Diseases Of The Intestine
Diseases Of The Intestine

How to restore intestinal microflora: drugs, medications, tablets

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1 Causes of bowel microflora disorders

There are quite a lot of causes of intestinal microflora disorders in humans, but more often one can meet the following:

  • person is not eating properly;
  • for a long time takes antibiotics and other medications;
  • consumes a lot of alcoholic beverages and smokes;
  • in the body there is an infectious disease;
  • immunosuppression;
  • severe stress, depression or constant excitement. Picture 1

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Restoration of intestinal microflora after taking antibiotics or medications can be found especially often. It is not a secret to anyone that such drugs can destroy not only pathogenic microflora, but also beneficial bacteria.

Therefore, if a person has a long period of taking antibiotics, then the specialist must appoint funds for the recovery of microflora after the harmful influence of medicines.

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2 Symptoms of

problems The clinical picture of the intestinal microflora will depend entirely on which microorganisms predominate or, on the contrary, are absent. This will determine what tablets and other medications the doctor will prescribe, which symptoms of the disease will be especially clearly manifested in the sick person. A very important role is played by timely diagnosis and restoration of the intestinal microflora, because without it more serious diseases and abnormalities can begin to develop. The main symptoms of impaired intestinal microflora include the following:

  • stool disorders: diarrhea, frequent constipation;
  • increased gassing and changes in the walls of the organ affected by microorganisms;
  • an unpleasant aftertaste, smell from the mouth of a sick person;
  • bloating, flatulence;
  • heart rhythm disturbances, tachycardia;
  • burning in the myocardium;
  • pain in the abdominal region, which may have a monotonous, pulling or bursting character and varying degrees of intensity;
  • rumbling and gastrocemic reflex after eating, especially in large quantities.
    Picture 2
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If you restore the flora of the intestine on time, the symptoms can appear more serious, which leads to the development of pathologies and serious diseases. If you do not pay attention to the problem, it can all end even as a fatal outcome.

3 Diagnosis of digestive problems

As a rule, the intestinal microflora can not be disturbed by itself. Problems provoke certain reasons. Accordingly, it is impossible to diagnose a person, taking into account only the symptoms that are observed in him. Diagnose the problem and learn how to restore the intestinal microflora, it is possible only after special tests have been submitted. They are carried out with the help of a bacteriological method. Some specialists can use biochemistry, which will also help to determine the cause as accurately as possible and select the right medicine. Picture 3

If a bacteriological method of diagnosis is used, then the exact amount and ratio of microorganisms in the human intestine can be determined by examining the feces composition. This method is incredibly simple and most accessible, but at the same time there are a lot of factors that can affect the result of the analysis and distort the data. The main analyzes for the study of human intestinal flora are coprologic examination of feces, sowing of urine, feces and even bile.

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Chemical methods are considered to be more qualitative and reliable: mass spectrometry and gas-liquid chromatography. Such tests cost several times more, while special equipment and calculations are needed. Such tests are done most often by children. Chemical methods will help to determine exactly how to restore the intestines and eliminate the cause of the problem.

It is very important to understand that the normal intestinal microflora is a relatively relative concept, because it can differ from person to person. In this regard, experts can not calculate the exact ratio of beneficial and harmful bacteria in the intestine in humans. Accordingly, this is the reason that it is difficult to identify the presence of pathogenic flora and begin to restore the intestine.

4 Medication restoration of

For restoration of intestinal microflora with medicines, a sick person should know that such specialists divide specialists into two groups: prebiotics and probiotics. Probiotics are medicines that help to restore the microflora by increasing the beneficial bacteria and direct filling the intestines with useful microorganisms: lactobacilli, bifidobacteria and lactic acid enterococci. These microorganisms are contained in large quantities directly in the preparation. If you take probiotics, then the restoration of the intestinal microflora is due to the fact that beneficial bacteria begin to independently destroy the pathogenic flora.


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In turn, prebiotics help restore flora of the intestines in a slightly different way. They do not colonize beneficial microorganisms in the intestines, but create an environment that is favorable for the rapid growth of the remaining beneficial bacteria. To restore the intestinal microflora in the shortest time and in order to see a positive result, it is desirable to simultaneously take both probiotics and prebiotics. Picture 4

At the same time, probiotics specialists can prescribe for the prevention of dysbacteriosis, especially if a person took antibiotics long enough. An interesting fact is that people who have a chronic form of the nonspecific inflammatory process of the gastrointestinal tract should take probiotics. Such a disease may well provoke a dysbacteriosis, and therefore you need to take medications that will help restore the flora of the intestine.

To date, pharmacies can find a huge number of effective probiotics. The most popular and popular are the following: "Lactobacterin", "Linex", "Biobakton" and others. In the composition of these preparations are in a large number of bifido- and lactobacilli.

There are also medicines that help to restore intestinal flora, in which bifidobacteria mix with other representatives of the flora: Bifikol, Bifidumbacterin, Bifiform, Dufalak, Normaze, Portalalak, Romfalak and many others.

If we talk about prebiotics, the best drug is Hilak Forte, which helps restore the flora of the intestines to children, adults, and even the elderly. Just like all drugs to normalize the intestinal microflora, the remedy restores the full functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and prevents all symptoms of exacerbation of the dysbiosis in humans.

In this situation, you need to add that it will be difficult to improve the intestinal microflora when there are chronic diseases of the digestive system. In this case, there will not be enough drugs to restore flora of the intestine, and they will not be able to solve the problem.

In order to restore the flora of the damaged intestine, pathogenic microorganisms must undergo complex treatment. In addition to the use of prebiotics and probiotics, it is desirable to take special enzymes. If all this is taken together, then it will allow to quickly enough put in order the process of digestion, accelerate the recovery of a person and restore the organ's flora.

At the same time, to restore the flora of the intestine, you can take bacteria that are sold in powders, tablets and capsules. They first get into the stomach of a sick person, and then into the intestines. But in this case, the microflora of the intestine can not get all the bacteria, because the gastric juice can kill some of the microorganisms. Some people prefer to put special candles, and therefore restore the flora of the intestine in this way is better: the beneficial bacteria reach their destination intact and safe, without any obstacles.

5 Restoring the health of folk medicine

It is not a secret to anyone that it is possible to restore the intestinal microflora with folk remedies. Of course, this method of treating the problem should be used in conjunction with traditional medicine. This is the only way to see a quick and positive result.

In order to restore the intestinal microflora with folk remedies, it is necessary to observe the drinking regime. Quite often, diseases of the digestive system are to some extent provoked by the fact that the body lacks water. Braga is considered to be the best drink after a long reception of antibiotics. To make it, you need to dissolve in half a liter of warm water 1 tbsp.l.sugar, exactly the same amount of honey. Thoroughly mix everything and add 2 grams of yeast. Leave the drink for 2 hours. Between meals you need to drink everything with a volley. Thanks to the brave, the human intestine receives a large number of fermenting bacteria, which immediately begin to normalize the work of the organ and destroy the pathogenic microflora. Picture 5

Exactly with the same purpose in sufficient quantities you need to eat dried apricots, prunes and honey. Take all the ingredients in the same amount and pass through the meat grinder. Stir well and eat on a tablespoon once a day, preferably at the same time.

If you do not know how to improve the microflora by folk methods, then you can think of medicinal herbs that will help to solve the problem quite effectively and safely for health. Use for this treatment leaves of black currant or raspberry, mint and medicinal melissu, chamomile and St. John's wort, yarrow. If there is also constipation in addition, the senna grass is an excellent remedy.

A good recipe is the following: carefully mix 2 tbsp.l. St. John's wort, lemon balm, chamomile and add 3 tbsp.l. Flaxseed. Then take only 1 tbsp.l.medical collection and pour half a liter of boiling water. Wait for the medicine to cool down, and then strain it. Take 100 ml before each meal.

In addition, to restore the intestinal microflora will help any acidic berries. To this end, a sick person can consume cranberries or a dog rose. If you eat these berries every day, you can avoid the development of a large number of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

At the same time, do not forget about a healthy diet and the right diet, which will help keep the health of not only the intestines, but the entire digestive system. Eat lots of vegetables and fruits so that there is no shortage of vitamins and useful elements. Thus, the immunity will be much stronger, which means that many diseases will not occur, because the body will give good resistance.

If you notice in yourself unpleasant symptoms of dysbiosis, it is advisable to consult a specialist for examination and diagnosis. If treatment is timely, then the body will not have any negative impact of pathogenic microflora.

  • 1 Causes of bowel microflora disorders
  • 2 Symptoms of
  • 3 problems Diagnosis of digestive problems
  • 4 Medication recovery
  • 5 Restoring the health of folk medicine

How to restore the microflora of the intestine, you need to know about it to every person, because the problem for today is quite relevant and is very common. The microflora of the human intestine is a cluster of various microorganisms, the work of which is very closely related to each other. If, under the influence of some factors, the amount of these bacteria begins to change or their quality, it becomes a cause of disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, which is reflected in the state of the whole organism. Therefore, it is necessary to diagnose as early as possible a violation of the intestinal microflora and begin its treatment in order to avoid serious complications and health problems.

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