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Scoliosis. Treatment at home - effective exercises, drugs, best methods!

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Home treatment for scoliosis even the easiest degree is best to start only after consulting a doctor. Usually doctors do not object to home measures if they supplement the basic treatment and do not harm the patient.

Even home treatment is best done with the consent of the doctor

Even home treatment is best done with the consent of the doctor

. Note that self-therapy is an important, but not always the most effective method of getting rid of scoliosis. There are many cases( structural features of the skeleton, etc.), when only surgical intervention is shown. With an early detection of curvature of the spine, the chances of favorable results of self-therapy increase significantly.

Identification of a scoliosis by a doctor

Scoliosis by the doctor

Treatment of scoliosis at home is a combination of several components: special physical education, self-massage, folk remedies. Also, home methods of correction of scoliosis include a special way of life, including proper nutrition, regular and feasible physical activity, constant self-control for their posture.

Scoliosis. Home Treatment

Scoliosis. Treatment at home

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We will analyze all the components of self-treatment separately.

Content of material

  • 1 Pros and cons of home treatment for scoliosis
  • 2 Exercise complexes for scoliosis
      • 2.0.1 Basic principles of home gymnastics:
  • 3 Examples of exercises
    • 3.1 Stretching
    • 3.2 For strengthening of the spinal muscles
    • 3.3 Asymmetric exercises
  • 4 Treatment of folkways of home
  • 5 Breathing exercises
  • 6 Corset
  • 7 Massage
    • 7.1 Video - How to do massage with scoliosis disease
  • 8 Lifestyle
      • 8.0.1 Video - Training of the mouseback in scoliosis
      • 8.0.2 Video - The treatment of scoliosis folk remedies

Pros and cons of home treatment of scoliosis

When choosing a home methods of combating the disease, you certainly save a lot of time. However, be prepared for the fact that you will have to independently control the regularity and timeliness of the exercises, which is not as easy as it might seem at first glance.

In home treatment, the frequency and accuracy of compliance with prescribed recommendations is important

The periodicity and accuracy of compliance with the prescribed recommendations is important in home treatment.

. Exercise complexes for scoliosis.

. Physical activity to strengthen the back muscles is the main treatment recommended for stage 1 and 2 disease. Complexes of special exercises designed for patients with scoliosis can be performed at home."Charge" will be a doctor, or you can pick up for yourself exercises using video lessons that you can see here. To treat a sick back it is recommended by turns, twisting, inclinations and an extension. If you have any pain during training, then you are doing the exercises incorrectly.

LFK in scoliosis should be moderately intensive

LFK in scoliosis should be moderately intensive

Complex of exercise therapy in scoliosis

Complex LFK in scoliosis

Basic principles of home exercise:

  • regularity. Doing approaches need not from time to time, but every day;
  • feasibility. To make lfk-complexes costs exclusively at normal state of health;
  • self-monitoring. Carry out each movement 5-15 times, in several approaches. Try to master the complex without hurrying, and not peretruzhdaya patient spine and the surrounding muscles.
Exercises for scoliosis

Exercises for scoliosis

LFK helps:

  • develop intervertebral cartilages and adjacent ligaments and articular bags;
  • reduce the tension of the back muscles;
  • build muscle strength, make them more elastic;
  • to tone the whole body.
Physiotherapy is a method by which for many years successfully treated diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Physiotherapy is a method by which for many years successfully treating diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Remember that exercises lasting only for 15-20 minutes will have a pronounced positive effect only on condition that during the rest of the day and night youwill ensure that your spine is in the right position. The formation of a normal muscular frame will guarantee the health of your entire back.

LFK in scoliosis should be selected in individual and group sessions under the supervision of an instructor

LFK in scoliosis should be selected in individual and group sessions under the supervision of the instructor

Examples of exercises

For stretching

  1. Circles in both directions in a standing position.
    Pelvic Circles

    Circles with the basin

  2. Feet on shoulder width. Do the inclinations forward - hands in front of you, caving in the lower back.
    Slopes forward

    Slopes forward

  3. You can engage in standing and sitting. Straighten your shoulders, and clasp your hands at eye level. The head should be pulled upwards, trying to look above the palms. After stretching the neck up, start turning left and right 90 degrees.
    Torso rotations

    Torso rotations

  4. Keep the body level. Turn your head from left to right and back first slowly, then faster. The neck should be as relaxed as possible. Watch for the amplitude of movements, slowly increasing the tempo.
    Turns of the head

    Head rotations

  5. Do not drop your head quickly, keeping your back as straight as possible. Then lower your head to your chest.10 repetitions.
    Head inclinations

    Head inclinations

  6. Pick up each shoulder to the ear. Head the slopes towards the shoulder that is lowered. You need to try to gradually lower your head deeper.
    Shoulder Exercise

    Shoulder lift exercise

  7. Put your hands in front of you in a ring and round your back, stretching your shoulder blades. Then tilt your head back and spread your arms out, arching your spine. Make sure that the pelvis remains in place.
  8. Fix the pelvis. Take your shoulders back as far as possible, and then forward, trying to bend your spine.
    Backward slopes

    Tilting back

  9. From a sitting position on an exhalation, tilt to the knees. Then bend back.
  10. Position - on all fours. Try to sit on your heels, without moving your hands. Then return to the starting position. Repeat up to 5 times.
    Exercise on Chapyrene

    Exercise on all fours

  11. Stand on your knees and arms, arch and bend your back. First slowly, then speeding up the pace. For one approach, 5 repetitions.
    Flexibility exercises

    Flexibility exercises

  12. Lying on your back, simultaneously pull the socks on yourself and try to reach your chest with your chin. Duration of fixing - up to 30 seconds.3 repetitions per approach.

For strengthening the dorsal muscles

  1. Lying on the back. Knees are bent, feet stand on the floor. Raise the pelvis for 30 seconds. Repeat 6 times.
    We raise the pelvis

    Raise the

  2. pelvis Lying on your back. Perform for 30 seconds, with respites between exercises, - alternate lifting of the legs, "bicycle", circles or eight with two legs in the air.
    A bike


  3. Lying on the stomach. At the same time raise your arms and legs, keep on weight for at least 30 seconds.
    Exercises lying on the stomach

    Exercises lying on stomach

  4. Lying on stomach. Makhi straight legs back: 10 each leg.
    Makhi feet

    Mahi with legs

Asymmetric exercises

  1. Perform standing, feet shoulder width apart. In turn, raise one arm and half the body of the body, the second hand is stretched along the body.
  2. Standing, make out of the arm raised up and the diverted leg diagonal. You need to lift the arm from the side of the body where the spine is concave.
  3. Same leg as in the previous exercise, take it aside, put your hands behind your head and dilate your elbows, while arching your spine.
  4. Lying on your back with arms stretched out along the body, bend your knee 90 degrees. Rest in the knee with your hands and, resisting, try to bring it to your stomach.6 repetitions.
Complex of exercises in scoliosis

Scoliosis exercises complex

Exercises for scoliosis

Scoliosis exercises

Treatment by folk methods at home

Folk treatment in the case of patients with scoliosis involves improving the quality of life and getting rid of pain, but does not affect the position of the spine. Warm saline warmers, ozokerite application, baths and compresses help to reduce pain.

  1. For painkilling compresses, use dandelion infusion.(Three hundred grams of dried dandelion roots per 400 ml of alcohol.) 7-10 days, stirring occasionally, gauze is dipped in a mixture of 3 tablespoons infusion diluted with a spoonful of warm water and applied to a painful place for the night).
    Infusion of a dandelion

    Dandelion Infusion

  2. Chopped aloe or Kalanchoe leaves mixed with a spoon of honey and alcohol. The composition is applied to gauze and make a night compress for the back. According to the same scheme, lotions with a chestnut are performed.
  3. Aloe with honey

    Aloe with honey

  4. Starch compress with horseradish: grated raw potatoes mixed with horseradish root and apply a bandage on your back for an hour and a half, until burning occurs.
    Grated horseradish root

    Grated horseradish root

  5. Pine baths will help to get rid of unpleasant sensations and speed up the healing process. To do this, the chopped pine branches are boiled in a bucket of water, insisted for 3 hours and filtered, and then added to water.
    Bath with natural needles

    Bath with natural needles

  6. A salt compress prepared from a tablespoon of salt and a glass of boiling water is used until the dressing has cooled. Then the place of the compress is smeared with menovazine.
    Menovasin solution for external use alcohol photo

    Menovasin solution for external use of alcohol photo

  7. Warm rye cakes mixed with turpentine, perfectly serve as a warmer.
    Rye scones

    Flattened rye

Respiratory exercises

The therapeutic effect helps to achieve breathing practices. The point is to learn to relax at the inspiration-exhalation is exactly the back department, where there are problems.

Therapeutic breathing exercises

Therapeutic respiratory gymnastics


The doctor wears a corset. The corset, which helps to normalize the muscles of the back and the position of the spine, is always selected for a specific patient. The time of wearing this orthopedic construction increases gradually.


Children's corset for scoliosis

Rules for using corsets

  1. Calling a doctor for choosing a corset, periodic monitoring of the back of the doctor for the timely abolition of wearing a corset.
  2. Combination with other treatments.
  3. A layer of cotton under the corset.
  4. Gradualness and patience: at first the corset can rub. Do not hurry to abandon it. Over time, the body will get used to the inconveniences.
Corset fitting

Corset dressing

Corsets for scoliosis

Corsets for scoliosis


Scoliosis shows a special therapeutic massage, which you can master yourself. Not more than 4-5 courses of reflex massage a year are allowed. Duration of the course is within 20 lessons.



Massage involves working with the leg and thigh muscles, then with the muscles of the abdomen and back. The basic technique is strengthening of weakened muscles and relaxation being in tension. The type of massage is chosen by the doctor. Home massage can reduce tension in the muscles, reduce the radius of the arc of curvature, relieve pain and tone the muscle corset.

Massage with scoliosis

Massage with scoliosis

Master of children

Master of children's massage

In addition to back massage in scoliosis, foot massage is recommended, which has a beneficial effect on the patient's well-being and due to the impact on the bundles of nerve endings, which substantially increases the intake of nutrients, vitamins and macronutrients into all organs of the body. Another task of reflexology, which includes foot massage, is the neutralization of pain in the back, which positively affects the posture.

Foot massage

Foot massage

Video - How to do massage with scoliosis disease


When diagnosing scoliosis it is extremely important to think about the causes that caused this disease. Do you want to improve the situation with the patient with a back? Start with a lifestyle change. Hardening in combination with natural physical exercises: ball games, walking on skis, swimming contribute to the stabilization of the muscles of the back.

Swimming with scoliosis

Swimming with scoliosis

When scoliosis is not recommended to actively jump, engage in acrobatics and gymnastics, perform exercises that stretch the back and give the spine unnecessary tension.

For classes recommended cyclic sports that give a "symmetrical" load on the muscles. Floating allows to relieve the spine, while the load increases the endurance of the muscles of the back, beneficially affecting the respiratory and cardiovascular systems of the body. Begin training swimmers with scoliosis( only if there are no problems in the cervical department), should be with the brass, since in this style the load on the muscles of the back is minimal.

Swimming breaststroke

Swimming breaststroke

The best assistants in the fight for the health of the spine - a balanced diet, in which proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals are balanced;sports activity;general strengthening measures;control of the whole organism.

Proper nutrition

Proper nutrition

Compliance with the doctor's recommendations, sparing for the spine;sleep on an orthopedic mattress or a hard bed with a small pillow;bag-pack, distributing the load on both shoulders;comfortable working chair, nat.exercises and always the correct posture - the indispensable conditions for getting rid of scoliosis.

Optimum stiffness of the mattress

Correct posture

Video - Back muscles training in scoliosis

Video - Treatment of scoliosis with folk remedies

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