
Detralex. Indications for use and contraindications

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  1. Indications for use
  2. Treatment of symptoms of venous lymphatic insufficiency
  3. With pain
  4. With cramps of the lower extremities
  5. With a feeling of heaviness and fullness in the legs
  6. From tired legs
  7. Therapy of manifestations of venous-lymphatic insufficiency
  8. Symptomatic therapy of acute and chronic hemorrhoids
  9. Contraindications
  10. With sensitivity to substances in the composition
  11. Lactating women
  12. Patient's age up to 18 years
  13. Detralex video

Detralex belongs to the group of angioprotective drugs that have a positive effect on microcirculation in blood vessels. Indications for its use include various pathologies, mainly affecting the vessels of the lower extremities. Angioprotectors increase the tone of the vascular walls, stimulate lymph drainage, and prevent the formation of blood clots in the vessels. Means strengthen the walls of blood vessels, reduce the likelihood of complications against the background of their damage.

Indications for use

The drug in tablet form is used mainly for damage to the walls of peripheral vessels and some other diseases.

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Treatment of symptoms of venous lymphatic insufficiency

Venous lymphatic insufficiency is a pathological condition in which there is a violation of blood circulation in the vessels of the lower extremities with a simultaneous deterioration of lymph outflow. In this case, the patient is worried about severe symptoms from the legs, which worsen the general condition and provoke other complications.

The condition is accompanied by pain, swelling of the limbs, itching of the skin and trophic changes in tissues. Often, patients talk about severe leg fatigue, seizures and other abnormalities.

With pain

With venous lymphatic insufficiency, pain often bothers patients, especially in the evening after a hard day's work. The violation is associated with congestion in the venous and lymphatic vessels, which lead to the appearance of severe edema, as well as a violation of tissue nutrition.Detralex. Indications for use, contraindications

As a result, not only blood vessels suffer, but also muscle fibers, connective tissue, which negatively affects the patient's well-being.

At the same time, discomfort manifests itself not only in the form of pain, patients are also disturbed by other symptoms:

  • Increase in limb volume due to edema.
  • Violation of tissue sensitivity when touched or squeezed.
  • Change in the shade of the skin.
  • The appearance of multiple vascular "asterisks" on the limbs.

Detralex (indications for the use of the product are described in the official instructions from the manufacturer) with such violations helps eliminate pain, prevents the development of puffiness, changes in the skin, reduces the likelihood of deterioration in sensitivity fabrics.Detralex. Indications for use, contraindicationsDetralex. Indications for use, contraindications

The drug not only relieves patients of such manifestations, but also eliminates their cause, as it helps strengthen the vascular walls, increase their tone, prevent congestion and reduce the likelihood of formation blood clots. As a result, the risk of progression of insufficiency, aggravation of pain is significantly reduced. The remedy is used in courses of 2 weeks, but therapy can be prolonged.

With cramps of the lower extremities

Convulsive syndrome is a condition in which patients experience severe spasm of the muscle fibers of the lower extremities, mainly in the lower leg. The spasm can be short-term and long-term, disappears on its own, in most cases it occurs at night when the muscles are relaxed.

When examining the limb, one can see muscle contraction, and on palpation, the fibers are hard. Patients may additionally be disturbed by severe pain associated with excessive muscle tension. There are usually no other symptoms.

Taking the drug does not help to eliminate the cause of the disorder, since it is associated with a deficiency of certain components in the body and neurological disorders. But taking pills relieves pain, helps reduce the likelihood of worsening symptoms as a result of severe swelling. Additionally, the tablets prevent damage to the walls of blood vessels against the background of muscle spasm.

Detralex. Indications for use, contraindications
Detralex. Indications for use

Taking the drug for long courses of 3-4 weeks can reduce the number of attacks over the next few months, and also helps to strengthen blood vessels, which reduces the likelihood of edema.

With a feeling of heaviness and fullness in the legs

Detralex can be used in case of bloating and heaviness in the lower extremities, since indications for its use include venous insufficiency, which provokes similar symptoms.

Manifestations occur against the background of congestion in the veins, as well as violations of lymph outflow, can be accompanied by severe discomfort when walking, as well as bursting, which manifests itself even at rest. The tabletted agent stimulates blood circulation and the work of the lymphatic vessels, which leads to the elimination of such symptoms.

Doctors pay attention that the medicine eliminates the cause of such disorders, but cannot act on a predisposing factor that increases the likelihood of developing venous lymphatic failure. The standard treatment duration is 2 weeks.

From tired legs

Increased leg fatigue in the evening is considered one of the symptoms of venous lymphatic insufficiency. This is especially acutely felt by women, as well as by patients who are in an upright position most of the time. The symptom is associated with stagnation of blood in the veins, a decrease in the outflow of lymph.

In addition, patients may report muscle pain that worsens in the evening and disappears after rest. Taking pills helps to eliminate exactly the cause of fatigue, that is, swelling and stagnation of blood.Detralex. Indications for use, contraindications

The tool stimulates blood circulation in the affected area, but its most important property is the ability to strengthen the vascular wall, which leads to the prevention of the development of edema. With the course application for 2-3 weeks, the elimination of fatigue is noted, especially in the case of combined treatment with the use of several medicines.

Therapy of manifestations of venous-lymphatic insufficiency

Patients with venous lymphatic insufficiency do not always have various symptoms, in in some cases, only a certain manifestation is worried, which can be eliminated with the help of tablets.

Manifestation Action of the remedy
With edema of the lower extremities Puffiness develops against the background of an increase in the permeability of the vascular walls. The drug helps to reduce the permeability index, which leads to the elimination of symptoms, as well as additional manifestations in the form of pain, heaviness and distension
With trophic changes in the skin and subcutaneous tissue The drug helps to get rid of changes in the skin, if they are associated with circulatory disorders and venous insufficiency. Improvement of microcirculation leads to gradual tissue regeneration and stopping the progression of trophic changes. Additionally, the drug eliminates pain, itching, which often bothers patients
With venous trophic ulcers Trophic ulcers occur in almost all patients who suffer from venous-lymphatic insufficiency for a long period. They are accompanied by itching of the affected area and the formation of an ulcerative focus on the lower leg, can be multiple, often only 1 focus appears. The condition is considered the result of impaired blood circulation and tissue nutrition, develops after the first changes appear on the skin, if there is no treatment. The tablets do not help get rid of ulcers, but they improve blood circulation in the affected area, which leads to stopping their progression and preventing tissue necrosis

Detralex. Indications for use, contraindicationsThe use of tablets allows not only to eliminate manifestations, but also to reduce the likelihood of their recurrence after the end of the course. The duration of use for patients is determined individually, but on average, treatment lasts from 2 to 4 weeks.

Symptomatic therapy of acute and chronic hemorrhoids

Detralex (indications for the use of tablets can be clarified with a specialist before starting treatment) can be used as part of the complex treatment of acute and chronic forms of hemorrhoids. The drug does not eliminate the cause of the disorder, but its positive effect on the vessels in the affected area leads to an improvement in the condition.

Patients with such a disorder are often worried about severe pain, bleeding from the anus, during bowel movements, the discomfort increases, and the likelihood of anal fissure formation increases.

The tablets do not eliminate the cause of the disease, but they reduce the risk of blood clots in blood vessels, improve tissue nutrition at the site of the pathology. Patients note the elimination of pain when using them. The discomfort is usually nagging, but taking the medication relieves it. Additionally, an angioprotective drug eliminates itching, which often bothers patients with an acute course of the condition.

In the case of use for the treatment of chronic hemorrhoids, positive changes are also noted, especially when combined with topical medications, the action of which is aimed directly at therapy diseases. At the same time, courses last no more than 10 days.


Despite its high efficiency, the drug has contraindications that should be taken into account when prescribing it.

With sensitivity to substances in the composition

Intolerance to the main components of the composition or auxiliary ingredients is considered the main and only absolute contraindication to use. This is due to the fact that in some patients hypersensitivity to such substances may be detected, that is, when they enter the body, an acute immune response develops.Detralex. Indications for use, contraindications

In the case of taking the pills, an acute allergic reaction develops, accompanied by itching of the skin, swelling of the mucous membranes of the eyes and throat, and suffocation. The condition can provoke death, therefore, the use of the drug is prohibited.

Lactating women

The lactation period is considered a relative contraindication for treatment, since there is not enough data on the effect of the ingredients of the composition on the body of a nursing woman. Experts have not been able to determine whether the substance is able to penetrate into breast milk.

If possible, there is no data on their safety for the child. If taken, the mother and child may develop allergic manifestations. If it is necessary to prescribe such a medicine to the patient, it is worth stopping feeding for the entire period of therapy.

Patient's age up to 18 years

There is no data on the effect of the ingredients of the tablet preparation on the body of children and adolescents, therefore it is not prescribed. The dosage of 1 tablet is intended only for an adult; taking by patients under 18 years of age may be accompanied by disorders of the digestive tract and skin.

Self-use can be fatal due to a severe allergic reaction. Only in some cases, the drug is prescribed to patients over 16 years old, but more often a safer drug is selected.

Detralex is considered an effective angioprotective pill for the treatment of various forms of venous insufficiency. Indications for its use indicate the possibility of prophylactic administration in the case when the pathology manifests itself in a mild form. The appointment is made only by the doctor after examining the patient and identifying the degree of neglect of the condition.

Detralex video

Detralex tablets - instructions and analogues:

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