
Telmisartan 40 mg. Price, instructions for use, reviews, analogues

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  1. Release form
  2. Chemical composition
  3. Pharmacological properties
  4. Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
  5. Indications for use
  6. Contraindications
  7. At what age can the drug be used?
  8. Instructions for use, dosage
  9. With diabetes
  10. With CHF
  11. With gout
  12. With renal failure
  13. Side effects
  14. Overdose
  15. special instructions
  16. Drug interactions
  17. Analogs
  18. Terms, conditions of sale and storage
  19. Price
  20. Video about the drug Telmisartan

Telmisartan - antihypertensive medication in tablet form, which is often prescribed to patients in order to normalize blood pressure indicators. The medication can have a dosage of 80 or 40 mg, which allows you to choose the best option for each patient. The price of the medicine is affordable, therefore, it allows, if necessary, to undergo a full course prescribed by a doctor.

Release form

The pharmacological agent is available for purchase in tablet form. The tablets are oblong and small, white or almost white in color. They are placed in standard plates in cardboard packaging.

The box may contain 28 or 98 tablets, as well as a description that indicates all the nuances of use, possible contraindications and complications during treatment.

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Chemical composition

The composition of the drug includes the component telmisartan, which has the main therapeutic effect on the body.

The medication contains several auxiliary ingredients:

  • Talc.
  • Mannitol.
  • Povidone.
  • Sorbitol.
  • Sodium hydroxide.
  • Magnesium stearate.
    Telmisartan 40 mg. Instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues
    Telmisartan 40 mg

These components do not have medicinal properties. The amount of the main substance per 1 tablet is 40 or 80 mg.

Pharmacological properties

The drug has antihypertensive properties, which makes it possible to use it for the treatment of vascular diseases, accompanied by an increase in blood pressure.

The medicine not only lowers the indicators, but also prevents them from re-increasing to critical levels over a short period of time. In combination with other drugs, a pronounced positive effect is achieved, especially if the patient has chronic diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Telmisartan 40 mg, the price of which is affordable, and the drug in a different dosage acts quite quickly after entering the digestive tract. The main ingredient is a selective angiotensin type 2 receptor antagonist, therefore, when absorbed into the systemic circulation, it helps to reduce blood pressure. At the same time, there is no effect of the ingredient on other receptors.

Experts identify other properties of the drug:

  • The drug does not affect the process of conducting ions to the cells, does not suppress the effect of renin.
  • The ability of the active ingredients to reduce the level of aldosterone in the blood is noted.
  • The medication works for a long time, helps to control the numbers during course use, prevents the development of a hypertensive crisis in patients with an uncontrolled form of hypertension.
  • It somewhat reduces the load on the heart and blood vessels, preventing the progression of pathological conditions of the chronic form.
  • Affects not only systolic, but also diastolic pressure.

The drug quickly dissolves in the patient's digestive tract, its component enters the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body. The first effect is observed 30-40 minutes after oral administration of a single dosage of the drug and persists throughout the day. In this case, within 24 hours, the effect is usually not weakened. The residual effect is noticeable even one day after taking a single dosage.

The ingredient is processed in the liver, where it is broken down into metabolites. The evacuation of the decay products of the active substance is carried out with the help of the kidneys. There is no accumulation of components in the blood and tissues, even with prolonged use. The addictive effect does not develop during therapy, so gradual withdrawal by reducing the dosage over several days is not required.

Disorders from the liver and kidneys are reflected in the pharmacokinetic features of the drug. This usually does not lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of treatment, but it can prolong the period of evacuation of metabolites.

Indications for use

Telmisartan in a dosage of 80 or 40 mg is prescribed to patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system, which allows an affordable price and high efficiency.

Main indications for use:

  • Arterial hypertension at different stages of development. The medicine can be used even in the malignant course of hypertension.
  • The period of rehabilitation after suffering an ischemic stroke. Often, in patients with such disorders, an increase in blood pressure is observed, which can negatively affect the vessels and provoke a repeated violation of cerebral circulation.
  • Left ventricular hypertrophy. The medicine is used as part of a complex treatment.
  • Pathology of peripheral vessels, which are accompanied by an increase in blood pressure.
  • Rehabilitation of a patient after myocardial infarction. In the acute stage, the drug is not prescribed, but after the elimination of acute manifestations, it is allowed to use it if the patient has a history of hypertension.Telmisartan 40 mg. Instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues

The medication can be used for long courses, as well as in combination with other drugs for a short period of time.


Tableted medication is not prescribed to patients in the event of intolerance to the components of the composition.

Other barriers to treatment include:

  • Pathologies of the biliary tract, accompanied by their obstruction. The drug can provoke a worsening of the condition.
  • Severe liver failure. The initial stage of the disease is not considered an obstacle to treatment.
  • The period of bearing a child. There is no data on the safety of the component for the mother and fetus, therefore, other medicines are selected for pregnant women, if necessary.
  • Fructose intolerance.
  • Infectious kidney disease in the acute stage, renal failure. In the presence of such diseases, the process of removing ingredients from the body worsens, which can lead to the development of complications.
  • Acute diseases of the stomach or intestines of erosive and ulcerative origin.
  • Internal bleeding.
  • A state of shock, in which a violation of consciousness is possible.
  • Critical decrease in blood pressure indicators.
  • Persistent hypotension.
  • Acute period with myocardial infarction.Telmisartan 40 mg. Instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues

With caution, the agent is prescribed to patients with a history of thyroid pathology.

At what age can the drug be used?

Telmisartan 40 mg (the price of the drug depends on the dose of the active ingredient) and the drug with a higher dosage is prescribed only to patients over 18 years of age.

If children or adolescents require the use of drugs from this group, other medicines with a less aggressive effect on the body are selected.

Instructions for use, dosage

The tablet is taken only orally in a dose prescribed by a specialist. The duration of use is determined individually, depending on the disease. Usually, the medicine is used according to the standard scheme, but for different diseases, the features of therapy may differ.

With diabetes

Diabetes mellitus in patients is often accompanied by increased blood pressure, therefore, antihypertensive drugs are prescribed in combination with the main therapy. A single dosage for a patient is 40 mg, that is, 1 tablet.

They take the medicine at about the same time, 1 time per day. The duration of use depends on the initial condition of the patient and the presence of concomitant abnormalities. The average duration of treatment is 3 weeks, but longer use is possible according to individual indications.

With CHF

Chronic heart failure is often accompanied by an increase in blood pressure, therefore patients can take the drug on an ongoing basis at a minimum effective dosage of 40 mg per day.Telmisartan 40 mg. Instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues

If hypertension is severe, the medication can be used constantly. Often, courses are carried out for 2-4 weeks to normalize the indicators.

With gout

The remedy has no effect on the course of gout, does not help to improve the condition or prevent the progression of the disorder. But if the patient has arterial hypertension, the pills help control indicators and reduce the likelihood of complications.

The dosage for patients is usually 40 mg per day. Sometimes 20 mg is enough to obtain a pronounced therapeutic result, so patients take ½ tablet. The duration of treatment is determined individually, there is no standard recommendation for all patients.

With renal failure

Telmisartan 40 mg (the price of the drug when purchasing a large package is higher) is prescribed when diagnosing renal failure only in the absence of severe manifestations, that is, in a mild form of pathological states.

The tablets are indicated for the purpose of lowering blood pressure indicators and reducing the load on other internal organs. The initial dosage can be 20 mg, but if there is no effect, it can be increased to 40 mg. When treating other patients, it is possible to increase the dose to 80 mg, but patients with renal insufficiency usually do not increase the rate.

Side effects

The drug can provoke negative reactions. Such cases are rare, in most cases they are associated with a violation of instructions or the presence of relative contraindications in the patient for treatment.Telmisartan 40 mg. Instructions for use, price, reviews, analoguesTelmisartan 40 mg. Instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues

Damage area Frequent complications
Nervous system Headache and dizziness are common with treatment. Patients may also notice severe weakness and fainting, impaired coordination of movements. Often, patients develop depressive symptoms, increased irritability, and some other complications
Vessels and heart On the part of the cardiovascular system, complications are manifested in the form of bradycardia, heart rhythm disturbances and a critical decrease in blood pressure. Sometimes patients talk about pain in the region of the heart
Digestive tract The digestive system does not suffer during therapy so often, but patients may be bothered by pain in the stomach, heartburn, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea or persistent constipation. Decreased appetite, indigestion is observed in the presence of pathologies of the digestive system in the anamnesis
Musculoskeletal system Muscle and joint pains are less common during therapy. Usually they are associated with the presence of chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system in the patient. Pain disappears after discontinuation of treatment, but it may be necessary to prescribe special drugs to eliminate them

Allergy to the drug is less common. Sometimes patients have a rash on the skin, irritation, itching and burning. With the spread of symptoms to large areas of the skin, there is an increase in itching, which forces the patient to intensively comb the affected area, provoking new complications.


With the use of a large number of tablets at a time, an overdose may develop.

The condition leads to an aggravation of all symptoms, as well as the appearance of severe complications:

  • Faintness.
  • Hallucinations.
  • Severe weakness and rapid fatigability, decreased performance.
  • Asthma attacks, shortness of breath, aggravated by physical exertion, cough.
  • Severe tachycardia.
  • Critical decrease in blood pressure indicators.
  • Repeated vomiting during the day, upset stool.
  • Pain in the abdomen.Telmisartan 40 mg. Instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues

Overdose can be accompanied by severe allergic manifestations. Intolerable itching of the skin, as well as swelling of the mucous membranes, can be accompanied by lacrimation, allergic rhinitis and other complications.

When these symptoms appear, it is important to stop using the product and visit a doctor. Therapy for patients is selected individually, depending on the manifestations. The drug has no specific antidote, so the treatment regimen is different. Hemodialysis is not effective in the development of an overdose, especially if there is a history of kidney pathologies.

special instructions

Telmisartan 40 mg (the price of the drug differs depending on the region of its distribution) is usually used for a mild form of a pathological condition. An increase in dosage is possible in the absence of an effect.

It is important to drink the tablets with enough water and to observe the time intervals. It is not recommended to independently exceed the dose or prolong the course. If the effect of taking 80 mg of the drug per day is absent, the dose should not be increased. Perhaps a particular patient needs to prescribe another medication with more pronounced properties.

When the drug is discontinued, a gradual reduction in dosage is not required, since the addictive effect does not develop. Despite this, when switching to another remedy, it is important to monitor blood pressure indicators. If the patient has not previously taken medications with such properties, it is important to measure blood pressure values ​​at least 2 times a day for several days in order to note the body's response to the drug.

Drug interactions

You should not use the medication at the same time as drugs with the same properties. This can provoke a critical decrease in blood pressure indicators.

Diuretics increase the hypotensive effect of Telmisartan, which is important to consider before prescribing. Often, when combined with diuretics, the dose of an antihypertensive drug is reduced. Prescribing simultaneously with glucocorticosteroids leads to a weakening of the effectiveness of the tablets.Telmisartan 40 mg. Instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues

The likelihood of developing complications from the kidneys increases in the case of a combination of therapy with the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.


The tool has analogues that can be prescribed in case of impossibility of using the original drug.

Most Popular:

  • Presartan possesses hypotensive properties and has an effect due to the presence of losartan in the substance. The mechanism of action of the drug is somewhat different, but a remedy is prescribed for hypertension of varying severity. An analogue is produced in the form of tablets for oral use, the dosage is determined individually for each patient.
  • Irbesartan possesses hypotensive properties, contains the active ingredient of the same name in the composition. Tablets help to reduce blood pressure, are often prescribed to prevent the development of complications after myocardial infarction, ischemic stroke.
  • Nortivan contains valsartan as the main active substance, is available in tablet form and has pronounced hypotensive properties. Like the original, the medication is prescribed for hypertension, pathologies of the heart and blood vessels of a chronic form. The dose and duration of use is determined individually for each patient.

An analogue should be selected by a therapist or cardiologist, which will reduce the likelihood of complications.

Terms, conditions of sale and storage

Dispensing of funds in pharmacies is carried out according to a certified prescription form from a doctor. The maximum storage period for the product is 3 years.

After the expiration date, it is forbidden to use the tablets. During storage, it is important to avoid moisture and direct sunlight.


The cost of the tablet product ranges from 300-6000 rubles. depending on the number of tablets in the package.

Telmisartan is an antihypertensive drug with pronounced properties, prescribed for the diagnosis of hypertension of varying severity. The patient may be prescribed 80 or 40 mg, depending on the severity of the condition. The price of the drug is affordable with the purchase of a small package, but large boxes of pills are quite expensive.

Video about the drug Telmisartan

Features of the drug Telmisartan:

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