
Logoneurosis in children. Causes and treatment, photo, what is it

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  1. What is logoneurosis, under what circumstances does it develop in children
  2. At what age does the problem appear?
  3. Causes and predisposing factors
  4. Etiological factors of the disorder
  5. Obsessive-compulsive neurosis as a cause of stuttering
  6. External factors provoking logoneurosis
  7. Symptoms and types
  8. The degree of the disease
  9. Treatment of speech neurosis
  10. Drug therapy
  11. Principles and methods of psychotherapy
  12. Speech therapy classes
  13. Physiotherapy
  14. Breathing exercises
  15. Acupressure
  16. Method of influencing oral speech by written speech
  17. Work of parents with pathology in a child at home
  18. Mode
  19. Dream
  20. Intonation
  21. Praise
  22. Situation
  23. Leisure
  24. Communication
  25. Activity
  26. Restrictions
  27. Can stuttering in a child be cured and when does it go away?
  28. Video about logonerosis

Logoneurosis (stuttering) is a pathology, most common among children, which is characterized by impaired pronunciation. In most cases, neurotic conditions are the cause of its development. You can get rid of the problem with the help of complex treatment.

What is logoneurosis, under what circumstances does it develop in children

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The disorder is a speech disorder in which the child is unable to utter words and sentences completely and without hesitation. Some syllables and letters of words can be repeated, and the endings can be swallowed.

Pathology can develop under various circumstances. In most cases, it is associated with fright or other psychological trauma.

Stuttering occurs against the background of the following violations:

  • malfunctions of the central nervous system caused by intrauterine disorders, childhood diseases, as well as injuries resulting from passing through the birth canal;
  • physiological feature of the child (work of the central nervous system);
  • features of the child's speech development;
  • the influence of external environmental factors;
  • delay in the development of speech;
  • psychological reason (complexes associated with body deficiencies).

Also, pathology can develop as a result of a poor psychological situation in the family, frequent nagging with side of parents (excessive requirements), improper upbringing of the child or against the background of stressful situations.

At what age does the problem appear?

Typically, stuttering occurs in childhood between 2 and 5 years of age. At the same time, pathology is found in boys much more often than in girls.

Causes and predisposing factors

Most of the causes of the development of the disorder are associated with a psychological factor. However, in some cases, a violation can occur as a result of internal pathologies of the central nervous system or against the background of an external negative influence.

Etiological factors of the disorder

Etiological reasons are associated with the psychoemotional state of the child and his developmental features (including the development of the central nervous system). The main cause of stuttering is considered to be the transferred stress.

Other predisposing factors are also distinguished:

  • trauma and damage to the head and brain;
  • cerebral palsy (cerebral palsy);
  • mental illness (congenital or acquired);
  • hereditary factor.

During adolescence, the disorder may be associated with increased sensitivity, emotional instability, or increased sensitivity. The most relevant and common reason is conflict situations with parents, misunderstanding in the family.

Obsessive-compulsive neurosis as a cause of stuttering

Obsessive movements in a child arise involuntarily. Symptoms may include twitching, frequent blinking, coughing, or other spontaneous movements. Such signs, in the absence of timely treatment, can worsen and become more pronounced.

Nervous tics are associated with hyperactivity in some parts and parts of the brain. The process leads to involuntary contraction of the muscles responsible for facial expressions and causes involuntary and uncontrolled movements.

External factors provoking logoneurosis

Logoneurosis in children (the causes and treatment of pathology depend on many factors and, as a rule, are individual) may develop depending on the environment, living conditions and life of the child, and education. He should feel comfortable both physically and mentally.Logoneurosis in children. Causes and treatment, photo


  • sound irritant (especially with a constant and high noise level) - TV, conversations of adults, noise from neighbors, loud music;
  • insufficient supply of fresh air to the room;
  • small residential enclosed space.

Also, abrupt and spontaneous factors can contribute to the development of stuttering. These include: fights, scandals in the family, fear when meeting wild animals.

Symptoms and types

Symptoms of a speech defect can vary and have varying degrees of severity, depending on the severity of the pathology.


  • long interval (break) between words or letters;
  • stuttering pronunciation of words;
  • cramps in speech - repetition of the first syllables or letters of a word;
  • change in the rhythm of breathing (superficial, intermittent);
  • violation of intonation;
  • lack of expressiveness or emotionality in speech;
  • stretching words, long pauses between letters in the middle of words;
  • nervous tic;
  • psychosomatic disorders - disturbance, sleep, change in appetite, anxiety.Logoneurosis in children. Causes and treatment, photo

Also, the child develops anxiety, there are tics and spasticity of the muscles located in the face. The state does not allow him to feel confident and express his thoughts.

Pathology is classified according to the type of course, clinical form and the presence of a convulsive syndrome:

By type of seizures

By the type of the course of the violation
Permanent logoneurosis is constantly present and does not depend on the situation and other factors. Tonic - the muscles contract for a long time and at the same time have great strength.
Recurrent form - arises and completely disappears (alternately) and does not depend on any factors, while speech itself can be normal for a long period of time.

Clonic - short convulsions (alternating).

Wavelike type of violation. Mixed - a combination of both types.

The clinical form of the disorder is subdivided into neurotic and neurosis-like nature of origin.

With the development of the first form, the child has no damage to the brain (its speech centers). In this case, the disorder itself occurs against the background of psychological trauma or when trying to learn several foreign languages ​​at once.

The neurosis-like type of disorder develops as a result of injuries sustained during childbirth. The most pronounced signs of a defect appear closer to 3-4 years old, when speech begins to form in the child.

The degree of the disease

Logoneurosis in children (the causes and treatment of the disorder can be determined only after conducting research) is also divided into 3 main forms, based on the severity of its course.


  • Easy course - characterized by the occurrence of spontaneous individual seizures.
  • The average degree is the development of seizures during a conversation, in other cases the child speaks absolutely normally.
  • Severe form - cramps in speech occur in completely different cases and conditions.Logoneurosis in children. Causes and treatment, photo

The division into these forms is conditional and depends on many different factors, both external and internal.

Treatment of speech neurosis

Stuttering therapy takes place in several stages. In this case, a whole range of various therapeutic measures is used, including taking medications.

In this case, the therapy scheme is developed individually, based on the form, type and reason that provoked the development of the speech defect.

Drug therapy

Medicines are used for various types of stuttering that are organic in origin. The most commonly prescribed sedatives are those that reduce emotional stress. As a supplement, drugs that affect cerebral circulation (improve it) can be used.

Medicines are selected individually only by the attending physician.

Principles and methods of psychotherapy

Psychotherapy is also developed individually. It is used for psychological trauma and shock conditions that provoked the development of the disease.Logoneurosis in children. Causes and treatment, photo

First of all, the specialist must establish the exact reason due to which the defect occurred. If there is a suspicion of the organic nature of the origin of the pathology, MRI or CT are additionally prescribed.

In older children, various techniques and techniques are used that will remove complexes, give confidence, and increase self-esteem. Auto-training or hypnosis can be used (in severe cases or in adult patients).

Speech therapy classes

The speech therapist will allow you to put the child's speech, make it more intelligible and smooth.

The most effective techniques are the following:

  • Vlasova and Rau system (speech correction takes place in 3 stages).
  • Smirnova's technique.
  • Treatment according to the Sylvestrov method.
  • Shklovsky lessons.
  • Yastrebova's complex.
  • Harutyunyan technique (hand motor development).Logoneurosis in children. Causes and treatment, photo

The technique is selected individually according to the severity and specific form of speech impairment. Exercises are carried out in most cases in a hospital setting. Each complex has its own characteristics and duration of use. In some cases, treatment, thus, can be carried out for 2-3 years.


Treatment of logoneurosis should also be carried out with the help of physiotherapy exercises (exercise therapy). In this case, the exercises are selected individually, based on the reason that provoked its development. Classes are aimed at stimulating and restoring brain functions, developing various muscle groups in a child.

Physical education helps to reduce psycho-emotional and physical stress. Children are shown a daily logorhythm session. In this case, the exercises are best done outdoors.

Breathing exercises

Breathing exercises are recommended to be performed 2 times a day for at least 15 minutes. Otherwise, it will be difficult to achieve any results.


  • Static - allows you to calm and relax the child's nervous system.
  • Dynamic - normalization of the rhythm of speech when speaking or performing any actions.
  • Special - performed using special tools.

Breathing techniques help strengthen and develop the muscles of the abdomen, chest and diaphragm, which in turn will allow the child to learn how to control his speech, its pace and rhythm.


The first acupressure sessions should be performed by specialists. In the future, the techniques can be used independently at home (only if there are no contraindications).Logoneurosis in children. Causes and treatment, photo

This method will eliminate excessive excitability in the child and help relieve the tension of the vocal apparatus. The impact is carried out pointwise on certain muscle groups (relaxation of the muscles of the tongue and jaw). The methods of exposure are selected individually according to the specific case.

Method of influencing oral speech by written speech

The essence of the technique is for the child to write down the text under dictation and at the same time pronounce it aloud. Since the speed of writing words and sentences is much slower, the tempo of speech gradually normalizes.

Work of parents with pathology in a child at home

Logoneurosis in children (the causes and treatment of stuttering will be common to all species, regardless of the nature of its origin) requires a mandatory home therapy by both parents, especially in cases where speech defects are due to a poor environment in family.


Children with speech impairments require constant adherence to the regimen. This will allow you to avoid unforeseen circumstances that may affect the psycho-emotional state of the child.


Sleep compliance is also mandatory. A good night's rest will help relieve the tension generated during wakefulness and restore the body's reserve of strength.Logoneurosis in children. Causes and treatment, photo

The recommended sleep time for children is 10 hours. During this time, the child will fully sleep and rest.


When talking to each other or directly with the child, parents should avoid raised tones, harsh intonations or gestures. Such actions can frighten the child even more and aggravate the course of the pathology.


It is imperative to maintain a good mood in the child and increase his self-esteem. Any achievement (even the smallest) should be encouraged. Praise from parents is a good stimulus for the further development of the child. Self-confidence will allow him to get one step closer from getting rid of the problem completely.


An important factor is the home environment (both physical and psychological). The room in which the child lives should be comfortable, spacious and with sufficient supply of fresh air and sunlight.

The psychological environment plays a huge role in the treatment of stuttering. Parents are encouraged to show concern not only for the child, but also in relation to each other. You should not sort out any relations in front of him, shout, show signs of aggression.

Conflict situations should be tried to be resolved in a peaceful way or with the help of a family psychologist.


You should also diversify the child's leisure time. The rest should be complete and interesting. Young children are encouraged to spend more time outdoors.

You need to know exactly what the child is interested in and is interested in. This will help you choose an activity to your liking and, together with it, express yourself through creativity.

You can visit various parks, attractions or other entertainment shows for children on weekends. Having fun together will give the child confidence and benefit both him and the parents.


Logoneurosis in children (causes and treatment of the defect are established after consulting several specialists) can occur at any age, however, recommendations for home therapy will be general for everyone.Logoneurosis in children. Causes and treatment, photo

Communication with your child helps not only to develop and improve your speech skills, but also supports him psychologically. Open dialogue will allow him to show him that talking with people can be interesting and exciting and will help the child to realize that he is not inferior or is somehow different from other children.

Both parents need to communicate with the child. Support is important from both the mother and father.


Most children with stuttering have activity and mobility problems. Such children are reserved, they rarely communicate with their peers and like to spend time alone. In this case, the child's activity decreases.

Outdoor games or other active entertainment will help to establish contact with the outside world and other people. Parents can, at the choice of the child, enroll him in various circles or sports activities, where he can develop motor function.

You can also do a variety of recreational exercise every day. This will improve and tone all muscles and further strengthen the child's immune system.

The types of outdoor activities must be selected together with the child. It is also recommended to engage in similar hobbies with both parents so that the child feels full and feels their support.


You should not allow a child to do whatever he wants, since such permissiveness can negatively affect not only his condition, but also harm others.

Restrictions should not punish the child, but stimulate him to self-control and teach him responsibility. Parents are encouraged to keep track of their daily routine and leisure activities. Children should be restricted from watching exciting programs (cartoons) or computer games (especially emotional ones).

Such rules will help maintain the emotional balance of the child and avoid the development of another problem - attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Can stuttering in a child be cured and when does it go away?

With full compliance with all the prescribed methods and rules of therapy, in more than 80% of cases, it is possible to completely get rid of the problem. At the same time, the age of the child also affects the effectiveness of treatment. It is believed that therapy should be carried out in children under 5 years of age. Later in life, the chances of complete elimination of the disorder are reduced.

It should be borne in mind that the violation does not go away on its own, it requires mandatory work with several specialists at once.

To completely get rid of logoneurosis, it is first necessary to establish the exact cause of the origin of the pathology. Only after that the treatment is started. Timely started therapy can significantly speed up the healing process and establish a full life for the child.

Video about logonerosis

Stuttering. Logoneurosis treatment, symptoms:

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