
Fluimucil / Rinofluimucil in the nose and analog drops for sputum, runny nose

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  1. The composition of the drug and the mechanism of action
  2. Why is it used
  3. The main effects of the application
  4. Drops-analogs for sputum, runny nose
  5. Video about the drug Rinofluimicil

Fluimucil is a mucolytic a medication that is often used in the treatment of pathologies of the upper and lower respiratory tract. Also available are nasal drops Rinofluimucil, which is used directly for the treatment of nasal passages with inflammation of the mucous membranes. The drug is considered effective, is prescribed as an independent method or in combination with other means.

The composition of the drug and the mechanism of action

The medication is available for purchase as nasal drops. They are a clear, colorless liquid with a pronounced specific aroma. The liquid is placed in 10 ml dark glass vials.

Each bottle is equipped with a nozzle for easy spraying into the nasal passages, it is placed in a small cardboard box. In it you can also find a description indicating the nuances of use, possible complications during the period of therapy. The composition of the drug includes acetylcysteine, which has pronounced properties. Additionally, the medicine includes tuaminoheptane sulfate, which is also the active ingredient.

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The medication contains auxiliary ingredients:

  • Benzalkonium chloride.
  • Edetate disodium.
  • Sorbitol.
  • Mint flavor.
  • Sodium hydroxide.
  • Purified water.

These components do not have medicinal properties.

Fluimucil - nasal drops that have pronounced properties. Many patients believe that Rinofluimucil and Fluimucil do not differ in their action and composition. But doctors pay attention that it is Rinofluimucil that is used for the nose. Despite this, patients continue to call the drug simply Fluimucil. As part of this medication, only acetylcysteine ​​is present, it is used for parenteral administration when necessary.Fluimucil / Rinofluimucil in the nose and analog drops for sputum, runny nose

Rinofluimucil contains 2 active components, it is used only topically for administration into the nasal passages. The mechanism of action of the agent is due to the presence of several ingredients. Acetylcysteine ​​helps thin phlegm in the nasal passages. Often, viscous mucus interferes with the normal cleansing of the nasal passages and aggravates the course of the pathological condition.

Liquefying mucus can shorten the recovery period. The second active ingredient has anti-edema properties. In the composition of Fluimucil, it is absent, which is the main difference between the drugs. A remedy for the nasal passages quickly provides a therapeutic effect, unlike many medicines with similar properties.Fluimucil / Rinofluimucil in the nose and analog drops for sputum, runny nose

The components of the composition almost do not penetrate the systemic circulation when used topically. Only a small fraction of the ingredients enter the bloodstream. The main amount of substances acts mainly in the area of ​​administration, has a positive effect on the tissues of the nasal passages. In the presence of damage to the tissues, the absorption of ingredients into the blood occurs more intensively, which increases their amount in the blood and can lead to the development of systemic reactions.

Why is it used

Fluimucil (the correct name of the drug is Rinofluimucil) is used to treat pathologies of the nasal passages.

Drops are intended for introduction into the nose, are prescribed in the presence of the following indications:

  • Nasal congestion against the background of the progression of a viral disease.
  • Rhinitis with the formation of a purulent exudate. Such complications can occur as a result of the development of sinusitis.
  • Chronic rhinitis.
  • Vasomotor form of rhinitis.
  • Sinusitis, accompanied by a runny nose and other complications from the upper respiratory tract.Fluimucil / Rinofluimucil in the nose and analog drops for sputum, runny nose

The drug is often used to relieve bronchitis and pneumonia, since patients are often worried about rhinitis with the formation of a large amount of mucus.

The main effects of the application

The drug is used only topically when certain indications occur. The maximum duration of therapy is 7 days. Children are allowed to inject the agent into each nasal passage for 1 dose, repeat the manipulation 3 times a day.

Adults are administered 2 doses in each nasal passage, the procedure is carried out 4 times a day with equal time intervals. As a result of using the drug, the amount of mucus decreases. For several days, the patient notes a relief of breathing, a decrease in the amount of sputum and a decrease in its viscosity.

When cleansing the nasal passages, the patient feels relief, since the medication additionally contains a substance that eliminates edema. Tuaminoheptane sulfate has vasoconstrictor properties, therefore, within 5-7 minutes after application, the edema of the mucous membranes is eliminated.Fluimucil / Rinofluimucil in the nose and analog drops for sputum, runny nose

When treating, patients also talk about reducing the need for vasoconstrictor drops. Their frequent use leads to atrophy of the mucous membranes, but the positive effect of the ingredients of the solution prevents the development of such complications. Improving nasal breathing helps relieve nervous system symptoms. Rhinitis is often accompanied by dizziness, headache, and decreased performance.

The recovery period is shortened, especially with a prolonged course of the pathological condition.

Drops-analogs for sputum, runny nose

Fluimucil - nasal drops that have no analogues with the same composition. But on drugstore shelves you can find products with similar properties, prescribed when it is impossible to use the original medication.Fluimucil / Rinofluimucil in the nose and analog drops for sputum, runny nose

Name of the drug Peculiarities
Vibrocil The product contains phenylephrine and dimethindene, has mild decongestant and antihistamine properties. The medicine can be used as a substitute, as it helps to reduce the amount of phlegm in the nasal passages, and prevents the recurrence of severe edema. Like the original, the analogue is used topically when certain symptoms appear. Unlike Rinofluimucil, Vibrocil does not affect the viscosity of mucus.
Vibronorm The drug in the form of nasal drops also has antihistamine and decongestant properties, it can not be used only with rhinitis against the background of colds, but also in the case of diagnosing an allergic form of pathological states. The medicine is injected into the nasal passages 1 to 3 times a day, depending on the manifestations. Unlike the original, the analogue is allowed to be used within 10-14 days, if the need arises.
Xylometazoline The medicine in the form of drops and spray can also be used as a substitute for the product. The drug has vasoconstrictor properties, helps to quickly eliminate nasal congestion. The disadvantage of the substitute is the lack of influence of the components on the viscosity of the mucus. The medicine is more likely to provoke complications than the original medicine. Like the original, the analog can be used no longer than 7 days in a row. Otherwise, complications develop in the form of atrophic tissue changes.
Isofra An effective nasal spray that contains framycetin. The medicine has antibacterial properties, but also helps to get rid of congestion, prevents the progression of pathologies and the development of complications from the lower respiratory tract.

The choice of a substitute is made only by a doctor. The specialist evaluates the effect of medicines on the body of a particular patient, selects the medicine with the most pronounced properties in a particular case.

Fluimucil / Rinofluimucil in the nose and analog drops for sputum, runny nose
Fluimucil / Rinofluimucil in the nose

Despite the different composition of drugs, they can be used as substitutes for Rinofluimucil.

Fluimucil (Rinofluimucil) is the most popular drug for the treatment of upper respiratory tract pathologies, accompanied by the formation of mucus and nasal congestion. Nasal drops have anti-edema properties, thin mucus and promote its excretion from the nasal passages. The prescription of the medicine is made only by the doctor after a preliminary examination of the patient.

Video about the drug Rinofluimicil

Rinofluimicil. Instructions, drug overview:

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