
Pain in the neck. Psychosomatics, reasons on the right, left side

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  1. What is psychosomatic illness
  2. What the neck symbolizes in psychosomatics
  3. Characteristics of pathology
  4. Psychosomatics of neck pain
  5. Left and right pain
  6. How to eliminate a psychosomatic cause
  7. Video about psychosomatics of neck pain

Painful sensations are considered an alarm or warning of a problem with the body. Thanks to the development of the psychosomatic direction in medicine, it has been established that psychological factors also become the cause of pain.

According to psychosomatics, the constant action of the stimulus on the psyche ultimately leads to somatic (bodily) diseases. The most common area of ​​discomfort is the cervical area along with the upper back, and neck pain is due to possible psychological or subconscious causes.

What is psychosomatic illness

The ancient Greek philosophers - Aristotle, Plato, Hippocrates - pointed out the influence of psychological aspects on the health of the human body. The very term "psychosomatics" in medicine was proposed by the German physician Heinroth (1818).

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According to psychotherapists, the roots of any disease are hidden in the subconscious, and the accumulation of unresolved internal problems spills out into anger, anger, anxiety, the appearance of a sense of guilt. As a result, developing in the subconscious, mental disorders manifest themselves over time at the physical level, signaling symptoms of bodily diseases.

Psychosomatic diseases are called a group of pathologies of internal organs that appear as a result of the interaction of mental problems with physiological factors.Pain in the neck. Psychosomatics, reasons on the right, left side

The extensive list of psychosomatic disorders is usually classified into several main categories:


Root cause

Biased symptoms The appearance of objectively non-existent pain in any part of the body is an unconscious reaction of a person to an outburst of neurotic conflict.
Functional disorders The development of syndromes of this type is not due to disturbances in the work of internal organs. Internal anxiety accompanies a wide range of complaints.
Reaction to internal conflict Usually, the reason for the bodily reaction is conflict experiences (psychosomatosis) against the background of a predisposition to pathologies of a particular organ.

Neck pain, psychosomatics of which corresponds to an acute or chronic form of a real illness, is difficult to respond to traditional methods of therapy. In patients who regularly suffer from such pain, the syndrome is directly related to the reaction to certain events, for example, a quarrel with household members.

Therefore, mental ill-being becomes a frequent cause of body pathologies, because thoughts, mood, positive or negative attitude towards life events affect a person's well-being. Even Sigmund Freud argued that the body with the help of symbolic language (symptoms of diseases of various organs) signals the presence of repressed conflicts in the subconscious.

What the neck symbolizes in psychosomatics

In terms of the physiology of the human body, the neck connects the head to the torso. If we turn to metaphysical concepts, then the head symbolizes the spiritual world (soul), and the body is associated with the material sphere (mind).Pain in the neck. Psychosomatics, reasons on the right, left side

The appearance of pain in the neck is due to an imbalance between the spiritual and physical principles. In other words, a dispute arose between the soul and the mind, the results of which were manifested by pains on the material level. Psychosomatics explains the appearance of symptoms of the disease by the discrepancy between what the sick person wants what he does.

In addition, the neck can hurt due to mental anguish when a person feels helpless and unhappy. The internal feeling of dissatisfaction over time signals the tension of the muscles of the cervical region with the transition to the muscles of the shoulder area and back.

As a result:

  • at the physical level, walking with a constantly lowered head leads to compression of the vertebrae, the development of very real diseases of the spine;
  • from a psychological point of view, this is a sign of a subconscious desire to get rid of oppressive circumstances or a load of problems that you do not want to solve.

The psychosomatics explains the pain in the neck by a reaction to the appearance of a tense life situation. The neck in this case, as the narrowest point, blocks energy, emotions and feelings. The formation of energy blocks and clamps in the neck area indicates the suppression of desires arising in the head (prohibition of body actions). According to scientists, women more often than men suffer from pain in the neck, since patients react more emotionally to stressful situations.

Characteristics of pathology

Nature has endowed a person with the ability to walk upright, while the head should be held high. Symptoms of acute or aching neck pain are more common in those who are used to overcoming difficulties, not bowing their heads to problems. Responsible people who have taken on an overwhelming burden of problems suffer from discomfort in the cervical spine. In this case, irritability, headaches, tinnitus, weakness and constant fatigue are added to the accumulated cervical tension.

Often, the reason for pain is the development of cervical osteochondrosis, when cartilage and intervertebral discs are destroyed. According to psychosomatics researchers, symptoms of the disease develop not only due to aging of the body and improper tilt of the head. The cause of the disease is associated with the burden of emotional experiences and life difficulties, the patient's unyielding character.

The source of psychosomatic pain caused by osteochondrosis does not have to be in the cervical zone, but can cover the shoulders, back of the head, and shoulder blades. Psychosomatics explains osteochondrosis by the presence of a mental conflict, but in the absence of obvious prerequisites for the development of pathology.

Pain that penetrates the cervical spine can be not only a symptom of a real somatic pathology, but also the result of a carefully hidden negative emotion. With constant nervous tension, physical or emotional fatigue, the pain symptom in the neck becomes chronic.Pain in the neck. Psychosomatics, reasons on the right, left side

In this case, psychosomatics is transformed into symptoms of a real disease, and patients complain of the appearance of concomitant symptoms:

  • dizziness, causeless headaches;
  • sensations of heaviness in the body, numbness of the limbs;
  • feeling powerless and weak, choking, trouble swallowing.

Frequent relapses of pathology are among the signals indicating the psychological causes of the disease. After the therapy prescribed by the doctor, the manifestations subside for a while, and then resume again, even with adequate medication.

Therefore, after a difficult period in life, a prolonged stressful situation, serious problems in his personal life, the patient it is recommended, in addition to treatment with a therapist, to consult a psychotherapist to establish the true (emotional) motive disease.

Psychosomatics of neck pain

Famous experts in the field of psychosomatics attribute the main cause of cervical discomfort to the presence of a head-body conflict. Famous experts in the field of psychosomatics have their own explanations for pain in the cervical region.

Valery Sinelnikov considers the neck to be a symbol of the "flexibility" of the soul due to the person's ability to turn his head in different directions to observe the surrounding situation. Therefore, the doctor associates cervical tension with stubbornness, lack of flexibility in relations with people and solutions to issues, a one-sided view of situations.

From the point of view of the author of the methods of spiritual enlightenment and self-development, Vladimir Zhikarintsev, neck diseases are caused by the stubbornness, inflexibility and rigidity of the patient's views. The writer calls the neck the personification of the flexibility of nature, the ability of a person to see what is happening behind his back.Pain in the neck. Psychosomatics, reasons on the right, left side

Louise Hay associates neck soreness with negative attitudes leading to the onset of the disease. The inability to physically turn the neck indicates psychological rigidity and stubbornness, unwillingness to see the problem from different angles. As a result, each vertebra in the neck has a psychological interpretation according to Louise Hay.

Psychosomatics Liz Burbo considers neck pain from two sides:

  • the physical sensation of pain is associated with improper body position during work (signs of excessive stress);
  • from an emotional point of view, it is a signal of the presence of vicious inclinations or a vicious circle.

An individual who constantly lives by the discrepancy between the desires of the body and mind is easily recognizable by his lowered shoulders and drooping head. Pain in the neck area, as it were, warns of the need to bring his own feelings back to normal - to remove take off an unbearable burden of responsibility (drooping shoulders), throw off the mask of fear from your face (drooping head).

Left and right pain

When diagnosing psychosomatic disorders, it is important to pay attention not only to the problem area, but also to take into account the side of the torso.

Psychosomatics considers the neck as a powerful energy channel associated with female and male energy, and adepts of spiritual teachings have their own view of the sides of the body:

  • the right side is considered a place of concentration of male energy, symbolizes the mind and volitional qualities, connection with the social side of life;
  • the left side is responsible for the predominance of female energy, symbolizes the soul, soft and compliant nature, tolerant character and sensuality.
Pain in the neck. Psychosomatics, reasons on the right, left side
Pain in the neck. Psychosomatics,

If the neck on the right hurts, the vulnerable person lacks masculine qualities - strength of character, perseverance in achieving goals, the ability to take decisive action. If the neck on the left hurts, the person lacks feminine qualities due to depression of spirit, too rational approach to life, prohibition on the manifestation of softness. To maintain the health of the neck, it is important that the masculine and feminine principles of an individual are harmoniously combined.

How to eliminate a psychosomatic cause

Psychosomatics is considered a serious disease, and not at all a simulation, but in order to choose a treatment regimen, one should make sure of the psychosomatic nature of pain. After all, a characteristic feature of psychosomatic disorder is precisely the lack of a positive result of traditional therapy. Therefore, the treatment of pain symptoms of a specific disease should be entrusted to a therapist, and a psychotherapist will help to establish the hidden excuse of the emotional disorder that caused them.

In the light of the psychosomatic concept, the neck can be called a symbol of flexibility. Psychosomatics associates acute or chronic pain at the junction of the head with the torso with a lack of flexibility due to internal problems and conflicts. Painful discomfort in the neck shows a stubborn retrograde with ossified thinking, incapable of non-standard solutions due to a limited worldview and a tough life position.

Video about psychosomatics of neck pain

Neck and nape pains depend on emotions:

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