
In the morning, the head is spinning and staggering. Causes in women, men

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  1. Pathological causes of morning dizziness and weakness
  2. Osteochondrosis
  3. Vegetovascular dystonia
  4. Orthostatic hypotension
  5. Malignant neoplasms
  6. Manifestations of vertigo
  7. Ear diseases
  8. Disruption of the vestibular apparatus
  9. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
  10. Other possible causes of dizzy and wobbling
  11. Among women
  12. In men
  13. Features of diagnosis and treatment
  14. How to deal with dizziness?
  15. Medicines
  16. Glycine
  17. Mildronate
  18. Exercise therapy
  19. Traditional methods
  20. Toning juice
  21. Garlic tincture
  22. Dizziness video in the morning

Dizziness and staggering in the morning is a symptom of acute, chronic or latent diseases of the central nervous system, or it occurs after strong physical and psycho-emotional stress. Such a state of the body can be caused by the influence of pathological and physiological factors that affect the functioning of the internal organs and the cardiovascular system of the body. The causes of morning dizziness are determined by a neuropathologist during a comprehensive examination of the patient's body.

Pathological causes of morning dizziness and weakness

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The causes of dizziness and staggering in the morning can be associated with acquired diseases of the musculoskeletal system, nervous system, heart and blood vessels. Similar symptoms are caused by diseases of the ENT organs with the spread of the inflammatory process to the tissues of the inner ear, maxillary sinuses.


Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is a chronic disease that causes periodic dizziness and unsteadiness of gait in the morning in the first minutes after waking up from sleep. The cause of the pathological symptoms lies in deformational changes in the vertebrae. In the cervical spine, mineral salts are deposited, its mobility and functionality of the connective tissue are impaired.

In the morning, the head is spinning and staggering. Causes in women, men

The vertebrae, surrounded by salt crystals, compress the arterial vessels that provide nutrition to the brain. As a result of the pathological process, the central nervous system does not receive the required volume of blood, which causes dizziness, changes in intracranial pressure and periodic impairment of coordination of movements.

Vegetovascular dystonia

This disease is also known as neurocirculatory dystonia. Pathology causes dizziness and slight staggering in the morning, as well as throughout the day. The development of the disease is accompanied by disturbances in the work of the autonomic system, weakness of the walls of blood vessels, migraine attacks and unstable blood pressure.

This reason is most often found in adolescent children, and its occurrence is associated with the period of growing up of the body and changes in hormonal levels.

Orthostatic hypotension

In the morning, people who suffer from orthostatic hypotension are dizzy and reeling (the causes of these symptoms are associated with disturbances in the work of the cardiovascular system). The specificity of this disease lies in a sharp decrease in blood pressure at the moment when a person changes his body position. Changes in blood pressure results in insufficient blood supply to the brain, which causes dizziness and staggering from side to side.In the morning, the head is spinning and staggering. Causes in women, men

The impact of this causative factor is accompanied by additional symptoms in the form of periodic headaches and darkening in the eyes. The latter symptom manifests itself simultaneously with a drop in blood pressure, dizziness and staggering.

Malignant neoplasms

Cancers that are localized in the brain or cervical spine can cause attacks of dizziness with impaired coordination of movements. The severity of pathological symptoms depends on the type of malignant neoplasm, its location in the central nervous system, as well as the stage of the oncological process.

As the size of the tumor increases, pathological changes in the structure of the brain become aggravated, the patient's well-being worsens, and attacks of dizziness come periodic loss of consciousness, severe impaired coordination of movements, paralysis or partial dysfunction of individual parts of the body.

Elimination of this causative factor requires complex drug treatment with chemistry and cytostatics. In the presence of direct medical indications, surgical removal of the tumor is performed.

Manifestations of vertigo

Vertigo is a complex of symptoms, one of which is a false feeling of dizziness with the rotation of surrounding objects. The duration of this attack ranges from 3-5 seconds to several days. Vertigo manifests itself in the morning, but it can also bother a sick person throughout the day.In the morning, the head is spinning and staggering. Causes in women, men

This disease is accompanied by the following additional signs:

  • feeling of nausea;
  • sudden loss of balance;
  • light-headedness;
  • unsteadiness of gait;
  • false sense of movement.

One of the most common causes of vertigo is damage to the inner ear labyrinth, which is caused by prolonged infectious inflammation, craniocerebral trauma, as well as the negative consequences of surgical interference.

Ear diseases

In the morning, the head is spinning and staggering (the reasons for the appearance of these symptoms may be associated with chronic diseases of the ENT organs) of children, adult men and women with a diagnosis of labyrinthitis. This disease is characterized by inflammation of the inner ear, which has a viral or bacterial etiology.

The first symptoms of dizziness and staggering appear 7-12 days after the end of the acute phase of the disease. Attacks of acute dizziness and impaired coordination of movements can also cause otitis media of infectious etiology, the development of which accompanied by an inflammatory process with the formation of serous exudate, a shooting headache, a sharp increase in body temperature to 39-40 degrees.

Disruption of the vestibular apparatus

Dysfunctions of the vestibular apparatus are manifested by periodic attacks of dizziness, staggering and loss of balance.

The pathologies of this segment of the human vegetative system are provoked by the following factors:

  • Meniere's disease;
    In the morning, the head is spinning and staggering. Causes in women, men
    How Meniere's Disease Occurs
  • an acute form of labyrinthopathy, which is caused by a violation of local blood circulation in the inner ear;
  • perilymphatic fistula;
  • chronic otitis media with accumulation of purulent contents inside the tympanic cavity;
  • positional vertigo of a benign type;
  • vestibular neuronitis (develops as a result of acute inflammation of the vestibular ganglion of the vestibular-cochlear nerve);
  • acoustic neuroma.

Disturbances in the work of the vestibular apparatus always have a pathological etiology. The above diseases are provoked by injuries of the skull and individual parts of the brain, insufficient blood supply to the central nervous system, complications of previous surgeries and infectious diseases (meningitis, viral encephalitis).

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo

In the morning, the head is spinning and staggering (the causes of such symptoms are associated with diseases central and peripheral nervous system) in people with benign paroxysmal positional dizziness.

This is a complex disorder of the functions of the vestibular apparatus, which has the following developmental mechanism:

  • The smallest particles of the otolith membrane, which are on the eve of the labyrinth, come off, ending up in the semicircular canals.
  • Any changes in the position of the patient's head lead to free movement of migratory otoliths.
  • Depending on the area of ​​localization of particles of the otolith membrane, attacks of short-term or prolonged dizziness occur.In the morning, the head is spinning and staggering. Causes in women, men

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo is classified into cupulolithiasis and canalolithiasis, depending on the location of the detached otoliths. The development of this pathology is associated with age-related changes in the structure of the inner ear, the consequences of traumatic brain injuries and surgical operations on the ENT organs.

Other possible causes of dizzy and wobbling

Attacks of periodic dizziness and staggering in the morning are equally common in men and women of all age groups. The appearance of such symptoms is significantly influenced by a person's lifestyle, his type of activity, the presence or absence of bad habits, and the quality of food.

Among women

Short-term loss of balance and dizziness in women can be caused by the following factors:

  • the state of pregnancy;
  • violation of the balance of female sex hormones;
  • period of menopause;
  • premenstrual syndrome.

The causes of morning dizziness in women are established by a gynecologist, endocrinologist or therapist during a routine examination of the body. Based on the results of the diagnosis, appropriate treatment is selected.

In men

Staggering and the occurrence of periodic attacks of dizziness in men can be caused by the following reasons:

  • work in enterprises and workshops with harmful working conditions;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • consequences of craniocerebral injuries in men who are involved in power sports (boxing, kickboxing, mixed martial arts).

An examination by a neuropathologist allows you to determine the main causes of morning dizziness in men, accompanied by staggering or impaired coordination of movements.

Features of diagnosis and treatment

Men and women who are dizzy in the morning are prescribed hardware and laboratory examinations of all parts of the body. The table below describes in detail the main diagnostic methods that are used in relation to patients with similar symptoms.

Inspection method Diagnostic characteristics and average cost
MRI With the help of an MRI machine, a scan of the brain is performed to identify pathological areas Central nervous system, the possible presence of tumor neoplasms, foci of intracranial hemorrhages. The average cost of an MRI of the brain is 3500 rubles.
In the morning, the head is spinning and staggering. Causes in women, men
MRI of the head. What shows is normal
CT scan CT scan of the cervical spine allows you to determine deformation changes in the structure of the vertebrae. This diagnostic method works on the principle of radiography, but using high-precision electronic equipment. A snapshot of the cervical spine is displayed on a computer monitor. CT is also used to study the central nervous system. The average cost of this diagnostic method is 3200 rubles.
X-ray Radiography of the cervical spine is necessary for differential diagnosis. This method of examination reflects the state of the tissues of the spinal column, determines the foci of inflammation of the connective tissue between the vertebrae. The price of an X-ray of the cervical spine is 1800 rubles.
Microbiological blood test Microbiological examination of venous blood is aimed at detecting bacterial and viral microorganisms that affect the human nervous system. To perform this analysis, 5-10 ml of biological material is sufficient. The average cost of a laboratory test is 900 rubles.
Clinical analysis of urine and peripheral blood Based on the results of the diagnosis of capillary blood and morning urine, the attending physician receives general information about the functional state of the patient's internal organs. The price of this examination is 700 rubles.

Depending on the accompanying symptoms that are present in the patient, the doctor may decide to prescribe additional diagnostic methods. For example, conducting a study of venous blood for the level of hormones, performing an electroencephalogram of the brain.

How to deal with dizziness?

Constant or periodic attacks of dizziness are just a sign of an underlying disease of the central nervous system, vestibular apparatus, or endocrine disorders. The organization of the therapeutic process is aimed at treating the pathology that provokes such symptoms.


As medicinal means of therapy, nootropic and metabolic drugs are used that improve cerebral circulation.


Glycine is a round, white sublingual tablet. This product contains the amino acid glycine at a concentration of 100 mg. This nootropic drug reduces pathological symptoms in vegetative-vascular disorders, the consequences of craniocerebral trauma, physical and psychoemotional fatigue.In the morning, the head is spinning and staggering. Causes in women, men

Glycine improves the blood supply to the brain tissues and increases the functional activity of the central nervous system. This medication is taken in a dosage of 1 tablet 2 to 3 times a day. Glycine should be absorbed in the mouth under the tongue until it is completely dissolved. The duration of therapy is from 14 to 30 days. The average cost of this medication is from 25 rubles. for 50 tab.


Mildronate is a drug, the active ingredient of which is the active ingredient meldonium dihydrate at a concentration of 500 mg per 1 capsule. This drug improves metabolic processes in the human body, activates the functions of the brain and metabolism inside the cells of all internal organs.

Regular intake of Mildronate capsules allows you to get rid of attacks of dizziness and staggering, which are caused by cerebral circulation disorders, vascular pathologies. Reception of this medication is prescribed in a dosage of 1 capsule 1 time per day with a duration of a therapeutic course from 12 days to 6 weeks. The price of the drug Mildronate is from 232 to 403 rubles.

Exercise therapy

Physical therapy exercises can improve cerebral circulation, get rid of dizziness and staggering in the morning, which is caused by chronic osteochondrosis.In the morning, the head is spinning and staggering. Causes in women, men

In this case, it is recommended to carry out the following training of the cervical spine:

  • perform rotational movements of the head along the line of the shoulder girdle to the right and left sides;
  • tilt the head forward, backward, right and left;
  • to warm up the shoulder joints, lifting them up and down (this workout helps to improve cerebral circulation, prevents osteochondrosis).

These exercises of physiotherapy exercises prevent the appearance of mineral deposits in the cervical spine. The number of repetitions and approaches is determined individually, depending on the physical capabilities of each person.

Traditional methods

There are several popular recipes with which you can get rid of morning dizziness and staggering.

Toning juice

This recipe requires peeling 3 medium carrots, 2 pomegranates and 1 beetroot. Juice is squeezed out of the pulp of these ingredients, which is consumed daily in the morning immediately after waking up from sleep. The timing of therapy is not limited by time.

Garlic tincture

Fresh garlic tincture is prepared according to the following recipe:

  1. Take 300 g of peeled garlic.
  2. Cut the juicy teeth into 4 pieces.
  3. Pour chopped garlic with 0.5 liters of vodka.
  4. Place the bottle or jar with alcoholic drink in a dark place for infusion.
  5. After 14 days, the garlic tincture is ready for use.In the morning, the head is spinning and staggering. Causes in women, men

This remedy for dizziness is taken daily, 20 drops per 150 ml of milk. Garlic tincture should be drunk in the morning on an empty stomach immediately after sleep.

Dizziness and staggering in the morning are signs of cerebral circulation disorders, indicate the possible presence of a tumor neoplasm, chronic vascular diseases. The causes of pathological symptoms are determined by a neuropathologist in the process of a comprehensive examination of the patient's central nervous system.

As diagnostic techniques, MRI, CT of the brain are used, an X-ray of the cervical spine and a microbiological blood test are performed. The tactics of treating morning dizziness is determined by a neuropathologist, depending on the detected disease of the body.

Dizziness video in the morning

Dizziness. Causes and treatment:

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