
The sweat smells like vinegar. Reasons for a woman, a man

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  1. What diseases provoke
  2. With diabetes mellitus
  3. With vitamin deficiency
  4. For problems with the respiratory system
  5. Causes of the vinegar smell of sweat in women
  6. During pregnancy
  7. Causes in men
  8. After drinking alcohol
  9. Causes in children
  10. From feet
  11. Effects of stress on sweat
  12. Diagnostics and treatment of pathology
  13. With diabetes
  14. With bronchopulmonary pathologies
  15. With mastopathy
  16. With endocrine pathologies
  17. With hyperhidrosis
  18. How to deal with bad sweat odor
  19. Baking soda
  20. Apple vinegar
  21. Lemon juice
  22. Starch
  23. Sweat odor videos

Sweating is a natural processallowing the body to control thermoregulation and remove toxins and toxins from the body. Normally not having an unpleasant odor, sweat due to abuse of harmful substances, stress or excessive diet provokes intoxication organism, manifested by the appearance of a strong vinegar odor from the body, associated with the increased reproduction of pathogenic bacteria and a violation of water-salt balance.

What diseases provoke

The appearance of an acidic odor from the body occurs due to the formation of ketone bodies in the body, which are considered derivatives of metabolic products. Released together with sweat and other decay products, they give the body an unpleasant vinegar aroma, indicating hormonal imbalance or disruption of the endocrine system.

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With diabetes mellitus

Sweat can smell like vinegar due to the development of diabetes mellitus and is associated with an increase in blood glucose levels. A metabolic disorder associated with a lack of insulin occurs due to starvation of cells, which are forced to uncouple fat stores to obtain glucose. Due to diabetes, ketoacidosis occurs, accompanied by the appearance of acetone and keto acids in the blood, which cause an acetic smell of sweat.

Sweat smells like vinegar from a woman, a man. Causes
Sweat smells like vinegar due to diabetes

Suspecting such a violation, the doctor prescribes a blood sugar test conducted on an empty stomach, and when it rises, it makes a preliminary diagnosis of diabetes and prescribes additional research.

With vitamin deficiency

Body odor can appear in women and men due to a lack of vitamins B and D in the body, leading to metabolic disorders and the appearance of an unpleasant vinegar odor. In this case, taking multivitamin complexes that normalize metabolic processes and compensate for the deficiency of microelements will help eliminate body odor.

For problems with the respiratory system

Respiratory pathologies, accompanied by a feverish state and a strong cough, provoke a change in the smell of sweat to an acidic one, as well as the appearance of hyperhidrosis and severe weakness of the body. Most often, this condition occurs when tuberculosis or lung abscess appears, accompanied by the release of purulent secretions.

Causes of the vinegar smell of sweat in women

The causes of an unpleasant smell can be associated with prolonged use of hormonal drugs) in a woman as a result of hormonal fluctuations, leading to a violation of the menstrual cycle. An acidic body odor also occurs with mastopathy, indicating the appearance of neoplasms in the mammary glands.

Knowing this feature, experts strongly advise women, when the vinegar smell of sweat appears, not to postpone the visit to the mammologist, but also avoid tight underwear and bras with underwire, which provoke the formation of painful to the touch nodules in milk glands.Sweat smells like vinegar from a woman, a man. Causes

In addition to mastopathy, a vinegar smell of sweat can occur in a woman:

  • in adolescence;
  • at menopause;
  • during menstruation;
  • with long-term use of oral contraceptives or other medicines.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy, the hormonal background of a woman undergoes significant changes, provoking the appearance of an unpleasant acidic vinegar smell of sweat. This condition is not a pathology and normalizes after the birth of the baby.

Also, the appearance of a vinegar smell may be associated with the diet of a young mother and the predominance of acidic or salty foods in it, as well as with the development of endocrine pathologies.

Causes in men

In men, the vinegar smell of sweat appears due to a hangover syndrome, the presence of acute or chronic pathologies. Also, their sour smell can be associated with increased physical exertion, stress or nervous strain.

In addition, vinegar body odor can be triggered by:

  • long-term use of medications;
  • overweight, which also provokes hyperhidrosis and shortness of breath;
  • abuse of salty, smoked, fatty and spicy foods;
  • daily drinking of beer;Sweat smells like vinegar from a woman, a man. Causes
  • wearing shirts and T-shirts made of artificial materials;
  • irregularity in taking a bath or shower, associated with insufficient attention to the hygiene of one's own body.

After drinking alcohol

Drinking alcohol contributes to the ingestion of toxic compounds of ethyl alcohol into the body, which impedes the functioning of the liver. The accumulated toxins provoke night sweats, which is necessary for the removal of the decay products of ethanol, which are distinguished by an unpleasant, sour odor and a sticky consistency. At the same time, the unpleasant symptom persists for at least 48 hours and is not stopped by careful hygiene and the use of antiperspirants.

Causes in children

Sweat smells like vinegar (the reasons for the development of pathology in childhood in most cases are associated with disruption of the bronchopulmonary or vascular systems) in young children in very rare cases. Sweat glands are also located throughout the body, helping the body to get rid of toxins, but the sweat of a child until adolescence is normally odorless.

The appearance of an acidic vinegar smell from a body under the age of 13 is always associated with the presence of pathological conditions and arises from:

  • inflammation of the bronchopulmonary system, accompanied by cough and severe fatigue;
  • an increase in the level of glucose in the child's blood, leading to the development of diabetes mellitus;
  • heart failure accompanied by increased sweating;
  • rickets that occurs in children under the age of 8;
  • renal or hepatic impairment;Sweat smells like vinegar from a woman, a man. Causes
  • endocrine pathologies, accompanied by poor functioning of the thyroid gland, hormonal imbalance and lack of iodine in the body;
  • neurasthenia that occurs in children from the age of 7 and is caused by severe stress, nervous strain, malnutrition, excessive mental stress.

The appearance of a vinegar smell emanating from the body of a child up to 13-14 years old requires parents to immediately contact a specialist to identify the cause of the pathology.

To cope with the defect before prescribing corrective treatment in this case will help:

  • regular ventilation of the premises;
  • compliance with the child's sleep and rest regime;
  • the predominance of only healthy products in his diet, without an excess amount of salt and carcinogens typical for fatty, smoked food and fast food.

From feet

The vinegar smell emanating from sweating feet is a fairly common phenomenon associated with the use of tight, poor-quality and uncomfortable shoes that prevent proper air exchange. Such a pathology can also appear when using socks made of synthetic fabric, moreover, in this case, the use of a special deodorant will not help to remove the acidic vinegar smell.

In addition, a vinegar smell from sweating feet can be released when:

  • the presence of chronic pathologies of the liver and kidneys;
  • fungal infections.

When this problem arises, experts recommend switching to comfortable shoes made of high-quality leather, and if there is no effect, undergo a complete medical examination to identify the cause of the unpleasant odor.

Effects of stress on sweat

Sweat smells like vinegar (the causes of pathology in men are most often associated with incontinence in drinking beer and smoked products) in a person who is forced to live in a state of chronic stress. In this case, metabolic processes, fluctuations in blood pressure and poor vascular tone, disturbed in this case, provoke increased sweating with the formation of a persistent vinegar odor. With the normalization of the mental state of a person, his body is restored, and the smell of sweat completely disappears.Sweat smells like vinegar from a woman, a man. Causes

Also, the vinegar smell of sweat can be triggered by:

  • constant lack of sleep;
  • increased physical and mental stress;
  • emotional stress.

Diagnostics and treatment of pathology

Sweat smells like vinegar (the causes of the pathology may be associated with a violation of the hormonal imbalance), not only with an error in nutrition, but also with dysfunction of the bronchopulmonary or endocrine systems. Treatment of an unpleasant smell of sweat is carried out depending on the pathology that caused it.

When a vinegar odor appears that persists on the skin for a long time, experts recommend that you immediately consult a doctor, tell him about your troubling problems and undergo a medical examination.

Depending on the specialist's suspicions, the patient may be assigned:

  • a general blood test and determination of glucose levels, which are necessary for the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus;Sweat smells like vinegar from a woman, a man. Causes
  • X-ray of the lungs and the study of sputum, if possible, suspect the patient has tuberculosis or other inflammation of the bronchopulmonary tissue;
  • ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland and determination of the level of hormones, making it possible to detect endocrine pathologies;
  • mammography or ultrasound of the mammary glands, which determines the presence of benign or malignant neoplasms in the breast.

If the diagnostic measures reveal any pathology, a specific treatment is carried out, which makes it possible to eliminate not only the vinegar smell of sweat itself, but also the cause that caused it.

With diabetes

Treatment of diabetes mellitus is aimed at eliminating the clinical manifestations of pathology, as well as preventing complications and teaching patients to independently maintain normoglycemia.

Treatment is carried out by endocrinologists, nutritionists and exercise therapy instructors, and includes:

Insulin therapy Injections help to artificially maintain the hormone levels necessary for normal metabolism and help prevent hypoglycemia. The treatment regimen is selected by a specialist for each patient individually.
Diet Patients are transferred to a low-carb, ketone diet consisting of lots of vegetables, lean meat, fish, and dairy products. The inclusion of complex carbohydrates (whole grain bread) is also allowed.
Sweat smells like vinegar from a woman, a man. Causes
Dosed physical activity Walking, cardiovascular equipment and athletics help to level the patient's condition and speed up metabolic processes. A training plan is drawn up individually for each patient by an exercise therapy instructor.
Control training Classes are conducted in groups and help patients learn the nature of the disease and learn how to control their needs and come to terms with the need to measure daily blood glucose levels.
Prevention of complications It consists in the use of enzymatic drugs and immunomodulatory drugs, as well as timely implementation of therapy that removes compounds from the patient's body that accelerate the development pathology.

With bronchopulmonary pathologies

Treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis and other purulent bronchopulmonary pathologies is carried out by pulmonologists or phthisiatricians and requires the appointment of drug therapy, including the use of:

  • mucolytic drugs that cleanse the bronchi from the accumulated phlegm (Lazolvan);
  • anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen);
  • immunomodulatory drugs (Aflubin);
  • antibiotics (Suprax);Sweat smells like vinegar from a woman, a man. Causes
  • tuberculostatics (Rifampicin);
  • multivitamin complexes.

In the absence of the effect of drug treatment, surgical lung resection or cavernotomy may be prescribed.

With mastopathy

Pathological fibrocystic neoplasms in the mammary glands require, first of all, adjusting the hormonal background of a woman and prescribing:

  • oral contraceptives (Janine);
  • drugs that affect the severity of estrogenism (Tamoxifen), when detecting the destructive effect of estrogens on the mammary gland;
  • topical progesterone preparations (Duphaston), which relieve puffiness and reduce the proliferation of connective tissue;
  • homeopathic medicines and multivitamin complexes.

If there is a suspicion of the possibility of a node degenerating into a malignant neoplasm, the doctor may advise the patient to have a surgical operation.

With endocrine pathologies

Diseases of the thyroid gland are treated under the strict supervision of an endocrinologist who prescribes:

  • iodine preparations with its deficiency;
  • corticosteroids;
  • hormonal drugs (Reserpine).

When nodular neoplasms appear in the thyroid gland, a surgical operation is prescribed.

With hyperhidrosis

Sweat smells like vinegar (the reasons are not always associated with pathological conditions), most often as a result of development hyperhidrosis, responsible for increased sweating and the production of unpleasant odor-causing pathogens bacteria.

For the treatment of hyperhidrosis, the following are prescribed:

  • Formidone solution;Sweat smells like vinegar from a woman, a man. Causes
  • Teimurov or Salicylic ointment.

In the absence of the effect of treatment, the patient is offered to make injections of botulinum toxin, which paralyze the glands and prevent excessive sweating.

How to deal with bad sweat odor

In addition to drugs, to eliminate and prevent the appearance of the vinegar smell of sweat, it is necessary:

Methods Description
Carefully monitor body hygiene. You should take a shower at least 2 times a day, while paying special attention to problem areas of the body. Hygiene procedures should be performed with antibacterial soap.
Choose the right clothes Clothes made from natural materials (cotton and linen), which allow the skin to breathe fully, will help to cope with the unpleasant smell of sweat. You should also keep your clothes and underwear clean.
Apply deodorants Antiperspirants not only prevent unpleasant sweat odors, but also block the growth of bacteria. Apply deodorant to a clean body.
Stick to a diet The appearance of the vinegar smell of sweat requires exclusion from the diet of sour, spicy and smoked foods, as well as a variety of spices (including garlic and onions) and marinade. According to experts, this rule mostly concerns the male population, who also prefer to consume large amounts of beer, which provokes an unpleasant smell of sweat.
Control your emotional state To prevent the destructive effect of stressful situations, doctors recommend those in a state of constant stress or those facing nervous overloads, use sedatives (Novo-Passit) and observe a sleep schedule and recreation. Psychotherapy can also be beneficial.

In addition to medicines and hygiene procedures, folk remedies will help to cope with the unpleasant smell of sweat:

Baking soda

1 tbsp. l. powder must be mixed with lemon juice until a consistency resembling liquid sour cream is obtained. Sweat smells like vinegar from a woman, a man. CausesThe resulting mixture should be applied to problem areas of the body, left for 5-10 minutes, and then washed off with water.

Apple vinegar

A few drops of apple cider vinegar should be applied to a cotton pad and used to wipe down the armpits and feet. After 5 minutes after applying the composition, the patient should take a shower. Experts advise to wipe problem areas twice a day.

To eliminate unpleasant body odor, you can take a bath with 2-3 tbsp added to the water. l. apple cider vinegar.

Lemon juice

The acid contained in lemon juice prevents the growth of pathogenic microorganisms. A cotton pad should be moistened in 1 tsp. l. lemon juice and use on the armpits, legs, or groin. Half an hour after application, the lemon juice should be washed off the skin with a soapy solution.


Corn starch or potato starch should be mixed with baking powder in a ratio (2: 1) and used as a dusting powder to prevent unpleasant sweat odor.

Baths with fir, rosemary, lavender essential oils, infusion of calendula and chamomile flowers will also help fight the unpleasant vinegar smell of sweat.

The sour vinegar smell of sweat is associated with the appearance in the body of ketone bodies, which are a derivative metabolic processes, with changes in hormonal levels, endocrine or bronchopulmonary pathologies. It does not go away on its own and requires careful attention to the hygiene of one's own body, as well as needs the use of medicines that prevent the appearance of bacteria that provoke acidic aroma.

Sweat odor videos

Smell diagnosis. What diseases smell like:

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