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Moller fish oil. Reviews, instructions for use, where to buy in capsules with lemon flavor, fruit, price

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Fish fat from the Meller company is considered a popular biologically active food supplement containing polyunsaturated fatty acids with pronounced therapeutic properties. Reviews on the use of the supplement can be positive or negative, which largely depends on the individual characteristics of each patient and the nuances of taking the drug.

Record content:

  • 1 The benefits and harms of fish oil
  • 2 Forms of release and composition of the drug, tastes
  • 3 Pharmacological properties
  • 4 Indications for use
  • 5 Contraindications
  • 6 At what age can you take fish oil?
  • 7 Instructions for use, dosage
    • 7.1 For children
    • 7.2 For adults
  • 8 Side effects
  • 9 Overdose
  • 10 special instructions
  • 11 Drug interactions
  • 12 Analogs
  • 13 Terms, conditions of sale and storage
  • 14 Price
  • 15 Fish oil video

The benefits and harms of fish oil

Fish oil is considered the best source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which have a pronounced beneficial effect on the body.

The substance has many useful properties:

  • It takes part in the process of cell renewal in the body, helps to improve their functioning and prevents premature destruction.
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  • Improves the functioning of the myocardium, prevents the development of coronary heart disease, angina pectoris.
  • It helps to prevent the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels, slows down the progression of atherosclerosis, if the patient has already been diagnosed with a similar disorder.
  • Stimulates metabolic processes, prevents an increase in body weight against the background of metabolic disorders.
  • It has an anti-inflammatory effect, improves the condition of patients with chronic inflammatory disorders.
  • Normalizes the production of hormones in the body of women and men, reduces the risk of developing hormonal imbalance as an independent disorder and against the background of other diseases.
  • Improves mood, prevents the development of a depressive state, apathy.
  • Stimulates the work of the nervous system, reduces the risk of developing mental disorders.
  • Increases mental performance, improves memory and concentration.
  • It normalizes the exchange of calcium and phosphorus in the body, prevents the development of bone tissue pathologies.
  • Improves the condition of mucous membranes and skin, vascular walls, and other tissues.
  • Prevents premature impairment of vision and hearing.
  • Slows down the aging process, improves the condition of hair and nails.
  • Stimulates physical development, increases endurance and strength, especially in patients who are professionally involved in sports.
  • Accelerates wound healing, restoration of the skin after thermal exposure. The tool helps to accelerate the healing of bone tissue in fractures of varying degrees of neglect.Moller fish oil capsules. Instructions for use, price, reviews

Meller fish oil (reviews about the action are usually left by patients who have completed the full therapeutic course, so it will be useful with them read) and a product from other manufacturers can be harmful to patients, which in most cases is associated with incorrect application.

An excess of a component in the body has the opposite effect:

  • metabolic processes are disrupted;
  • there is a deterioration in the general condition;
  • the course of chronic pathologies is aggravated.

In addition, the harm of the substance lies in its ability to disrupt the work of the digestive tract with prolonged use in high doses. That is why you should first consult with your doctor before starting an appointment.

Forms of release and composition of the drug, tastes

The dietary supplement is available in the form of soft gelatin capsules for oral administration, packaged in polyethylene cans of 76, 100, 112 or 160 pieces. The capsules are rather large, but easily swallowed, have a golden color, almost transparent, and may have a specific oily aroma.

The product for adults has no special additives that impart aroma and taste. However, there are gelatinous fish for children that can have an orange flavor. The dietary supplement is also available in liquid form, packaged in 250 ml bottles. Liquid fish oil is produced for young children and older patients.

The composition of capsules and liquid dosage form contains omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in the amount of 600-975 mg per 1 capsule or 1 ml of liquid supplement. In a product for children, the dosage of the active substance may differ. The supplement is also enriched with vitamin D, A and tocopherol.Moller fish oil capsules. Instructions for use, price, reviews

Additional ingredients include gelatin, from which the shell is made. There is also a flavoring agent in gelatinous fish. The product does not contain additional preservatives, dyes and flavor enhancers.

Pharmacological properties

Meller fish oil (reviews of the product can be quite informative for those who wish to take capsules) after entering the digestive tract, it begins to be actively absorbed into the systemic circulation through the walls of the thin intestines. The product stimulates the production of collagen in the body, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

Additionally, the ingredients of the composition reduce the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood, which helps prevent the development of atherosclerosis. The tool also improves the condition of bone tissue, prevents the development of osteoporosis, pathologies of inflammatory and degenerative-dystrophic origin.

The presence of retinol in the composition contributes to:

  • improving vision;
  • normalization of blood circulation;
  • receipt of an impulse along the optic nerve.

Tocopherol is considered one of the most important substances for maintaining the health of the organs of the reproductive system. The ingredient helps to normalize the balance of hormones, prevents the development of secondary infertility against the background of other disorders.


  • promotes cell renewal;
  • has antioxidant properties;
  • prevents the aging process.

As a result of the reception, there is not only an improvement in the patient's well-being, but also the appearance of the patient.Moller fish oil capsules. Instructions for use, price, reviews

Vitamin D in the composition of the product:

  • takes part in the exchange of calcium and phosphorus;
  • stimulates the growth of bone tissue in children;
  • prevents excessive leaching of calcium from bones under the influence of various factors.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids stimulate the myocardium to help prevent sudden or frequent changes blood pressure indicators, reduces the manifestations of chronic hypertension, angina pectoris and coronary artery disease hearts. If the patient has chronic pathologies of the cardiovascular system, their progression slows down.

The condition of muscle tissue, as well as the cartilage of the articular joints, also improves with the use of a dietary supplement. After oral administration, the active substances are distributed through the systemic circulation.

The process is faster when using a liquid dosage form. Polyunsaturated fatty acids and other components are processed in the liver, after which they enter the cells in a modified form. Residues of active substances can be excreted in feces or with the help of the kidneys.

Indications for use

The tool can be used for treatment and prevention.

The main indications for use:

  • Diagnosing a deficiency of polyunsaturated fatty acids, retinol, tocopherol or vitamin D.
  • Osteoporosis, rickets of varying degrees of neglect.
  • Hormonal imbalance as a result of a deficiency of important components.
  • Pathologies of bone and cartilage tissue of degenerative-dystrophic origin. With arthrosis, osteochondrosis, capsules help to improve the condition.
  • Inflammatory diseases of nerve endings.
  • Atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels, detection of areas of narrowing as a result of the attachment of cholesterol plaques.
  • Diseases of the visual apparatus, accompanied by a decrease in visual acuity and inflammation.
  • Varicose veins, thrombophlebitis at the initial and progressive stages.Moller fish oil capsules. Instructions for use, price, reviews
  • Abnormalities in the development of teeth and bones in children.
  • Thermal and other injuries of the skin.
  • Open and closed bone fractures.
  • Disruption of metabolic processes as a result of hormonal imbalance.
  • Pathologies of the digestive tract and organs of the urinary system.

The supplement can be used to prevent the development of these conditions.


Meller fish oil is not used for allergies to its components. Patient reviews also confirm that it cannot be used in severe open forms of tuberculosis.

There are other contraindications:

  • Hemophilia of any degree of neglect. The tool is also not used for bleeding disorders.
  • Identification of mild and progressive thyrotoxicosis.
  • The period of exacerbation of the chronic form of cholecystitis and pancreatitis. In this case, the agent can provoke complications.
  • Increased levels of calcium in the body, provoking the formation of kidney stones.
  • Chronic renal failure in severe form.
  • Prolonged stay of patients in a horizontal position, for example, with fractures. Despite the fact that the remedy is indicated for such violations, it should be taken during the recovery period, when the patient can already move independently.

With caution, the drug is taken with exacerbation of chronic peptic ulcer disease, severe heart disease. For elderly patients, the drug is also prescribed with caution, which is associated with an increased risk of complications.

At what age can you take fish oil?

The agent in liquid dosage form is allowed for use in the therapy of patients from 3 months. Capsules are prescribed for children from 3 years old.Moller fish oil capsules. Instructions for use, price, reviews

It is worth noting that special children's gelatinous fish are produced for the child. Adult capsules with an increased dose of the active substance should not be prescribed to such patients.

Instructions for use, dosage

Depending on the age of the patient, the dosage regimen and dosage may differ. For children and adults, the daily rate is different.

For children

Children under 3 years old use a liquid dosage form, patients from 3 years old receive special gelatin capsules in the form of fish. A liquid supplement is prescribed by a doctor based on age.

Patient age

Dosage and scheme of application

Children from 3 to 12 months Such patients take 0.5 tsp liquid fish oil. per day for 30 days. As a rule, this is sufficient to achieve a pronounced therapeutic result. If necessary, the course is extended.
Patients from 1 to 2 years old The daily dosage for children of this age is 1 tsp. Reception is carried out for 2-6 weeks, depending on the purpose of use. It is allowed to divide the daily dosage by 2 times.
Patients from 2 to 3 years old Such patients take the drug for 3-4 weeks. The daily rate should not exceed 2 tsp. Take the remedy 1 or 2 times.
Children from 3 to 7 years old The daily dosage for patients does not exceed 1 dec. l, which is taken in the morning or evening. Treatment lasts up to 4 weeks, sometimes longer use is required.
Patients from 7 to 18 years old For children from 7 years old, the dosage is 1 tbsp. l. Reception is carried out within 2-6 weeks, depending on the purpose of use.
Moller fish oil capsules. Instructions for use, price, reviews

It does not matter the time of day at which the agent is taken, but it is recommended to do this with meals, which improves the absorption of active components.

Capsules are taken by children from 3 years old. The daily dosage is 3-6 capsules. They are consumed with meals in 2-3 doses. Depending on the patient's condition and the purpose of using the supplement, the course can last from 4 to 8 weeks.

For adults

Meller fish oil (reviews of the remedy in most cases are positive) in liquid form, adults take 1 tbsp. l. per day. The daily norm of capsules is 2 pieces. It is allowed to use them at a time or divide the rate into 2 doses.

Only in some cases, the dosage is increased to 3 capsules per day. As a rule, this is necessary in order to accelerate the onset of the therapeutic effect. The duration of use is 4-8 weeks, depending on the patient's condition and the purpose of using the dietary supplement.

Side effects

If the instructions are violated, the agent often provokes negative reactions. The risk is present even when all the rules are followed. Complications can affect the digestive tract and organs of the urinary system.

Patients report nausea, stomach pain, and intestinal upset. Many people note persistent diarrhea, in which there is a violation of the absorption of nutrients in the intestines. This can lead to a deterioration in metabolic processes and dehydration. Patients talk about strong thirst, dryness of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity.

Children tolerate negative reactions a little more easily. Possibly increased motor activity, impaired concentration. With prolonged use of the drug, a sleep disorder is observed, provoking increased irritability and rapid fatigue.

Complications can also manifest as an allergic reaction. In patients, a rash appears on the skin that spreads to the trunk and limbs, sometimes rashes can be seen on the face.Moller fish oil capsules. Instructions for use, price, reviews

Patients also note the appearance:

  • itching;
  • burning sensation;
  • areas of irritation.

The condition is aggravated when scratching the affected areas, the risk of infection increases. If negative reactions appear, it is worth stopping the use of the product immediately. If the condition worsens, you should see your doctor.


The maximum daily dosage of polyunsaturated fatty acids has not been established. That is why it is difficult to exceed the norm. However, the supplement contains cholecalciferol (vitamin D), which, when taken in high doses, can cause complications.

In this case, the condition of patients worsens, there is:

  • headache;
  • weakness;
  • fast fatiguability.

In the absence of therapy, the symptoms are aggravated, nausea joins, repeated vomiting, diarrhea are observed. The condition worsens when signs of dehydration appear.Moller fish oil capsules. Instructions for use, price, reviews

They are accompanied by:

  • convulsions;
  • severe weakness;
  • severe dryness of the skin.

The appearance of symptoms of an overdose is considered a reason for refusing to use the supplement and seeking medical attention. The patient receives help on an outpatient basis or in a hospital setting. Depending on the severity of the manifestations, the treatment regimen may differ.

special instructions

Meller fish oil (reviews on the action of the remedy should be studied before starting the course by patients who have previously did not take such supplements) is used only as directed by a doctor and after identifying strict indications. Even when used for prophylactic purposes, prior consultation with a specialist is required.

Doctors point out the need to use the product for children during the period of intensive growth, adults with pathologies of the heart and blood vessels of a chronic nature. When taking, you should not ignore the negative manifestations. They can disappear on their own or they get worse, which is considered a reason for receiving special treatment.

The drug has no specific antidote, therefore, symptomatic therapy is used in case of an overdose.

Drug interactions

When using the supplement, it is worth excluding the intake of funds containing the same active ingredients in the composition. Do not prescribe the supplement in combination with cardiac glycosides, since their effect may be enhanced. The effectiveness of the supplement decreases when taken with calcium preparations, glucocorticosteroids.Moller fish oil capsules. Instructions for use, price, reviews

The supplement is used with caution when combined with phosphorus-based preparations, since it increases the level of the substance in the body and can provoke an overdose. Do not prescribe the drug at the same time as barbiturates, which can provoke severe complications.


In the absence of a product in pharmacies, it is allowed to take its substitutes, which in most cases contain the same active ingredient.

The most popular analogues:

  • Fish oil from the Teva company - the most popular analogue, which contains ocean fish oil as the main active ingredient. The product is available in the form of oral capsules, each containing 500 mg of the active ingredient. Adults take capsules about 10 pieces per day with meals. The daily rate is divided into 2-4 doses during the day.Moller fish oil capsules. Instructions for use, price, reviews
  • Baby fish oil goldfish - a popular product in soft gelatin capsules that can have apple, strawberry, lemon flavor. The capsules are well processed in the body and are easy to take. The patient receives from 3 to 6 capsules per day, depending on age. The supplement can be used for patients from 3 years of age.
  • Doppelherz Active Omega-3 Is another popular supplement that contains fish oil and tocopherol in the composition. The remedy is prescribed for adults, in most cases it is indicated for the elderly in order to normalize the work of the heart and blood vessels.

Any of the analogs should be used after a preliminary examination by a doctor. Independent use is strongly discouraged.

Terms, conditions of sale and storage

It is allowed to store the product for 2-3 years. The date of its production is indicated on the packaging. Application after the expiration date is strictly prohibited.

During storage, it is important to limit access to children, direct sunlight. Do not put the additive in the refrigerator. Dispensing funds in pharmacies is carried out without a prescription from a doctor.


The cost of a dietary supplement in different dosage forms is 1000-1500 rubles.

Fish oil from the well-known company Möller is considered a fairly effective supplement used for the treatment and prevention of many disorders. Reviews about the action of the drug can be positive and negative, which largely depends on the characteristics of the application and the organism of a particular patient.

Fish oil video

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