Skin Treatment

From a fungus of fingernails or nails on legs or foots what is better? A full range of medicines and products!

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Nail fungus is a severe cutaneous pathology that is caused by microscopic unicellular fungi and is called onychomycosis. Infection with dermatophytes, molds and representatives of yeast-like fungi usually occurs when visiting public baths and swimming pools, as well as during physical contact with the carrier of infection.

From a fungus of fingernails or nails on legs or foots what is better?

From the fungus of the nails on the legs which is better?

Lesions can affect the nail plates and peri-oral grooves of the upper or lower extremities or have a combined form. The affected nail changes its color, becomes yellow, gray or brown. The skin around it is peeling, covered with dark spots. In severe forms under the nail plate can form a dense plaque - this clinical picture is typical for Candida infection.

Candidiasis infection


The dermatologist deals with the treatment of any skin diseases, including fungal infections. With onychomycosis 1-2 degrees at the initial stage, you can get rid of unpleasant symptoms with the help of traditional medicine recipes. In severe and neglected cases, nail fungus on the legs can only be treated with medical preparations of local or systemic action based on steroid hormones or broad-spectrum antibiotics. It is not recommended to use any medication without prescribing the doctor, since it is important to first determine the type of fungus and its resistance to certain chemicals.

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Treatment should appoint a dermatologist

Treatment should appoint a dermatologist

Content of the material

  • 1 Medication: which tool should I choose?
    • 1.1 Solutions for processing lacquers
    • 1.2 Terbinafine in the complex therapy of fungal infections
    • 1.3 Treatment of onychomycosis "Fluconazole"
  • 2 Topical medications
  • 3 Systemic action medications
  • 4 Can a fungus be cured with folk recipes?
    • 4.1 Disinfectant and antiseptic foot bath
    • 4.2 Decoction of plants
    • 4.3 Oils( ethers) from plant extracts
    • 4.4 Iodine treatment
  • 5 Nail fungus on legs: which is better?
    • 5.1 Video - How to get rid of nail fungus on the legs

Medication: which tool to choose?

The choice of a specific preparation for getting rid of the fungus should be performed by the attending physician after serological examination of the blood for antibodies to certain types of fungal organisms and smear microscopy.

Treatment is prescribed only after the study of blood for antibodies

Treatment is prescribed only after a blood test for antibodies

In most cases, the patient is prescribed a combined treatment regimen, which may include:

  • antifungal ointments, lacquers and gels;
    Antifungal ointments and varnishes

    Antifungal ointments and lacquers

  • antimycotic preparations of systemic action with fungicidal and fungistatic action;
    Antimycotic drugs

    Antimycotic preparations

  • immunomodulators for activation of immunity( including local protective functions);


  • vitamin and mineral supplements.

Vitamin-mineral complexes are prescribed for the prevention of deficiency of the most important vitamins and minerals, increasing the resistance of the organism to various types of infections. To ensure that the new nail on the site of the affected nail plate grows strong and healthy, the patient should receive a sufficient amount of vitamins E, A, ascorbic acid, as well as phosphorus, calcium, mani, zinc, chromium and selenium.

Vitamin-mineral complexes are prescribed to strengthen the new nail plate

Vitamin-mineral complexes are prescribed to strengthen the new nail plate

Below is a brief description of the most effective drugs for removing fungus on the nails of the feet, as well as recommendations for dosage and method of use.

Solutions for processing lacquers

"Loceril" is a specialized preparation that is used for the treatment of fungal nail lesions on the hands and feet. The drug is available in the form of lacquer, which contains amorolfin - a substance with a fungicidal effect, destroying the envelope of fungi and preventing their reproduction. The drug is considered one of the leaders among antimycotic drugs of local action, but it has a significant drawback: it must be used continuously for at least 9-12 months, until a healthy plate of the nail grows.



Complete with varnish also go:

  • tampons for cleaning nails, impregnated with alcohol solution( concentration 70%);
  • disposable nail fileting tools;
  • disposable spatula for applying the drug.

Apply the drug 1-2 times per 7-10 days, pre-disinfected nails and treated them with a file that comes complete."Loceril" is active against most yeast-like, mold fungi and dermatophytes and can be used to treat one of the most severe forms of onychomycosis - candidiasis of nails.

Before applying the product, the nails should be treated with a filing

Before applying the product, the nails should be treated with a saw

Important!"Loceril" has no contraindications and is well tolerated, but it is not recommended to use it for the treatment of preschool children. During the treatment, the use of decorative nail polishes and the procedure for building up are prohibited.

Analog "Lotserila" - nail polish "Onyelp".



Terbinafine in the complex therapy of fungal infections

"Fungoterbine" is a drug for the treatment of various forms of mycosis, epidermophytosis and colorful lichen. Available in the form of a cream and spray for external treatment and tablets for oral administration."Fungoterbine" contains terbinafine( in cream - in the form of hydrochloride).External forms of the preparation also contain urea, a derivative of carbonic acid.

The dosage and method of administration of the drug is as follows:

  • tablets - 250 mg once a day after meals for 6-12 weeks;
    Fungoterbine tablets

    "Fungoterbine" tablets

  • spray - 1-2 times a day for 7-10 days;
    Fungoterbine Spray

    "Fungoterbine" spray

  • cream - 1-2 times a day for 1 week.

    Fungoterbin cream

Please note! Due to insufficient knowledge of the effect of the active component of the drug on children's body, the use of Fungoterbine and its analogues is not recommended for children under 12 years of age.

Another terbinafine topical preparation is cream and Lamisil spray .The preparation is also available in the form of tablets, so it can be used as part of combined antifungal therapy regimens. Tablets "Lamisil" should be taken 1 time per day for 1 tablet. Spray and cream are used 1-2 times a day for pre-cleaned and disinfected skin of the feet and nails. The duration of therapy is determined individually, taking into account the dynamics of recovery, side effects, the age of the patient and his individual characteristics. The average duration of treatment for onychomycosis of the feet is 8-12 weeks.

Lamisil cream

"Lamisil" cream

The drug is contraindicated in children under two years of age. At an older age, Lamizil can be treated if the child's body weight exceeds 12 kg. Pregnant women are prescribed only if there are emergency indications with a possible correction of the dosing regimen and the use regimen. During lactation from oral administration, "Lamizila" should be discarded.

Lamisil Spray

"Lamisil" spray

Important! In case of serious violations in the work of the kidneys and liver, only local forms of the drug are allowed.

Treatment of onychomycosis with "Fluconazole"

Fluconazole for onychomycosis of the feet is usually administered in capsules. The drug is convenient because it should be taken once a week at a dosage of 150 mg. Duration of treatment can be from six months to 12 months. The drug can be used in childhood, starting with 4 years, with the dosing regimen should appoint a children's dermatologist or pediatrician.



Important!"Fluconazole" refers to drugs with an increased degree of toxicity, so against the background of admission, the patient may experience various side effects of listed in the table below.

Organs or organ system Possible side effects
Nervous system Hyperactivity, increased excitability, headache, frequent change of emotional state, convulsive syndrome, tremor of extremities.
Heart and vessels Atrial fibrillation( ventricular fibrillation).
Hematopoiesis system Agranulocytosis, leukopenia, formation of blood clots( thrombi).
Gastrointestinal organs Intestinal colic, heartburn, nausea, lack of appetite, pain in the abdominal space and epigastrium.

The decision to continue treatment in the event of any side effects on the background of treatment should be taken by a doctor taking into account the severity of secondary pathologies and the patient's condition.

In case of side effects, the decision to continue treatment should be taken by a doctor

In case of side effects, the doctor of medicine

should take a decision to continue treatment. Medicinal preparations of local action

Preparations in the form of creams, gels, balms, ointments and varnishes are easy to use and have a complex effect. Undoubted advantage of such means is a low absorption of toxic components, which, if ingested into the systemic blood stream, can cause severe reactions and negatively affect the liver and kidneys. This property allows the use of topical drugs for vulnerable categories of patients, which include elderly people, patients with severe disorders in the functioning of the kidney and liver systems, children, pregnant and lactating women.

The most effective drugs for onychomycosis are presented in the table.

Medication name Form How many times a day do I use? Duration of treatment


Spray 2 times 14 days


Nail polish 1-2 times a week 6-12 weeks


Cream 2 times 2 months


Ointment, drops 2 times 1-4 months

" Mycosan "

Serum 2 times 8 weeks

" Mycospores "

Ointment( in a set of scraper and plaster) 2 times a week 12-14 weeks

Important!!Means for external treatment give a good therapeutic effect only at an early stage of the disease or with mild forms of onychomycosis. In advanced and severe cases, therapy should be supplemented with systemic antibiotics and antifungal drugs in the form of tablets or capsules.

External agents are effective only at an early stage of the disease

Topical products are effective only at an early stage of the disease

Means of systemic action

Almost all tablets for internal reception cause toxic damage of a liver, therefore to accept them it is necessary on purpose of the doctor, observing the recommended dosage. Most often for the treatment of fungus caused by dermatophytes, molds and yeast-like fungi , the following drugs are used:

  • "Itraconazole";


  • "Ketoconazole";


  • "Clotrimazole";


  • "Nizoral";


  • "Miconazole".


All of them have the same efficacy, but the list of contraindications and side effects in each of them may vary, so it is important to consult a physician before starting treatment.

Can a fungus be cured with folk recipes?

At the initial stage of onychomycosis, a good effect is produced by prescriptions of alternative medicine that are suitable for patients of any age and practically do not cause negative reactions and complications. With severe forms of nail fungus on legs, treatment with folk remedies can be used to increase the effectiveness of therapy.

Treatment with folk remedies gives a good result at an early stage of the disease, with neglected cases, folk remedies can be used as a supplement to the main treatment

Treatment with folk remedies gives a good result at an early stage of the disease, in case of neglected cases, folk remedies can be used as a supplement to the basic treatment.

Disinfectant and antiseptic foot baths

The most popular means for the destruction of fungal infection on the legs is soda baths with the addition of iodine. To prepare a medical bath, you need to dissolve 4 tablespoons of sodium carbonate in 5 liters of hot water and add 10 drops of iodine( alcohol solution).The water temperature should be at least 42 °.Keep feet in such a bath you need about 15-20 minutes, and after the procedure to lubricate the feet and nail plates with any antifungal cream. Repeat the baths every day in the evening for 1 month.

Foot bath with soda and iodine

Foot bath with soda and iodine

The soda solution can be replaced with a salt bath. At 5-7 liters of water, 200 g of sea salt are taken. You can use the product with natural anti-inflammatory and antiseptic additives: extracts of chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort, thyme. The coniferous extract copes well with the fungus of nails, but it must be natural, without the addition of flavors and colorants. In the salt bath you can add a little fir or eucalyptus oil, as well as oils of bergamot and grapefruit( 2-4 drops).Duration of the procedure is 12 minutes. Do salt baths best 2 times a day for 10-14 days.

Coniferous extract is quite effective against nail fungus

Coniferous extract is quite effective against nail fungus

Tip! The effectiveness of treatment will be higher if you use salt with mineral supplements: iodine, bromine, magnesium and calcium.

Sea salt with mineral additives

Sea salt with mineral additives

Decoctions of plants

For the treatment of feet in fungal diseases, decoction of medicinal plants with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and wound-healing properties can be used. Such herbs and plants include:

  • linden;


  • Oak bark;
    Oak bark

    Oak bark

  • sage;


  • burdock;


  • nettle;


  • Calendula.


These plants also contain a large number of vitamins, amino acids and mineral components that contribute to the rapid growth of a healthy nail with a strong nail plate and ensure the renewal of the surface layer of peri-nasal droplets.

To prepare a decoction, you need to pour 100 g of raw material( or mixture of ingredients) with a liter of boiling water and cook over low heat for 12-15 minutes. Ready broth strain and cool to a comfortable temperature, then pour the product into any deep container and lower the legs into it for 15 minutes. You need to make such mini-baths every day until full recovery.

Doing such baths need daily

To do such baths every day

Oils( ethers) from plant extracts

Essential oils of eucalyptus, bergamot, tea tree and fir help to achieve a pronounced result in the treatment of fungal nail lesions, if used regularly. They have bactericidal, antifungal and anti-inflammatory action and restore the structure of the destroyed nail, accelerating the growth of a healthy nail plate.

Essential oils will help achieve the desired result if you use them constantly

Essential oils will help you achieve the desired result if you use them regularly

Use them as follows:

  • wash your feet with warm water and soap;
    First you need to wash your feet with soap and water

    First you need to wash your feet with water and soap

  • to treat sick nails with any antiseptic( you can use "Furacilin" or "Chlorhexidine");
    Then you need to treat the nails with any antiseptic

    Then you need to treat the nails with any antiseptic

  • soak cotton ball with oil;
    Wet cotton wool

    Moisten a cotton swab with

  • oil to wipe the nails and skin around them, paying special attention to the affected areas.
    Wipe nails and skin around them

    Wipe nails and skin around them

The procedure should be repeated 3-4 times a day. Duration of treatment - 4 weeks.

Important! Natural essential oils can cause an allergic reaction, which is manifested by tingling, burning, itching, and rash. If any of these symptoms occur, it is better to refuse this method of therapy.

Essential oils can cause an allergic reaction, in this case, treatment should be stopped

Essential oils can cause an allergic reaction, in which case they must be discontinued

iodine treatment

Iodine alcohol solution is a cheap and effective remedy for treating skin infections, including fungal nail infections. To use it simply: on a sick fingernail it is necessary to drip a drop of iodine and gently rub it into the nail plate and peri-oral roller with a cotton swab. Treat affected areas 3 times a day before the end of treatment. Before applying iodine, the skin of the feet should be thoroughly washed with soap and dried.

To treat the fungus with iodine, it is necessary to rub it into the nail plate

For the treatment of iodine fungus, it is necessary to rub it into the nail plate

Nail fungus on legs: what is better?

This question can not be answered unambiguously. Traditional medicine is safer, as the medicine recipes are based on the use of natural ingredients that do not penetrate the blood and do not have a negative effect on internal organs and their work. Despite this, it is impossible to refuse medical treatment - this can lead to the progression of the disease and the infection of healthy tissues.

Before choosing a means of treatment, traditional medicine or medicamental, compulsory specialist consultation is necessary

It is important to understand that any methods of treating onychomycosis at home are mainly aimed at eliminating pathological symptoms, but they can not cope with the growth and activity of the pathogenic flora before choosing a cure, folk medicine or medication. Temporary remission of symptoms does not mean recovery at all. Such a clinical picture may indicate the transition of pathology into a latent form, which can become aggravated under the influence of any provoking factor. To prevent this from happening, the fungus should be treated under the supervision of a specialist, observing all of its recommendations and purposes.

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