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Pikovit for children. Price, instructions for use: syrup, tablets, composition, reviews

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For conditions associated with increased need in vitamins and minerals, pediatricians often prescribe Pikovit. This is a complex preparation intended for children in the period of intensive formation, growth and development. The price of the drug is affordable, which allows it to be widely used in pediatric practice.

Record content:

  • 1 Forms of release and composition of the drug
  • 2 Pharmacological properties
  • 3 Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
  • 4 Indications for use
  • 5 Contraindications
  • 6 At what age can the drug be taken?
  • 7 Instructions for use, dosage
  • 8 Side effects
  • 9 Overdose
  • 10 special instructions
  • 11 Drug interactions
  • 12 Analogs
  • 13 Terms, conditions of sale and storage
  • 14 Price
  • 15 Video about the drug Pikovit

Forms of release and composition of the drug

The vitamin-mineral complex is produced in chewable and oral tablets, as well as in the form of a sweet syrup.

The series of therapeutic and prophylactic agents includes many drugs that differ in composition:

  • Omega 3;
  • Prebiotic;
  • Unique;
  • A plus;
  • Complex;
  • Forte.Pikovit syrup, tablets for children. Instructions for use, price, reviews
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They all have a different purpose and principle of pharmacological action. Pikovit tablets for oral administration are enteric-coated. They have a biconvex geometric configuration typical of pharmaceuticals.

Pikovit for children (the price does not depend on the color of the medicine) is made in visually attractive orange, yellow and green shades. Such medicine is delivered to pharmacies in blisters made of aluminum foil and transparent medical polymer.

Each block contains 15 units of vitamin and mineral medication. Blisters with tablets are placed in a pack of laminated cardboard, 2 and 4 pcs. The syrup is a thick, viscous liquid, light brown in color.

It has a pleasant citrus flavor. In pharmacies, Pikovit syrup is sold in glass bottles with a volume of 150 ml. Includes a plastic measuring spoon for precise dosage.

Tablets and syrup differ in some active ingredients and auxiliary components. They are designed for children of all ages.

Composition of Pikovit tablets:

Ingredient Volume, mg
Retinol Palmitate (Vitamin A Form) 0,18
Ascorbic acid 10
Cholecalciferol 0,02
Thiamine 0,25
Riboflavin 0,3
Calcium pantothenate 1,2
Pyridoxine 0,3
Folic acid 0,04
Cyanocobalamin 0,0002
Nicotinamide 3
Phosphorus 10
Ionized calcium (Ca2+) 12,5

As additional components that ensure uniformity and proper physicochemical characteristics of the tablets used:

  • glycerol;
  • milk sugar monohydrate;
  • orange essence;
  • emulsion wax;
  • polysorbate-80;
  • sorbitol;
  • unrefined castor oil;
  • natural yellow dye in tablets of a similar shade;
  • dehydrated citric acid;
  • titanium dioxide;
  • dextrose;
  • indigo carmine, which gives the drug its green color;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • Crimson Ponso 4R;
  • povidone.Pikovit syrup, tablets for children. Instructions for use, price, reviews

The syrup contains similar vitamin compounds, only in a different concentration.

The auxiliary components of its chemical formula are:

  • agar is a polysaccharide of brown algae;
  • traganic gum - a stabilizing substance of plant origin;
  • orange and grapefruit oils;
  • sodium benzoate - preservative compound;
  • distilled water.

The syrup contains no phosphorus and calcium ions. The composition of Pikovit requires clarification upon purchase, since it depends on the type of drug and is intended for children of different ages.

Pharmacological properties

The drug has multidirectional and multi-vector effects. The main influence is metabolic. The drug saturates the body with vitamins that are necessary for the normal course of physiological processes.

Pikovit for children, the price of which is lower than many analogues with comparable therapeutic and prophylactic efficacy, improves metabolism, stimulates the immune system, strengthens musculoskeletal structures due to the content calcium.

Pharmacological properties and biochemical characteristics of the drug are determined by the principle of action of the active components contained in it. The fat-soluble form of vitamin A (retinol palmitate) is involved in mineral metabolism and protein-protein synthesis.

This compound is involved in the process of photoreception - adaptation of the visual apparatus to various levels of illumination in space, including complete darkness.

Vital functions of retinol palmitate:

  • participation in the creation of lipid molecules;
  • stimulation of redox reactions;
  • normalization of tissue metabolism;
  • enhancement of myelopoiesis - regulation of the formation of sheath cells of nerve fibers;
  • the production of lipase and trypsin - important metabolic enzymes;
  • secretion of carbohydrate fragments of proteoglycans;
  • increasing the resistance of the mucous membrane to infectious invasion;
  • improving the barrier functions of the epidermis and epithelial layer;

Retinol palmitate renews the cell population, improves the functioning of the sweat, salivary and lacrimal glands. Cholecalciferol (vitamin D3), which is part of Pikovit, regulates phosphorus-calcium metabolism and improves the absorption of these microelements.Pikovit syrup, tablets for children. Instructions for use, price, reviews

It participates in the formation of the skeleton and muscle fibers. An important pharmacological property of vitamin D3 is the transport of nutrients across cellular and mitochondrial membranes.

The key biological function of cholecalciferol is to strengthen the musculoskeletal mechanism. It prevents the onset of rickets and reduces the likelihood of multiple sclerosis.

Thiamine mononitrate, known as vitamin B1:

  • responsible for the work of the central nervous system;
  • stimulates brain activity;
  • strengthens memory;
  • reduces the risk of developing polyneuritis in a child;
  • protects nerve tissues from any external influences;
  • positively affects the functional state of the cardiac apparatus;
  • increases the elasticity of the vascular walls;

Riboflavin (vitamin B2) is an active coenzyme that improves hematopoietic function and reduces the risk of developing anemic conditions in a child. It helps to eliminate toxins and heavy metal salts from the body.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Folic acid (vitamin B9) stimulates the formation of red blood cells and has a general hematopoietic effect.

The pharmacodynamic characteristics of calcium pantothenate include:

  • muscle contractions;
  • osteogenesis;
  • conduction of nerve impulses;
  • improving the rheological properties of blood;
  • oxidative reactions;
  • acetylation process;
  • synthesis of acetylcholine;
  • fat and carbohydrate metabolism.

Pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6), which is part of Pikovit, participates in the decarboxylation of amino acid compounds, ensures the normal functioning of the peripheral nervous system and stimulates the production of histamine - immunocompetent cells.

Phosphorus is involved in the formation of dental and skeletal bones, energy metabolism. Vitamins of group B, called neurological, are involved in the production of impulse conduction enzymes.

Ascorbic acid:

  • maintains immune status;
  • improves the absorption of iron;
  • intensifies cell proliferation;
  • has a moderate bacteriostatic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect;
  • accelerates the regeneration of injured tissues;
  • participates in the production of hormonal compounds.

Pikovit contains cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12), which has important pharmacodynamic properties for children. The low price of the drug allows it to be used for prophylactic purposes during the period of active growth and physiological development of the child.Pikovit syrup, tablets for children. Instructions for use, price, reviews

Cyanocobalamin has pronounced metabolic properties and a hematopoietic effect. This is a vitamin compound with increased biological activity, which is involved in the transfer of methyl groups.

Nicotinamide is a powerful natural antioxidant involved in tissue gas exchange, glucose oxidation, and the conversion of lipids and polysaccharides into energy.

The biochemical compound improves digestive function and promotes the production of gastric juice. Vitamin PP stimulates the performance of the endocrine glands and liver. The active ingredients of Pikovit easily overcome the gastroenterological barrier.

The bloodstream quickly spreads them throughout the body, providing a generalized effect of the drug. The bioavailability of vitamins, minerals and trace elements is at least 95%.

The pharmacokinetic features of the drug complex are determined by the metabolism of its constituent components. They are eliminated mainly by the kidneys, and to a lesser extent by the liver.

Some components of the chemical formula of Pikovit are not completely excreted from the body, being deposited in tissues and bone fibers. The maximum plasma concentration of active substances is reached after 30-40 minutes. after oral administration.

Indications for use

Pikovit is prescribed for vitamin deficiency conditions and pathological processes associated with a lack of physiologically active compounds in the body. For children, medication is more prophylactic than therapeutic.

Pikovit is useful for:

  • unbalanced diet and poor diet;
  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • endocrine disruption;
  • chronic physical and mental fatigue in schoolchildren;
  • neurological diseases;
  • some types of cardiovascular pathologies;
  • increased psychological and emotional stress;
  • antibiotic chemotherapy.Pikovit syrup, tablets for children. Instructions for use, price, reviews

Pediatricians often include the vitamin-mineral complex in the combined treatment of anemia, inflammation, and colds. Pikovit is prescribed to increase the body's resistance to seasonal viral infections and bacterial infections.

The drug is prescribed to speed up postoperative rehabilitation and to recover from a severe illness. The preventive value of Pikovit is aimed at creating physiological conditions in the body that prevent the development of pathological processes.

The drug prevents the formation of glaucoma and cataracts, eliminates asthenic symptoms. Pikovit is prescribed for delays in mental and physical development, suppressed immunity, and impaired blood circulation.


The multivitamin complex has a minimum of absolute clinical restrictions on its use. Pikovit is not prescribed for children with a congenital tendency to anaphylactic reactions.

Some physiologically active components of the medicinal composition are capable of provoking acute allergic manifestations. You should not give your child a medication for hypervitaminosis A and D.

A multivitamin preparation is not prescribed for inflammatory diseases of the joints. Some active substances accumulate in tissues and movable joints of skeletal structures.

Pikovit for children (the price allows parents to give the medicine to the child for prophylactic purposes) should not be taken with arthritis associated with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. This limitation only applies to syrup containing a large amount of sugar.

Pediatricians do not prescribe a multivitamin complex for patients with arterial hypertension, which affects the functional state of muscle fibers and bone structures.

Other contraindications include:

  • hyperuricemia - a permanent increase in the concentration of uric acid in the blood plasma;
  • nephrolithiasis - the deposition of calculi in the renal organ, complicating the metabolism and systemic clearance of the active ingredients of Pikovit;
  • thromboembolism - blockage of the pulmonary arteries and their branches;
  • chronic and acute inflammation of the venous walls;
  • hereditary impairment of the absorption of copper and iron;
  • hyperactivity of the thyroid gland, as a result of which the production of hormonal compounds increases sharply;
  • glucose-galactose malabsorption;
  • cardiac insufficiency;
  • sarcoidosis is a multisystem pathological disorder with an unexplained etiology, characterized by the formation of granulomas in epithelioid cell structures;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • perforation of the duodenum;
  • gastritis;

It is forbidden to use multivitamin medicine for patients with open form of pulmonary tuberculosis.

At what age can the drug be taken?

Pikovit in the form of a sweet syrup is prescribed from 12 months. Tableted medicines have a clear age distribution, since they contain vitamins, minerals and trace elements necessary for a growing body in a given period of formation.

Pikovit syrup, tablets for children. Instructions for use, price, reviews
Pikovit Unique for children from 3+ years old

"Pikovit Complex" is indicated for children from 3 years old.

In addition to vitamins, it is rich in:

  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • selenium;
  • magnesium;
  • copper.

The drug marked 4+ is used from the appropriate age. The peculiarity of the tablets is the complete absence of poly- monosaccharides. Maltitol gives them a sweet taste. "Pikovit Plus", which contains 16 biologically active components, is intended for children over 5 years old. It has an original banana flavor.

"Pikovit Forte" is prescribed for children 7-16 years old. It is intended to neutralize the consequences of increased training loads and ensure the systematic development of the body. It contains 11 vitamins.

Instructions for use, dosage

The tablets should be chewed and absorbed as long as possible. This guarantees the best assimilation of the ingredients of the medicinal complex.Pikovit syrup, tablets for children. Instructions for use, price, reviews


  • 1-3 years - 1 pc. 2-3 times a day;
  • 4-6 years old - 1 tablet, frequency of administration - 4-5 times a day;
  • 7-14 years old - 5-7 times a day, 1 piece;
  • 14-16 years old - 7-8 pcs. with equal time intervals between receptions.

The duration of the preventive course is 20-30 days. As part of complex therapy, the pediatrician individually selects the duration and frequency of use. Pikovit is a sweet syrup that can be mixed with tea, juice, other beverages, or consumed neat.Pikovit syrup, tablets for children. Instructions for use, price, reviews

It is recommended for children 1-3 years old to give no more than 2 scoops per day. The maximum therapeutically reasonable dose for schoolchildren and adolescents is 20 ml (4 scoops) of the drug per day. The duration of the course is similar to the tablets. After a month, treatment or prophylaxis can be repeated.

Side effects

Undesirable manifestations are rarely recorded. Adverse reactions are associated with allergic reactions to the active ingredients of the drug or the biological immunity of the auxiliary components.


  • dyspepsia;
  • headaches;
  • bronchospasm;
  • skin rash with itching, like urticaria.

In the event of adverse reactions, it is necessary to stop taking the drug and seek the advice of a pediatrician to select a compatible analogue or correct the daily rate.


The likelihood of symptoms of drug intoxication is extremely low. In the pediatric practice of using Pikovit, such cases have not been recorded.

A single application of an ultra-high dose in the presence of concomitant pathological factors can theoretically cause:

  • pain in the abdominal cavity;
  • vomiting;
  • hyperemia;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • disorder of visual function;
  • cardiac arrhythmia;
  • increased body temperature.Pikovit syrup, tablets for children. Instructions for use, price, reviews

Pikovit for children, the price of which is affordable to a wide range of consumers, with regular intake of large doses is capable of provoke a sharp weight loss and even anorexic manifestations due to the presence of a fat-burning vitamin in its composition D3.

If any signs of an overdose occur, treatment should be canceled and symptomatic therapy should be carried out - gastric lavage, taking an absorbing drug and antiallergic drugs.

special instructions

During the period of use of Pikovit, the urine acquires a rich yellow color. This does not threaten health and is explained by the presence of riboflavin in its composition. The chemical formula of the multivitamin complex includes food additives E124 and E110, belonging to the pharmacological category of aerial dyes.

In some patients, they provoke a hypersensitivity reaction with an asthmatic effect. Before use, you should make sure of the normal susceptibility of these auxiliary components, as well as acetylsalicylic acid, which thin the blood.

Significant amounts of glycerol in Pikovit can cause diarrhea and headache. Benzoic acid, which is part of the syrup, weakly irritates the skin and mucous membrane of the dental cavity.

Drug interactions

Calcium pantothenate slows down the systemic absorption of tetracycline antibiotics and antibacterial drugs based on fluoroquinolone derivatives. It is necessary to observe the time interval between taking Pikovit and such medications for at least 2 hours.

The combination of a multivitamin complex with thiazide diuretics increases the likelihood of hypercalcemia. Ascorbic acid enhances the pharmacological properties of sulfonamide-based antimicrobial agents, which increases the risk of side effects.


Pikovit can be replaced with a large number of multivitamin preparations, similar in composition and comparable in price.

The most popular are:

  • Vetoron. Shown for children from 3 years old. Application is similar to Pikovit.
    Pikovit syrup, tablets for children. Instructions for use, price, reviews
    Complivit vitamins for children
  • Vitrum. It is saturated with micro and macro elements, contains 13 vitamins.
  • Complivit. Vitamin complex for children 7-12 years old.
  • Univit. An effective combination of vitamins of groups A and B, calcium and phosphorus.
  • Centrum. A drug for adolescents in the stage of active development.

For children from 1 year old, the domestic multivitamin complex "Alphabet Our Baby" is suitable. From 3 months of age, Addivit is prescribed.

Terms, conditions of sale and storage

The drug is sold without a prescription in pharmacies. Shelf life of tablets - 36 months, syrup - 2 years. The latter must be used within 60 days after opening the bottle. It is recommended to store the medicine at temperatures up to + 25 ° C.


Slovenian pills for children Pikovit in the capital's pharmacies cost about 140 rubles. The price of the syrup is about 230 rubles. per bottle of 150 ml.

Video about the drug Pikovit

Indications for Pikovit syrup:

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