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Eye lenses for vision myopia. Price, reviews

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Eye lenses are special ophthalmic devices designed to improve the quality of vision. They can be used for a variety of problems, including hyperopia or myopia.

Record content:

  • 1 Indications and contraindications for wearing lenses for myopia
  • 2 What to look for when choosing contact lenses for myopia
    • 2.1 Hard or soft
    • 2.2 The nature of the correction
    • 2.3 Wearing time
  • 3 Terms of use
    • 3.1 Replacement schedule
    • 3.2 At what age can you wear
  • 4 Best night lenses for vision correction
    • 4.1 Paragon СRT
    • 4.2 Emerald
  • 5 Best daily lenses
    • 5.1 Acuvue 1 Day Trueye
    • 5.2 Coopervision Proclear 1 Day
    • 5.3 Dailies Total 1
    • 5.4 Biotrue ONEday
  • 6 Best contact lenses for a month
    • 6.1 Air Optix (Alcon) Aqua
    • 6.2 Maxima 55 UV
    • 6.3 Bausch & Lomb PureVision
  • 7 The best contact lenses for long-term wear
    • 7.1 365 DAY Bright Vision
    • 7.2 Adria season
    • 7.4 MORNING Q55 VIAL
    • 7.5 OKVision INFINITI
    • 7.6 Sea clear vail
  • 8 Best colored lenses
    • 8.2 Butterfly 3-tone
    • 8.3 Air Optix Colors
  • 9 Eye lenses cost
  • 10 Proper lens care
  • 11 Lenses Videos
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Indications and contraindications for wearing lenses for myopia

There are several stages of myopia. In this case, contact lenses are recommended to be worn for any degree of myopia.


  • Medical. Wearing contact lenses is indicated for patients who, in addition to myopia, have other visual impairments - a difference in eye refraction, lazy eye syndrome, changes in the structure of the cornea, amblyopia.
Lenses for eyes with vision with myopia. Reviews
Lenses for eyes with vision with myopia are selected for medical reasons
  • Professional. Ophthalmic devices are indicated for people of various professions in cases where the wearing of glasses is contraindicated.
  • Aesthetic. It is an alternative solution for people who do not want to wear glasses.


  • dryness of the cornea;
  • disturbed lacrimation;
  • decompensated form of glaucoma;
  • heterotropy;
  • inflammatory diseases of the eyelids;
  • changed position of the lens;
  • dry eye syndrome;
  • infectious damage to the organs of vision;
  • the presence of scar tissue in the corneal area.
Lenses for eyes with vision with myopia. Reviews
Lenses for eyes with vision with myopia are not used for dry eye syndrome

It is also not recommended to use contact lenses for those who have allergic diseases, including rhinitis and bronchial asthma.

What to look for when choosing contact lenses for myopia

When choosing ophthalmic devices, several factors must be taken into account, depending on the individual characteristics of the patient's body and indications.

Hard or soft

For myopia, it is recommended to use soft contact lenses as they do not cause irritation. However, caring for this type of product is more delicate.

Lenses for eyes with vision with myopia. Reviews
Lenses are hard and soft - with myopia, they choose the latter option

Such lenses are made of special materials that allow air to pass through and prevent oxygen starvation, which greatly increases their safety.

Rigid contact lenses are recommended for patients whose myopia is caused by a disease such as keratoconus. They are also indicated for patients at high risk of developing corneal deformities.

The nature of the correction

There are several types of contact lenses used to correct myopia, depending on additional disorders associated with the underlying disease.

Types of lenses for correction Description / characteristic
Spherical These devices allow you to scatter light in such a way that it hits the peripheral and central areas of the retina.
Bifocal (multifocal) This type of product is prescribed for a combination of myopia and hyperopia. The upper area of ​​the lenses allows the patient to see into the distance, the lower area - close.
Toric These lenses are used to correct astigmatism. The fixtures consist of 2 parts and have different fixing methods.

These types of ophthalmic devices are custom made and cost much more than conventional contact lenses.

Wearing time

Lenses for eyes for vision (myopia can be combined with other visual impairments, therefore, a preliminary examination by an ophthalmologist is recommended) is also classified according to the duration of their wearing.


  • one-day;
  • fortnightly;
  • period;
  • quarterly;
  • annual.

The longer the period of use, the more careful maintenance is required. The first type of products is considered the ideal option.

Recently, nightwear has become very popular as it is designed to be worn while sleeping. At the same time, visual acuity remains in the rest of the hours. A significant disadvantage of such lenses is oxygen starvation of the cornea and dryness of the corneal layer.

Terms of use

When wearing ophthalmic devices, certain rules must be followed to help prolong the life of the lenses and prevent the development of negative reactions in the eye area.

Replacement schedule

The mode of replacement of products is usually indicated on the packaging or in the instructions for use of contact lenses.

Daily lenses are changed once a day, planned - once every 2 weeks or once a month, quarterly - once every 3 months or once every six months or a year.

In some cases, the replacement is carried out according to the testimony of a specialist, when it is necessary to select a different curvature or other optical characteristics.

At what age can you wear

Ophthalmic devices can be worn from childhood onwards. The minimum age for a child must be at least 8 years old.

Best night lenses for vision correction

The most popular night lenses are 2 brands - Paragon CRT and Emerald. These products are considered the most effective and high quality.

Paragon СRT

These products are manufactured by the American Ophthalmology Center. The lenses have been tested in zero gravity and are used to correct the correct position of the cornea.

Lenses for eyes with vision with myopia. Reviews

The devices are indicated for patients from 6 to 40 years old. They have a mild effect. Rigid products are appointed by a specialist individually.


This type of product is made in America. Lenses are used to treat any degree of myopia and astigmatism. At the same time, vision is restored by 100%, and the patient sees well throughout the day.

Lenses for eyes with vision with myopia. Reviews

The devices are made of gas-tight material and are resistant to mechanical stress. Lenses do not cause irritation, dryness and do not overload the vision.

Best daily lenses

Daily wear lenses are the best option for treating myopia and associated visual impairments.

However, their cost is one of the highest.

Acuvue 1 Day Trueye

The material of these lenses is silicone hydrogel, which prevents the cornea from drying out and prevents the eyes from being exposed to sunlight.

Lenses for eyes with vision with myopia. Reviews

The devices are used to treat various forms and severity of myopia. The moisture content is 46%.

Coopervision Proclear 1 Day

These products are made from phosphorylcholine, which allows you to maintain an optimal balance of moisture (up to 96%) and oxygen throughout the day. The lens design is aspherical.

Lenses for eyes with vision with myopia. Reviews

Devices are used to correct aberrations occurring in the area of ​​the lens of the eye or the stratum corneum.

Dailies Total 1

These ophthalmic devices are made from Delephilcon A, a material containing about 80% moisture. Lenses prevent the development of corneal hypoxia, since they have a high level of oxygen permeability.

Lenses for eyes with vision with myopia. Reviews

The products are suitable for people with hypersensitivity and prone to allergic reactions. The devices can be used for 16 hours.

Biotrue ONEday

These contact lenses are made from Nesophilcon A and have a high moisture content of 78%. The oxygen supply to the cornea is 93%.

Lenses for eyes with vision with myopia. Reviews

The products retain their properties for 16 hours and prevent the cornea from drying out, as well as protect the eyes from ultraviolet exposure. The lenses can be worn at night.

Best contact lenses for a month

The most popular models among patients are contact lenses, which need to be changed 1-2 times a month, since it is not that expensive and does not require daily replacement.

Air Optix (Alcon) Aqua

This type of model is produced by an American manufacturer. Lenses prevent the accumulation of various impurities and create a protective moisturizing layer. The devices pass 5 times more oxygen than standard (classic) models.

Lenses for eyes with vision with myopia. Reviews

Manufacturing material - lotrafilcon B. The moisture content is 33%.

Maxima 55 UV

These ophthalmic products are used to correct vision in the absence of any concomitant eye diseases. Minor damage from astigmatism is allowed.

Lenses for eyes with vision with myopia. Reviews

The lens is made of okufilkon D. The model has additional UV protection. The moisture content is 55%.

Bausch & Lomb PureVision

This mark is a brand of an American ophthalmic company. Lenses are designed to treat various visual impairments - myopia, hyperopia, presbyopia, astigmatism.

Lenses for eyes with vision with myopia. Reviews

Products are made of silicone hydrogel material, have an aspherical shape. The devices protect the cornea from hypoxia and external factors (ultraviolet radiation).

The best contact lenses for long-term wear

Lenses for eyes for vision (myopia can be of varying severity, which should be taken into account when choosing ophthalmic products) are also made for long-term wear.

These models are the best option for people who cannot afford to change lenses on a daily basis for various reasons.

365 DAY Bright Vision

This type of lens is made on the basis of polymacone, a hydrogel material. The moisture content is 38%.

Lenses for eyes with vision with myopia. Reviews

Lenses help to correct vision in case of myopia, moisturize the cornea and protect it from drying out, prevent oxygen starvation of the cornea. The recommended replacement frequency is once every 3 months.

Adria season

This type of ophthalmic product is intended for seasonal wear and must be replaced every 3 months. The radius of curvature is suitable for most of the myopic population.

Lenses for eyes with vision with myopia. Reviews

The material for making the models prevents the deposition of proteins, lipids and other contaminants.


The material for the production of this model is the polymacon hydrogel substance. Contact lenses prevent drying out of the stratum corneum, correct vision and saturate the cornea with oxygen.

Lenses for eyes with vision with myopia. Reviews

The moisture content is 45%. The base curvature is 8.6. Replacement of devices must be done every quarter - once every 3 months.


Manufactured in South Korea, these products are designed for patients with varying degrees of myopia and for those with signs of dry eye.

Lenses for eyes with vision with myopia. Reviews

The radius of curvature is 80%, the shape is aspherical. The replacement schedule is once every six months.


Contact lenses of this model are made from non-ionic terpolymer. They are designed for long-term wear (replacement is carried out every six months) and help restore visual functions, prevent the development of dry eye syndrome.

Lenses for eyes with vision with myopia. Reviews

The moisture content is 45%. Possible colors: aqua (aqua), green, brown and blue.

Sea clear vail

These ophthalmic products are manufactured in Australia and are designed to correct vision, moisturize the mucous membrane of the eye and protect from sunlight.

Lenses for eyes with vision with myopia. Reviews

Manufacturing material - PolyHema Plus. The radius of curvature is 8.6. The planned replacement of devices is carried out once every 3 months.

Best colored lenses

Lenses for the eyes for vision (myopia is a visual disorder that requires mandatory treatment) can Available in a variety of color options, which can be useful for those looking to improve the look of their eyes.


These ophthalmic devices are made from polymacone (hydrogel material). The moisture content is 43% (some models 38%). The radius of curvature is 8.6.

Lenses for eyes with vision with myopia. Reviews

The products are aimed at restoring visual functions, eliminating aspherical aberrations and protecting the cornea from ultraviolet exposure.

The company produces lenses in a variety of colors. The dye contained in the models is absolutely safe and does not affect visual functions.

Butterfly 3-tone

This type of lens has a 3-tone coloration and, in addition to restoring vision, is used as an aesthetic enhancement of the look. However, the products lack UV protection.

Lenses for eyes with vision with myopia. Reviews

The moisture content is 42%. The radius of curvature is 8.6. The replacement schedule is once every 3 months.

Air Optix Colors

This ophthalmic model is made on the basis of a silicone hydrogel material. The devices keep the corneal surface hydrated and oxygenated.

Lenses for eyes with vision with myopia. Reviews

At the moment, a line of 3 different colors and 6 shades is available, which are suitable for both dark and light eyes. The radius of curvature is 8.6. The water content is 33%.

Eye lenses cost

Prices for ophthalmic products may vary depending on the manufacturer and the characteristics of a particular model. The average cost of contact lenses on the domestic market is from 500 to 5000 rubles.

Proper lens care

To care for your lenses and extend the life of your lenses, you must follow some rules.

Lenses for eyes with vision with myopia. Reviews
Proper lens care

Care instructions:

  • before putting on or taking off products, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water;
  • when using lenses intended for long-term wear, they must be cleaned;
  • a special solution must be used for cleaning, since running water can lead to a deterioration in the quality of the lenses;
  • before or after using the lenses, it is recommended to clean the fixtures with a special disinfectant;
  • it is recommended to change the container with the solution every day

Before choosing contact eye lenses, it is recommended to first consult with an ophthalmologist and carefully study the instructions for use of the products. Additionally, it is recommended to read the reviews of those who used these models as a treatment for myopia or other visual impairments.

Lenses Videos

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