Respiratory System

Breathe nose drops for children. Instructions for use, at what age you can, reviews, price

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In cold weather when the risk catch the flu or cold especially high, the body of children needs reliable protection. Breathe oil will successfully cope with this function, creating a barrier against viruses and bacteria. If preventive measures are late and there are symptoms of the disease, these drops will help to recover faster, providing the little patient with an effective and pleasant treatment.

Record content:

  • 1 Composition and active ingredients
  • 2 Mechanism of action
  • 3 Indications for use
  • 4 Contraindications and side effects
  • 5 At what age is it prescribed?
  • 6 Instructions and dosage
  • 7 How to do inhalation
  • 8 Selling features
  • 9 Dyshi oil video

Composition and active ingredients

Dyshi oil is intended for the prevention and symptomatic treatment of influenza and colds in adults and children. The drug is one of the latest developments of the Biosphere Corporation (Russia) and the pharmaceutical company Aquilon. It is a composition based on 6 essential oils obtained from vegetable raw materials.

The oil supplier is the German company FREY + LAU. It is a leader in the production of essential oils, natural flavors and fragrances, widely used in medicine, food industry, and perfumery.

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All essential oils produced by the company undergo strict quality control and comply with international standards, which is confirmed by certificates. To date, Dyshi oil is the only agent designed for non-contact prophylaxis and treatment, created on the basis of essential oils.Breathe drops for children. Instructions for use in the nose, at what age you can

Dyshi drops are an oil preparation for adults and children, which includes:



Peppermint oil The share of mint oil in the Dyshi composition is 35.5%. The volatile compounds (terpenoids) included in the oil, when inhaled on the nasal mucosa, act on cold receptors and cause vasoconstriction. They eliminate swelling and make breathing easier, like the usual drugs used for a cold. However, unlike them, mint oil does not dry or burn the mucous membrane, acting extremely delicately.

In addition, peppermint oil is capable of:

  • relieve a sore throat;
  • provide antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, tonic effect;
  • having a beneficial effect on the nervous system, to raise the mood of the patient.
Eucalyptus oil The content of eucalyptus oil in the final product is 35.5%. It belongs to natural immunomodulators - biologically active substances that have a beneficial effect on the human immune system, increasing its ability to resist infections.

The oil contains about 40 nutrients, thanks to which it:

  • is a natural antiseptic;
  • has antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties.
Cabetup oil This is white tea tree oil, its content in Dyshi is 18.5%. Kayetup oil is valued for its unique antiseptic qualities, in the past it was actively used during periods of epidemics. Also known is the ability of this substance to inhibit the development of pathogenic bacteria and its beneficial effect on the human body, thanks to which it fights disease more actively.

As a component of Dyshi, the following functions are assigned to kayetup oil:

  • antibacterial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • tonic.
Wintergreen oil This is the Goulteria recumbent oil (3.7%), which contains about 98% methyl salicylate - a natural substance known for its anti-inflammatory and anesthetic properties.

Thanks to them, wintergreen oil is widely used:

  • with acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, flu;
  • as a means of combating inflammatory processes involving the respiratory tract that accompany these diseases.
Juniper oil Essential oil obtained from ripe juniper berries, in the composition of its Breathe - 2.7%. It is a natural antibiotic with strong bactericidal properties. It is capable of killing bacteria.

Juniper oil is widely used as:

  • a means of combating fungal infection;
  • expectorant and soothing irritated mucous membranes;
  • remedy for the treatment of colds
Clove oil Despite the small amount (0.1%) of clove oil in Dyshi, it is its most important component, providing antiviral properties.

Other medicinal properties of clove oil include:

  • high antibacterial activity;
  • anti-inflammatory properties;
  • anesthetic properties.

It is widely used during epidemics of influenza and other infectious diseases transmitted by airborne droplets.

Levomenthol Dyshi oil contains levomenthol (4%) -

an organic substance obtained during the processing of mint oil and is widely used in pharmacology for the creation of drugs aimed at treating colds, rheumatism, and muscle pains.

Levomenthol refers to local irritants: by activating nerve receptors, it:

  • improves tissue nutrition in inflamed areas;
  • suppressing pain impulses, provides a "distracting" effect, making the symptoms of the disease less pronounced.

The function of levomenthol, as one of the components of Dyshi oil, is to enhance the antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory qualities of essential oils.

Water Distilled water purified from mineral salts, organic matter and impurities. Due to its addition, the optimal consistency (viscosity) of the drug is achieved, making it possible to easily measure the required number of drops.

Mechanism of action

Due to its unique composition, this drug is a natural antibacterial and antiviral agent with anti-inflammatory, analgesic and tonic properties.

The healing effect is achieved due to the ability of volatile substances that make up essential oils:

  • destroy the outer shells of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • reduce their ability to consume oxygen;
  • slow down your metabolism.

The aggressiveness of essential oils in relation to viruses and bacteria is combined with their beneficial effect on the human body: getting into the bloodstream, they penetrate into cells, improving their oxygen supply, helping to strengthen the immune system and eliminating factors that previously led to the development diseases.Breathe drops for children. Instructions for use in the nose, at what age you can

Breathe - drops for children and adults, which are used:

  • during an epidemic to reduce the risk of flu and colds;
  • at the first symptoms of influenza, SARS or acute respiratory infections, in order to stop the development of the disease;
  • if the disease is in full swing, in order to speed up the healing process, enhancing the effect of other medications;
  • at any stage of the disease, in order to provide symptomatic treatment, making it easier to breathe with a runny nose, eliminating a sore throat, alleviating a cough;
  • to decontaminate the indoor air and protect other family members in contact with the patient;
  • to strengthen the immune system and reduce several times the likelihood of re-infection and the development of complications.

According to research data, when oil is sprayed, about 85% of airborne bacteria are destroyed, and about 95% of pathogens stop growing.

Among the advantages of the drug:

  • natural composition;
  • no addictive effect and no restrictions on the duration and frequency of use;
  • the possibility of contactless treatment;
  • ease of use;
  • the minimum number of contraindications.

Buyers note:

  • the presence of simple and understandable instructions on the packaging;
  • convenient dispenser;
  • profitability;
  • reasonable price.

Indications for use

Dyshi oil is successfully used as a prophylactic and therapeutic agent for influenza and colds caused by viral or bacterial infections transmitted by airborne droplets.Breathe drops for children. Instructions for use in the nose, at what age you canThe drug is recommended to be used under the following circumstances:

  • high risk of infection associated with an unfavorable epidemiological situation, seasonal decrease in immunity, hypothermia - for the purpose of prevention;
  • the appearance of early signs of the disease - to relieve the primary symptoms;
  • severe runny nose, pain and sore throat, cough - to relieve the patient's condition;
  • the presence of a sick family member - to clean the air in the room from pathogens.

In addition, the oil can be used when performing inhalations, as well as as an aid in acupuncture massage aimed at eliminating cold symptoms.

Contraindications and side effects

Breathe - drops for children and adults have practically no contraindications. The only exception is the intolerance of individual components of the product and an allergic reaction to essential oil (most often to clove and mint oil), which is rare.

An allergic reaction can manifest itself:

  • contact dermatitis. Its symptoms are skin redness and itching, the appearance of scaly areas, a tingling sensation;
  • urticaria, a characteristic feature of which is the formation of large blisters on the skin;
  • allergic rhinitis, accompanied by swelling of the nasal mucosa;
  • eye irritation: tearing, redness, swelling of the eyelids.

A similar effect is possible with:

  • multiple excess of the doses recommended when using the drug;
  • oil contact with eyes, nasal mucosa, damaged skin areas.

At what age is it prescribed?

Breathe oil massage can be performed for adults and children from the age of 1 year. Non-contact treatment is possible at any age of the patient, including for infants and the elderly. This is provided that there is no allergy to the components of the product.Breathe drops for children. Instructions for use in the nose, at what age you can

At the age of a child under 2 weeks, consultation with a pediatrician is desirable.

Instructions and dosage

Breathe Oil is safe, effective and convenient.

With its help you can:

  • minimize the risk of disease;
  • relieve symptoms of the disease;
  • accelerate recovery.

The way of using the oil and dosage depend on the purpose of its use and on the age of the patient:

  • For prophylaxis: before going to a crowded place, apply 3-5 drops of oil on clothes. The product does not leave marks on most fabrics, but it is advisable to first test it on an inconspicuous area of ​​the thing.
  • To disinfect the air in an office, school, or other institution: drip 4-5 drops of oil onto a napkin or handkerchief and put it next to you.
  • If there is a patient and need to protect other family members from infection: take several napkins, on each of which drip 4-6 drops of oil and spread in all rooms, in the kitchen and in hallway.
  • To protect your child from the flu and colds: Before going to school or kindergarten, drip 2-4 drops of oil on his favorite toy or clothes.
  • For passive inhalation for the purpose of treatment: apply 2-3 drops of oil to any cloth and place it so that the aroma of the oil is clearly felt. In this case, direct prolonged contact with the skin should be avoided.
  • When performing acupressure for adults and children aged 1 year and older: apply 1-2 drops of oil to the skin at the point of impact.

Oil that gets on the fabric or is sprayed in a closed room retains its protective qualities for 4-6 hours, after which it must be reapplied. The amount and frequency of use of the drug is not limited.Breathe drops for children. Instructions for use in the nose, at what age you can

To minimize the likelihood of side effects, you must follow the simple rules of use of the drug, namely:

  • in no case do not bury it in the nose: Dyshi oil is not a nasal remedy;
  • wash hands thoroughly after handling oil;
  • in case of accidental contact with the drug in the eyes, mouth, on the nasal mucosa, try to quickly remove it by rinsing with clean water;
  • during massage, do not apply oil to areas of the body that have any damage to the skin;
  • do not exceed the indicated doses: a few drops are enough to ensure the therapeutic effect. A high concentration of oil vapors in the air will not make the treatment more effective, but it will increase the risk of developing allergies;
  • keep the bottle of oil out of the reach of the child;
  • in case of any unusual body reactions associated with the use of Dyshi oil, in case of a worsening of the patient's condition, if rash, skin redness or eye irritation occurs, discontinue use until consultation doctor.

How to do inhalation

Inhalation is one of the aromatherapy methods in which essential oils act on the upper respiratory tract of a person, destroying existing pathogens that managed to get here along with the inhaled air, and preventing their penetration into the bronchi and lungs.

Breathe - oil-based drops for children and adults that can be used in inhalation.

Thanks to them, you can:

  • improve the functioning of the respiratory system;
  • in the early stages of the disease - to exclude its further development, stopping the spread of the inflammatory process;
  • with clear signs of the disease - to reduce the swelling of the nasal mucosa, facilitate breathing, eliminate a sore throat, and promote better sputum discharge.

In addition, inhalation:

  • stimulate the work of the respiratory system;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • acting through the olfactory receptors on the nervous system, they improve the psychoemotional state of the patient, relieve depression and depression caused by the disease.

Among the advantages of procedures with Breathe oil:

  • safety;
  • efficiency;
  • the possibility of direct exposure to areas affected by the disease.Breathe drops for children. Instructions for use in the nose, at what age you can

Due to its pleasant aroma, inhalations are not only useful, but also pleasant procedures that do not cause protest in the smallest and most capricious patients.

The following types of inhalation are possible with Breathe oil:

Inhalation Description
Passive Breathing in the aroma of essential oils is a simple but effective and enjoyable healing procedure. To do it, just drop 4-6 drops of oil (for an adult) or 2-3 drops (for a small child) onto a napkin and put it next to the patient.

The procedure is performed 3 times a day and gives a well noticeable effect if started at the first symptoms of acute respiratory infections.

Cold Inhalation of oil vapors mixed with a water suspension at room temperature. To perform this type of procedure, you need to drop a few drops of oil into the water and spray it indoors using a humidifier, spray bottle or use a nebulizer.

Cold inhalation is the best treatment for a small child.

Hot Inhalation of essential oil vapors mixed with warm water vapor is an excellent treatment option for patients over 4 years of age. To perform the procedure, you will need hot water, but not scalding your hands. It is necessary to dissolve a few drops of oil in it (1-2 drops per 100 ml). Then you can pour the water into a bowl and cover with a towel or use a special steam inhaler. The duration of the first procedure is limited to 5 minutes, in the future, if the inhalations are well tolerated, the time can be increased

It should be borne in mind that there are a number of contraindications for hot inhalation.Breathe drops for children. Instructions for use in the nose, at what age you can

They cannot be used:

  • at high temperatures;
  • at the acute stage of the disease;
  • with heart disease.

Use for babies

For an infant and for his parents, even a simple runny nose is a disaster, since swelling of the mucous membrane nose complicates the feeding process and interferes with proper sleep, causing continuous angry crying.

Conventional vasoconstrictor drops will relieve the child's condition, but with prolonged use can cause unpleasant symptoms of medication rhinitis. In addition, they are very difficult to dose, and in case of an overdose, a mucosal burn is possible.

Breathe (drops for children of this brand are a good alternative to conventional nasal drops) can be used for a long time in a non-contact way, without the risk of injury to the nasal mucosa. Due to the high content of terpenes and saponins - substances that contribute to the liquefaction of mucus, vasoconstriction and better removal of phlegm, Breathe is useful at any stage of the common cold.

Breathe drops for children. Instructions for use in the nose, at what age you can
Breathe oil drops for children

For babies under 1 year old, passive inhalation is recommended as a means of preventing and treating the disease at its first symptoms.

You can also use for inhalation:

  • nebulizer;
  • humidifier;
  • spray.

It should be borne in mind that if time is lost and the disease has entered the acute stage, the oil can only be used as an adjuvant, complementing other drugs prescribed by the pediatrician.

It is undesirable to apply oil directly to baby's clothes and toys, as there is a high risk that it will get on his hands and then into his mouth. In addition, an acupuncture massage using essential oil is not performed on a child under 1 year old, it can cause skin burns.

In high concentrations, as well as when it gets on the mucous membrane, essential oil can be dangerous for the baby.

If oil spills:

  • In the eyes - it is necessary to drop 1 drop of the base vegetable oil used in children's practice into each eye. This neutralizes the burning sensation components. Then rinse eyes thoroughly with water. If the child continues to worry, or redness of the eyes (swelling of the eyelids) persists for a long time, show the baby to an ophthalmologist.
  • If it gets on the skin, rinse the area with clean water, then lubricate with cream or baby oil.
  • Got in the mouth - offer the baby an unscheduled feed or splash a few drops of milk into his mouth. The fats contained in it will eliminate the feeling of "baking".

If there is a suspicion that the child may have swallowed the oil, neither feed it nor try to provoke vomiting. It is necessary to urgently call an ambulance.

Selling features

Dyshi oil is available in dark glass bottles with a dispenser of 30 and 10 ml, placed in a cardboard box. The package contains all the data on the composition of the drug, method of application, precautions.Breathe drops for children. Instructions for use in the nose, at what age you can

The oil is sold in pharmacies without a prescription, its average price is:

  • with a capacity of 30 ml - 270 rubles;
  • with a capacity of 10 ml - 188 rubles;
  • with a capacity of 10 ml with a bracelet - 259 rubles.

The inhaler bracelet is present in the limited edition Dyshi-Aquilon and is designed for more convenient application of the drug. The bracelet is made of a soft material that absorbs oil well, has an attractive appearance, and is easy to clean from dirt.

When buying, it is necessary to check the date of manufacture and the tightness of the package: if it is broken, the drug could lose its healing properties due to the evaporation of volatile substances that make up the ether oils.
Storage conditions and periods

It is necessary to store the oil at a temperature of 2 to 25 ° C heat with a tightly closed lid and normal air humidity in a place out of the reach of sunlight and inaccessible to children. The maximum shelf life is 3 years from the date of manufacture. In case of improper storage or the expiration of this period, the oil becomes unusable.

Anyone who has managed to appreciate the properties of Dysha's oily drops will be interested in other preparations of this series, created on the basis of the same composition of 6 essential oils.

These are oil spray, warming gel, gel for the skin around the nose, patch-inhaler, cough lozenges, herbal teas. These products are safe, natural and able to provide maximum protection against viruses and bacteria for children and adults.

Dyshi oil video

Video instructions for using the Breathe spray:

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