
Schizoid personality type. Signs in women, men, what is it, description, examples of famous people, treatment

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  1. Definition
  2. Characteristics and properties
  3. Forms of manifestations
  4. Psychological theories and schools
  5. Diagnostics
  6. Correction
  7. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  8. Group therapy
  9. Psychoanalytic and Deep Psychology Based on Therapy
  10. Therapy of creative self-expression according to M. E. Stormy
  11. Video about the schizoid personality type

Schizoid personality type characterized by a lack of interest in social life, interpersonal relationships, a tendency to loneliness. The clinical signs were first described by the Swiss psychiatrist E. Bleuler in 1908.

The term "schizoid" was introduced into psychiatry by E. Kretschmer, a German psychiatrist and psychologist. So he defined the type of pathological personality, located between "health and disease."


Schizoid personality disorder is an unusual condition in which people avoid social activities and consistently shy away from interacting with others. They also have a limited range of emotional expression.

Each person has unique personality traits that distinguish him from all others. It is a set of characteristics or traits that have evolved as a person has grown and that have made him an individual.

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However, in the case of personality disorder, these thoughts, feelings and behaviors deviate from “cultural expectations”, cause disturbances or problems in functioning, and persist over time.

Such people are usually absorbed in their thoughts and feelings, avoid acquaintances, relatives, relationships with other people. They are silent, prone to daydreaming, prefer theoretical reasoning to practical action.

Characteristics and properties

It is estimated by psychiatrists that 1 to 3% of the population suffers from schizoid disorder, and the disease is often arises from a family history, such as schizophrenia or schizotypal personality disorder, that someone has family.

The schizoid personality type, the characteristics of which are inherent in both sexes, is more common among men than among women.

The schizoid personality type has characteristic features:

  • introversion;
  • social detachment;
  • insulation;
  • emotional coldness;
  • distancing from others.

A personality disorder is a type of mental disorder in which a person exhibits an unhealthy way of thinking, behaving, and functioning. A person with this disorder has problems with perception and attitude towards situations and people. This causes significant difficulties and restrictions in relationships, social activities, work, in the process of studying at school.

In some cases, a person does not realize that they have a disorder because their way of thinking and behavior seems natural to him, and blames others for the difficulties he faces in everyday life.

Personality disorders usually begin in adolescence or early adulthood.Schizoid personality type. Signs in women, men, what is it, description, examples, treatment

Schizoid-type disorder should not be confused with schizotypal disorder. Despite similar names, they are completely different.

  • Schizotypal is a mental disorder characterized by social anxiety, paranoia, thought disorder, transient psychosis, and often rather unconventional beliefs. A person in this state has strange speech techniques and manners, he cannot conduct a normal conversation.
  • A person with schizoid disorder is emotionally cold, he prefers to act alone, leads a secretive lifestyle, is detached and apathetic.

The schizoid personality type, the features of which have significant deviations from the norm of an ordinary person, is always socially disintegrated.Schizoid personality type. Signs in women, men, what is it, description, examples, treatment

His symptoms remain unchanged over time or throughout his life:

  • Schizoids cannot and do not want to establish close relationships with people, including relatives. They do not have those whom they could trust, they do not recognize friendship with people, and those whom they trust are very few, and they choose such people from the closest circle of relatives.
  • They prefer not to go out on dates, rarely marry, try to choose this type of activity and hobbies that do not require interaction with other people (for example, they prefer computer games).
  • Their sexual activity is low and rarely falls into the circle of their interests.
  • Schizoid individuals are not interested in what others think of them, be it good or bad. To many people, they seem socially inept, detached, self-centered.
  • Schizoids rarely react, express emotions, for example, smile or nod, in everyday situations.
  • They do not know how to express anger, indignation, even when provoked.
  • They do not respond properly to important life events that other people find important and significant. They often remain passive in relation to life's circumstances. As a result, one gets the impression that they are not interested in anything, do not find meaning in their lives.

The characteristics inherent in people of the schizoid type, as a rule, remain stable over time.

Forms of manifestations

The main feature of the schizoid form is a reduced need for communication with other people, emotional coldness.Schizoid personality type. Signs in women, men, what is it, description, examples, treatment

Many representatives of this group are characterized by:

  • Lack of interest in social or personal relationships.
  • Limited range of emotional expression.
  • Inability to enjoy most activities.
  • Failure to find normal social modes of communication.
  • The manifestation of coldness and indifference to others.
  • Weak sexual interest.
  • Lack of close friends.
  • Emotional coldness, detachment.
  • Apparent indifference to praise or criticism.

In psychiatry, people with schizoid disorders are conventionally divided into 2 groups:

Categories Character traits Response method
Passive Lack of initiative, withdrawal, lowered energy potential. Self-isolation, weakened contacts with society.
Active Affectiveness, high excitability, tendency to aggression. Behavioral disorders, protest reactions.
Schizoid personality type. Signs in women, men, what is it, description, examples, treatment
Weak traits of the schizoid personality type

Each of the behaviors, according to psychologists, begins to form in early childhood. The exacerbation of psychopathic personality traits often occurs in adolescence.

Psychological theories and schools

In the writings of many psychiatrists, one can find reflections that patients with personality disorders, standing on the brink of health and disease, do not pose a danger to society and many of them are capable get well.

Descriptions of these patients are contained in the works of F. Pinel, a French physician and founder of psychiatry in France in the 17th century. An attempt to classify mental disorders can be seen in the works of D. Pritchard, an English physician who lived in the 19th century.

In the works of the Russian psychiatrist F. AND. Duke, published in 1846, indicates the relationship of mental illness with heredity and the possibility of their cure. Progress in this area was outlined thanks to the works of the German psychiatrist V. Griesinger (1886) and G. Modelli (1871) who singled out people with psychopathic conditions from the category of degenerative psychoses into a separate group.

In Russian psychiatry, the description of borderline states belongs to many scientists: V. M. Bekhterev, S. BUT. Sukhanov and many others. Scientist V. NS. Kandinsky linked the formation of psychopathic characters with congenital mental anomalies.

IN. M. Bekhterev noted that changes in the structure of the brain occur due to past diseases and personality defects.

Many psychiatrists have dealt with the systematization and classification of psychopathic personalities. So, E. Kretschmer, created a classification according to the principle of "movement from illness to health."Schizoid personality type. Signs in women, men, what is it, description, examples, treatment

The basis was formed by two polar groups:

  • endogenous psychoses, which included schizophrenia, manic-depressive psychoses;
  • personality anomalies, where various types of personality deviations were considered, schizoids and cycloids.

In domestic psychiatry, the classification created by P. B. Gannushkin. In his writings, psychopathic types received clinical definiteness.

According to the definition of a psychiatrist, schizoid traits in a person can develop to a borderline state between health and illness. But the presence of schizoid manifestations does not yet predetermine the onset of a state of psychosis.


It is not enough to confirm the schizoid personality type by the fact that a person has a sign of detachment, loneliness. To make a correct diagnosis, other factors are also necessary, such as complete loss of a person the ability to adapt to certain circumstances, as well as an internal destructive process that undermines health.

In many cases, the exact cause of personality disorders is unknown, but according to psychiatrists, some events increase the risk of developing or are the starting point of the disorder:

  • The presence of a disturbed pattern of behavior or mental illness in the next of kin.
  • Violent, unstable, or chaotic family life during childhood.
  • Diagnosed with childhood conduct disorder.
  • Disturbances of the nervous system at the structural, molecular and cellular levels.

There are no scientifically based laboratory tests for the specific diagnosis of schizoid disorder. Doctors use a variety of tests to check for schizoid personality traits. And also tests are used to exclude physical illness and draw the line between illness and deviations in personality characteristics.

  • Sociopathic test. The questions on the test will tell the doctor if the patient is showing signs of antisocial distress.
  • Depression test. The answers determine the type of depression, mild or severe.
  • Rorschach test. Psychodiagnostic test for the study of mental disorders.Schizoid personality type. Signs in women, men, what is it, description, examples, treatment
  • Psychological testing. With the help of the test, the individual psychological deviations of a person are established and measured.

Test psychodiagnostics can be ordered at the Psychotherapy Centers. The cost of the procedure is from 2 thousand. rub. In addition to testing, patients are interviewed by a psychotherapist or psychiatrist.


Schizoid personality type, signs of which include maladaptive behavior characterized by recklessness, social isolation, distrust, emotional outbursts, can change during several months.

Releasing anxiety and depression is a top priority.

To do this, use:

  • Conversational correction methods. Group therapy and behavior correction at home, participation in self-help groups can help change socially undesirable behavior.
  • Treatment with psychotropic drugs. Psychopharmaceuticals are sometimes used to accompany psychotherapy. This helps if, in addition to schizoid symptoms, mental disorders such as anxiety, depression or delirium appear. If the schizoid disorder is not accompanied by other symptoms, then there is no clear benefit from psychotropic drugs. In addition, prescribing medications can affect the effectiveness of certain psychotherapeutic approaches.

The schizoid personality type, the signs of which are diagnosed, are difficult to correct. While there are many treatments for the disorder, none are 100% effective.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

As with any personality disorder, the primary treatment choice is individual psychotherapy. However, people with this disorder are unlikely to see a therapist unless they are experiencing increased stress or pressure in their lives. Treatment is usually short-term and is done to help the person solve a specific problem.

The development of mutual understanding and trusting therapeutic relationship in this case occurs slowly, and the treatment process may never develop into a relationship of trust between the patient and psychiatrist.

People with schizoid disorder often maintain social distance from people in their lives, even those around them. with them, loved ones, so the doctor should try to ensure the client's sense of security in therapeutic relationship. Acknowledging client boundaries is very important when dealing with these patients.

As with most personality disorders, behavioral therapy is most beneficial when the doctor focuses on simple treatment goals, trying to alleviate current pressing problems or stressors in the patient's life.

Cognitive remodeling exercises should be aimed at eliminating irrational thoughts that negatively affect the patient's behavior. At the same time, the therapist must be careful not to overwhelm the patient.

Group therapy

This type of therapy was first used by a physician from Boston D. NS. Pratt, in 1905 Group therapy is seen as an alternative treatment for schizoid disorder and is not usually used for initial treatment.

A person who suffers from schizoid disorder, falling into a group of similar people, is likely will stop treatment prematurely, because he will not be able to put up with the consequences of being in social group.

The therapist creates a group setting in which the patient interacts with others who are also learning new interpersonal skills. Over time, group therapy can provide a support structure and improve social skills.

People with schizoid disorder are usually very calm and withdrawn in a group. However, if the group accepts a new person and he feels safe, then this therapeutic method can help him to overcome fears of getting closer to people.Schizoid personality type. Signs in women, men, what is it, description, examples, treatment

Schizoid types can learn to receive new emotions, Patients learn in groups to receive praise and criticism from others people, improve their social skills, accept the empathy of others and thereby improve their social skills.

Psychoanalytic and Deep Psychology Based on Therapy

The goal of psychoanalytic therapy is to create conditions in which patients learn to contact people, to establish interpersonal contacts. They must learn to independently design communication with others in such a way that they remain stable.

But very often in these classes, patients abandon interpersonal relationships and prefer to be alone. The task of the psychotherapist is to find, together with the person concerned, another, positive experience.

But in general, psychoanalytic ideas for schizoid individuals turn out to be more interesting and accessible. They enjoy exploring every nook and cranny of their minds with a psychiatrist and finding attractive solutions to their conflicts.

Therapy of creative self-expression according to M. E. Stormy

The essence of the therapy proposed by the modern psychiatrist M. E. Vigorously, it is concluded in helping a person who has difficult experiences from his inferiority to feel and comprehend himself as a creative and spiritualized individuality. For this, a psychiatrist must study the natural character of a person, understand his mental disposition and help him find his meaning, realize himself as a creative person.

The psychologist invites a person to participate in any kind of creativity. He can write a book, a diary, take part in a play, paint a picture, thereby expressing his emotions. M. E. Stormy independently wrote psychotherapeutic plays, made productions and invited his patients to participate in them.Schizoid personality type. Signs in women, men, what is it, description, examples, treatment

He believed that any kind of creativity creates the preconditions for the disclosure of their personality and future interaction with society, helps them to realize their place among people.

Personality disorders often ruin the lives of the person who is sick and those who care for them. The schizoid personality type often causes problems in relationships, at work or at school, leads to social isolation or alcohol and drug abuse.

However, if a person has found his own way to eliminate the negative signs of the disease, he can learn to cope with his illness and live a full life.

Author: Belyaeva Anna

Video about the schizoid personality type

A psychologist about a schizoid:

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