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Nasivin for children. Price, instructions for use: spray, drops, analogs, reviews

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Nazivin - medication for eliminating the symptoms of rhinitis in children, allowing you to quickly facilitate breathing, eliminate swelling and reduce mucus discharge.

Affordable remedy is especially in demand for colds in the smallest patients. Applying Nazivin at night, you can eliminate nasal congestion, providing the child with a restful sleep. The drug is available in three different forms, with dosages calculated for any age, starting from birth.

Record content:

  • 1 Indications for use
  • 2 Compound
  • 3 In what form is it produced
  • 4 Pharmacodynamics
  • 5 Pharmacokinetics
  • 6 Application for children under 18 years of age
    • 6.1 For children under 1 year old
    • 6.2 For children from 1 to 6 years old
    • 6.3 After 6 years and for adults
  • 7 Contraindications
  • 8 Overdose
  • 9 Side effects
  • 10 Drug interactions
  • 11 Storage conditions and periods
  • 12 Conditions of dispensing from pharmacies
  • 13 Analogs
    • 13.1 Vibrocil
    • 13.2 Nazol Baby
    • 13.3 Xilen
  • 14 Video about Nazivin

Indications for use

Nasivin (Nazivin) - a drug of local action, designed for rapid vasoconstriction, which reduces edema and restores nasal breathing. The active substance is quickly adsorbed in the mucous membranes, but practically does not penetrate into the systemic circulation, therefore it is considered a safe and non-toxic agent.

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The action of the drug frees the nasal passages, promoting ventilation of the paranasal sinuses and the middle ear cavity, which reduces the likelihood of complications in the form of otitis media, sinusitis, eustachitis, or sinusitis. In the treatment of already developed ENT diseases, Nazivin is used to improve the outflow of inflammatory secretions and reduce painful symptoms.

Nazivin for children, the price of which belongs to the middle, widely available range, is prescribed for rhinitis of this origin:

  • ARI;
  • allergy;
  • vasomotor disorders;Nasivin for children. Instructions for use: spray, drops. Price, reviews
  • ENT infections.

Nasivin for children. Instructions for use: spray, drops. Price, reviewsIn the presence of bacterial or viral infection, the use of Nazivin is possible only as part of the complex treatment of infections. Monotherapy with the drug for such causes of the common cold is ineffective. A single injection of Nazivin is indicated before diagnostic procedures or surgical interventions to improve visibility and provide better access to the cavities.


The drug Nazivin is a colorless, transparent (sometimes yellowish) solution intended for nasal administration. The main active ingredient of the drops is oxymetazoline hydrochloride, belongs to the group of alpha2-adrenergic agonists and is present in solutions in various concentrations. The substance provides a vasoconstrictor effect, which determines all the therapeutic properties of the drug.

Nasivin for children. Instructions for use: spray, drops. Price, reviews

Various forms of Nazivin, in addition to the main component, contain the same set of excipients:

  • purified water;
  • benzalkonium chloride;
  • different types of sodium dihydrate;
  • sodium hydroxide.

The substances provide uniform distribution, enhanced absorption of the active component, are neutral solvents and maintain the stability of the solution.

Additional ingredients of Nazivin do not have a separate therapeutic effect.

In what form is it produced

Nazivin for children, the price of which depends on the concentration of the active substance, is produced in several forms.

Release form Recommended age (in years) Solution concentration Oxymetazoline content per 1 mg of the drug Average price per bottle 10 mg
Drops 0–1 0,01 % 100 mcg From 125 rub.
Drops 1–6 0,025 % 250 mcg From 150 rubles.
Drops 6–18 0,05 % 500 mcg From 200 rubles.
Spray 1–6 0, 05 % For one injection - 22.5 mcg From 140 rub.

Nazivin is produced by German and domestic manufacturers, which also affects the formation of prices. Drops produced by Merck KGaA cost an average of 20-30 rubles more than their analogue produced in Germany. In online pharmacies, you can order Nazivin for children with a minimum extra charge.

The product is packaged in glass bottles with a capacity of 5 or 10 ml. Each container is equipped with a dispensing lid with a graduated pipette or spray. A dark glass bottle is included in an individual box with instructions for use.


Oxymetazoline belongs to the group of long-acting anticongestants and alpha-adrenergic agonists. It is used to relieve inflammation, edema in pathological conditions of the ENT organs, including the inner ear. The action of the drug is due to the rapid vasoconstrictor effect of the substance at the site of its application.

The pharmacological action is based on the stimulation of alpha-adrenergic receptors, which reduces blood flow, reduces the permeability of the vascular wall and quickly eliminates edema.

This eliminates the "congestion" of the nose and provides unhindered air circulation through the nasal passages and sinuses. Along with a decrease in edema, sputum production is reduced, which provides significant symptom relief.Nasivin for children. Instructions for use: spray, drops. Price, reviews

Good ventilation of all sinuses and passages prevents uncontrolled growth of bacteria, which serves as the prevention of secondary infections and complications. Nazivin does not affect the cause of rhinitis and is a temporary symptomatic agent. Its effect rarely lasts more than 10 hours, after which, in the absence of other treatment, the symptoms of the disease return.


Nasal administration of Nazivin has no systemic effect, and the active substance is practically not detected in the blood. A distinctive feature of oxymetazoline is the ability to be rapidly absorbed into the mucous membranes, being found in the systemic circulation in trace concentrations.

The effect of drops appears from the first minutes after application and lasts up to 12 hours. The half-life of the active substance is about 36 hours, excretion occurs unchanged along with feces and urine.

Application for children under 18 years of age

Nazivin is approved for use in children of any age, provided that the recommended dosages are observed. The drug is selected strictly according to age, focusing on the concentration of the active substance. You should be especially careful when choosing a product for babies.

The use of a spray under the age of 1 year is inappropriate. For the correct spraying of the medication, the patient must be in an upright position, which is not always possible in the case of infants. Nazivin with a minimum concentration of oxymetazoline, intended for patients under one year old, is equipped with a convenient graduated pipette, which eliminates overdose.Nasivin for children. Instructions for use: spray, drops. Price, reviews

The measured drug is instilled into each nasal passage with the head position as close as possible to the supine position. Older children can be asked to tilt their head back or to lay the child horizontally. If long-term contact of the nasal mucosa with the drug is necessary, cotton turundas are impregnated with Nazivin and injected into the child's nasal passages for 5 minutes.

The choice of a spray or drops is also determined by the location of the disease. For any rhinitis, if possible, spray is chosen, which ensures complete irrigation of the nasal mucous membranes, but does not allow the drug to drain down the throat. With otitis media, eustachitis, sinusitis, pediatricians advise using drops, the vasoconstrictor effect of which will be localized deeper, at the junction of the sinuses and passages.

For children under 1 year old

For infants, the appointment of the weakest solution is indicated - 0.01%. "Nazivin baby" can be used from birth to 1 year on the recommendation of a doctor. The mucous membranes of the baby are capable of more adsorption of substances than those of adults. Therefore, the use of a more concentrated drug can lead to undesirable reactions in the body due to the effect on similar receptors in other systems and tissues.

Newborns with swelling of the mucous membranes and difficulty breathing due to rhinitis are prescribed 1 drop of Nazivin in each nostril no more than 2 times a day with an interval of 12 hours. After 5 weeks of age, it is allowed to increase the frequency of use up to 3 times a day. With severe edema or a significant amount of discharge, a single dose can be briefly increased to 2 drops.

For children from 1 to 6 years old

At this age, Nazivin is used with a concentration of 0.025%. The scheme for using the product remains the same - from 1 to 2 drops in each nostril no more than 3 times a day.

Usually, to cure the cause of a runny nose, medications are used during the day, and Nazivin is instilled at night, providing a restful sleep for a quick recovery of the child's strength. With an allergic cause of rhinitis, the drug is most often prescribed for two-fold use (morning and evening).Nasivin for children. Instructions for use: spray, drops. Price, reviews

At the age after 12 months with a cold, you can try using Nazivin spray. In addition to observing the rule of injecting the medicine in an upright position, care should be taken that the spraying occurs while inhaling. Due to the higher concentration of Nazivin, the use of the spray must be approved by a doctor.

Such rules are observed until the child reaches the age of 6, after which the drug is replaced with the next one from the Nazivin line.

After 6 years and for adults

Children of school age and adolescents are prescribed a drug in a concentration of 0.05%. Such a solution is instilled into each nasal passage 2 drops no more than 3 times a day. Adult patients are allowed to use the spray more often, but not more than 5 times a day.

Nazivin for children, the price of which fluctuates around 250 rubles, can be of significant help with various diseases, but are not able to independently defeat a runny nose or others ENT pathology.Nasivin for children. Instructions for use: spray, drops. Price, reviews

The use of the drug for more than 3 days in a row is possible only as directed by a pediatrician. Treatment with any vasoconstrictor drugs for more than 7 days is not recommended. If necessary, long-term therapy, after a week of using Nazivin, be sure to take a break.


Nazivin has few strict contraindications due to limited adsorption in the body.

It is forbidden to use the drug in the following conditions:

  1. Atrophy of the mucous membranes of the ENT organs.
  2. Glaucoma (angle-closure form).
  3. Individual intolerance to oxymetazoline or additional components.

It is contraindicated to use for children such forms of Nazivin that are not included in the indications for age. In some cases, a drug based on oxymetazoline should be prescribed with caution and therapy should be carried out under the supervision of a physician.

Relative contraindications to the use of Nazivin:

  • increased blood pressure or intraocular pressure;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • diabetes;
  • severe damage to the cardiovascular system.Nasivin for children. Instructions for use: spray, drops. Price, reviews

It is allowed to use Nazivin only 10 days after the last intake of MAO inhibitors during the course of treatment.


The ingestion of a large amount of Nazivin occurs when the frequency of instillation is not observed or if it is accidentally swallowed. An overdose can manifest itself as an increase in heart rate, an increase in blood pressure.

The following symptoms indicate that the safe amount of the drug has been exceeded:

  • anxiety or sharp lethargy of the child;
  • nausea, headache, vomiting;
  • temperature increase;
  • drowsiness or vice versa inability to fall asleep.

Visually, you can suspect an overdose of cyanosis of the skin, constriction of the pupils, increased breathing or difficulty breathing. Such signs may indicate a severe overdose, dangerous pulmonary edema.

With prolonged use, longer than 7 days, some patients develop psychosis, the functioning of the nervous system is disrupted. An extremely rare consequence of an overdose is a coma.

Immediately after the detection of symptoms, the child's stomach should be rinsed, any sorbents should be given to drink (Smecta, Polysorb, Enterosgel). In cases of overdose in children, an urgent medical call is required.

Side effects

Nazivin for children, the price and safety of which make it possible to widely use the drug in pediatric practice, very rarely causes adverse reactions.

According to the reviews of parents and doctors, in young patients it is sometimes noted:

  • frequent sneezing;
  • burning sensation in the nasal passages;
  • drying out of the mucous membranes;
  • drug-induced edema.
    Nasivin for children. Instructions for use: spray, drops. Price, reviews
    Nasivin Sensitive for children

Prolonged instillation contributes to mucosal atrophy, which can cause rhinitis medicamentosa. Sometimes the withdrawal of the drug causes swelling of the mucous membranes without sputum separation, difficulty breathing. Any unusual manifestations during treatment with Nazivin are the reason for consulting a pediatrician for a possible replacement of the drug.

Drug interactions

It is forbidden to use any vasoconstrictor agents in parallel with Nazivin. Joint use enhances the effect of drugs, which leads to the manifestation of side effects. Do not carry out therapy while taking MAO blockers or antidepressants.

In the complex treatment of ENT pathologies, the sequence of administration of drugs should be observed:

  1. First, use any formulations for rinsing the nasal passages (for example, a weak saline solution).
  2. Then Nazivin is instilled or injected, according to the appointment.
  3. After the edema has faded, antibacterial, antiviral or anti-inflammatory drugs are used.

Nazivin is able to reduce absorption and prolong the effect of local anesthetic agents. The exact sequence of the use of drugs is prescribed by the pediatrician when prescribing a treatment course.

Storage conditions and periods

Nazivin should be stored in its original packaging out of direct sunlight. It is permissible to leave drops at room temperature, but not higher than +30 ° C. Refrigeration is not required. The drug should be left out of the reach of children.

For nasal drops and Nazivin spray, the shelf life does not change after opening the package. Subject to storage conditions, the drug does not lose its properties for 3 years.

Conditions of dispensing from pharmacies

Nazivin is an over-the-counter drug.


Nazivin for children is well tolerated, affordable and most often does not require replacement. But sometimes patients have individual immunity to the active substance or an analogue is required due to the lack of a medicine in the pharmacy.

So the analogue for the active substance is drops:

  • Rinostop Extra;
  • Oxymetazoline;
  • Nasospray;
  • Nesopin;
  • Sialor Reno.

To replace the drug due to intolerance or immunity of the body to the active substance, drops based on other components are used.


The combined preparation, produced in the form of drops, gel and spray, has the effect of two components at once: dimethindene and phenylephrine. The combination of antihistamine and vasoconstrictor effect is especially appropriate for allergic rhinitis, rhinitis of vasomotor origin, and chronic ENT pathologies.

Nasivin for children. Instructions for use: spray, drops. Price, reviews

An additional component of the solution - lavender oil, provides a pleasant aroma and moderate antiseptic effect.

Children under 6 years of age are prescribed Vibrocil in the form of drops. A spray may be prescribed for a child over 1 year old.

Babies are prescribed 1 drop in each nasal passage up to 4 times a day. Older children - 2 drops with the same frequency.

The average price of a Vibrocil package (15 ml) is 350 rubles.

Nazol Baby

Phenylephrine-based vasoconstrictor drops suitable for early childhood. The tool quickly improves nasal breathing, eliminates swelling of the mucous membrane. The drug is produced in the form of a solution for nasal administration, 15 ml in a vial.

The main indications for the appointment of Nazola Baby:

  • flu;
  • ARVI;
  • cold;
  • allergic rhinitis.Nasivin for children. Instructions for use: spray, drops. Price, reviews

Children's Nazol is used from birth according to the following scheme:

  • under the age of 12 months - 1 drop (in each turn) up to 4 times a day;
  • after 1 year - 2 drops every 6 hours;
  • do not use the product for more than 3 days in a row without special indications.

The drug reveals a number of side effects with excessive use or unauthorized extension of the course.

The cost of Nazol Baby drops starts at 160 rubles per pack.


A vasoconstrictor drug based on xylometazoline hydrochloride with different concentrations of the active substance (0.1 and 0.5 g per 100 ml) is produced in 10 ml vials with a dropper cap.

For hospitals, glass vials are equipped with a conventional sealed lid. An effective agent that stimulates alpha-adrenergic receptors, quickly stops sputum production, relieves swelling, and can be used for the same indications as Nazivin.

Appointment of Xilen according to age:

  • from the first days of life - (0.05% solution) 1 drop up to 2 times a day;
  • children under 6 years old - 2 drops every 12 hours;
  • over 6 years old and adults - (0.1% solution) 1 or 2 drops three times a day.

Treatment is carried out for 3 days, in exceptional cases a 5-day course can be prescribed. Xilen is the most budgetary replacement for children's Nazivin. The cost of one bottle of drops does not exceed 40 rubles.

Nazivin for children is one of the safest drugs for the common cold. When choosing a replacement, one should be guided not only by price, but also carefully study the instructions and contraindications.

Nasal vasoconstrictor drugs are often limited in age to 6 years. It should be remembered that all drugs from this category are symptomatic and are not able to get rid of the cause of the disease, but only help to temporarily alleviate the child's condition.

Video about Nazivin

Indications and overview of nasal drops Nazivin:

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