
Heptral (Heptral) solution for injection. Instructions for use, reviews

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  1. Terms of sale, prices
  2. Drug action
  3. Indications for use
  4. Contraindications
  5. Methods of administration and dosage
  6. With cirrhosis
  7. When depressed
  8. With toxic liver damage
  9. With non-calculous cholecystitis
  10. Side effects
  11. Overdose
  12. special instructions
  13. Drug interactions
  14. Analogs
  15. Storage conditions
  16. Video about the drug Heptral

Heptral is a hepatoprotective medication, which is used in the treatment of liver diseases at different stages of development. A solution intended for injection helps to alleviate the condition, reduces the likelihood of developing complications from other organs of the digestive system. The drug is highly effective, but it is prescribed only by a doctor after examining the patient.

Terms of sale, prices

The drug is available to patients in the form of tablets for oral use and a lyophilisate, which is used to obtain a solution for parenteral administration. It is the lyophilisate that is most often used, which is due to its rapid action and lack of effect on the stomach.

Lyophilisate is a powder compressed into a small white tablet placed in a transparent glass bottle. Each bottle of powder comes with a 5 ml ampoule with a solvent. The vials are placed in cardboard boxes of 5 pieces, which also contain a description indicating the features of use and possible contraindications.

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The drug contains the substance ademetionine, which has the main therapeutic effect on the body. There are no other ingredients in the lyophilisate. The solution supplied with the powder contains sodium hydroxide, L-lysine and water for injection. The dosage of the active substance per 1 bottle with lyophilisate is 400 mg.

Heptral is an injection solution dispensed in pharmacies after presenting a prescription form certified by a doctor.

The cost of the drug is approximately 1670-1900 rubles. per package, but it may vary depending on the region of distribution and the amount of medicine in the package.

Drug action

The pharmaceutical agent has hepatoprotective and choleretic properties, which makes it possible to use it for the treatment of pathologies of the liver and gallbladder. Additionally, the drug has antioxidant and antidepressant properties, which allows it to have a positive effect on the work of other internal organs.

The drug additionally stimulates metabolic processes, facilitates the work of the digestive system, especially in patients with pathologies of the digestive system. The complex effect of the component of the composition on the patient's body allows the drug to be used as the only method of therapy or in combination with other drugs.

After penetration of the agent into the blood, it spreads throughout the body and concentrates in the tissues of the liver and other organs. The drug stimulates the restoration of liver cells damaged by pathologies or other factors.

Additionally, the medicine helps to improve metabolism, as well as to renew cells not only of the liver, but also of other internal organs.

There is also another effect on the body:

  • The medication stimulates the formation and outflow of bile, which helps to improve the condition of patients with acute and chronic gallbladder diseases. When using a lyophilisate, the likelihood of bile stagnation and calculus formation decreases.
  • Promotes the formation of components, takes part in metabolic processes, helps to normalize them and prevents disorders.
  • Facilitates the work of the liver in patients suffering from chronic forms of pathologies.
  • Suppresses the development of diseases and their progression.
  • Weakens the toxic effect of certain substances and medicines on liver cells. Often, under the influence of drugs, drinks and food, liver cells are damaged, but the remedy helps prevent such deviations.
  • Stimulating the production and outflow of bile allows you to improve digestion, as well as the elimination of harmful components that can enter the body with food.
  • The antidepressant effect of the drug does not appear immediately. Patients notice the appearance of the first effect 2 weeks after the start of treatment.

The drug is well and quickly absorbed in the patient's body after parenteral administration. With an oral dosage form, this process takes longer. The advantage of the remedy is that after the end of the therapeutic course, the effect of the drug persists for 3 months.

The maximum concentration of the active component is reached within 1-3 hours after the administration of a single therapeutic dose, and lasts for several hours. The processing of the substance is carried out in the liver, and the period of excretion of metabolites takes no more than a day.

The ingredients are evacuated by the kidneys. If their functioning is disrupted, the process may slow down. In different patients, pharmacokinetic characteristics may differ, which depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.

Indications for use

Heptral is usually used according to indications and after a preliminary examination.

Solution for injection has many indications for prescription:

  • Liver pathologies of viral origin, accompanied by a violation of the functioning of the organ.
  • Fatty hepatosis in acute and chronic form.
  • Cirrhosis of the liver. The drug can be used with an alcoholic origin of the disease or a non-alcoholic form of a pathological condition.
  • Diseases of the gallbladder, accompanied by a violation of the formation and outflow of bile.
  • Intoxication accompanied by liver damage. The medicine is used in case of alcohol intoxication and a disorder that develops against the background of the use of drugs, any foods, drinks.Heptral (Heptral) solution for injection. Instructions for use, reviews
  • Encephalopathy developing against the background of liver failure, liver damage to toxins.
  • Cholecystitis at different stages of development. The drug helps prevent the formation of calculi, but if they are present in the gallbladder, it is not used, as it can provoke complications as a result of active movement of stones.
  • Chronic hepatitis.
  • Depressive state of a chronic form.

In some cases, the medication can be used to treat pregnant women with severe gestation period, the development of severe toxicosis. During lactation, the use of a medication is usually not required.


Despite the effectiveness of the tool, its use is not always allowed.

Contraindications for treatment include the following conditions:

  • Allergy to any ingredient in the medicine.
  • The patient's age is up to 18 years. To date, there is no data on the effect of the ingredients of the composition on the body of children and adolescents.
  • Bipolar disorder. With such a violation, the medicine is used only in case of urgent need and in short courses.
  • Internal bleeding against the background of intestinal and stomach damage.
  • Exacerbation of gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer.
  • Acute cerebrovascular accident. The medicine can be used only for individual indications and if it is impossible to prescribe another agent.
  • The recovery period after suffering a myocardial infarction.Heptral (Heptral) solution for injection. Instructions for use, reviews

Despite the possibility of using the drug during lactation and pregnancy, 1 trimester of gestation is considered a contraindication. When breastfeeding, the drug is used quite rarely. Often experts recommend refusing to feed for the entire period of therapy.

Methods of administration and dosage

Heptral is a solution for injection, which is obtained by dissolving a lyophilisate and can be used according to different schemes, depending on the symptomatology of the pathology. Before the introduction, it is necessary to add the solvent from the supplied ampoule to the vial with the powder.

After that, the medication is administered intravenously or intramuscularly. The specific route of administration is determined for each patient individually. It is also allowed to drip the solution after adding it to 100-200 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride.

The treatment regimen for patients is also determined individually after examination. But the drug can also be used according to the standard scheme.

With cirrhosis

When diagnosing cirrhosis of the liver of various origins, the agent is used for long courses of 2-3 weeks. The daily dosage for a mild course of pathology does not exceed 1 bottle, but if necessary, it is possible to infuse a dosage from 2 bottles, that is, 800 mg of the drug.Heptral (Heptral) solution for injection. Instructions for use, reviews

Intramuscular injections are not recommended for such a long period, therefore the drug is administered intravenously. If you are dehydrated and have associated symptoms, the infusion is carried out using a dropper daily. It is not required to divide the daily norm by 2 times; its single administration in the morning or in the evening is allowed. Experts usually recommend that manipulations be carried out at about the same time.

When depressed

Treatment of a depressive state in patients is carried out within 2-4 weeks. Usually, a tablet dosage form is used, but if it is impossible to take it for various reasons, a lyophilisate is prescribed.

Injections are given intravenously once a day. The dosage for the patient does not exceed 400 mg, only in severe cases it is allowed to increase it to 800 mg. After the end of the therapeutic course, the doctor assesses the result of the treatment, if necessary, repeated courses are carried out in 3-6 months. Often, therapy is combined with the appointment of other medications to increase its effectiveness.

With toxic liver damage

Heptral is an injection solution that is often included in the course of the main treatment for liver damage to toxins. The drug for such a violation is used only intravenously and with the help of a dropper, which will increase the volume of circulating blood and accelerate the process of removing toxins from the body.Heptral (Heptral) solution for injection. Instructions for use, reviews

A single dosage in the acute stage is 800 mg, the amount of sodium chloride is 200 ml per 1 infusion. For 3 days, the drug is used in such a dose, after which it is reduced to 400 mg per day and poured using a dropper for another week.

With non-calculous cholecystitis

Treatment of patients in case of gallbladder inflammation is carried out for 2-3 weeks. A single dosage is 400 mg. Usually, the infusion is done intravenously, but if such a procedure is impossible, intramuscular administration is allowed.

Injections are done in a standard way, following all the rules. Do not choose the same place for intramuscular infusion. It is recommended to change the site each time to prevent the development of complications in the form of hematomas and lumps in the injection area.

Side effects

The drug can provoke negative reactions, even if all the doctor's recommendations are followed. Complications affect internal organs, systems, and can lead to a significant deterioration in the condition.Heptral (Heptral) solution for injection. Instructions for use, reviews

Damage area Frequent negative reactions
Nervous system When using the drug for long courses, there is a deterioration in sleep, irritability, and a decrease in working capacity. At the same time, in different patients, negative symptoms from the nervous system appear in different forms. Patients may report anxiety, anxiety, and other disorders.
Digestive tract Complications from the digestive tract can occur even with the use of a parenteral dosage form. The condition is aggravated by the appearance of flatulence, bloating, abdominal pain, nausea, and heartburn. Stool disorder is possible, in which the patient loses a large amount of fluid, which leads to dehydration and the development of other complications.
Respiratory system Only sometimes the drug leads to complications from the respiratory system. Patients talk about coughing, shortness of breath during exercise. If there is a history of respiratory pathologies, symptoms appear in an acute form.
urinary system When using the drug in patients, the risk of developing infectious pathologies of the urinary tract increases. The likelihood increases in the case when the patient in the past suffered from cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis.
Skin Allergy to the remedy manifests itself in an acute form, accompanied by the appearance of a rash on the skin, irritation and peeling. Patients report itching, which causes them to scratch the affected area, damaging the outer layer of the skin.

Often, negative reactions are manifested in an acute form, allergic manifestations are aggravated, which leads to damage to the mucous membranes of the eyes, mouth and nasal passages. In this case, there is swelling of the tissues, pronounced itching, lacrimation. The condition worsens if left untreated.


Heptral is an injection solution that, with prolonged use, can provoke an overdose. Such cases have not been recorded by specialists, but doctors cannot exclude the possibility of developing such a condition.

Heptral (Heptral) solution for injection. Instructions for use, reviews
Heptral solution

Overdose is accompanied by nausea and bouts of vomiting, upset stools and intense thirst. As the condition progresses, the appearance of a headache, impaired coordination of movements is noted. The condition worsens with the development of arrhythmia and tachycardia, fluctuations in blood pressure.

The drug does not have a specific antidote, therefore, if an overdose develops, it is necessary to immediately abandon therapy and visit a doctor. Depending on the symptomatology, drugs are prescribed to normalize the condition.

special instructions

With intramuscular injection of the drug, seals may appear in the gluteus muscle of the patient. When hematomas and seals appear, it is forbidden to inject the solution into the affected area. It is better to abandon this method of administration, transfer the patient to a tablet form, or inject the solution intravenously.

If an infusion is necessary using a dropper, it is better for the patient to be in the hospital throughout the entire period. The procedures allow you to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect and additionally replenish the fluid deficit in the patient's body.Heptral (Heptral) solution for injection. Instructions for use, reviews

If necessary, prolonged use of the patient's medication can be transferred to a tablet dosage form after infusion of the solution for 2 weeks. Patients are prohibited from prolonging the course or increasing the dosage on their own.

Drug interactions

Experts have not identified the possibility of the drug to influence the effect of systemic medicines from different groups. Despite this, use in combination with medicines based on such an active substance is prohibited.

With caution, the drug is prescribed in combination with tricyclic antidepressants, drugs with similar properties. If it is necessary to prescribe several drugs, the doctor takes into account their compatibility, and then determines the possibility of prescribing.


The drug has analogues that may contain other ingredients, but have the same properties.

The following substitutes are most often used:

  • Heptor is a structural analogue, which is most often used to treat liver pathologies of various forms. The medication is available in the form of tablets for oral use, as well as a lyophilisate, from which a solution is prepared. The drug has hepatoprotective properties, helps to improve the condition of the digestive system, and has a positive effect on the state of the nervous system.Heptral (Heptral) solution for injection. Instructions for use, reviews
  • Hepadif has a different complex composition, but can be used for patients with pathologies of the liver and other digestive organs. Unlike the original, the medicine is available as oral capsules. A lyophilisate is also produced, which is dissolved in 200 ml of glucose 5% and administered intravenously using a dropper. The drug can be used according to a different scheme, in combination with other medicines.
  • Mechanism of action Karsila significantly differs from the effect on the body of the original remedy. But the drug in tablet form also has hepatoprotective and choleretic properties, so it can be used if necessary. Tablets are taken in short and long courses, depending on the condition, the dosage is determined individually.

Substitutes are used according to indications, the doctor selects them after examination.

Storage conditions

The drug can be stored for 3 years. It is important to prevent direct sunlight from entering the medicine.

After the expiration date, the use of the medicine is prohibited. Information about the production date should be examined before starting treatment. It is indicated on the package.

Heptral is an effective hepatoprotective medication prescribed for liver diseases of varying severity. Solution for injection, obtained by dissolving the lyophilisate, helps to improve the condition of the organ, gallbladder, and other parts of the digestive system. The drug is prescribed by a doctor and is considered effective when used correctly.

Video about the drug Heptral

Why do doctors prescribe Heptral:

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