Dermatological Drugs

Kamistad. Price, cheap analogs, instructions for use, reviews

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Kamistad is a medicine topical application, which is produced in the form of a yellow-brown gel. This drug belongs to the pharmacological group of medicines with local anesthetic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Kamistad is used as a primary or auxiliary agent for the treatment of dental diseases.

A distinctive feature of this drug is that it simultaneously eliminates the feeling of pain and has an antiseptic effect. Kamistad-gel is produced by the German pharmaceutical company AG Stada. The price of this medication is slightly different from its cheaper domestic counterparts.

Record content:

  • 1 Domestic and imported inexpensive analogues of the product
    • 1.1 Gel Metrogyl Denta
    • 1.2 Gel Asept
    • 1.3 Gel Phagodent
    • 1.4 Dologel
  • 2 Prices
  • 3 Analogue drug video

Domestic and imported inexpensive analogues of the product

Kamistad is an imported topical drug that has excellent therapeutic properties in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the lips and mouth.

The pharmaceutical market offers a wide selection of similar drugs from Russian and foreign manufacturers, the price of which is much lower, and their effectiveness is at a very high level. Cheap gels for the treatment of dental diseases have exactly the same antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties.

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Gel Metrogyl Denta

Metrogyl Denta is a topical drug that is used for the complex treatment of the oral mucosa and lip tissues.

This analogue has the following main similarities with the Kamistad medication:

  • both medicines are intended exclusively for topical use, and their form of release is a dental gel;
  • Kamistad and Metrogyl Denta have a combined biochemical composition, including several active components at once, providing a high-quality anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect;
  • these medicines are applied directly to the diseased surface of the oral mucosa, or to the tissues of the lips;
  • Metrogyl Denta and Kamistad are characterized by pharmacodynamic properties, since after topical application of these drugs, their active components do not saturate the general blood flow, minimizing the risk of developing side effects;
  • both drugs can be used in the treatment of chronic and acute gingivitis;
  • Kamistad and Metrogyl Denta are used by patients who are undergoing a period of adaptation to removable dentures (on in the first stages of wearing false teeth, local inflammation of the oral mucosa occurs and is partially injured gum);Kamistad. Instructions for use, price, analogues, reviews
  • these medicines are used throughout a continuous course, the purpose of which is to suppress bacterial microflora, removal of the inflammatory process, as well as more active regeneration fabrics;
  • Metrogyl Denta and Kamistad can be used to prevent the occurrence of post-extraction alveolitis, when with the help of these drugs the treatment of the tooth socket is performed immediately after its surgical removal;
  • both medicines are used for antiseptic treatment of the gums, under the surface of which the "wisdom" tooth erupts (the similarity of these dental gels is that they reduce the pain effect, and also prevent the development of acute inflammation);
  • after applying the drug Metrogyl Denta or Kamistad, a mild allergic reaction may develop in the form redness of the oral mucosa, or the occurrence of angioedema, which is considered a severe side effect;
  • Kamistad and Metrogyl Denta are contraindicated for use in children;
  • both medicines are available without a prescription from your doctor.

Kamistad, the price (cheap analogs can be purchased at every city pharmacy) which is slightly higher than that of Russian and foreign drugs of this type, must be used within 12 months after opening tubes.

This drug has not only similarities with Metrogyl Denta, but is also characterized by the presence of distinctive features, which are as follows:

  • the composition of the drug Kamistad contains active substances in the form of lidocaine hydrochloride extract chamomile inflorescences, and Metrogyl Dent gel is made on the basis of the chemical components metronidazole and chlorhexidine;
  • Metrogyl Denta has more pronounced antiseptic properties, since it contains a broad-spectrum antibacterial agent;
  • Kamistad is contraindicated for use in children under the age of 12 years, and Metrogyl Denta is used only for the treatment of patients over 18 years of age;
  • Metrogyl Denta gel is not prescribed to patients who have concomitant diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system, and the drug Kamistad does not have such restrictions;
  • Due to the presence of lidocaine, Kamistad has a strong anesthetic effect, which is much less pronounced in Mitrogil Dent gel.

The main distinguishing features of Kamistad and Metrogyl Denta are their biochemical composition. The last medication is actually an antibacterial agent, which is indicated for a course of treatment. Kamistad is more suitable for symptomatic treatment of uncomplicated oral diseases.

Gel Asept

Kamistad, the price (cheap analogs have exactly the same therapeutic properties) which is affordable for most citizens, has the following pharmacological similarities with Asept Dental Gel:

  • both medicines can be used in the initial stages of gingivitis, when the disease is in the subacute phase of its development;
    Kamistad. Instructions for use, price, analogues, reviews
    Asepta - analogue of Kamistad
  • Kamistad and Asepta have a good antiseptic effect, contribute to the rapid suppression of the inflammatory process;
  • these medicines are characterized by a minimal number of side effects, most of which are manifested in the form of a local allergic reaction;
  • Asepta gel and Kamistad are applied directly to the wound surface of the oral mucosa or the damaged area of ​​the lip;
  • the active components of this drug do not have pharmacokinetic properties of penetration into the general blood flow, and the entire spectrum of action of these dental products is limited exclusively to the area of ​​their applications;
  • after treatment of the oral mucosa with Asept or Kamistad gel for the next 30 minutes. food and drink should not be taken, since the medicinal components of these drugs will not have a therapeutic effect.

To the distinctive features of the drug Kamistad and dental Asept gel, their following pharmacological characteristics can be attributed:

  • the drug Asepta is produced on the basis of a 10% propolis solution and does not contain additional anesthetic properties;
  • the drug Asepta has only one contraindication for its use, which concerns patients who have an allergic reaction to beekeeping products;
  • the anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect of Asept gel is achieved due to the action of propolis, which disinfects the oral mucosa;
  • the dental agent Kamistad is contraindicated in children under 12 years old, and Asept gel has no age restrictions for its therapeutic use;
  • the drug Asepta can only be used to treat the first signs of gingivitis, but at the same time this gel is absolutely ineffective for chronic inflammation of the gums, periodontitis and severe form stomatitis.

The result of the comparative characteristics of the drug Kamistad with Aspet gel is that the latter the medication can be considered a good analogue drug that can be used for uncomplicated oral diseases cavity.Kamistad. Instructions for use, price, analogues, reviews

With extensive infection of the oral mucosa with anaerobic microorganisms, the use of potent antibacterial agents will be required.

Gel Phagodent

Kamistad, the price (cheap analogs in quality are not inferior to the original drug) which is not considered too high, has a lot of similarities with Fagodent gel.

They consist in the following characteristics:

  • both medicines accelerate the physiological process of regeneration of the mucous membrane and tissues of the oral cavity, and also have the same form of release;
  • Phagodent and Kamistad eliminate signs of gum inflammation, and a positive therapeutic effect is observed already 2-3 hours after the first treatment of the diseased area of ​​the oral cavity;
  • these drugs reduce the likelihood of complications after dental procedures;
  • prevent the development of bacterial microflora;
  • have an antiseptic effect;
  • Kamistad and Fagodent are used for the prevention and treatment of dental diseases;
  • the constituent components of these drugs are not absorbed into the general bloodstream, which minimizes the risk of side effects;
  • Phagodent and Kamistad are applied directly to the surface of a trophic ulcer or any other damage to the oral mucosa;
  • do not interact with drugs of other pharmacological groups that can be used in the course of dental treatment;
  • these drugs do not require a prescription from your doctor.

Gel Fagodent is an effective drug analogue of Kamistad, but has the following distinctive features:

  • Phagodent has a unique composition, which includes a complex of natural bacteriophages, neutralizes the pathogenic microflora pathogenic activity;
  • Fagodent gel does not contain chemical components, synthetic dyes, preservatives and other additives;
  • this drug does not cause the manifestation of allergic reactions and various kinds of side effects, which is rare for dental medications of the local spectrum of action, which are applied directly to the surface of the oral mucosa cavities;Kamistad. Instructions for use, price, analogues, reviews
  • this drug can be prescribed as an auxiliary drug in the process of removing soft bacterial plaque from the surface of the teeth, as well as harder deposits;
  • Phagodent gel helps to restore fresh breath even in patients with a disturbed microbiological balance of the oral cavity;
  • Phagodent is used not only for the treatment of gingivitis, acute and chronic periodontitis, but also indicated for use in glossitis of a bacterial origin;
  • this dental agent can be prescribed for the prevention of diseases of the oral mucosa and gum tissue.

The main distinguishing feature of Phagodent gel is that its active substances are not biochemical components, as in most other preparations for the care of the oral cavity, and natural bacteriophages that stabilize the natural balance of useful microflora.


Dologel is an effective drug that is an affordable analogue of Kamistad.

These local-spectrum drugs are characterized by the following general properties:

  • both drugs are used in the field of dentistry, where they are used to treat already acquired diseases of the oral cavity, and are also prescribed to prevent the development of such diseases;
  • Kamistad and Dologel have the same form of release, as they are produced in the form of a light brown gel with a characteristic odor;
  • the drug Dologel also has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and anesthetic effect, which is due to the presence of an anesthetic component in its composition;
  • Dologel and Kamistad preparations are used for the complex therapy of infectious-inflammatory, trophic and ulcerative-necrotic lesions of the oral mucosa;
  • these dental gels are equally effective in the treatment of periodontal pathologies;
  • both drugs can provoke allergic reactions of the body, which are characterized by local manifestation of signs of redness, itching, hyperemia of the oral mucosa;
  • Dologel and Kamistad have age restrictions on their use in relation to patients in the pediatric age group;
  • the main side effects of these drugs are manifestations of hypersensitivity of the body in relation to their constituent substances;
  • the active components of Kamistad and Dologel are not absorbed into the general bloodstream, do not cross the blood-brain barrier;
  • these medicines do not require a prescription from your doctor.

Despite the large number of similarities, Kamistad and Dologel have a number of distinctive features, which are as follows:

  • the combined composition of the drug Dologel contains a solution of choline salicylate, lidocaine hydrochloride, as well as benzalkonium chloride, which ensures the rapid achievement of antiseptic and analgesic effect;
  • Dologel is distinguished by the presence of a rich smell of anise;
  • Kamistad belongs to the pharmacological group of antimicrobial and anesthetic agents, and Dologel is included in the category of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • the constituent components of the Dologel dental gel are able to counteract gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, and are also effective against certain strains viruses and fungi;
  • the drug Dologel has not only anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and wound-healing properties, but also acts as a local antipyretic agent;Kamistad. Instructions for use, price, analogues, reviews
  • Dologel dental gel completely inactivates the herpes simplex virus, preventing inflammation in the oral cavity caused by this microorganism;
  • has a detrimental effect on most bacterial infections that have natural immunity against antibiotics and other drugs based on chemical compounds;
  • the drug Dologel can be used to suppress the attacks of toothache (in this case, the drug is applied directly to the surface of the diseased tooth);
  • Kamistad is contraindicated in children under 12 years of age, and Dologel gel is indicated for use only by adult patients;
  • Dologel dental agent is prohibited for simultaneous use with iodine-based preparations, since in this case there are signs of negative drug interaction.

The drug Dologel is completely sugar-free. In this regard, the dental gel can be used to treat patients with diabetes mellitus.


The average cost of the Kamistad drug is from 241 to 259 rubles. The table below lists the prices of the main preparations of analogues of this dental gel.

Name of the medication Price range
Metrogyl Denta (20 g) From 223 to 248 rub.
Asepta (10 g) From 195 to 230 rubles.
Phagodent (30 g) From 550 to 580 rubles.

Kamistad is an effective dental gel based on the anesthetic lidocaine hydrochloride and chamomile extract. The last component has an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and wound healing function.

On the pharmaceutical market, there are cheaper analogs, the price of which differs on average by 10-20 rubles. The use of the drug Kamistad is indicated for children over 12 years old and adults who suffer from acute and chronic diseases of the oral cavity. The duration of therapy is determined by the dentist.

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Instructions for Metrogyl Denta:

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