Respiratory System

Chlorophyllipt spray for children, adults for the throat. Instructions for use, where to buy, analogs, reviews, price

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Spray Chlorophyllipt - antimicrobial agent, used to eliminate staphylococcal infection. A medicinal solution is prescribed if a person has pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis. The medication is completely safe for children, successfully copes with pathologies of an infectious nature in adult patients.

Record content:

  • 1 Forms of release and composition of the drug
  • 2 Pharmacological properties
  • 3 Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
  • 4 Indications for use
  • 5 Contraindications
  • 6 Benefits of the drug
  • 7 At what age can the drug be used?
  • 8 Instructions for use, dosage
    • 8.1 For children
    • 8.2 For adults
  • 9 Application for angina
  • 10 Treatment of staphylococcus
  • 11 Susceptibility test
  • 12 Side effects
  • 13 Overdose
  • 14 special instructions
  • 15 Drug interactions
  • 16 Analogs
  • 17 Terms, conditions of sale and storage
  • 18 Price
  • 19 Chlorophyllipt spray video

Forms of release and composition of the drug

Chlorophyllipt is a spray for children that has bactericidal properties and is intended for irrigation of the pharynx.

But the drug is also produced in other forms:

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  • lozenges for sucking;
  • oil solution - shows a mild effect, the composition contains an extract of eucalyptus, vegetable oil; this form is often prescribed by pediatricians;
  • alcohol solution - here the smallest amount of active substance is used for rinsing, ingestion, locally.

The spray medication is manufactured by several developers. Vials of 15; 45 ml of medicinal solution with a specific eucalyptus aroma, additionally there is a nozzle for a spray in the package.

Chlorophyllipt spray for children, adults for the throat. Instructions for use, analogues, price
Chlorophyllipt spray

The medicine is based on an extract, for the preparation of which eucalyptus leaves are used. It contains various active ingredients, a lot of chlorophylls. Thanks to the active substances, the hood has a powerful antimicrobial effect. It is most noticeable in relation to staphylococci, which often cause inflammation in the throat.

Additional components in different sprays are slightly different. The composition contains sodium benzoate, glycerin, ethanol, and other elements. In sprays "Vialine" there is an extract of wormwood, St. John's wort, which increase the anti-inflammatory effect of eucalyptus.

Pharmacological properties

Chlorophyllipt is mainly prescribed for angina.

Therapeutic spray for children has bactericidal properties:

  • affects coccal microorganisms (staphylococcus, streptococcus);
  • relieves inflammation;
  • has an immunostimulating effect;
  • prevents the growth of bacteria;
  • reduces the amount of mucus, pus that appears;
  • restores the disturbed cellular structure of the tonsils.

An oil, alcohol preparation is prescribed to eliminate dermatological, gynecological diseases.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The medication is an extract created from the collection of globular or blue eucalyptus leaves. It exhibits an antibacterial, etiotropic effect according to staphylococci, in accordance with antibiotic-resistant strains.

Eucalyptus infusion increases the content of oxygen in the tissues, has a detoxifying effect. This allows you to use the remedy with weakened immunity, hypoxia. It also enhances the effectiveness of antibacterial treatment.

Chlorophyllipt pharmacokinetic studies have not been carried out.

Indications for use

The medicine is used in various fields of medicine. Due to its unique properties and natural substances, Chlorophyllipt is widely used in pediatrics.

Effective in the presence of:

  • tracheitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis;
  • sore throats;
    Chlorophyllipt spray for children, adults for the throat. Instructions for use, analogues, price
    Chlorophyllipt spray is used for tonsillitis
  • pneumonia, bronchitis;
  • inflammatory skin pathologies;
  • chickenpox;
  • purulent rhinitis;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • stomach ulcers;
  • erysipelas.

The spray is used for dry cough. The medicine liquefies phlegm, promotes better expectoration.


The natural remedy has practically no restrictions on its use. The oil solution is allowed for children, pregnant women.

The only restrictions on use are:

  • increased sensitivity to constituent components;
  • individual intolerance to the main substance;
  • allergy to eucalyptus itself (itching, rash, redness);
  • I trimester of pregnancy.

Chlorophyllipt is used with caution with chronic pathologies of the digestive tract, which are characterized by an increase in the acidity of gastric juice.

Benefits of the drug

The main advantages of Chlorophyllipt are:

  • an extensive list of diseases that the medicine eliminates (rhinitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, swelling of the upper respiratory tract, etc.);
  • anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effect;
  • affordable price compared to many similar products;
  • the ability to intensively and effectively destroy staphylococci;
  • different forms of production (everyone will choose a convenient one for him);
  • the composition is dominated by natural components, the drug does not have artificially synthesized substances;
  • the ability to relieve painful sensations, relieve the patient from the formation of mucus, purulent contents.

A favorable result appears already after 4-5 treatments with Chlorophyllipt, this is due to the regenerating properties of the drug.

At what age can the drug be used?

Chlorophyllipt is a spray for children, which is allowed from the age of 12, since there is no clinical information on the safety of a child's use of the drug. There is vast experience in effective treatment of respiratory diseases and pathologies of ENT organs. Therefore, doctors often prescribe it to children.Chlorophyllipt spray for children, adults for the throat. Instructions for use, analogues, price

The oil composition is recommended for a cold, the tablets are effective for stomatitis, feelings of sore throat. It is suitable as an antiseptic to eliminate prickly heat and youthful acne.

The instructions contain an indication: you need to use the medication with a breath hold, so the child must be able to do this. Children under 3 years old do not have this skill.

However, despite all the warnings, the tactic of treating with a spray for throat diseases in children under 1 g is common. life. After the test for individual tolerance, laryngeal irrigation is performed for 3-4 days. This therapy has excellent results. But any actions must be confirmed by a doctor.

Instructions for use, dosage

The dose and course of drug treatment in an adult and a child is determined by a doctor. Chlorophyllipt is not applied for more than 7 days. If after a while there is no improvement, you need to change the drug to another.

For children

The drug is not recommended for babies under 3 years old. The therapeutic regimen of treatment with a spray for diseases of the nasopharynx in a child should be clarified with a pediatrician. Usually, this is 2-4 irrigations per day. Processing is carried out exclusively after meals. Having installed the nozzle on the bottle, you should put its end in your mouth, then press it 2 times so that the solution penetrates the inflammatory tissues. Then you can not eat or drink anything for half an hour.

If Chlorophyllipt is prescribed for dermatological problems, a gauze swab is sprayed with a spray, then applied to the painful area for 20 minutes. The procedure should be carried out at least 2 times a day. The duration of the use of the medication is due to the disease, generally 3-4 days are enough until the symptoms subside.

Spray treatment of stomatitis in children is acceptable. Pathological inflammatory foci are sprayed with medicine several times a day.

Alcoholic 1% drug is approved for inhalation in a nebulizer. This method of therapy is effective for pneumonia, bronchitis, tracheitis. Chlorophyllipt is diluted with saline in a ratio of 1:10. For 1 manipulation, 3 ml of the product is enough. Method of application: 3 times a day for 3-5 days.

For adults

Adults need to gargle the throat in the intervals between meals, after 30 minutes. after breakfast, lunch. Then for half an hour you can't drink or eat anything. Do the procedure four times a day for 7 days in a row.

To obtain the best therapeutic result, it is recommended to pre-treat the pharyngeal mucosa with saline. Then diluted with alcohol. After 30 minutes. drink 1 tsp l. oil eucalyptus.

Chlorophyllipt spray for children, adults for the throat. Instructions for use, analogues, price

Appointment of a spray for a cold, upset of the digestive tract:

  • If the gastrointestinal tract is disturbed, the extract is taken orally. Dose, course of therapy, duration depend on the type of disease, they are prescribed individually.
  • In case of acute rhinitis, you will need to rinse the nostrils with saline, insert a nozzle into the nose, press the cap twice. Also produce with a second nasal passage.

To eliminate spasms, inflammation in the pharynx, you need to select a dose for an adult patient - this is 4 tablets per day taken at regular intervals after eating for 7 days.

Application for angina

Having diagnosed a sore throat in a person, the doctor will prescribe Chlorophyllipt spray as a complex therapy. It inhibits the spread of disease-causing organisms, contributes to their destruction. As a result of the spray treatment, the inflammatory process is removed, the symptoms decrease. The drug has a stimulating effect on the process of tissue regeneration.

With angina, clinical signs appear with increased intensity, pediatricians combine the spray with its other forms (absorbable tablets, oily medicines for surface disinfection tonsils).

The therapeutic effect after the treatment of the inflammatory area occurs through the deep penetration of the drug into the affected area.

Treatment of staphylococcus

It is known that staphylococci are considered gram-positive bacteria found in healthy human flora. They can be present on the skin, nasal mucosa, throat. In addition, weakened human immunity becomes a favorable environment for their reproduction. This subsequently leads to the appearance of certain pathologies.

It is simply necessary to add Chlorophyllipt spray to the complex of therapeutic measures for such diseases. Staphylococcus aureus instantly adapts or acquires resistance to most antibiotics, which is why you have to take other medications.

The natural substances of Chlorophyllipt inhibit the spread of pathogenic microbes, destroying them. The medication is prescribed for the treatment of the larynx, treatment of inflamed skin foci.

Susceptibility test

Chlorophyllipt is capable of provoking allergies. Before starting use, especially if the treatment is carried out on a child, a susceptibility test should be performed.

Test instructions:

  • in a tablespoon, place 5 k. vegetable liquid;Chlorophyllipt spray for children, adults for the throat. Instructions for use, analogues, price
  • add a spoon with water;
  • with the resulting product, it is necessary to rinse the oral cavity;
  • spit out the liquid;
  • refrain from eating, drinking for several hours.

Signs of an adverse reaction will appear within 8 hours:

  • rash on the skin, oral mucosa;
  • redness, itching;
  • swelling of the face, mucous membranes.

When this symptom occurs, then the drug is not suitable.

Side effects

If the child is all right, there is no allergy, personal intolerance to the components, if the correct dose is observed, the drug is well tolerated by patients.

Chlorophyllipt is a spray for children, which, when susceptible to compound substances, causes negative manifestations:

  • bronchospasm;
  • dry cough;
  • difficult breathing;
  • nausea, dizziness;Chlorophyllipt spray for children, adults for the throat. Instructions for use, analogues, price
  • unpleasant skin rash;
  • the formation of severe swelling of the mucous membrane of the throat, mouth.

The emergence of even one unfavorable symptom requires refusal of treatment with a remedy. At the time of ingestion of the solution, the active ingredients irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive path, which often provokes an increase in acidity, heartburn, aggravation of gastritis, ulcerative pathology.


If you follow the instructions (properly handle the larynx, do not exceed the dose and course of treatment), an overdose will not occur. It happens with very frequent, prolonged spray application. This is a dangerously intense swelling of the throat mucosa, the formation of a debilitating dry cough.

special instructions

Chlorophyllipt spray therapy does not cause changes in the central nervous system and does not affect driving. Dizziness, disturbance of consciousness are possible only in case of an overdose. The appointment of a spray and tablets enhances the main therapeutic effect.

After processing the mouth, pharynx, it is important not to eat or drink anything for a while. People with an upset gastrointestinal tract should be careful not to swallow the solution.

Drug interactions

With simultaneous treatment with other local antiseptics (oil formulations, lozenges, solutions for throat therapy), Chlorophyllipt only enhances their effect.


Similar means of Chlorophyllipt are other local herbal medicines used for the same diseases.

Table with similar medicines:

Chlorophyllipt spray for children, adults for the throat. Instructions for use, analogues, price
Drug names Description
Ingalipt The aerosol contains oil from mint, eucalyptus, streptocide. The medicine exhibits a bright antimicrobial effect, it is prescribed for children who have reached 3 years of age.
Septolet The lozenges contain thymol, levomenthol, vegetable oils made from mint and eucalyptus are also included. The contained antiseptic benzalkonium chloride affects the infectious agent, has an analgesic and normalizes breathing effect. Septolet is valid from 3 years old.
Chlorophyllin The drug has an identical composition, it is allowed for children from the first days of life.
Cameton It will be purchased in the form of an aerosol, spray. Components of the preparation: eucalyptus oil, menthol, chlorobutanol, camphor. In addition to a painful feeling in the throat, the medication is effective for a runny nose. Therapy is carried out from the age of 5.
Eucalyptus-M The positive effect of the tablets is expressed by eucalyptus oil, levomenthol. Lollipops are shown for pharyngitis, laryngitis, and other pathologies. It is forbidden to carry out therapy to children under 8 years of age.
Lugol's solution There is potassium iodide, iodine in the medicinal composition. Shown for children from 3 years old.
Miramistin Synthetic antimicrobial medication with a wide range of effects. It is permissible to use a solution, spray from 3 years old.
Rotokan The preparation contains natural plant elements (elixir of calendula, yarrow, chamomile).
Galenophillipt The domestic remedy is completely similar to Chlorophyllipt. You can purchase an alcoholic medicine for oral administration, local use. Forbidden for children under 2 years old. Galenophillipt therapy is carried out with accuracy at the time of lactation and is prohibited during pregnancy.
Eucalymin The main substance is eucalyptus leaves. Eucalimin is produced in the form of an alcoholic liquid for local use, inhalation procedures. The only limitation is personal intolerance to the ingredients, namely, allergic manifestations are possible. It is prescribed for children, pregnant and lactating women.
Elakosept Vegetable collection, it contains eucalyptus, licorice, string, calendula. Antimicrobial medicine instantly eliminates staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli. Elakosept is suitable for inhalation, internal, local use.

Chlorophyllipt is a spray for children, which is often replaced by other plant analogues (Eucalimin, Galenofillipt). For throat therapy, antiseptic drugs are used (Lizobact, Stopangin, Faringosept, Hexasprey). Funds are issued in different forms and each has its own age restrictions. Their active component also differs.

Terms, conditions of sale and storage

Chlorophyllipt should be kept at a temperature of 5-25 ° C away from children.Chlorophyllipt spray for children, adults for the throat. Instructions for use, analogues, price The shelf life of the medication is 3 years. Check the date on the packaging before use.


The cost of the Chlorophyllipt spray varies from about 100-360 rubles, which depends on the form of manufacture:

  • oil solution - at the price of 131 rubles;
  • tablets - 128 rubles;
  • alcohol composition - 297 rubles;
  • spray - 176 rubles.

The medicine is non-prescription, sold in any pharmacy in Russia.

Chlorophyllipt spray is a safe medication that effectively destroys the causative agent of the disease in case of a cold. A natural plant extract is prescribed for children of any age.

Chlorophyllipt spray video

Overview and indications for the use of Chlorophyllipt:

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