Diseases Of The Musculoskeletal System

Exercises for the hip joints with coxarthrosis, arthrosis, pain according to Bubnovsky, Evdokimenko at home. Video

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Exercises for hip joint therapy are part of physiotherapy exercises that help restore full mobility of the lower limb, prevent inflammatory fusion of cartilage and bone tissue. The most popular and effective techniques for performing exercises for the hip joints, developed by doctors Evdokimenko and Bubnovsky.

Record content:

  • 1 Essence and basic principles
  • 2 Indications for the beginning of use
  • 3 Contraindications for use
  • 4 Helpful advice for patients
  • 5 Main complex
    • 5.1 Exercise number 1
    • 5.2 Exercise number 2
    • 5.3 Exercise number 3
    • 5.4 Exercise number 4
    • 5.5 Exercise number 5
    • 5.6 Exercise number 6.
    • 5.7 Exercise number 7
  • 6 Fixing the result
  • 7 When to expect the effect
  • 8 Video about therapeutic exercises for the hip joint

Essence and basic principles

Exercises for the restoration of the hip joints are used as part of the complex therapy of coxarthrosis, arthritis and other pathologies of this part of the musculoskeletal system.

Doctors Bubnovsky and Evdokimenko have developed their own therapeutic gymnastics programs, which are aimed at a gradual restoration of mobility of the lower limb, prevention of the inflammatory process and further destruction of the bone, as well as connective tissue. The table below details the basic principles of doing hip exercises.

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Basic principles The essence of performing remedial gymnastics according to the method of Dr. Evdokimenko and Bubnovsky
Smooth and unhurried movements All exercises for the hip joints should be performed as slowly as possible and without sudden movements. The goal of remedial gymnastics is to restore the full mobility of the musculoskeletal system, and not to provoke another injury and aggravate the state of health. If the implementation of a therapeutic exercise involves raising the legs or trunk, then the flexion of the diseased hip joints should be smooth. The return to the starting position is also carried out slowly.
Pre-warm-up Before proceeding with the therapy of the musculoskeletal system, using the methods of Dr. Bubnovsky or Evdokimenko, it is necessary to thoroughly warm up the tissues of the diseased joint. The most optimal way is to warm up the lower limb using circular massage movements. When the tissues of the hip joint are saturated with enough blood, become hot and prepared for stress, you can begin to perform therapeutic exercises.Exercises for the hip joints with coxarthrosis, arthrosis, pain according to Bubnovsky, Evdokimenko. Video
Eliminate static load The therapeutic methods of Dr. Evdokimenko and Bubnovsky exclude the use of physical exercises that involve static or dynamic loading. In the process of lifting or bending the lower limb, its retention in a tense state cannot be longer than 1-2 s. After that, the muscles immediately relax, and the patient's legs or torso return to their original position. Swings or any other amplitude movements are excluded, providing for the creation of a dynamic load on the area of ​​the diseased joint. Almost all exercises are performed in the supine position so that the diseased part of the lower limb and pelvis are in a relaxed state.
A complex approach The implementation of therapeutic exercises for the hip joints should be combined with medical treatment, physiotherapy, and spa recovery. Gymnastics according to the methods of Dr. Bubnovsky and Evdokimenko is indicated for use in combination with swimming. A person suffering from diseases of the hip joints performs therapeutic exercises 3 times a week, and 2 times in 7 days visits the pool, goes to the river or swims in the sea. In this case, the performance of the joints is restored much faster.
Good nutrition The diet of a person suffering from coxarthrosis or arthritis of the hip joints should be balanced, contain fermented milk products, meat, butter, hard cheese, cottage cheese, ocean fish, chicken eggs. The implementation of therapeutic exercises is aimed at strengthening the connective and bone tissue of the joints, which is impossible without adequate nutrition.
Drinking plenty of fluids To maintain and maintain the health of the hip joints, it is necessary to monitor the balance of fluid in the body. During exercise, as well as throughout the day, you should drink enough water. On average, the patient's body should receive at least 2 liters of fluid per day.
Prevention of the inflammatory process Improper use of a therapeutic technique can harm the diseased organ, as well as provoke an exacerbation of the disease. In order to prevent the development of an inflammatory process inside the hip joint, all exercises must be performed technically correctly. At the time of raising the lower limb or tilting the trunk, a person should not experience a feeling of pain or discomfort. If they appear, you must stop further training and contact your doctor.

Implementation of the above basic principles of therapy for hip joints with the help of therapeutic exercises by Dr. Evdokimenko and Bubnovsky allows you to restore the mobility of the lower limbs, prevent the fusion of bone and connective tissue, to prevent exacerbation disease.

Indications for the beginning of use

Exercises for the hip joints are indicated for men and women, who have the following diseases and pathological conditions of the musculoskeletal system:

  • mechanical injuries of the lower extremity, the consequence of which is a violation of the mobility of the hip joint, the formation of hematomas, severe tissue bruises;
  • chronic coxarthrosis in remission;Exercises for the hip joints with coxarthrosis, arthrosis, pain according to Bubnovsky, Evdokimenko. Video
  • rheumatoid arthritis of one or more joints at once;
  • rehabilitation of the lower limb after surgery, which was performed on the tissues of the hip joints;
  • chronic osteochondrosis, accompanied by active salt deposition;
  • injuries to the pelvic bones, in the process of obtaining which the hip joints were damaged;
  • attacks of aching or acute pain that occur before a change in weather (a factor of meteorological dependence) after physical exertion, prolonged stay in the same position;
  • age-related changes in the musculoskeletal system that require regular exercise to hip joints (decreased bone mineralization, individual tendency to frequent fractures, injuries).

Therapeutic exercises should be prescribed by a traumatologist or surgeon who was involved in the diagnosis and therapy of a patient with these diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Contraindications for use

Exercises for the hip joints are prohibited for people who have concomitant diseases of internal organs and systems.

Therapeutic gymnastics according to the methods of Dr. Bubnovsky and Evdokimenko is contraindicated in patients with a history of the following diseases:

  • all types of closed or open tuberculosis;
  • arterial hypertension, the development of which is accompanied by the periodic occurrence of hypertensive crises;Exercises for the hip joints with coxarthrosis, arthrosis, pain according to Bubnovsky, Evdokimenko. Video
  • diabetes;
  • progressive glaucoma (the additional load that occurs at the time of exercise can increase intraocular pressure and aggravate the course of the disease);
  • infectious diseases of bacterial, viral or fungal genesis, which are in a state of exacerbation;
  • tachycardia, bradycardia, angina pectoris and other disturbances in the rhythmic activity of the heart;
  • acute venous insufficiency with the risk of blood clots;
  • malignant neoplasms (the area of ​​tumor localization does not matter);
  • pathology of arterial vessels;
  • acute inflammation of the bone or connective tissue of the joint (before starting the exercise, it is necessary to stabilize the patient's condition, to achieve the effect of stable remission);
  • pathology of arterial vessels;
  • severe injuries to the pelvis or lumbar spine, which exclude the use of treated gymnastics for the hip joints;
  • damage to the connective tissue of the joint by gonococcal infection (before the use of therapeutic exercises it is necessary to undergo a course of complex antibiotic therapy, and then proceed to the stage recovery).

Exercises for the hip joints are contraindicated for men who have an inguinal hernia. A preliminary consultation with a surgeon will be required. Precautions are associated with a high risk of infringement of the hernia, which can only be eliminated through surgery.

Helpful advice for patients

For patients who plan to use remedial gymnastics according to the methods of Dr. Evdokimenko and Bubnovsky, it is recommended to do the following:

  • undergo a preliminary examination by a traumatologist and a surgeon in order to exclude the factor of the possible presence of contraindications;
  • purchase sportswear;
  • make sure that the floor surface on which the exercises will be performed is perfectly flat (otherwise, it is necessary to equip a place for therapeutic exercises);
  • the last meal should take place no later than 1 hour before the start of gymnastics;
  • the exercise should begin with a preliminary warm-up of the joints, which consists in intensive massage of the diseased part of the body, and its average duration should be at least 10 minutes;
  • be guided only by a therapeutic technique that has been developed by specialists, without using their own methods of restoring joints.Exercises for the hip joints with coxarthrosis, arthrosis, pain according to Bubnovsky, Evdokimenko. Video

In order for therapeutic exercises to be beneficial, to improve the mobility of diseased joints, it is recommended to use therapeutic exercises no more than 2-3 times a week. Classes should take place every other day, and their average duration is 30-40 minutes.

Main complex

Therapeutic gymnastics for the hip joints, developed by doctors Evdokimenko and Bubnovsky, provides for exercises in the supine position. The following is a complex of a therapeutic program that is aimed at restoring the working capacity of the joints.

Exercise number 1

To complete this exercise, you must observe the following rules of the instruction:

  1. Lie with your stomach on a hard floor surface.
  2. Keep your head straight, and place your arms along the body.
  3. While inhaling, slowly and without jerking, raise your left leg up, creating the maximum load on the muscles of the buttocks.
  4. Keep the lower limb in an elevated position for no more than 2 s.
  5. As you exhale, gently lower your leg to the floor.
  6. Exercise for the next leg.Exercises for the hip joints with coxarthrosis, arthrosis, pain according to Bubnovsky, Evdokimenko. Video

This type of physical activity provides a safe workout of the back of the hip joint. For each limb, it is enough to do 15 repetitions in 3 sets.

Exercise number 2

The step-by-step instructions for this exercise are as follows:

  1. You must lie on your right side.
  2. Put your right hand under your head, bending it at the elbow.
  3. Place the left hand on the surface of the body.
  4. The heels and toes of the feet should be close and close to each other.
  5. As you inhale, lift your left leg up to create a load on the outer thigh.
  6. Hold the lower limb for 1 s, and then gently lower it.
  7. Do 15 reps and then roll over to your left side.
  8. Do similar exercises for the right leg.

To achieve a positive therapeutic result, it is necessary to perform 2-3 approaches. This exercise is aimed at strengthening the outer part of the hip joint.

Exercise number 3

This exercise is aimed at developing mobility and restoring the tissues of the outer thigh.

The technique for its implementation is as follows:

  1. Lie on your back.
  2. Place your hands along the body, palms touching the floor surface.
  3. Close the heels and toes of the feet together.
  4. On inhalation, lift the lower limb, trying to keep it as straight as possible, without bending at the knee.
  5. Keep the leg in the raised position for no longer than 2 s.
  6. On exhalation, smoothly return the lower limb to its original position.
  7. Perform this exercise on the other leg.Exercises for the hip joints with coxarthrosis, arthrosis, pain according to Bubnovsky, Evdokimenko. Video

On average, for each limb, you need to do at least 15 repetitions in 3 sets. The advantage of this exercise is that a uniform load is distributed to all elements of the hip joint, but the limb itself is in a relaxed state.

Exercise number 4

This exercise allows you to provide a therapeutic load for 2 hip joints at once.

To perform it, you must be guided by the following rules of the instruction:

  1. Lie on your back.
  2. Place your arms along your torso, palms touching the floor surface.
  3. Bend your legs at the knees, fixing the plantar part of the foot on the floor.
  4. While inhaling, lift 2 lower limbs at once, the knees of which are in contact with each other.
  5. Keep bent legs in a raised position for no more than 2 s.
  6. On exhalation, lower the lower limbs.
  7. Perform 15 reps in 3 sets.

When raising your legs, care must be taken to keep your arms and back on the floor. This exercise helps to strengthen the entire structure of the hip joint.

Exercise number 5

To perform this exercise, which is part of the medical complex, the following instruction rules must be observed:

  1. Sit with your buttocks on the surface of the floor.Exercises for the hip joints with coxarthrosis, arthrosis, pain according to Bubnovsky, Evdokimenko. Video
  2. Bring your legs together so that your heels and toes touch each other.
  3. While inhaling, perform a torso tilt, trying to reach with your hands to the toes of the lower extremities.
  4. On exhalation, return to the starting position, keeping your back as straight as possible.
  5. Perform 20 reps in 3 sets.

In order to minimize the risk of injury, it is recommended to perform a preliminary warm-up not only of the hip joints, but also of the lumbar spine. When a feeling of pulling back pain appears, it is necessary to stop further gymnastics.

Exercise number 6.

This type of exercise is suitable for people with uncomplicated diseases of the hip joints, which are not accompanied by acute pain syndrome.

The technique for its implementation is as follows:

  1. Lie with your back on a flat surface of the floor.
  2. Place your hands on the belt on the sides.
  3. Bend your legs at the knees, fixing the plantar part of the foot on the floor.
  4. While inhaling, lift the pelvis and lumbar spine, lifting them off the floor.
  5. Bend your back as deep as possible.
  6. Stay in this position for 2 seconds.
  7. On exhalation, relax the muscles of the back and pelvis, returning them to the surface of the floor.
  8. At the same time, the soles of the legs are always stationary.Exercises for the hip joints with coxarthrosis, arthrosis, pain according to Bubnovsky, Evdokimenko. Video

This exercise must be performed for 20 repetitions in 3 sets. At the same time, it is contraindicated in people who have concomitant diseases of the spine.

Exercise number 7

This is an effective exercise that is indicated for use in severe forms of coxarthrosis, accompanied by necrosis of the head of the hip joint.

For its implementation, the following rules of the instruction must be observed:

  1. Lie with your back on the floor surface.
  2. Place your arms along the body.
  3. Close the heels of the feet together.
  4. On inspiration, slowly bend and simultaneously dilute the lower limbs to the sides.
  5. On exhalation, the legs smoothly return to their original position.

In the process of performing this exercise, the heels should be closed together at all times. It is recommended to do 25 reps in 3 sets. This is not a difficult exercise that allows you to prevent the fusion of the bone and connective tissue of the organ, and also restores its mobility.

Fixing the result

In order for the performance of therapeutic exercises according to the method of Dr. Evdokimenko and Bubnovsky to bring a positive result, it is necessary take care of the following:

  • stop drinking alcoholic beverages, smoking, taking drugs;
  • avoid physical fatigue and prolonged standing in an upright position, when a static load is created on the hip joints;
  • balance the diet by saturating it with meat, chicken eggs, ocean fish, fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs, dairy products;
  • consume at least 2 liters of water daily;Exercises for the hip joints with coxarthrosis, arthrosis, pain according to Bubnovsky, Evdokimenko. Video
  • exclude soft drinks containing carbon dioxide from your diet;
  • start every morning with a light warm-up and exercise for all parts of the musculoskeletal system;
  • timely eliminate foci of chronic infection, which can penetrate into the tissues of the hip joint, provoking an exacerbation of the disease;
  • do not lift or move objects weighing more than 3 kg;
  • to lose excess body weight, which creates additional stress on the bone and connective tissue of the joint.

If necessary, it is recommended to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in parallel, ointments and gels, the therapeutic properties of which are aimed at restoring the functions of the musculoskeletal apparatus.

Patients with a deficiency of calcium, vitamin D and other nutrients will need to take a course of taking multivitamin and mineral complexes. The type of medicinal product is determined by the attending traumatologist or surgeon.

When to expect the effect

Physical exercises aimed at restoring the hip joints should be performed regularly up to 2-3 times a week. The first positive effect can be felt not earlier than after 1 month. regular exercise.

The mobility of the lower limb will improve, the pain syndrome will decrease, and the feeling of discomfort while walking will begin to disappear. In the absence of an exacerbation of the disease, the positive effect will persist and progress.

Exercises for the therapy of the hip joints, which are performed according to the method of Dr. Evdokimenko and Bubnovsky, aimed at restoring the full work of this part of the musculoskeletal apparatus. Therapeutic gymnastics is indicated for use by adult men and women who suffer from coxarthrosis, chronic pain, arthrosis, age-related changes in the structure of the joint.

Performing therapeutic exercises does not require special skills, knowledge, or a visit to the fitness room. A flat surface of the floor, sports clothing and adherence to the correct exercise technique are enough.

Article design: Vladimir the Great

Video about therapeutic exercises for the hip joint

Therapeutic exercises for arthrosis of the hip joint:

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