Respiratory System

Ipratropium bromide + Fenoterol. Price, instructions, analogs

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Ipratropium bromide + Fenoterol - a combination drug from the group of beta-adrenergic agonists, which is actively used for pathologies of the bronchi and lungs of varying severity. The price of funds differs depending on the manufacturer and the region of distribution.

Medicines from this group are produced in different dosage forms, which allows in each case to choose the most optimal option. Medicines are prescribed only if indicated and after a preliminary examination.

Record content:

  • 1 Principle and mechanism of action
  • 2 Pharmacodynamics
  • 3 Pharmacokinetics
  • 4 Indications for use
  • 5 Contraindications
  • 6 Side effects
  • 7 Overdose
  • 8 Precautions and special instructions
  • 9 List of drugs containing the groups Ipratropium bromide + Fenoterol
    • 9.1 Aerosols
    • 9.2 Solutions
  • 10 Drug prices
  • 11 Video about the drug

Principle and mechanism of action

Medicines from this group have pronounced bronchodilator properties., which allows them to be used in the event of symptoms of pathologies of the respiratory system, occurring in a chronic form.

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The principle of action of the funds is based on the ability of the main substances to selectively activate type 2 beta-adrenergic receptors, which leads to the expansion of the bronchi and an improvement in the supply of oxygen to the tissues.

Ipratropium bromide + Fenoterol. Instructions for use, price, analogs
Ipratropium bromide Fenoterol is a combination drug from the group of beta-adrenergic agonists used to treat certain lung diseases

An additional ability of the funds is considered to be the effect on the secretion of sputum and muscle tissue of the bronchi. As a result of the use of medicines, there is an improvement in the condition, a decrease in the number of attacks within a short period of time.

Weakening the tone of smooth muscles improves the supply to the tissues of other components of drugs used to treat pathological conditions. The activity of drugs is noted in the treatment of many pathologies accompanied by bronchospasm.


Ipratropium bromide + Fenoterol (the price of funds depends on the country of origin) rather quickly eliminates bronchospasm, which is observed in many pathological conditions. The drug helps to expand the lumen of the bronchi, which improves the passage of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues. As a result, shortness of breath and associated respiratory symptoms are eliminated.

Ipratropium bromide + Fenoterol. Instructions for use, price, analogs
Ipratropium bromide + Fenoterol expand the lumen of the bronchi and eliminate bronchospasm

The active ingredients also affect the work of the vagus nerve, which leads to the expansion of the lumen of the bronchi and the elimination of bronchospasm. The effect of therapy is noticeable after the first use, especially in patients who suffer from chronic forms of respiratory pathologies.

Combined group drugs have other properties:

  • Blocks the production of mast cells and some inflammatory mediators. This helps prevent the progression of many inflammatory pathologies, and also reduces the risk of developing an allergic reaction. In most cases, patients with bronchial asthma suffer from such disorders, and the use of drugs prevents their occurrence.
  • Stimulates respiratory function, improves metabolic processes in tissues, which prevents the development of deficiency, deficiency of nutrients, oxygen.
  • Increases heart rate slightly, due to which the nutrition of all tissues in the patient's body improves. This action has a positive effect on the body of patients who do not suffer from severe chronic heart disease.
  • Increases the volume of air that the patient inhales at a time.

The combination of 2 active ingredients allows you to achieve the maximum therapeutic result with a single application and prescription for long courses.

At low concentrations of active ingredients, the therapeutic effect appears over a short period of time.


Medicines based on 2 active substances are well absorbed in the body. Pharmacokinetic features depend on the route of administration. When applied topically in the form of aerosols, there is a high concentration of active ingredients in the tissues of the respiratory system.

In this case, a certain amount of substances spreads throughout the body, being absorbed into the systemic circulation. The effect develops within 15 minutes after topical application or administration by other means. Usually, the patient feels relief after a few minutes.

The components do not accumulate in the body during a short therapeutic course, but they can accumulate in small amounts with prolonged use.

Despite this, the risk of developing an overdose is low. The processing of the ingredients of the composition is carried out in the liver, after which the decay products are evacuated naturally through the respiratory organs and in small quantities with the help of the kidneys. With pathologies of the digestive and urinary systems, pharmacokinetic features may change.

Indications for use

Ipratropium bromide + Fenoterol is prescribed for various pathologies from the respiratory system. The price of the drug depends on the specific manufacturer and form of release.

The main indications for the use of the drug:

  • Emphysema of the lungs with a wound stage.
  • Bronchial asthma with or without complications from other organs.
  • Severe pneumonia, accompanied by shortness of breath, respiratory failure and other complications.
Ipratropium bromide + Fenoterol. Instructions for use, price, analogs
  • Chronic bronchitis accompanied by obstruction. With this course of the disease, there is a deterioration in the movement of air along the respiratory tract and the development of complications against the background of this violation.
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, which occurs in patients of certain professions, associated with inhalation of dust or any toxic substances, chemicals.
  • Bronchial asthma of allergic origin. In this case, the drugs are used in combination with other agents to achieve a more pronounced result.

The funds can also be used to expand the lumen of the bronchi before carrying out any therapeutic, diagnostic manipulations.


The main and most important contraindication for therapy with drugs is considered intolerance to the components of the composition.

Ipratropium bromide + Fenoterol. Instructions for use, price, analogs
Ipratropium bromide Fenoterol has a number of contraindications for use (cardiovascular disease, pregnancy and lactation, diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism)

There are other barriers to use:

  • Pathology of the heart and blood vessels of severe form, accompanied by a violation of the heart rhythm and tachycardia.
  • Acute myocardial infarction. After the elimination of severe symptoms, the drugs are allowed to be used as directed.
  • Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy. The condition is often aggravated by the use of medications.
  • The period of lactation and bearing of the child. Official instructions for the funds indicate that when an urgent need arises, drugs can be used only in the 2nd trimester of gestation.
  • Uncontrolled form of arterial hypertension.
  • Pathologies of the visual apparatus, for example, severe angle-closure glaucoma.
  • Severe diabetes mellitus.
  • Diagnosing the advanced stage of coronary heart disease.
  • Cerebral circulation disorder.
  • Acute peripheral vascular pathologies.
  • Hyperthyroidism With an advanced course of such a violation, the drug can lead to various complications.
  • Hyperplasia of the prostate gland, benign and malignant.

For elderly patients, medications are prescribed with caution, especially if there is a history of cardiovascular pathologies.

Side effects

Ipratropium bromide + Fenoterol (the price of a domestic manufacturer is slightly lower than that of an imported analog) can lead to the development of complications.

They appear especially often when the instructions are violated. From the side of the heart and blood vessels, arrhythmia and tachycardia are observed, as well as an increase in blood pressure indicators. Against the background of such violations, there is a deterioration in the general condition of patients.

Patients talk about:

  • headache;
  • severe dizziness;
  • weakness;
  • rapid fatigue.

With prolonged use, there is a deterioration in vision and inflammation of the mucous membranes of the throat, manifested in the form of pharyngitis or laryngitis. Sometimes patients talk about the development of stomatitis or gingivitis with prolonged use of the drug, a violation of the perception of taste and smell. Symptoms persist for several days after discontinuation of therapy.

Ipratropium bromide + Fenoterol. Instructions for use, price, analogs
Among the adverse reactions of the drug, patients note headache, weakness, digestive disorders

Disorders from the digestive tract manifest themselves in different symptoms depending on the characteristics of the patient's body. The patient may experience persistent constipation or frequent loose stools, impaired digestion and pain in the stomach.

Adverse reactions can manifest themselves in the form of allergies, accompanied by edema of the mucous membranes of the eyes and nose, itching and burning.


The drugs can provoke an overdose with frequent use in high doses. At the same time, the condition is aggravated, there is a disruption in the work of all organs and systems.

Disorders can lead to an aggravation of the course of chronic diseases of the heart and organs of the digestive tract, which provokes:

  • critical increase in blood pressure;
  • arrhythmia and tachycardia;
  • nausea.
Ipratropium bromide + Fenoterol. Instructions for use, price, analogs
Overdose of the drug causes repeated vomiting

Quite often, in case of an overdose, patients say repeated vomiting during the day. Such symptoms can provoke dehydration of the body due to the loss of a large amount of fluid with vomit. If the person has diarrhea, the risk of dehydration increases.

In the event of negative reactions or signs of an overdose, you should immediately stop using the funds and visit a doctor. Overdose is dangerous not only for health, but also for the patient's life.

Precautions and special instructions

Ipratropium bromide + Fenoterol (the price of drugs in most cases is available for patients) is used only as directed by a doctor, like all products containing such active substances. This is associated with an increased risk of complications if used incorrectly.

When combining a drug with other medications, a specialist pre-determines their compatibility, which will prevent disorders when potent drugs are combined.

If it is necessary for prolonged use, the most optimal dosages are selected for patients, taking into account the insignificant accumulation of ingredients in the blood and tissues.

List of drugs containing the groups Ipratropium bromide + Fenoterol

Today, in pharmacies, you can find various preparations based on such active ingredients. They are available in various dosage forms, which allows each patient to choose the most suitable option. In most cases, aerosols and solutions are used.


Aerosol products are considered the most effective and fastest-acting, as they enter the respiratory system immediately and help to quickly eliminate the symptoms of an attack. They are especially effective in bronchial asthma.

Name of funds Peculiarities
Berodual The drug is in the form of an aerosol, which is actively used in the treatment of severe pneumonia, bronchial asthma and some other pathologies of the respiratory tract.

The remedy is considered to be very effective. Helps to quickly eliminate bronchospasm and other symptoms of disorders. The drug is used in short or long courses, and can also be used once in the event of bronchospasm, concomitant symptoms.

Ipratropium bromide + Fenoterol. Instructions for use, price, analogs

The aerosol is injected into the oral cavity, making 1-2 clicks. In this case, it is imperative to inhale during injection so that the components in microscopic particles enter directly into the respiratory tract.

The drug treatment lasts from 2 to 10 days. It is often used only when the need arises. Experts draw the attention of patients to the fact that if there is no effect within 5 minutes after injection, it is worth re-performing the manipulation.

The maximum number of applications per day should not exceed 8 times. If this does not help to improve the condition, you must immediately call a doctor.

Fenipra Aerosol, which is used for inhalation and contains ipratropium bromide, fenoterol. The agent has a pronounced effect on the bronchi, expands their lumen, and prevents bronchospasm.
Ipratropium bromide + Fenoterol. Instructions for use, price, analogs

The drug is prescribed mainly for severe bronchial asthma, but it can also be used for acute pneumonia, obstructive bronchitis, pulmonary emphysema. Especially often the drug is used in the presence of signs of respiratory failure against the background of such diseases.

The tool is used during periods of exacerbation from 2 to 6 times a day. The injection is done 2 times, always during inhalation. The duration of therapy is determined individually in each case, as well as the amount of application during the day.

The drug is considered effective and relatively safe for most patients.

Inspirax A fairly effective topical aerosol to be injected into the respiratory tract during inspiration. The drug has a bronchodilatory effect, stimulates the nutrition of the tissues of the respiratory tract, prevents the progression of pathologies and the development of severe complications.
Ipratropium bromide + Fenoterol. Instructions for use, price, analogs

The tool is used for exacerbation of symptoms and the appearance of shortness of breath, asthma attacks in case of diagnosing bronchial asthma. The action of the agent is provided due to the presence of fenoterol and ipratropium bromide in the composition.

The drug is used according to the standard scheme, that is, 2 injections during inhalation, it is allowed to repeat the manipulation up to 6 times a day, depending on the severity of the symptoms. The duration of the therapeutic course is determined individually.

Aerosol formulations are considered the most effective as they act fairly quickly. However, the choice of a specific medication is made only by a doctor after a preliminary examination and identification of the degree of neglect of the disease.


Ipratropium bromide + Fenoterol, the price of which is affordable, can be produced in the form of solutions. They are used for inhalation with a special device called a nebulizer. This application allows for a more prolonged effect on the respiratory tract, which is important for attacks and in the treatment of diseases that are not related to bronchial asthma.

Today, patients are prescribed the following medications:

  • Ipraterol native - a product in the form of a solution, packaged in dark glass bottles.
Ipratropium bromide + Fenoterol. Instructions for use, price, analogs

Contains fenoterol and ipratropium bromide. The drug is used in the acute and subacute stages of bronchial asthma in order to facilitate breathing and prevent the development of bronchospasm. As part of a complex treatment, the agent can be used to diagnose obstructive bronchitis, severe pneumonia, and other disorders.

The solution is added to a special section of the nebulizer, adding 2-3 ml of sodium chloride 0.9%. For 10-20 minutes, the patient inhales the vapor, which forms the device, using a mask, the procedure is carried out no more than 3 times a day. This helps to quickly relieve symptoms and improve breathing.

This method is considered gentle and effective. The dosage and duration of use is determined individually in each case.

  • Berodual - an effective solution for inhalation containing fenoterol and ipratropium bromide as the main active ingredient.
Ipratropium bromide + Fenoterol. Instructions for use, price, analogs

The medication is prescribed when diagnosing pathologies of the respiratory system, accompanied by respiratory failure, bronchospasm, shortness of breath and other symptoms. The drug is used 1 to 4 times a day, depending on the severity of manifestations.

The dosage and duration of treatment is determined individually. The application of the solution is carried out according to the standard scheme using a nebulizer and the addition of sodium chloride in an amount of 2-3 ml.

  • Astmasol-Solofarm - a solution for inhalation, which is used with a nebulizer for pathologies of the respiratory system.

Usually, the medication is indicated for pneumonia, obstructive bronchitis and bronchial asthma with frequent relapses. The medicine is used 2 to 4 times a day, depending on the severity of the disease. The combination with other means is discussed with the doctor individually. The duration of inhalation is 10-20 minutes.

Ipratropium bromide + Fenoterol. Instructions for use, price, analogs

Medicines have similar properties and have a pronounced effect on the respiratory system. The choice of a specific medication is made by the doctor after examining the patient.

Drug prices

The cost of medicines differs depending on the manufacturer. You can buy Berodual for inhalation and Fenipr solution for about 340-400 rubles. The price of Inspirax and Bifradual is 200-280 rubles. The drug Ipraterol native costs about 210 rubles. The price of Astmasol-Solofarm reaches 230 rubles.

Ipratropium bromide + Fenoterol is considered one of the most effective combinations for the treatment of respiratory pathologies in patients of different ages. The price of medicines differs depending on the manufacturer and the region of distribution, but in most cases it is affordable.

The use of drugs after the examination is considered the most optimal option to prevent the development of complications.

Video about the drug

Ipratropium bromide Fenoterol:

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