
Red pimples on the hands itch, rashes on the fingers, above the elbow. Causes

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Red pimples on the hands are a sign of numerous diseases and disorders in the human body. They are not only itch, but also accompanied by various clinical symptoms. A person is advised to consult a physician therapist to undergo an examination and a comprehensive examination. A correctly established diagnosis will help you choose the most effective treatment.

Record content:

  • 1 Types of red itchy pimples on the hands, causes and symptoms of rashes
  • 2 Disorders and diseases
  • 3 Treatment
    • 3.1 Hygiene, nutrition
    • 3.2 Medicines
    • 3.3 Physiotherapy
    • 3.4 Traditional methods against red pimples
  • 4 Hand rash video

Types of red itchy pimples on the hands, causes and symptoms of rashes

Red pimples on the hands appear as a result of pathological processes in the human body. A doctor can identify violations or diseases by prescribing an additional examination for the patient.

Given the area of ​​localization of red pimples, a specialist can preliminarily establish a diagnosis:

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On fingers In most cases, a rash on the fingers is an allergic reaction to food or household chemicals.
Near nails Often pimples near the nail plate are the result of the development of dyshidrosis. This is a pathological condition that occurs on its own or against the background of another disease (eczema, allergic reaction). At the site of the lesion, first a rash appears, then bubbles with a transparent exudate, which itch.
On the palms Rashes on the palms are more often the result of hormonal imbalance in the human body. The same goes for severe stress and depression.
Above the elbow Red bumps on the arm above the elbow appear as an allergic reaction. It can also be follicular keratosis (excessive keratinization of the epidermis), disruption of the internal organs.

Weak immunity cannot resist infectious diseases, as a result of which red pimples may also appear on the hands. It is necessary to visit a physician or dermatologist to establish an accurate diagnosis. Incorrectly selected therapy will lead to unpleasant consequences.

Disorders and diseases

A physician therapist will help to determine the disease or disorders in the human body. If necessary, the patient may need advice from other specialized specialists, taking into account the results obtained after a comprehensive diagnosis and accompanying symptoms (allergist, dermatologist, psychotherapist, infectious disease specialist, gastroenterologist).

Red pimples on the hands itch and become inflamed as a result of the following diseases:Red pimples on the hands itch, on the fingers, above the elbow. Causes

Name Causes Clinical signs
Improper hygiene A common cause of rashes on the hands, especially in children who do not observe hygiene. The infection penetrates into the deep layers of the skin and provokes an inflammatory process. Purulent inflammatory pimples form on the hands
Avitaminosis Vitamins are involved in most metabolic processes. Therefore, their deficiency can lead to the appearance of red pimples on the hands.
  • small red pimples on the hands or forearm;
  • thick rashes in the area of ​​the hands.
Psychological problems Emotional stress and prolonged stress negatively affect the functioning of the entire human body. Rash on the body is red
Allergic reactions A pathological condition can be provoked by food, animal hair, household chemicals, weather conditions.
  • watery pimples;
  • crust if the rash is combed;
  • inflammation when exposed to infection.
Eczema A frequent cause of a pathological condition is a strong emotional overstrain, as well as a deficiency of vitamins and minerals. The same goes for malnutrition and hormonal imbalances.
  • severe itching on the hands;
  • red bumps appear;
  • pustules are formed.
Infectious diseases It can be measles, rubella, chickenpox.
  • skin rashes all over the body;
  • increased body temperature.
Parasitic lesions Red bumps on the hands are often the result of a scabies mite infection. The parasite is transmitted through close contact with a sick person.
  • watery pimples on the fingers;
  • itching that gets worse at night;
  • gray or pink stripes on the hands (scabies);
  • the skin dries up and flakes;
  • signs of secondary infection (pustules, redness, bloody crusts).
Diseases of the internal organs Red rashes on the body are accompanied by hormonal disorders. The sebaceous glands of the skin become clogged and vesicles appear. The same goes for diseases of the digestive system.
  • red rashes on the hands;
  • indigestion;
  • violation of the stool.
Red pimples on the hands itch, on the fingers, above the elbow. Causes

Many hereditary diseases are also accompanied by skin rashes, from which it is impossible to get rid of, only to alleviate a person's condition with timely and correctly selected therapy.


Red pimples on the hands, given the provoking factor, must be treated with complex methods. The treatment regimen is selected by the attending physician, guided by the results of the examination and the individual characteristics of the patient's body.

The patient is prescribed medications, in the absence of contraindications, prescriptions of healers and healers can be used if the rash itches a lot. Complex therapy also provides for proper nutrition and visits by patients to physiotherapy procedures.

Hygiene, nutrition

The fight against red pimples on the hands in some situations is limited by the observance of simple rules of hygiene and diet.

It is enough to remember and follow the following recommendations of specialists:

  • Take a shower or bath every day for 10-15 minutes.
  • Use special cosmetic and hygiene products that contain the most gentle ingredients.
  • Wet hands with red pimples should not be rubbed strongly with a towel. It is necessary to blot them with dry napkins.
  • It is important to completely abandon bad habits (alcohol abuse, tobacco products).
  • Protect hands from contact with chemicals using special gloves.
  • Stressful situations must be avoided.
    Red pimples on the hands itch, on the fingers, above the elbow. Causes
    Red bumps on the hands are often caused by hives

It is important to engage in strengthening the immune system in order to increase the body's resistance. It is recommended to wear clothes made from natural materials. Synthetics promotes the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms due to increased sweating.

Treatment of red pimples on the hands involves adherence to a certain diet:

Featured Products Prohibited foods
  • fruits and vegetables
  • low-fat fish and meat
  • rice and oatmeal
  • natural fresh juices
  • fat-free fermented milk products
  • buckwheat, rice and cornbreads
  • fatty, fried and spicy foods
  • alcoholic and sweet carbonated drinks
  • strong tea, coffee
  • smoked products
  • spices and herbs
  • flour and sweet foods

All dishes must be steamed, stewed, boiled. It is also important to increase fluid intake to enhance the elimination of toxins from the patient's body.


Medicines are selected based on research results after an accurate diagnosis has been made. It is important to adhere strictly to the treatment regimen to prevent complications and side effects. It is not recommended to take medications on your own, since you can aggravate your health condition.

Red pimples on the hands itch often with allergies.

The following medications will help to cope with unpleasant symptoms:

Red pimples on the hands itch, on the fingers, above the elbow. Causes
The list of the best ointments for dermatitis and skin diseases includes the drug "Advantan".
Drug group Name Application
Gels, topical creams Advantan, Diprospan Antibacterial and hormonal ointments are used to reduce inflammation and itching. The medicine is applied to the area of ​​the rash once a day. The course of treatment lasts a maximum of 12 weeks.
Antiseptic Fukortsin, Argosulfan The funds are used to treat the affected area. Apply with a cotton swab or stick 2-4 times a day. After the antiseptic has dried, a cream can be applied to the treated area.
Antibacterial drugs Erythromycin, Azithromycin It is recommended to take the medicine on an empty stomach, swallowing the tablet whole and drinking plenty of water. The recommended dosage for an adult patient is 0.5 g 2-4 times a day. The course of treatment lasts 10-14 days.
Antihistamines Claritin, Suprastin The medicine is taken orally 1 tablet once a day.
Antifungal agents Clotrimazole, Exoderil Antifungal drugs are usually prescribed externally. It is recommended to treat the affected skin areas 2-3 times a day for 2-4 weeks.
Red pimples on the hands itch, on the fingers, above the elbow. Causes
Claritin tablets

Additionally, patients are prescribed vitamins A and E, they are necessary to increase the body's defenses, significantly improving the condition of the skin.


In complex therapy, when skin rashes appear, the attending physician prescribes physiotherapeutic treatment, in the absence of serious contraindications:

Name Description
Ultraviolet irradiation (UFO) The effect on the skin is carried out by short ultraviolet waves, which have a bactericidal effect.
Ozone therapy The physiotherapeutic procedure slows down the development and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms, due to which the process of regeneration of damaged tissues is enhanced.
Vaporization Steam is used to cleanse the skin during the procedure.
Magnetic therapy The magnetic field reduces inflammation and improves blood circulation in tissues.

Physiotherapy procedures help not only eliminate rashes on the body, but also improve blood circulation in the affected area. The skin is cleansed.

Traditional methods against red pimples

Prescriptions of healers and healers also help to cope with red pimples on the skin, but they should be used in complex treatment and after consultation with your doctor. The components of traditional medicine used can provoke an individual sensitivity or an allergic reaction.

Red pimples on the hands itch for various reasons, from which the following effective remedies will help:Red pimples on the hands itch, on the fingers, above the elbow. Causes

Name Recipe Application
Herbal collection Mix in equal parts chamomile, yarrow, nettle (100 g each). Pour all the components with boiling water (500 ml). Insist and strain. The finished broth is used for baths.
Calendula Pour fresh plant with warm water and put in a water bath. Heat for 10-20 minutes. Cool, strain and dilute with water in proportions 1: 2. The finished product is recommended to be consumed inside 0.5 tbsp. 3 times a day. A concentrated solution can be used to lubricate places where red skin rashes have appeared.
Celandine Grind the fresh leaves of the plant and squeeze the juice through cheesecloth. Mix it with water in proportions 1: 6. It is recommended to lubricate rashes on the body with a ready-made solution 1-2 times a day.

Inflammatory lesions can also be lubricated with aloe or potatoes, making cakes from it. Kalina has an anti-allergic effect, cleansing the skin from rashes. It is also recommended to lubricate red pimples on the skin 2-3 times a day with salicylic acid. It dries out the skin and slows down the reproduction of pathogenic flora.

Red pimples on the hands can indicate the development of a serious pathology, especially if they itch at the same time. It is necessary to go to the hospital and undergo an examination, according to the results of which the attending physician will select the most effective and safe treatment. You cannot engage in therapy on your own, since there is a high likelihood of serious complications.

Hand rash video

About red spots and pimples on the hands:

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