
Urobilinogen in urine 34. What is it in women during pregnancy, men, a child

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  1. What is urobilinogen and what does it mean in urine
  2. How urobilinogens are formed, what factors influence the process
  3. Preparation and delivery of analysis
  4. The rate of urobilinogen in urine
  5. What do the doubled indicators say?
  6. The reasons for the increase in urobilinogen to 34 μmol / L
  7. In adults
  8. During pregnancy
  9. The child has
  10. Treatment features
  11. Hepatoprotectors
  12. Choleretic drugs
  13. Folk remedies
  14. Diet
  15. What to do depending on the cause of the increase in urobilinogen
  16. With cirrhosis of the liver
  17. With hepatitis
  18. With intoxication
  19. For diseases of the spleen
  20. With enterocolitis
  21. Video about urobilinogen

Urobilinogen is a bile pigment, which is found in urine. An increase in the concentration of a substance to 34 μmol / l may indicate the development of disorders in the work of the urinary system, intestines or liver.

What is urobilinogen and what does it mean in urine

Urobilinogen is a metabolite of bilirubin and is responsible for the golden or straw-colored urine. The component is formed as a result of the action of bacteria that live in the intestine. Normally, it is present in every person in an insignificant concentration. Its increased presence in the urine is the reason for the detection of liver diseases.

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How urobilinogens are formed, what factors influence the process

The breakdown of hemoglobin leads to the formation of bilirubin, which, in turn, has a high toxic effect on the body (mainly on the liver).

With further transformation, bilirubin interacts with glucuronic acid, which completely or almost completely deactivates its toxic effect. After that, the component enters the intestine and lends itself to fermentation, oxidative processes and metabolic transformation. As a result, urobilinogen is produced.

Factors influencing the process:

  • accelerated reactions of the breakdown of hemoglobin;
  • impaired liver function - the lack of the ability to independently metabolize bilirubin;
  • bowel disorders leading to disruption of bilirubin metabolism.

These processes can be caused both by the influence of external negative factors, and be congenital disorders.

Preparation and delivery of analysis

Analysis for the determination of bile pigment requires preliminary preparation.

Thus, before the study, the following rules must be observed:

  • 1-2 days before the procedure, it is necessary (if possible) to exclude the intake of various medications, especially drugs that affect the intestines and liver.
  • For 2 days, you should adhere to the dietary menu. It is recommended to limit your intake of fat and protein. You should not eat spicy foods, various sauces, marinades and other foods that contain dyes (beets, berries).
  • Any alcoholic drinks must be excluded 3 days before.
  • For a few hours, you should stop taking food and any liquid. The last supper should be the night before.

To collect urine, you must purchase a special sterile container. Collect biological material in the morning 1-2 hours before the study.

Before collecting urine, it is necessary to carry out hygiene procedures. Women should use tampons to prevent accidental discharge of secretions into the biomaterial.

The rate of urobilinogen in urine

Normal values ​​for bile matter should not exceed 34 μmol / L. At the same time, during pregnancy, indicators can constantly vary. In the absence of any additional signs, the condition is considered normal.

In newborns, urobilinogen may be completely absent.

What do the doubled indicators say?

Urobilinogen in urine (34 μmol / L is a critical indicator and indicates the development of internal pathologies) can increase significantly and exceed the permissible norms by several times.

An increase in the level of bile pigment by more than 2 times indicates the development of jaundice. In this case, there is a symptomatology corresponding to the disease - staining of the skin and sclera of the eyes in yellow.

The condition requires a mandatory visit to a doctor and immediate therapy.

The reasons for the increase in urobilinogen to 34 μmol / L

The reasons for the increase in the coloring pigment can be different and depend on the age of the patient, concomitant disorders or other physiological characteristics and conditions.

In adults

In an adult, an increase in the level of the bile component in most cases is associated with the development of jaundice, hepatitis or cirrhosis.

Other reasons:

  • toxic damage to the body - poisoning with poisons or other chemically hazardous substances;
  • severe diseases of the spleen;
  • obstructive disorders in the bile ducts (blockage of the passages);
  • the formation of blood clots or obstruction in the veins of the liver;
  • heart failure (including myocardial infarction);
  • hemolysis caused by blood transfusion or anemic disorders;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (colitis, enterocolitis, ileitis);
  • dehydration;
  • reactions due to implantation (valve placement).

To establish the exact cause and diagnosis requires a whole range of different studies.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy, urobilinogen is found for a number of reasons. The main ones are hormonal and other changes associated with bearing a child. Toxicosis contributes to fluid loss and leads to an increase in pigment matter. In this case, the indicators vary in the range of 20-35 μmol / l.

Also, pathology can occur as a result of congenital disorders, hepatitis or cholestasis. At the same time, the urine becomes darker (up to brown). Additional tests are required to establish the exact cause of the violation.

The child has

In children, normal indicators of bile pigment are considered when they do not exceed 3.2 mmol / l.

Possible reasons:

  • various forms of hepatitis;
  • the formation of salt deposits (stones) in the gallbladder;
  • cirrhosis;
  • dysbacterial intestinal damage;
  • jaundice (physiological form of the disease);
  • anemic disorders;
  • colitis and enterocolitis;
  • intoxication caused by ingestion of food or drugs;
  • other infectious bowel diseases.
    Urobilinogen in urine 34. What is it for women, men, child
    Urobilinogen in urine 34

In newborn children, it is required to familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of their development, since at this age the body is adapting to new living conditions, which can lead to a change in the level urobilinogen.

Treatment features

Urobilinogen in urine 34 μmol / l occurs in extremely rare cases and in most cases indicates the development of various liver diseases. However, there are other disorders that can lead to an increase in the concentration of bile pigment.

Therapy is selected based on the reasons that led to the increase in the level of bile pigment. First of all, drug treatment is prescribed. In addition, the patient's nutrition is adjusted. If necessary, traditional medicine can be used.


Hepatoprotective agents are used to restore liver function. The drugs prevent the destruction of cell membranes, have a stimulating effect on hepatocytes. Medicines increase the liver's resistance to the effects of toxins and enhance its enzymatic activity.


Urobilinogen in urine 34. What is it for women, men, child
Group of drugs Representatives
Phospholipids Essentiale, Phosphogliv, Essliver
Derivatives of amino acids Methionine, ademetionine, ornithine
Preparations containing bile acids Acetylcysteine, ursodeoxycholic acid
Herbal products Karsil, Darsil, Gapebene, Liv-52
Medicines of animal origin Sirepar, Gepadif
Biologically active complexes, homeopathic preparations Vitamin complexes containing vitamins A and E

As a rule, these medications need to be taken continuously. Often, in combination with hepatoprotectors, agents with a high antiviral effect are prescribed.

Choleretic drugs

Urobilinogen in urine can be normalized with the help of choleretic drugs. Such funds are prescribed in a complex with other medicines and only when the indicators of the coloring pigment have reached over 34 μmol / l.

Choleretic drugs (choleretics) are used for the normal outflow of bile from the gallbladder. This group of drugs is prescribed for various liver diseases as an auxiliary treatment.Urobilinogen in urine 34. What is it for women, men, child

These drugs include Allochol, Hofitol, Holomin.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies are used only with the permission of a doctor and as part of a complex (drug) therapy. One of the most commonly used products is milk thistle extract (available in powder form).

You can also eat corn silk, garlic. Patients are advised to take a decoction made from turmeric. The listed remedies are suitable for maintaining liver function and are not able to cope with the disease itself.


Diet food is recommended for patients with various liver diseases. It is prescribed to reduce the load on the affected organ. Such patients are forbidden to consume alcoholic beverages, to take spicy, fried foods. Rich meat broths, fatty, fresh baked goods are also excluded.

The duration of the diet and the diet are determined in each case separately according to the established violation and the severity of its course.

What to do depending on the cause of the increase in urobilinogen

The methods of influencing the problems are determined individually and depend on the reasons that provoked the development of the pathology.

With cirrhosis of the liver

First of all, a diet is prescribed. The diet should include foods high in calories. In severe cases, protein and salt intake is limited.

  • Hepatoprotectors, choleretic agents are used as medicines. With the viral nature of the origin, antiviral drugs from the group of nucleosides or its analogues are prescribed.
  • To eliminate pain and discomfort, the use of such means as Nosh-pa or Ketonal is indicated.Urobilinogen in urine 34. What is it for women, men, child
  • When ascites occurs, it is recommended to use diuretics (Furosemide).

As an adjunctive therapy, you can use folk remedies. Chicory root is considered the most effective. To do this, use freshly squeezed plant juice, 5 ml 3 times a day, half an hour before eating. You can also use oats and prepare various cereals, infusions of soups from it. The product has anti-inflammatory properties, helps to restore metabolic processes throughout the body.

Additionally, it is recommended to take a plant-based dietary supplement - Hepatrin. The drug helps to restore liver cells. To increase the detoxification properties of the organ, it is recommended to use Hepatrin-detox.

With hepatitis

Urobilinogen in urine (34 μmol / L and higher is noted in acute conditions or in severe and advanced cases) may increase as a result of hepatitis.

With the development of a violation against the background of hepatitis, dietary food is prescribed, table No. 5. It helps to reduce the load on the organ, reduces the production of gastric juice and prevents flatulence.

Among medicines, infusion solutions with high detoxification properties are most often used. As a supportive treatment, it is recommended to take hepatoprotectors.

In case of viral liver damage, a combination of interferon and ribavirin is shown, which has a high therapeutic effect. Other interferon drugs can also be used. It is recommended to use honey at home. To do this, it is diluted in a glass of warm water and taken before meals 3 times a day. Milk thistle extract should be used as an infusion or decoction. Take the remedy 3-4 times a day before eating.Urobilinogen in urine 34. What is it for women, men, child

The following plants have shown high efficiency in hepatitis:

  • sage;
  • horsetail;
  • chamomile;
  • burdock;
  • rose hip;
  • elecampane;
  • tansy;
  • St. John's wort.

Herbal preparations contribute to the restoration of liver function, strengthen the immune system and increase the overall tone of the body.

With intoxication

In case of toxic damage to the liver, first of all, it is necessary to establish the cause that led to the development of the disorder. In case of drug poisoning, further use of such drugs should be discontinued and the stomach should be washed. As a supplement, sorbents (activated carbon, Smecta) or enterosorbents (Polysorb) are prescribed.

Various hepatoprotective agents are also prescribed. The most effective are essential phospholipids, ursodeoxycholic acid and flumecinol (Zixorin). Adjunctive therapy consists of prednisolone (short courses), antioxidants (vitamins A and E), and thioctonic acid.

Among folk remedies, various herbal preparations from flowers of immortelle, mint, dandelion, yarrow, chicory roots and birch leaves are very popular. All mix, take 1 tbsp. raw materials and poured with cold water. Then put on fire and bring to a boil. Insist for 1 hour and filter. Take the mixture half an hour before eating 3 times a day, 100 ml.Urobilinogen in urine 34. What is it for women, men, child

Other possible remedies:

  • infusion of dry calendula inflorescences;
  • medicinal chicory tea;
  • a decoction of dandelion rhizomes;
  • medicine from currant and honey;
  • horseradish remedy.

Before taking this or that broth, it is recommended to first consult with your doctor.

For diseases of the spleen

Urobilinogen in urine 34 μmol / l can reach similar values ​​for various disorders of the spleen. It can be both changes in the size of the organ and other pathological processes (infections, neoplasms). For diseases of the spleen, funds are selected based on the nature of the origin of the pathology and the reasons that provoked its development. In case of an infectious lesion, various antibacterial, antiviral and antiprotozoal agents are prescribed.

Autoimmune disorders require the use of hormonal drugs. In case of hematological disorders and tumor-like processes, antineoplastic drugs are prescribed, radiation or chemotherapy is performed. Additionally, pain relievers and vitamin complexes are prescribed. In more severe cases, surgery may be performed to remove part of the organ.

In this case, it is recommended to adhere to a dietary diet. You should reduce your intake of baked goods, fried, smoked and canned foods. It is also prohibited to consume coffee, chocolate, carbonated drinks, mushrooms. The diet should contain lean meats, vegetables, weak drinks (green, tea, fruit drinks or compotes).

Folk remedies are selected according to the established violation in each case separately. The most effective remedies are strawberries, mustard, propolis, chicory, sea buckthorn, figs. Recipe (for increased organ size): Mix equal amounts of ghee, honey and ginger. The resulting mass must be rubbed in the spleen area. The duration of treatment is 1.5-2 months.

With enterocolitis

In case of an acute course of the disease, a water-tea diet is prescribed. If necessary, gastric lavage is performed. To eliminate pain, antispasmodics are used. Also, infusion management of detoxification solutions is prescribed. For infections, antibacterial drugs are used.Urobilinogen in urine 34. What is it for women, men, child

Therapeutic measures (for the chronic course of the disease):

  • normalization of nutrition;
  • refusal from drugs leading to the development of the disorder;
  • antibacterial or anti-infectious therapy;
  • timely and adequate treatment of gastrointestinal diseases.

Additionally, a diet is prescribed. Depending on the symptomatology, it is recommended to adhere to the menu number 2, 3 or 4.

Also used are prebiotics and probiotics and remedies. Contributing to the improvement of intestinal motility (Loperamide, Mebeverin, Trimebutin).

Among folk remedies, it is recommended to use enemas containing decoctions from various herbs. With diarrhea, the introduction of an infusion of oak bark, bird cherry or St. John's wort is indicated. In case of constipation, enemas based on sea buckthorn oil are prescribed. In case of excessive gas formation, it is recommended to introduce a decoction of chamomile.

In case of erosive or ulcerative phenomena, it is recommended to use vinyline.
To determine the level of urobilinogen, it is necessary to undergo an appropriate study. The indication for urine analysis is a change in its color. In the case of an increase in the level of the pigment substance above 34 μmol / l, mandatory therapy is required.

Video about urobilinogen

Bilirubin metabolism:

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