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Suprastinex drops for children. Instructions for use, analogues, dosage, reviews, price

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Suprastinex is one of the most effective antihistaminesused for children of different ages. Drops are quite convenient to use, help to quickly eliminate the most pronounced manifestations diseases, and also prevent complications arising from an exacerbation of the condition or the absence correct therapy.

Record content:

  • 1 Indications for use
  • 2 Compound
  • 3 In what form is it produced
  • 4 Pharmacodynamics
  • 5 Pharmacokinetics
  • 6 Application for children under 18 years of age
  • 7 Contraindications
  • 8 Overdose
  • 9 Side effects
  • 10 Drug interactions
  • 11 Storage conditions and periods
  • 12 Conditions of dispensing from pharmacies
  • 13 Analogs
  • 14 Video about antihistamines

Indications for use

Suprastinex is an antiallergic agent based on an effective active ingredient. The drug has pronounced antihistamine properties, eliminates the most pronounced manifestations of allergies in the form of itching, rash and other symptoms.

The main indications for the use of the drug:

  • Urticaria in acute and chronic form. In the second case, the agent is used during an exacerbation of the condition.Suprastinex drops for children. Instructions for use, analogues, price
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  • Acute hay fever when the patient is symptomatic.
  • Dermatitis of various origins and severity.
  • Exacerbation of psoriasis or eczema, accompanied by aggravation of all manifestations.
  • Quincke's edema. The remedy is used as first aid when symptoms appear or after the elimination of acute symptoms as a prevention of relapse.
  • Rash and itching of the skin of unspecified origin.

In addition, the medicine can be used as part of the complex treatment of dermatological diseases. Often it is prescribed after the introduction of the vaccine to children of preschool and school age in order to prevent complications. When treating diseases with antibiotics, the agent can be used, which eliminates the risk of negative reactions.


Suprastinex drops for children contain an active substance called levocetirizine dihydrochloride. Due to it, a therapeutic effect is achieved, since the component has pronounced antihistamine properties, prevents the progression of allergies and the development of complications.

Additionally, the composition of the drug contains auxiliary ingredients:

  • Sodium saccharinate.
  • Glycerol.
  • Acetate trihydrate.
  • Propylene glycol.
  • Acetic acid.
  • Purified water.

Auxiliary ingredients do not have therapeutic properties, but are used in the manufacture of a medication to preserve its chemical composition throughout the entire shelf life.

In what form is it produced

The drug for children is available in the form of drops. They are taken orally at the dosage prescribed by the pediatrician. Drops are packaged in 20 ml dark glass bottles. 1 ml of the drug contains 5 mg of the main active ingredient.

Each bottle is placed in an individual cardboard box, where you can also find instructions for using the medication. The cost of drops depends on the region of distribution and the specific pharmacy. The average price is about 330-360 rubles. for 1 bottle. The bottle comes with a dropper for easy dispensing.Suprastinex drops for children. Instructions for use, analogues, price

In addition, the medicine is available in the form of tablets for oral use. They are small in size, white, packaged in blisters of 7, 10 pieces. Blisters are placed in a cardboard box, where instructions for use can also be found. The cost of the tablets is 200-300 rubles. depending on their quantity in the package.


Suprastinex drops for children have pronounced antiallergic properties. After the active ingredient penetrates into the digestive tract, it is absorbed into the systemic circulation and distributed throughout the body. Levocetirizine inhibits the production of histamines, which lead to the development of an allergic reaction when concentrated in the blood in large quantities.

As a result, the spread of substances is slowed down and the risk of developing allergies is reduced. The tool also reduces the permeability of the vascular wall, which leads to the elimination of swelling and redness of the skin.

As a result, the general condition is alleviated, the rash disappears, as well as the swelling of the skin. Patients note the disappearance of areas of redness and flaking, which also has a beneficial effect on the emotional state.

When taking the drug, a slight sedative effect is observed, as well as the elimination of eyelid edema and symptoms of allergic rhinitis. The official instructions indicate that the drug does not have sedative properties, but many patients note drowsiness when taking the medication.Suprastinex drops for children. Instructions for use, analogues, price

One of the important properties of the remedy is antipruritic. This makes it possible to significantly alleviate the course of pathology in patients with chronic forms of psoriasis, eczema or dermatitis.


After taking the drug, the therapeutic effect is observed after 10-20 minutes, depending on the characteristics of the organism and the severity of symptoms. The maximum concentration in the blood is observed after 30-50 minutes. The product is quickly absorbed into the body. And its bioavailability reaches 90%, which explains the high efficiency.

The absorption rate does not depend on food or liquid intake. In addition, the use of the medicine with food does not affect the effectiveness of the medicine. The active ingredient is processed in the liver, where it breaks down into inactive metabolites. Experts note that the components of the medication do not accumulate in tissues, organs and blood, but are excreted for a rather long time.

In case of violation by the liver, a slowdown in the processing of the active substance is noted, but the effectiveness of the agent does not decrease if the disease is mild. With pathologies of the digestive tract, the concentration of the active substance in the blood is somewhat reduced, which can affect the time of the onset of the therapeutic effect.

The period of release of the body from the remedy lasts up to 4 days. In this case, the main part of metabolites is excreted with the help of the kidneys and a small amount with feces. With pathologies of the urinary system, a slowdown in the excretion of substances from the body is noted.

Application for children under 18 years of age

Suprastinex is used for children of different ages. Drops are considered a more preferred form of release than tablets, which are allowed to be taken only by patients over 6 years old. For different ages, there are features of the application.Suprastinex drops for children. Instructions for use, analogues, price

Patient age

Scheme of the use of drops and dosage

Patients from 2 to 6 years old For such patients, the remedy is prescribed according to the standard scheme for various pathologies of allergic origin. The daily dosage is 6-10 drops, depending on the age and general condition of the child. The daily rate should be divided into 2 doses in the morning and evening, which will allow you to get a uniform therapeutic effect throughout the day. The duration of use is 3-7 days, depending on the severity of the symptoms. It is worth noting that in the absence of the effect of using the product, another medication is selected, and the drops are canceled.
Children from 6 to 12 years old Patients at this age are prescribed drops in short courses of 5-8 days. The daily dosage is 10-12 drops, it should be divided by 2 times. Drops are taken in the morning and in the evening.
Patients from 12 to 18 years old Patients over 12 years old are prescribed from 15 to 20 drops of the drug per day. As with younger patients, the dose should be divided into 2 or even 3 doses, which allows you to reduce the risk of complications and get the maximum effect.

If the medicine is used to prevent complications after vaccination, the patient should be given the maximum allowable dose once a day in accordance with age. Treatment lasts up to 3 days, depending on the tolerance of a particular vaccine.

The maximum daily allowance for an adult is also 20 drops. They can be taken at one time or divided into 2 doses. The drops can be taken with food or taken separately from food. In each case, the therapy regimen and dosage can be adjusted depending on the disease and the degree of its neglect.

If a patient is diagnosed with liver or kidney pathology with a slight dysfunction of organs, the dosage may be reduced, which will reduce the load on them and prevent complications.


The medication is not prescribed in case of intolerance to its components. It is also contraindicated when diagnosing allergies to products containing the same active ingredient.Suprastinex drops for children. Instructions for use, analogues, price

Contraindications include the period of gestation and breastfeeding, as well as cirrhosis of the liver, acute hepatitis. No medicine is prescribed for chronic and severe renal failure, when the process of removing components from the body is disrupted and the risk of complications increases.

Drops are not prescribed for children under 2 years of age, and tablets are contraindicated in patients under 6 years of age. With caution, the medicine is prescribed to elderly patients suffering from various disorders of the heart, blood vessels or organs of the digestive tract. In addition, when combining medications with drugs from other groups, monitoring the patient's condition is required.


Suprastinex drops for children in some cases can provoke an overdose. Such cases have been recorded by specialists. At the same time, the child's sleep is disturbed, excessive mobility and activity are observed. However, gradually the state is replaced by drowsiness, weakness and lethargy.

Almost always, patients have a decrease in mental performance, there is rapid fatigue, as well as signs of depression. If left untreated, the symptoms are aggravated.

Many patients have disorders of the digestive tract, manifested in the form of nausea, vomiting and lack of appetite. Some people suffer from constipation or loose stools. The second is observed much more often, especially in children.

Quite rarely, drops provoke Quincke's edema. With such a violation, there is a pronounced swelling of the mucous membranes of the throat, which leads to difficulty breathing, up to and including stopping it. Such a complication can be fatal in the absence of timely assistance.

In severe cases, dehydration may develop, associated with frequent vomiting and diarrhea. If signs of overdose appear, you must immediately stop taking the medication and consult a doctor. In a hospital setting, the patient is usually prescribed symptomatic therapy, gastric lavage is performed to get rid of drug residues.

Side effects

Adverse reactions during treatment with medication develop quite often. They can occur when the rules of use are violated and all recommendations are followed.

The most common complications:

  • From the side of the nervous system, the patient has a headache, weakness and dizziness. Some children are drowsy, but sleep at night is significantly impaired. In addition, migraine may develop, the symptoms of which are not relieved by conventional means.Suprastinex drops for children. Instructions for use, analogues, price
  • On the part of the respiratory system, disturbances appear rarely, they manifest themselves in the form of difficulty breathing and shortness of breath during exercise.
  • The digestive organs during the period of therapy in most cases suffer in patients who have a history of chronic pathologies. Disorders affect the stomach and intestines, manifested in the form of pain, cramps and increased gas production.
  • With drop therapy, an allergic reaction may develop. In this case, a rash, areas of peeling and irritation appear on the patient's skin. The rash is accompanied by severe itching.

When symptoms of allergy appear, itching may intensify, the patient combs the affected area, which leads to damage to the outer layer of the skin. With prolonged persistence of symptoms, scratching the skin leads to an aggravation of the manifestations and increases the risk of infection.

The appearance of adverse reactions is considered a reason for discontinuing the medication and visiting a doctor. In most cases, stopping the drug will help relieve the symptoms, but if they persist or worsen, medication is required. There is no specific antidote to the drops.

Drug interactions

Suprastinex drops for children should not be combined with drugs that contain a similar active ingredient. Do not use the medication in combination with Theophylline and its analogues, since the effectiveness of drops is weakened and the risk of worsening symptoms increases.

It is allowed to combine the agent with antibacterial medicines from the group of macrolides, cephalosporins. The appearance of negative reactions is not noted when the drug is combined with antifungal drugs, as well as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs.

It is allowed to combine drops with vascular drugs, cardiac glycosides and antihypertensive drugs. No complications were noticed when the drops were combined with nootropic and anxiolytic, sedatives. In each case, the doctor decides on the combination of the drug.

If a child is taking any medication on an ongoing basis, it is necessary to inform the doctor about it before prescribing Suprastinex.

Storage conditions and periods

The maximum shelf life of a medicine is 3 years. The date of its manufacture can be seen on the packaging. Taking the drug with an expired shelf life is categorically contraindicated.

It is recommended to store the medicine in a cool place out of the reach of children. Do not expose the bottle to direct sunlight.

Conditions of dispensing from pharmacies

You can buy the medicine at the pharmacy without a doctor's prescription, which allows you to use it if necessary.


In some cases, the use of the original remedy is impossible, so the doctor selects a suitable substitute for the patient with similar therapeutic properties.

There are several of the most effective analogs:

  • Zyrtec - one of the most effective anti-allergic medicines, which contains the substance cetirizine. Helps to cope with severe manifestations of allergies and prevents complications. It is prescribed for adults and children with any form of dermatitis, urticaria, psoriasis or eczema. Available in the form of tablets and drops for oral administration. Children are usually prescribed a liquid form of 10 drops per day for 7 days. In each case, the dose and duration of administration may differ.Suprastinex drops for children. Instructions for use, analogues, price
  • Zodak Is another cetirizine-based antihistamine medication available in syrup, drops, and oral tablets. It is prescribed for adults and children from 1 year old in case of symptoms of allergies of various origins. The drug is effective, helps to eliminate manifestations and prevents the progression of pathology. Children are prescribed syrup or drops. The syrup is indicated from 2 years old, the dose for the child is 1 scoop, take the remedy in the morning and in the evening. Drops are prescribed for children over 1 year old, the dose is 5 drops 2 times a day. The duration of treatment with the drug is determined individually, is approximately 5-10 days.
  • Ksizal - a drug in the form of drops and tablets for oral administration, which has a therapeutic effect due to the content of levocetirizine. The tool is an absolute analogue of Suprastinex in composition and therapeutic properties, it is prescribed for children from 2 years old when symptoms of allergies of various origins appear. The daily dosage for patients from 2 to 6 years old is 10 drops, patients over 6 years old are prescribed 20 drops per day. The duration of use ranges from 3-7 days, depending on the symptoms of the pathology.
  • Allerzin - a popular and effective remedy for children and adults based on levocetirizine. The drug can be purchased in the form of tablets and drops for oral administration. Children are usually prescribed drops for various allergic diseases. The product can be used for babies from 6 months. Patients under 1 year old are prescribed 5 drops once, patients from 1 to 6 years old - 5 drops 2 times a day, children from 6 years old - 10 drops 2 times a day. The duration of treatment is 7-10 days.

Any of the analogs of the drug cannot be used without first consulting a doctor. This recommendation especially applies to use in children. Despite the similar composition, drugs can have a negative effect.

Suprastinex are effective and affordable drops with antihistamine properties, which are prescribed for adults, but are more often used for children of different ages. The medication is considered very effective, quickly eliminates allergy symptoms. When used correctly, the risk of complications is minimal.

Video about antihistamines

About the analogue of Suprastinex - Suprastin:

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