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Dropper for alcohol intoxication at home. Composition, rules, dosage, how to do

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After excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, alcohol intoxication occurs, which can be dealt with dropper helps. It can be used at home, but this must be done after consultation and permission from a specialist.

Record content:

  • 1 What are the advantages of droppers for alcohol intoxication?
  • 2 Indications for the use of droppers
  • 3 What droppers are used for alcohol intoxication?
    • 3.1 To thin the blood
    • 3.2 To stabilize the salt balance
    • 3.3 To remove toxins
    • 3.4 To normalize acid-base balance
    • 3.5 To restore breathing
    • 3.6 To increase glucose levels
    • 3.7 To protect the liver
    • 3.8 Vitamins
  • 4 Contraindications
  • 5 How to carry out the procedure?
    • 5.1 In the hospital
    • 5.2 At home
  • 6 How to get a drip at home?
    • 6.1 Where to begin?
    • 6.2 What is the best time to put the drip?
    • 6.3 Rules for purifying blood from alcohol
  • 7 The danger of self-medication with alcohol poisoning
  • 8 Video about droppers for alcohol intoxication

What are the advantages of droppers for alcohol intoxication?

The use of a dropper helps to quickly remove the patient from the state of alcohol poisoning. This method of treatment allows the active substances to enter the bloodstream and spread throughout the body. With oral administration of drugs, the bioavailability of important components decreases, since they are partially deposited in organs and tissues.

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Alcohol, drunk in a hefty dose, causes the gag reflex. This makes it difficult to take pills that need to be washed down with water. After all, any sip of liquid immediately asks back from the stomach.

Dropper benefits:

  • quick therapeutic effect due to the assimilation of all useful substances;
  • the ability to administer several drugs at the same time;
  • the intake of a liquid component in a large volume in combination with the desired drug removes the viscosity of the blood and facilitates the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • changing the combination of medicinal components depending on the patient's condition and the presence of chronic diseases.

Indications for the use of droppers

Alcohol poisoning manifests itself in a person with the following signs:

  • unbearable throbbing pain in the temporal region;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • increased sweating;
  • increased heart rate;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • imbalance;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • weakness.Dropper for alcohol intoxication at home. Composition, dosage, how to do

Most of the symptoms can be dealt with using available methods.

You need to be on your guard if the situation is aggravated:

  • the occurrence of seizures;
  • constriction of the pupils;
  • the release of sticky sweat on the skin;
  • lack of conscious speech;
  • the appearance of hallucinations;
  • numbness of the limbs.

This condition develops not only from a large amount of alcohol consumed, but also from the use of low-quality alcohol.

If you do not take action in time, it can be fatal.

What droppers are used for alcohol intoxication?

A dropper for alcohol intoxication at home is carried out with drugs that have the following actions:

  • stop the gag reflex;
  • restrain convulsions;
  • calm the nervous system;
  • cleanse the body of toxic substances;
  • restore the ratio of salts, alkalis, acids;
  • facilitate the work of the heart and blood vessels;
  • normalize blood pressure;
  • stabilize the liver;
  • remove allergic manifestations.

The table below provides a list of essential drugs used to cleanse the body from alcohol poisoning:

Drug name Action
Na2S2O3 (sodium thiosulfate)
  • reduces the effect of ethanol;
  • removes toxins.Dropper for alcohol intoxication at home. Composition, dosage, how to do
MgSO4 (magnesium sulfate) Cleans the liver
  • normalizes metabolic and oxidation processes;
  • restores liver cells.
  • restores the balance of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids;
  • has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver.
  • saturates cells with oxygen;
  • accelerates blood flow;
  • prevents blockage of blood vessels.
Piracetam (20%)
  • activates the enzyme phospholipase;
  • participates in the decomposition of cholesterol, fatty acids;
  • controls metabolic reactions;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • changes the number of platelets.
Vitamins B6, B12, C19H19N7O6 (folic acid) Prevents the formation of blood clots, atherosclerotic plaques.Dropper for alcohol intoxication at home. Composition, dosage, how to do
NaCI (sodium chloride, 0.9%), C6H12O6 (glucose) Purify and thin the blood
Sodium bicarbonate (4%) Neutralizes acids to form water and neutral salts.
Panangin, Magnesia Saturate the blood with electrolytes

To thin the blood

The circulatory system plays an important role - it supplies organs and tissues with oxygen. With alcohol intoxication or diseases, the chemical composition of the blood changes, since harmful components enter it. This leads to the formation of a viscosity of the biological fluid, which complicates the work of the cardiovascular system.

A dropper for alcohol intoxication at home is done using medicinal substances with a diluting effect:

  • NaCI;
  • glucose;
  • folic acid;
  • vitamin collection (B1, B6, B12).

Dropper for alcohol intoxication at home. Composition, dosage, how to doThese components are part of such drugs:

  • Methusol (NaCI);
  • Reamberin;
  • Furosemide;
  • Mannitol;
  • Torasemide.

Sodium chloride prevents the formation of blood clots, thins the blood. The saline solution also replenishes lost fluid.

Glucose restores brain function, which reduces the risk of epileptic seizures. Toxic substances are excreted in the urine.

To stabilize the salt balance

After excessive drinking, the body becomes dehydrated, and with it the amount of electrolytes decreases. These are such basic alkaline minerals as K, Na, Mg, Ca. Their lack leads to the oxidation process, which negatively affects the work of internal organs.

To restore salt ions, the following solutions are used:

  • Disol;
  • Acesol;
  • Panangin;
  • calcium chloride.

These drugs are recommended to be mixed with 10% glucose solution and insulin (4: 1) to enhance the positive effect. It provides nutrition, relieves weakness.

To remove toxins

A dropper can contain one or more drugs that have different effects.

But in the end, acetaldehyde (the decay product of ethanol) is excreted at an accelerated rate:

  • saline solution containing NaCl + pyridoxine;
  • potassium chloride + magnesium sulfate + glucose + insulin;
  • Trisol + KCI + NaCI;
  • Reamberin;
  • Methusol;
  • Unitiol;
  • sodium thiosulfate;
  • Hemodez;
  • Gelatinol.

The introduction of liquid solutions into the blood helps to reduce the concentration of toxins. And the diuretic properties of drugs allow you to cleanse the body in a short time.

To normalize acid-base balance

With alcohol intoxication, oxidation reactions are disrupted in the body. The glycerin content rises. Pyruvic, lactic and fatty acids are formed, which lead to the formation of acidosis (an increase in acidity). This reduces the efficiency of the liver and kidneys.

The patient has:

  • prostration;
  • muscle pain;
  • dyspnea.Dropper for alcohol intoxication at home. Composition, dosage, how to do

To stabilize the ratio of acids and alkalis, sodium bicarbonate (4%) is used in a solution, which is used in pure form. No other components can be added to it.

To restore breathing

To restore respiratory function, but in the absence of kidney disease, Reamberin is used.

Thanks to auxiliary substances, ionic constituents, the drug has a complex effect:

  • normalizes the ratio of electrolytes;
  • acts as an antioxidant;
  • normalizes breathing;
  • moderately removes fluid.

In case of severe alcohol intoxication, the drug Naloxone is used, which prevents respiratory arrest.

To increase glucose levels

Long-term or uncontrolled drinking leads to a decrease in glucose levels. This negatively affects the brain and the patient's condition. The glycogen contained in the liver is broken down into glucose molecules. But this is not enough to make up for the lack of glucose.

A glucose dropper can improve the situation. Insulin is added to it to help the body absorb the carbohydrate. But such a composition of infusion treatment is unacceptable if the patient has diagnosed diabetes.

To protect the liver

The liver acts as a filter. It passes through itself and neutralizes toxic substances coming from the blood. The dropper facilitates the task of the gland and cleanses the entire body. Dropper for alcohol intoxication at home. Composition, dosage, how to doEssentiale, added to the composition of the liquid mixture, participates in the formation of new cells (cell membranes), enhances the work of enzymes to neutralize toxins.


To improve metabolic processes, vitamins are added to droppers with salt and glucose:

  • group B (B1, B6, B12);
  • PP (nicotinamide or B3);
  • C, E.


Droplet detoxification does not use sophisticated equipment. Therefore, you can put it at home, but this is not quite the right decision. Despite the simplicity of the procedure, it must be monitored by a medical professional in order to avoid complications.

Droppers for alcohol intoxication at home are unacceptable in the following cases:

  • age indicator of a patient over 60 years old;
  • a long period of hard drinking (a week or more);
  • the presence of pathologies (diabetes, asthma, cardiovascular disorders);
  • changes in blood clotting, the formation of thrombophlebitis;
  • the development of alcoholic mental instability;
  • acute ethanol poisoning;
  • state of delirium tremens.Dropper for alcohol intoxication at home. Composition, dosage, how to do

These contraindications do not interfere with the provision of assistance to the victim in a medical institution, where, in the event of unforeseen circumstances, there is everything necessary to provide assistance.

How to carry out the procedure?

You can relieve a person's condition and get rid of a hangover in a hospital or at home.

In the hospital

If a person's condition inspires concern, he is hospitalized.

In the hospital department, a narcologist examines the victim, collects an anamnesis, which includes data on:

  • the age of the patient;
  • duration of alcohol intake;
  • the presence of chronic diseases;
  • existing contraindications;
  • the immunity of drugs.

On an emergency basis, a laboratory blood test is carried out, in which they reveal:

  • glucose level;
  • the ratio of electrolytes;
  • cholesterol content;
  • the degree of intoxication;
  • blood viscosity;
  • pH value.

The data obtained make it possible to individually select the composition of preparations for the dropper, depending on the patient's condition. During the course of treatment, the doctor monitors the indicators in order to prevent an excessive increase or decrease in the values.

During the procedure, the patient should not be left unattended. After all, no one knows for sure how the body will react to any components of the composition.

Dropper for alcohol intoxication at home. Composition, dosage, how to do

Complications at work may develop:

  • heart and blood vessels;
  • brain;
  • liver;
  • kidneys.

At home

A dropper for cleansing the body in case of alcohol poisoning can be used at home. Usually such a decision is made by people who do not want to advertise their addiction to drinking among others (bosses, employees, relatives).

In this case, a doctor or a nurse from the narcological department of the hospital or through official websites on the Internet is called at home. At the same time, the patient's condition should not be life-threatening. The visiting healthcare provider does not have the ability to monitor blood counts.

Therefore, the composition of the dropper at home includes:

  • saline solutions;
  • glucose;
  • vitamins.

Usually, for home infusion treatment, one drip of 400-500 ml is sufficient. The procedure takes 40-50 minutes. But the patient begins to feel an improvement in his condition within a quarter of an hour.

You cannot inject an increased amount of the drug once. This will overload the excretory system, which is unacceptable in this situation. In order for the subsequent dropper to do no harm, it is necessary to take a break between them for at least 2-3 hours.

How to get a drip at home?

To independently carry out an infusion-drop cleaning of the body after alcohol poisoning, you need to consult a doctor about:

  • the composition of the injected drug;
  • the rate of introduction of the solution;
  • the number of procedures performed.

Where to begin?

Before starting the procedure, the necessary materials are laid out on the table:

  • a bottle with a medicinal product;Dropper for alcohol intoxication at home. Composition, dosage, how to do
  • system for intravenous administration;
  • disinfectant;
  • cotton swabs;
  • gauze napkins;
  • rubber tourniquet;
  • scissors;
  • adhesive plaster.

Set up the tripod. If it is not there, you need to find a device for securing the bottle, which should be located at a height of at least 1.5 meters from the floor. You can put a chair on the bed, to the back of which you can hang a container with the drug. Many people use handles on furniture cabinets.

What is the best time to put the drip?

A person in a state of alcohol poisoning experiences severe torment.

Relatives want to quickly relieve him of unpleasant symptoms. But doctors advise to do this no earlier than 6 hours after the last drink.

Strong drinks must be completely absorbed into the bloodstream, otherwise the dropper will not bring relief. Therefore, it is advisable to carry out the procedure when a hangover occurs, when the patient oversleeps.

A drip for alcohol intoxication at home is carried out with the consent of the patient. During the procedure, he must be conscious, because a puncture of a vein is a painful moment. If you unconsciously jerk your hand out of surprise, you can get hurt.

Rules for purifying blood from alcohol

The patient is laid horizontally on his back so that the hand lies freely on a flat surface. You need to put a small pillow or a terry towel rolled up several times under the elbow.

Then the following steps are taken:

  1. Wash hands thoroughly, put on medical gloves and start preparing the system. It consists of a long tube with needles at the ends and a device in the form of a lever (wheel) that regulates the flow rate of the drug. Before connecting the system, lower the lever to the lower position to shut off the fluid flow. Insert a thick needle into the rubber cap of the mixture bottle. It is pre-wiped with a disinfectant solution. The needle is connected to the tube by a connecting valve and a small reservoir. Turn the bottle upside down, hang it on a tripod, open the valve. The container should be half full of the medicine. Move the lever to the up position so that fluid fills the system and squeezes out any air bubbles. It is necessary to wait for the appearance of drops of the drug from a thin needle and shut off the system.
  2. Cut off a strip of adhesive tape to fix the needle.Dropper for alcohol intoxication at home. Composition, dosage, how to do
  3. Tighten the arm with a tourniquet 8-10 cm above the elbow. Ask the patient to use the cam to fill the vein with blood. Wipe the site of the alleged puncture with a disinfectant (alcohol, chlorhexidine) in a circular motion.Dropper for alcohol intoxication at home. Composition, dosage, how to doDropper for alcohol intoxication at home. Composition, dosage, how to do
  4. Insert the needle into the vein at a 45-degree angle ⅔ of the length. The cut on the needle should point upwards. The appearance of blood in the system indicates the correctness of the actions. Release the tourniquet, fix the tube with a plaster.Dropper for alcohol intoxication at home. Composition, dosage, how to do
  5. Move the lever to the upper position, adjust the rate of fluid flow. Cover the injection site with a sterile napkin.
    Dropper for alcohol intoxication at home. Composition, dosage, how to do
    The dropper needle for alcohol intoxication at home is fixed with a plaster so that it does not fall out
  6. Monitor the patient's condition in order to notice changes in time (redness of the face, shortness of breath, perspiration).Dropper for alcohol intoxication at home. Composition, dosage, how to do
  7. After completing the procedure, remove the needle, squeeze the puncture with an alcohol-based cotton swab. Ask the patient to bend the elbow for 5-10 minutes.

The danger of self-medication with alcohol poisoning

Medical professionals do not advise people who do not have special training to carry out this procedure.

There are several nuances that can be harmful to health:

  • allergy to components - with intravenous administration of the drug, the reaction occurs very quickly; It is difficult for a non-professional to provide assistance to the victim in time, and the doctor always has antidote drugs available;
  • bruise (hematoma) at the site of the puncture of a vein with a needle - this is facilitated by: weak walls of blood vessels; the needle is thick or of poor quality; increasing the speed of insertion of the needle and medication; violation of blood clotting; after the injection, the cotton wool at the injection site lasted less than 5 minutes, and the blood had time to pour out of the vein under the skin;
  • inflammation of the veins (thrombophlebitis) - the inflammatory process occurs due to infection (violation of the rules of sterility);
  • necrosis (necrosis) of tissues - appears when the injection solution gets under the skin, and not into the vein.

Many people think that it is easy and simple to put a dropper in case of alcohol poisoning on your own within the walls of the house. This is so if you have a medical education. Otherwise, it is not possible to bring relief, but harm to health.

Video about droppers for alcohol intoxication

The doctor will tell you about good droppers for a hangover:

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