development depends on the individual characteristics of the patient's body. Patients prefer original tablets, since they have a wider field of application and a more pronounced therapeutic effect. The medicine is dispensed by prescription. Colchicine (analogs in Russia can only be purchased with a prescription) and most similar drugs are taken in short courses.


This analogue is produced by a German pharmaceutical company. Dosage form - tablets for oral use. Medicines have one pharmacological group and partially similar indications for admission.

Application area:

  • increased concentration of uric acid in the blood (accompanied by urate deposition) - gouty arthritis;
  • hyperuricemia (treatment of hemoblastosis).

Dosage regimen: from 80 to 120 mg per day. The duration of the course is according to the recommendations of a specialist.

The generic drug has numerous adverse reactions that only partially overlap with the original drug. At the same time, the frequency of their occurrence in the analogue is much higher, which should be taken into account when using it in patients with hypersensitivity.Colchicine and analogues in Russia. Price, reviews

The funds completely coincide in terms of contraindications. In both the first and second cases, the tablets are not used during pregnancy, juvenile age, lactation, as well as with functional disorders of the kidneys and liver.

Medicines have proven themselves well in the treatment of various disorders associated with an increase in uric acid in the blood. Both drugs help to cope with various conditions caused by this factor, and have a similar therapeutic effect. The medication is subject to prescription from pharmacies.


An analogue of Colchicine is also Probenecid. It is manufactured in Germany in the form of tablets and belongs to the same pharmacological group as the original Russian remedy. The generic, in contrast to the main drug, has a different active ingredient - probenecid. At the same time, the indications for use of the tablets partially coincide.

Recommendations for the appointment:

  • gout, accompanied by an increase in the level of uric acid in the blood (during the period of using diuretic drugs);
  • antibacterial therapy (combination treatment).

Dosage regimen: 0.25 g 2 times a day for 1 month. Then the dosage is doubled. If necessary, the daily allowance can be increased by 0.5 g every month. The maximum daily dosage should not exceed 2 g.

Medicines have similar side effects. The original remedy has contraindications different from the generic one.Colchicine and analogues in Russia. Price, reviews

Thus, the analogue is prohibited to be used in the following cases:

  • gout (an acute attack of the disease);
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • high sensitivity to the ingredients of the product;
  • carrying a child;
  • porphyria;
  • dysfunction of the blood;
  • children under 2 years of age;
  • hyperuricemia (secondary form) caused by chemotherapy or the formation of malignant tumors.

During the period of breastfeeding, the substitute can be used only with the permission and under the close supervision of a doctor. The drug is subject to prescription.

Naproxen Actavis

This product is available as an oral tablet. The generic has a different active substance - naprosk. The analogue belongs to a different pharmacological group (NSAIDs) and has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic effect. The funds have overlapping recommendations for the appointment. However, the substitute has a broader scope.


  • arthritis (rheumatoid form of the disease);
  • osteoarthritis;
  • soreness in the spine;
  • joint reactions caused by gout;
  • ankylosing spondylitis;
  • infectious and inflammatory processes (otolaryngology);
  • various forms of neuralgia and myalgia;Colchicine and analogues in Russia. Price, reviews
  • injury and inflammation of soft tissues;
  • adnexitis;
  • migraine;
  • pain in the teeth;
  • dysmenorrhea.

Dosing rules: 500-1000 mg 2 times a day, depending on the violation. Moreover, the maximum daily intake should not be more than 1750 mg. The duration of therapy is according to the established diagnosis, according to the doctor's recommendations. The side effects of the generic and original tablets overlap. However, in the first case, they occur much more often. Moreover, their number is much greater. Medicines have completely different contraindications.

The substitute should not be used under the following conditions:

  • the presence of erosions and ulcers in the stomach;
  • disorders of hematopoietic functions;
  • aspirin triad;
  • functional disorders of the kidneys and liver (pronounced forms);
  • age under 12;
  • allergy to the composition.

The product is dispensed by prescription. Colchicine (analogues in Russia should be purchased only in official and licensed pharmacies) is recommended to be replaced with other similar drugs of the same dosage form.

List of other structural analogues of the drug, substitutes in composition, mechanism of action

Colchicine (analogues in Russia are more popular than the original remedy) has many other drugs similar in action and indications, which are produced on the basis of different or identical active components.


The drug is produced in the USA in the form of tablets, the active substance of which is benzbromarone. The drug belongs to the class of hypouricemic and uricosuric drugs. Medicines have similar recommendations for taking. Thus, a substitute is prescribed in the treatment of gout and with an increased content of uric acid in the blood (hyperuricemia). Dosing features: 1-2 capsules per day. The duration of treatment is individual, according to the recommendations of a specialist.Colchicine and analogues in Russia. Price, reviews

The drugs have overlapping side effects. In a generic drug, in most cases, they develop from the gastrointestinal tract. The original medicine has many more. The funds have various contraindications.

The analogue is prohibited to use in the following cases:

  • gout caused by blood disorders;
  • increased urinary excretion of urate or uric acid;
  • urolithiasis;
  • kidney failure;
  • intolerance to the components;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • minor age.

The medicine is subject to prescription.


This drug is manufactured in France as an oral tablet. The original product and the substitute have a different chemical composition. The main components of the second medication are 2 active substances - allopurinol and benzbromarone. The drugs have one pharmacological group and overlapping indications for use.


  • gout;
  • hyperuricemia, which has a different nature of origin.

Dosing regimen: 1-3 tablets after eating. At the same time, it is required to consume at least 1.5-2 liters of liquid per day. Therapy begins with a minimum dosage (1 tablet). Then the dosage is gradually increased. The duration of treatment is individual.Colchicine and analogues in Russia. Price, reviews

The drugs have similar adverse reactions. When taking original pills, they develop less often, however, their list is much more extensive. Like the main remedy, the generic is not used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Age restrictions - for adults and children over 14 years old. Medicines have similar contraindications. An additional limitation for the analog is hemochromatosis. The product is subject to prescription sales.


The cost of medicines depends on the region and region of their sale and the pharmacy trade network.

The cost of original tablets in pharmacies in Moscow and the Moscow region varies from 1,700 to 2,500 rubles. depending on the dosage.

You can clarify the availability of the original drug or other generics, as well as find out their cost at any nearby pharmacy located at the place of residence.

Name of the drug Price
Kohikum-Dispert RUB 1610-1810
Allopurinol RUB 25-340
Milurite RUB 85-225
Zilorik RUB 75-150
Adenurik RUB 2100-4285
Probenecid RUB 5500-7350
Naproxen Actavis RUB 95-235
Desuric RUB 1615-2050
Allomaron RUB 4500-5800

Before using Colchicine or its analogs, it is necessary to read the instructions for their use and consult a specialist. As a supplement, you should study the reviews of patients who used the original remedy or other Russian or foreign substitutes.

Video about the analogues of Colchicine

Medicines for gout:

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