Food Poisoning

Poisoning by fish: symptoms and treatment, what to do?

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1 Probable Risks of

There are many varieties of fish whose tissues contain parasites. To destroy these creatures, the product must undergo thorough heat treatment( or freezing).It happens that microbes living in the body of fish penetrate the human body and "settle" in organs and tissues. There is a multiplication of microbes, resulting in poisoning. In no event should you use a product that has expired. It should be noted that canned fish can also cause poisoning. In some cases, it leads to botulism, salmonellosis.

2 Dangerous infectious diseases

Botulism is a deadly disease. The causative agent of pathology belongs to the category of Clostridia - these bacteria live in the body of animals and fish. Quite often they fall into the soil. Botulism can arise from the consumption of stale fish, as well as meat. To not get sick, you need to carefully check the mushrooms that are meant for eating. The disease is characterized by anxious symptoms: first the patient appears diarrhea, while he does not have bloody impurities. Further, the temperature rises, there is pain in the abdomen.

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We recommend that you familiarize yourself with

  • Symptoms of salmonellosis
  • Symptoms and treatment of food poisoning
  • Reasons for the appearance and treatment of food poisoning in an adult
  • Effective agent for gastritis and stomach ulcer

Botulism leads to impaired visual function. A person has a veil before his eyes, there can be a double vision in the organs of vision. In addition to these symptoms, speech is broken, weakness is manifested, dryness is felt in the mouth. If one of these symptoms is detected, it is urgent to call an ambulance. The patient will be taken to the inpatient department. If you do not provide timely medical assistance, the symptoms will start to build up, as a result, muscle weakness will appear. It is this condition that leads to death. Death occurs because the muscle of the respiratory system is paralyzed.

Botulism is treated in the infectious disease department. First of all, the doctor needs to cleanse the body and rinse the patient's stomach. It is mandatory to introduce anti-botulinum serum, which helps to neutralize toxins. It is required to remember that botulism can develop many times. In order not to fall ill, you need to carefully select products. It is important to observe the sanitary norms when preparing food.

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Salmonella is no less dangerous. The disease is characterized by the development of an intestinal infection, which is often transmitted with food. Salmonella is caused by microbes belonging to the category of salmonella. They can live for months in the external environment. Poisoning occurs when low-quality milk, meat, fish are used. Salmonella can live in salty, smoked, frozen food. Microbes enter the body within a day. Symptoms manifest themselves in different ways, depending on the individual characteristics of the organism. Bacteria secrete toxins and affect the walls of the intestine. The ailment is accompanied by fever, general weakness, malaise, headache, nausea, vomiting, pain in the abdomen.

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An indication of the disease may be diarrhea( watery stools).If the disease goes badly, dehydration of the body occurs, the liver and spleen increase in size. The danger of salmonella is that it can lead to kidney failure. If the disease is treated correctly, the alarming symptoms disappear after 9-12 days. It is also necessary to know that salmonellosis can give a complication in the form of peritonitis, and this ailment is extremely dangerous for life. Treatment involves the use of antibiotics, solutions to restore stool, antitoxic drugs, drugs to normalize the intestinal microflora.

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3 Types of lesions

There are only two of them: cholera-like and paralytic. It is necessary to consider the first. Basically, cholera-like poisoning happens when using red fish. In general, it can occur when using different fish products with poisons. As you know, the fish of the salmon family is expensive, but our compatriots like it very much. Such species for a period of life accumulate a huge number of microbes.

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If the fish does not undergo a thorough treatment, it will cause irreparable harm to the human body. Symptoms of fish poisoning are dangerous for life: they require emergency care. Cholera-like poisoning is manifested by sharp pains in the stomach and stomach, a person may have colic in the intestine. This type of pathology is characterized by nausea, profuse vomiting, diarrhea, a feeling of thirst, muscle spasm. Some people have panic fear.

Paralytic fish poisoning is also common. It comes because of the fact that people eat poorly salted or spoiled fish. When smoking a product, you must adhere to certain rules, so you can avoid infection. Heat treatment is extremely important, but it can not give an absolute guarantee that a person will not become infected.


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Paralytic fish poisoning is similar to cholera-like. The infected person experiences nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, a feeling of constant thirst. Against the background of diarrhea, dehydration of the body occurs. When paralytic poisoning requires first aid: if it is not rendered, the respiratory organs will be affected. You should know that smoked fish contains a lot of poisons, they affect different organs and systems. In particularly severe cases, paralytic poisoning leads to a fatal outcome. Poisoning by fish is always dangerous: the symptoms manifest themselves clearly, in no case should they be ignored!

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4 Poisoning fugue

Sometimes it is impossible to treat the treatment, for example, in cases where a person ate a fish from the Blowfish family. The most common of these is the fugue. Intoxication occurs due to the use of the liver, eggs, milk of the animal. After 30 minutes, fish poisoning occurs. At first, the oral cavity becomes numb( fugu poisons very quickly spread through the body, as a result, the entire gastrointestinal tract is affected).


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Then there is a vomitive reflex. Intoxication of the body often leads to death. Severe poisoning is accompanied by paralysis of the limbs, in addition to this, the respiratory system is affected. Then the limbs grow numb. It is urgent to call an ambulance, otherwise a person will become worse and a serious condition will lead to a fatal outcome. It is important in time to see a doctor, regardless of the type of poisoning. If there is a shortage of water or air, thirst, intense pain in the stomach, you should immediately call an ambulance.

5 First aid and treatment of

It is important to provide first aid to the victim. You need to make it vomit. After that, a person should drink 2 glasses of clean water, then a laxative. When fish poisoning is often used aniseed vodka for rubbing the limbs. If you do not have one, you can use alcohol. With the help of potassium permanganate, diluted in water, you can induce vomiting.

Do not forget that poisoning is dangerous to health. If the cause of intoxication has become fish, long treatment in the hospital is necessary. When the stomach clears, a rash will appear on the skin like a hives. Treatment is compulsory supplemented by diet. It is necessary to eat only fresh food. It is necessary to enrich the diet with vegetable food, to abandon the animal protein. In any case, it is undesirable to have a stale fish: it leads to very dangerous conditions. And we must not forget that you can poison yourself with fresh, dried, smoked, salted fish. It is important to monitor the quality of foods that are eaten.

  • 1 Possible risks
  • 2 Dangerous infectious diseases
  • 3 Types of lesions
  • 4 Poisoning fugue
  • 5 First aid and treatment

It is extremely dangerous when using seafood is poisoning: the symptoms and treatment, if the fish was stale, depend on its nature. Use this product with caution. When buying fish should pay attention to the expiration date, storage conditions. If you do not take this rule into account, you can get poisoned. Pathology caused by fish requires long-term treatment in the hospital. If you do not give the patient first aid, a fatal outcome is possible.

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Food Poisoning

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