
Home therapy hydrocele

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  • Etiology of the disease
  • Causes and symptoms of the pathology
  • Methods of hydrocele therapy
  • Home methods of treatment

Treatment of dropsy with folk remedies is an effective method. To find the necessary therapy, you need to know what causes have affected the inflammation of the gonads. If the symptoms of the pathology are acute, the patient needs surgical treatment. The remaining forms of pathology can be alleviated or completely removed with the help of home prescriptions.

Folk recipes

Etiology of the disease

To correctly assess the risks of self-treatment, it is necessary to understand the etiology of the disease. Every man has a special sex gland. These include the testicles and the prostate gland. The testes produce spermatozoa. Sex cells must have certain properties for positive conception.

Various genitourinary diseases can have a pathological effect on the health of the glands. One of the complications of such pathologies is hydrocele or hydrocele. Pathology is characterized by an inflammatory process that occurs under the outer shell of the testicle. In this case, there is a significant increase in the gland in size. The scrotum of a man increases in size and swells.

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Dropsy can occur in patients of different age categories. Often pathology can be found in infants. In this case, the disease can pass independently without additional effects.

The danger of dropsy is for men over 20 years old. It has a pathological effect on the male genital function. The affected testicle is not capable of producing healthy spermatozoa. The patient has a very poor spermogram.

Causes and symptoms of pathology

Not all causes of dropsy have been identified to date. Often the disease manifests itself unexpectedly, and is not accompanied by concomitant inflammation. The main factors of dropsy are pathologies such as:

  • Injury of gonads Trauma of the gonads;
  • Inflammation of the urinary system;Infection of the testicles.

The main cause of dropsy is trauma to the sex glands. In infants, testicle transmission occurs during the passage of the birth canal. After this, the testicle gradually descends into the scrotum and the traces of hydrocele disappear. In adult men, dropsy occurs with a strong impact of the scrotum. You can injure both one and both glands. When the impact occurs, the outer shell of the testicle deforms. The liquid accumulates in the formed cavity. There is a development of hydrocele.

Various diseases of the urinary tract affect the health of the entire genitourinary system. If the pathology is accompanied by inflammation, then the process can spread to the vas deferens. On them the inflammation passes into the testicle. The process affects the gland envelope causing its swelling. Under the membrane there is an accumulation of dead cells of tissues and leukocytes. A man has a scrotum, a dropsy appears.

Infection of the gonads leads to the formation of an acute form of pathology. A pathogenic microorganism can enter the gland cavity through the patient's blood stream, the lymphatic system, or an open wound. The main way to get into the bacteria with a dropsy is the lymphatic system. This is due to the peculiarities of the structure of the organism. The nodes of the lymphatic system are located in the immediate vicinity of the male scrotum. Lymph flows through the entire reproductive system. The bacterium enters the gland cavity through the system and begins to multiply actively. The microorganism feeds on the tissues of the testicle, and their death occurs. In the testicle, dead cells and the products of microbial activity accumulate. There is a development of hydrocele.

Symptoms for all routes of infection are similar. Men complain of discomfort when traveling. The patient has a drawing pain in the inguinal zone. The scrotum of the patient is greatly enlarged in size, swollen. When palpation of the scrotum, fluid accumulation is felt, you can hear the splash. If the pathology is acute, the man complains of fever and fever.

Methods of hydrocele therapy

Treatment of dropsy can be carried out by various methods. The choice of therapy depends on the severity of the disease. Specialists distinguish the following methods:

  • Medication Surgical effect;
  • Medication;
  • Medicine by popular means.

The main method of treatment of dropsy in adult men is considered surgical. The process is carried out using a medical laser. The surgeon makes a point incision on the affected gland and removes excess fluid through it. The operation is performed under local anesthesia, the patient can leave the clinic the next day.

Medication is prescribed for bacterial and acute hydrocele. The patient needs to take anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotic drugs. Antibiotics kill the very cause of dropsy, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substances relieve inflammation.

Home methods of treatment

If the pathology proceeds in a weak form, then the treatment can be carried out by folk remedies. These include a variety of homemade ointments, compresses and drinks. The following means are popular:

  1. Drink from radish and honey;
  2. Compress with infusion of chamomile;
  3. Lotion with pea broth;
  4. Milk broth with parsley;
  5. Onion juice;Composite compress.

A radish drink is prepared just for autumn. To do this, you need to take a large root crop and in its middle cut a small hole. It contains a tablespoon of fresh flower honey. Root should be put in a saucepan and put in the refrigerator for a day. Radish begins to actively extract the juice, which is mixed with honey and flows into the pan. The finished product is poured into a clean container. Drink should be consumed on a tablespoon 30 minutes before meals. During the first two weeks, the patient begins to remove excess fluid from the body. After that, the drink stimulates the immune defense of the man and prevents repeated relapses.

The camomile compress shows good effectiveness in the first stages of the disease. You can cook it in two ways. In the pharmacy you can buy a package of dried Broth chamomile flowers for 50 g. The raw material is poured into 1 liter of hot water and it is insisted for 45 minutes. The resulting product is filtered through a gauze filter and cooled to room temperature. A clean cloth is placed in the liquid, folded into four layers. The tissue remains on the scrotum for 40 minutes. The procedure is repeated twice per day. The compress should be put up to the complete disappearance of the hydrocele.

The second method is the production of gruel from fresh plant flowers. To do this, you need to pass through a meat grinder 600 g of collected flowers. The resulting gruel is placed in gauze and applied to the diseased area. The compress should be left for 30 minutes. The procedure is carried out until the inflammation disappears completely in the area of ​​the scrotum.

A lotion with pea broth is used to treat dropsy since ancient times. For the procedure, take 25 g of fresh peas and a glass of water.

Peas placed in a glass, and left to swell for 30-40 minutes. After that, the remedy is put on a slow fire. The broth is cooked for one hour. The prepared preparation is cooled and filtered. In the liquid, you need to thoroughly soak the gauze. It is superimposed on the affected testicle. The agent can be used for three days. After this, you need to prepare a fresh broth. Peas have pronounced anti-edematous properties. Compress quickly eliminates excess water from the testicle, and relieves inflammation.

Milk broth with parsley should be cooked in the oven. For cooking, you need 1 liter of fresh home-made milk and 700-900 g of greens. The greens are thoroughly washed under running water and placed in a deep container for cooking. Top with parsley gently poured milk. It must be ensured that the grass does not float to the surface. The resulting product is placed in a well-heated oven. It must be tormented for four hours. It is necessary to ensure that milk does not boil. With a significant reduction in the volume of the solution, the container is taken out of the oven and cooled. The product is filtered through a strainer into a clean sterile container. The solution is taken at 50 ml per hour. The next day you need to prepare a new tool. Doctors recommend taking this solution even in severe forms of dropsy.

Onions have a lot of useful qualities. In the treatment of hydrocele, anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory properties of the plant are used. For preparation it is necessary to use two large bulbs. They need to be cleaned well and cut into large pieces. Above, the pieces are sprinkled with sugar. The resulting mixture is placed for a day in a cold place. The chopped onion secrete juice, which is mixed with sugar. As soon as the isolation of the juice ceases, the resulting mixture must be drained into a clean container. The juice is taken 2-3 tablespoons on an empty stomach in the morning hours. Therapy with a folk remedy is carried out until the hydrocele is completely cured.

A fleece compress is made on home wine. The wine must be young and white. To prepare the product you need to take 1 liter of a drink and a packet of vegetable raw materials. It can be bought at any pharmacy. Raw materials are poured with wine and put on slow fire. After boiling, the solution is heated for 5 minutes. The finished product is filtered through a sieve and cooled. In the solution, put gauze, folded in several layers, and well soak. The lotion is applied to the testicle and left for half an hour. The procedure is recommended before bedtime. The flechet compress relieves excess fluid from the testicles and reduces edema of the scrotum.

If a man has noticed any signs of hydrocele, he should consult with a specialist. The doctor will tell you if you can use folk remedies to eliminate dropsy.

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