Hormones And Biochemistry

How to increase progesterone in women?

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Progesterone is the hormone of the ovaries and adrenal glands. Every woman at some stage of life is facing this vital component. And then - then a lot of questions arise. How to check the presence and content of this hormone? Is it released only during pregnancy? What are its main features? How to raise the level of progesterone?

General Information


Progesterone is a sex hormone. He is present in the female and male body. In the male body, progesterone affects the central nervous system, other male sex hormones depend on it, for example, testosterone. The problem is the instability of the content of progesterone in the female body, as it is influenced by the intake of oral contraceptives, menopause, inflammation and various pathologies.

As a rule, it is progesterone that controls all changes in the uterus, mammary glands and future pregnancy. The hormone is produced before the conception itself and lasts until the 16th week of pregnancy.

During pregnancy, the hormone blocks the muscular work of the uterus, preventing the body from miscarriage, preserving the fetus. It is progesterone that blocks the menstrual cycle during pregnancy. Functions of the hormone are diverse. This is to ensure the safety of the fetus, control the sugar content in the blood, the state of formation and changes in female genital organs, and support the growth of the skeleton.

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How to determine the level of a hormone in the body

Female pathologies can give serious consequences, so it is safer and safer that all examinations take place under the supervision of the attending physician.

To know for sure the level of progesterone in the body, you need to take a blood test. The favorable period for the procedure of analysis is the morning of 22 or 23 days of the menstrual cycle. It is necessary to do this on an empty stomach for the greatest accuracy of the results.

Pregnant women at the time of the test need to know the details of their pregnancy, timing, the phase of the menstrual cycle, about taking oral contraceptives and other medications that affect the level of hormones.

In parallel with the delivery of tests for the detection of progesterone, it is necessary to check the presence of an allergic reaction to herbs and ration.

In this issue, one can not do without the advice of a dietician, it is worthwhile to carefully think over and change the diet.

Protein food

When a hormone is present in tissue cells, interaction with proteins occurs. For this reason, starting therapy is precisely with food containing protein.

It is necessary to emphasize meat and fish products, cereals, soybeans, because deficiency of progesterone can be caused by malnutrition.

Lack of the hormone

In pregnancy, most women face a problem of progesterone deficiency. Insufficiency of the component in this most trembling and important period for women is especially dangerous, because it can lead to such consequences as miscarriage, premature birth and even infertility.

One of the main functions of the hormone in the body of pregnant women is the preservation and maintenance of pregnancy.

If the first signs of a lack of progesterone appear, pregnancy can still be saved by taking urgent measures.

Factors that can trigger a decrease in the level of progesterone:

  • Anovulatory cycle. This is a menstrual cycle characterized by a lack of ovulation. The ovary does not produce an ovum, and fertilization can not occur.
  • The cause of progesterone deficiency in women may also be renal or hepatic insufficiency.
  • The use of pesticides, dyes, GMOs.
  • It is possible that the cause of low levels of the hormone may be inflammation of the thyroid gland.

Signs of a lack of a hormone are similar to PMS: short temper, mood swings and body temperature, malfunctions of the menstrual cycle, chest pains, headaches. The principal difference from PMS is swelling of the extremities.

Undoubtedly, the future mother needs to remain calm during pregnancy and spend it in favorable conditions.

Do not recommend any kind of stress and anxiety, malnutrition, addictions. It is these above factors often lead to progesterone insufficiency.


It is necessary to know that the level of the hormone directly affects the baby, and not only on the hormonal background of the mother.

The level of progesterone is an amplitude phenomenon. This means that its level is subject to decrease and increase. Therefore, it is corrected by complex therapy and drugs agreed with the doctor.

How to improve

The hormonal background plays an important role in the human body. If the content of progesterone is normal, a woman will feel in harmony, be in a good mood, and behavioral tactics will be extremely calm. Progesterone is called the hormone of female beauty. He is responsible for the general condition of the skin, hair, nails. The isolation of progesterone directly affects the sexuality of women.

To maintain the beneficial content of the beauty hormone, one should follow the following recommendations:

  • It is necessary to take vitamins( vitamin B promotes the body's perception of the hormone, vitamin E also benefits, do not forget about calcium, zinc and magnesium).
  • Should be useful, rational nutrition. In the diet must be present nuts, beef liver, rabbit meat, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, beans, wheat bran.
  • It is necessary to try to abandon the products with chemical processing, packed in plastic, canned foods, GMOs, fast food, harmful drinks, coffee.
  • It is also worth knowing how to increase progesterone by folk remedies. You can drink broths made according to folk recipes from herbs and berries. All the ingredients are available in the pharmacies of the city. In recipes, usually plantain, prutnyak and cuff ordinary, wild yam. Drink broths need a certain recipe and only from the 15th day of the cycle. Usually it is two tablespoons, which are recommended to brew with two glasses of boiling water, insist, cool and drink three times a day. It is only necessary to exclude mint and clover, since they have the opposite effect.
  • It should be noted that certain foods contain cholesterol, which is directly associated with progesterone. And contributes to its increase. However, do not get involved in fatty and fried foods.
  • It is best to combine internal and external treatment. To external treatment or local it is possible to carry ointments containing progesterone. Of the group of pharmacological effective drugs, often are prescribed Utrozhestan, Dufaston( 20 tablets in the blister), Clomifene, Corticotropin, Progesterone, Tamoxifen, Mifepristone, Gel Krinon( allowed for use in pregnancy), Inzheta, Progestogel gel. The content of progesterone in such preparations as gel Krinon, more than 60%.To stabilize the menstrual cycle, Dufaston and Inzesta are ideally suited. You can also increase progesterone by using special capsules, creams, subcutaneous injections.

Most women are wary of pharmacology and radically refuse to take drugs. It is important to understand that the most effective treatment for any illness is complex treatment.

Complex treatment can include spiritual calmness, favorable conditions, easy physical activity, breathing practices, reception of pharmacological drugs and traditional methods of treatment, they are also called natural or traditional. Together, these methods will help keep the hormonal background in order.

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