Thyroid Disease

Autoimmune thyroiditis in a child

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The diagnosis of hormonal imbalance in children in recent years has become quite common. Most often endocrinological disorder is expressed in the form of autoimmune thyroiditis. The danger of such a disease is that it is very difficult to detect a problem in a timely manner.

Autoimmune thyroiditis in a child

The asymptomatic course of the disease leads to the gradual destruction of thyroid cells. As a result, the child's body begins to experience an acute shortage of hormones, which leads to a disruption in the development of all organs. As a consequence, autoimmune thyroiditis in children necessitates lifelong replacement therapy.

Where does the disease come from?

The parents of the child should pay special attention to the issue of disruption in the endocrine system. Because of the secrecy of the clinical picture, this disease will not manifest itself until the moment when the situation becomes threatening.

Autoimmune thyroiditis can not occur due to the patient's fault. As a result of long studies of such a problem, scientists have found that the disease appears most often in those children who have a hereditary predisposition. To provoke the appearance of hormonal failure can be various stressful situations of both emotional and physiological nature.

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The dependence of the disease on sex and age is also observed. For example, boys suffer from this problem much less often than girls. Provocators of endocrine disruption may be various infectious and viral diseases. An unfavorable factor will also be the poor ecological situation in the region of residence.

With weakened immunity, any negative effect on the body can be dangerous. If a child has a genetic predisposition to such disorders, even slight stress can trigger autoimmune processes, as a result of which the body will begin unintentionally destroying healthy cells, mistaking them for "enemies."

Autoimmune thyroiditis in a child

The first symptoms of the disease

With a hereditary predisposition to hormonal diseases, moms and dads should closely watch any anxious symptoms that can manifest themselves through the behavior of the child. Excessive caution will guarantee that the disease will be diagnosed at an early stage, and the failure of the hormonal background will not cause irreparable damage to a weak body.

With a belated reaction from parents and doctors, the lack of thyroid hormones can provoke irreversible processes, for the treatment of which lifelong replacement therapy is required. In children, the initial degree of the disease is characterized by inflammatory processes in the tissues of the thyroid gland. There is a gradual destruction of follicles, which are responsible for the synthesis and storage of thyroid hormones.

The main visible symptoms of autoimmune thyroiditis are physiological changes in the neck. Excessive enlargement of the thyroid gland and the formation of goiter result in a cosmetic defect. In addition to the visible symptoms of the disease, the results of the diagnostic study will tell:

  • a change in the structure of the thyroid gland;
  • appearance in the body of antibodies to thyroglobulin;
  • diagnosis of hypothyroidism;
  • increased blood flow and changes in vascular patterns;
  • impaired peripheral hormone production.

If the child has at least one of the above signs, then the endocrinologist should give an immediate referral for a follow-up examination in order to clarify the diagnosis.

Autoimmune thyroiditis in a child

At a more serious stage of the disease, a child may feel difficulty breathing and painful swallowing.

Diagnosis of autoimmune thyroiditis

Diagnostic procedures begin with a study of the clinical picture and the history of the disease. In the general analysis of blood, there is a decrease in leukocytes and a sharp jump in the level of lymphocytes. Also, when hyperthyroidism develops, a high concentration of thyroid hormone will be present in the blood. With a decrease in thyroid function, the TSH will decrease, but the growth of thyrotropin is possible.

In addition to laboratory blood tests, endocrinologists study the child's immunogram. This method allows to determine the presence of antibodies that are directed against thyroid hormones. These specific markers will indicate the presence of an autoimmune failure. In addition, within the framework of laboratory studies, diagnostics of hormones T3 and T4 is carried out.

Despite the fact that doctors carefully study the results of blood tests, such information is not enough to confirm an accurate diagnosis. In this regard, endocrinologists resort to additional instrumental diagnosis.

Instrumental diagnosis of the disease

Instrumental diagnosis plays an important role in confirming an accurate diagnosis. The following procedures can be included in the complex of such a survey:

  • Ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland. This method is designed to determine the exact size of the organ. Also during the examination, the tissues of the diseased organ are checked for the detection of seals and knots.
  • Biopsy of the thyroid gland. At the heart of this procedure is a fence with the help of a thin needle of the internal tissues of the gland. In the presence of autoimmune thyroiditis, this method will reveal an increase in lymphocytes and other characteristic cells. This method is most often used for suspected malignant nodal formation.
  • Sonography is very similar to ultrasound. This procedure also confirms the size of the organ and the presence of pathology in the tissues.

Together, instrumental diagnostics confirms a previously diagnosed diagnosis and allows to determine the exact stage of the disease development.

Tactics of treatment

In modern medicine, there are no medications with which you could directly affect the proper production of hormones, so treatment tactics have to be built using symptomatic means. If a child has an autoimmune thyroiditis accompanied by hypothyroidism, then it makes sense to use hormone replacement therapy in combination with iodine drugs.

Autoimmune thyroiditis in a child

Often the exacerbation of the disease occurs in the autumn-winter period. In this period of time, the thyroid gland activity is quite often observed. To reduce the hormonal level endocrinologists prescribe tirostatiki( Tiamazol, Mercazolil).To reduce the production of antibodies, anti-inflammatory drugs are used( Voltaren, Indomethacin).

As part of the adjuvant therapy, a doctor can be prescribed drugs that can correct the state of the immune system. Also, with complex therapy, you need a proper intake of vitamins and diet food.

In extreme cases, the patient may need surgery. Such a measure may be required:

  • if the thyroid gland squeezes the larynx quite severely, and the child experiences difficulty in eating;
  • for suspected oncology.

However, this phenomenon is rare and is typical for older people.

Alternative methods of treatment with folk remedies

Traditional medicamentous therapy of thyroid thyroiditis can be combined with folk remedies. The intake of herbal preparations will have a beneficial effect on the immune system and help get rid of some unpleasant symptoms.

The most effective in the treatment of the thyroid gland are the following herbal remedies:

  • The tincture of walnuts is known as a reliable supplier of iodine. To maintain the required level of this microelement, one tablespoon of this herbal preparation is enough. Take the tincture you need every morning before eating.
  • To restore the function of the thyroid gland is very useful sea kale. For preventive purposes, dry raw materials can be added to almost all daily meals.
  • In autoimmune disorders, tincture of celandine helps well. The grass is insisted for two weeks on vodka. The drug is taken from two drops dissolved in 25 ml of water. Daily dose increases twice. The maximum concentration of tincture should not exceed 40 drops.
  • In the treatment of immunity, an important role is played by various freshly squeezed juices. And not only fruit, but also vegetable. This medicine has its own advantage, because it is very popular with children.

Autoimmune thyroiditis in a child

What causes the delayed treatment of

Children who are diagnosed with autoimmune thyroiditis, in the absence of substitution therapy, lag far behind their peers in development. The slowing down of metabolic processes throughout the body leads to the fact that it becomes difficult for the child to cope with his daily duties. Against the background of an autoimmune disease, hypothyroidism often develops, which is accompanied by the appearance of colloidal nodes. Also, in some neglected cases, thyroiditis can provoke a disruption in the cardiovascular system, and the occurrence of ischemic disease is not excluded.

Weakened immunity does not cope well with various bacteria, viruses and infections, as a result the child starts to get sick often.

It is easy to guess that all these negative symptoms require immediate professional treatment. At the decision of a problem of an autoimmune failure in no event it is impossible to be engaged in a selftreatment. Otherwise, the situation can only worsen.

Patient follow-up and preventive measures

If a child is diagnosed with an autoimmune thyroiditis, then such a patient falls under the close supervision of doctors. Within the framework of clinical observation, the examination of the hormonal background in children should be carried out twice a year. Also, small patients will have to undergo ultrasound examination every six months.

To prevent the recurrence of the disease, it is necessary to increase the protective functions of the body. In this case, the child should eat properly, take vitamins, play sports and avoid stressful situations.

Strict parental control is the most effective preventive measure. Timely prevention of the development of the disease will help to cope with an unpleasant problem more quickly.

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