Other Diseases

Why develops brain microangiopathy: signs and treatment

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brain microangiopathy Microangiopathy occurs as a complication of a particular pathology of the brain. Has its own variety. This disease is characterized by the defeat of capillaries, small vessels that are responsible for the metabolic process.

It is impossible to diagnose this deviation alone, therefore, when the first symptomatology appears, it is necessary to immediately consult a specialist and undergo a thorough examination. Correctly selected treatment will help to avoid complications.

Steps for the development of the pathological process

Microangiopathy of the brain is considered a fairly common pathology, which is characterized by impaired tone, the structure of the walls of blood vessels and capillaries directly in this organ. As a consequence, the patient has an abnormal metabolic process of the brain tissue.

The more the disease progresses, the less the elasticity of the vascular wall becomes, the thickening and the reduction of the vascular lumen. This can lead to obstruction of small vessels for intensive blood flow. As a result, neurons of the brain suffer from a lack of blood flow, oxygen and glucose.

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After the vessels become less strong, they begin to break down, which can trigger a subarachnoid hemorrhage. If there is no blood flow, then local death of neurons occurs, the replacement of foci by gliosis, the formation of scars.

Causes and provoking diseases

Syndrome of microangiopathy of the brain can develop against a backdrop of other pathologies. Violation occurs as a result of such diseases and conditions of the human body: Vascular disorders of the brain

  1. Thrombosis .Blood flow is disturbed because of the formation of clots.
  2. Necrosis .Dying of cells and tissues.
  3. Hyalinosis .There is a deposit of hyaline.
  4. Fibrinoid swelling of the .The permeability of the vessels becomes elevated and, as a consequence, the destruction of the connective tissue is observed.

Also cause cerebral microangiopathy:

  • anomaly of vessel wall structure;
  • smoking;
  • use of alcoholic beverages;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • injury;
  • infectious diseases that adversely affect the state of the blood vessels;
  • of the endocrine system;
  • high blood pressure;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • toxic substances;
  • is an advanced age.

Not a single brain

In modern medicine, several types of microangiopathy are distinguished:

  1. Cerebral microangiopathy. The pathological process is observed directly in the brain. Characterized by a prolonged impairment of cerebral blood flow, which occurs against the background of atherosclerosis or high blood pressure. brain damage Symptoms of encephalopathy, ischemia and lacunar infarction, which lead to damage to gray matter. Symptoms of the disease occur at later stages, helping to distinguish it from other disorders of the brain.
  2. Diabetic .It arises because of a constant elevated glucose level. As a result, there is a lesion of small vessels that provide blood flow to internal organs. There are several clinical forms of this type of pathology.
  3. Defeat in the foot area .The patient has a lesion of capillaries of the lower extremities. It is characterized by a delayed blood flow, impaired tissue nutrition, lesion of individual legs. If immunity is reduced, then the pathology begins to progress.
  4. Microangiopathy of the liver .The patient exhibits changes in the vascular wall, impaired blood coagulability and delayed blood flow. As a result, thrombi are formed, the viscosity of the blood increases, and platelets are activated.

Clinical picture

Cerebral microangiopathy at the initial stage is asymptomatic, so its diagnosis becomes more complicated. This pathological process can manifest itself in a number of symptoms:

  • memory impairment;
  • consciousness becomes turbid;
  • causeless weakness of the body;
  • frequent and intense headaches.

headache These disorders occur due to poor blood flow in the capillaries of the brain. The development of symptoms occurs gradually. First, there is unreasonable weakness, which can be accompanied by a headache.

In this situation, painkillers do not have the proper positive effect. Then gradually the patient begins to suffer insomnia at night, and in the daytime - drowsiness.

After the disease begins to progress, the patient has absent-mindedness, forgetfulness and inattention. The process of thinking is disturbed. In parallel there are focal signs of brain microangiopathy:

  • a shaky walk;
  • movement coordination disorder;
  • convergence disorder;
  • pupil diameter is completely different;
  • other pathological reflexes.

Diagnostics and medical care

When diagnosed, an MRI is performed, which helps to examine the brain tissue and its vasculature. If the patient develops this pathology, then clearly visible signs of arterial hypoplasia. Foci of a heart attack are also seen.

It is compulsory for a patient to undergo ultrasound dopplerography. In parallel, a blood test is performed.

Treatment of microangiopathy of the brain is complex.

  • without fail the patient is prescribed preparations that normalize blood pressure ;nootropics Piracetam
  • to eliminate the lack of oxygen in the brain tissues it is necessary to take antihypoxicants ;
  • to reduce lipid levels, it is necessary to take statins, sequestrants;
  • for improving brain nutrition use nootropics , and drugs, based on nicotinic acid, improve blood flow.

It is worth considering the fact that timely treatment helps to stop the development of the disease. This is important in the elderly, because in this case the pathological process is accelerated.

Details on the treatment of cerebrovascular diseases:

Consequences and prevention of

Lifestyle without stress The prognosis for this diagnosis will largely depend on the patient's age group, the extent of the lesion, the concomitant diseases and the timeliness of the therapy. If you ignore the development of the disease, you may develop cerebral insufficiency, which will lead to a fatal outcome.

The state of the vessels determines the health of the whole organism. Even if minor changes or disturbances are observed, there will be pathologies that can be incurable. Therefore, it is worth paying attention not only to properly selected treatment, but preventive measures, which include:

  • a healthy lifestyle;
  • a correct and balanced diet, it is advisable to adhere to a salt-free diet;
  • elimination of stressful situations and intense physical exertion;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • correctly constructed mode of work and rest.

The above measures are simple, and if you adhere to them, you can avoid many problems with the vessels.

It is worth remembering that cerebral microangiopathy of the brain is a serious disease that should be treated immediately. The sooner a therapy is prescribed, the more likely to avoid complications.

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