
Magnelis B6 tablets. Composition, indications for use, how to take

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  1. Active ingredients in Magnelis B6 and their effect on the body
  2. Excipients in the composition
  3. Indications for use of Magnelis B6
  4. Admission and dosage regimen
  5. Adults
  6. Children from 6 years old
  7. Video about the drug Magnelis B6

Magnelis B6 - magnesium preparation, which are intended for patients of different ages in order to replenish the deficiency of important components in the body. The tablets help to improve the functioning of the organs, and their composition includes 2 active substances. The drug is placed in plates, the amount of the drug in each of them may differ, as well as the cost, which is higher when purchasing a large package. The appointment of the remedy is made by the doctor, despite the absence of aggressive ingredients in its composition.

Active ingredients in Magnelis B6 and their effect on the body

The composition of the tablet formulation includes 2 active substances, due to which the effect on the patient's body is carried out. The main substance is magnesium, the amount of which is 470 mg per 1 tablet. Pyridoxine also belongs to the active substance, and its dosage per 1 tablet is 5 mg.

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Each ingredient has a pronounced effect on the body. Magnesium has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart, strengthens the myocardium and prevents the formation of ischemic areas on it. As a result, the condition of patients with cardiovascular pathologies improves significantly.Magnelis B6 tablets. Composition, indications, how to take

The component also has other properties:

  • Takes part in the functioning of all cells in the body. With its sufficient intake into the body, an acceleration of the process of cell repair is noted, which is often disrupted as a result of deficiency over a long period of time.
  • The substance has a positive effect on the transmission of nerve impulses to tissues, which reduces the risks of progression of a disease of neurological origin.
  • An additional property of the substance is its ability to normalize the psychoemotional state, which is disturbed against the background of a deficiency of vitamins and mineral components.
  • It has antiplatelet properties, that is, it helps prevent the formation of blood clots in patients with a tendency to such complications.
  • Takes part in metabolic processes, prevents their violation against the background of vitamin deficiency, diseases of the endocrine system.
  • It has an antiarrhythmic effect, helps to control blood pressure in patients with hypertension, coronary artery disease and some other disorders.
  • It has immunostimulating properties, prevents the frequent occurrence of colds and viral diseases.
  • Magnesium also has antispasmodic properties.

Magnelis B6 - tablets, the composition of which includes not only magnesium, which have pronounced properties in diseases of the nervous system. This effect is due to the presence of pyridoxine or vitamin B6 in the tablets. This ingredient stimulates the regeneration of cells of the nervous system, helps to improve the conduction of nerve impulses to muscle fibers.

Additionally, the component improves the absorption of magnesium in the digestive tract and its bioavailability. With an increase in this indicator, the effectiveness of the tablet preparation increases. Like other B vitamins, pyridoxine has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nail plates, improves the condition when diagnosing dermatological diseases.

Magnelis B6 tablets. Composition, indications, how to take
Magnelis B6 tablets

Its positive effect on the liver and other digestive organs, urinary system is noted. Pyridoxine stimulates metabolic processes, improves the absorption of ingredients from food, contributes to their proper distribution in the body.

After oral administration, the drug is well absorbed in the body, distributed through the systemic circulation, and enters the organs and tissues. The processing of components occurs in the liver, after which the metabolites are excreted with the help of the kidneys.

Excipients in the composition

Magnelis B6 includes more than basic substances.Magnelis B6 tablets. Composition, indications, how to take

The composition includes auxiliary components that preserve the chemical formula of the tablet:

  • Sodium lauryl sulfate.
  • Talc.
  • Gelatin.
  • Kaolin.
  • Titanium dioxide.
  • Magnesium stearate.
  • Povidone.
  • Silicon dioxide.

Additional substances do not have medicinal properties, but are needed in every tablet.

Indications for use of Magnelis B6

The tablet is prescribed mainly for magnesium and pyridoxine deficiency in the body of an adult or child. But it can often be used in the presence of any diseases, the course of which improves with a combination of medicines with mineral complexes.Magnelis B6 tablets. Composition, indications, how to take

The main indications for the appointment:

  • Chronic cardiovascular pathology. Tablets are not used in the acute stage of the disease, but in the chronic course of the disease, they can be included in the course of the main treatment.
  • Neurological diseases. There is an increase in the effectiveness of therapy when prescribing tablets in the case of diagnosing neuritis, neuralgia, shingles, radiculitis, osteochondrosis.
  • Metabolic disorders due to improper diet or overly strict diet.
  • The period of rehabilitation after suffering a myocardial infarction. The tool can be used to stimulate tissue repair.
  • Endocrine system pathologies. Often, pills are used for thyroid damage, as well as for the detection of diabetes mellitus.
  • Disturbances from the digestive system, accompanied by a deterioration in the absorption of nutrients from food.
  • Increased physical activity, in which the body's need for nutrients increases.
  • Muscle pathologies accompanied by frequent cramps.Magnelis B6 tablets. Composition, indications, how to take

The tablets do not have pronounced therapeutic properties, therefore, they do not help to eliminate the acute symptoms of diseases, but they significantly improve the general condition of patients. Often, the drug is used to prevent the development of a deficiency in the body of an adult or child.

Admission and dosage regimen

Magnelis B6 - tablets (the composition of the product includes a mineral substance and a B vitamin) for oral use, which are prescribed for children and adults according to different schemes and in different dosages.Magnelis B6 tablets. Composition, indications, how to take

A prerequisite for therapy is the use of the drug only with meals. That improves the absorption of components and prevents disorders of the digestive tract as a result of the negative effects of auxiliary ingredients.


Adults use the drug only internally in the amount of 6 tablets per day. It is imperative to divide the rate into 2-3 doses during the day with approximately equal time intervals.

When taking pills, you must drink them with plenty of water. With a pronounced deficit, the daily rate is increased to 8 tablets. In this case, it is allowed to divide the rate into 4 doses, ensuring an even flow of components into the blood.

During the course of the pathological condition, the daily dose can be changed, but the correction of the duration of the course and the rate per day is carried out only by a specialist. The standard duration of use is 2 months, but it can vary up or down according to individual indications.

Children from 6 years old

Tablets can be prescribed only to children over 6 years of age at a dosage determined by the pediatrician during the diagnostic examination. Depending on the age, the dosage of the tablets may differ.Magnelis B6 tablets. Composition, indications, how to take

Child's age Features of the use of tablets
Children from 6 to 10 years old Patients of this age can only take pills if their body weight exceeds 20 kg. The daily dosage is 3 tablets, it is divided into 3 doses during equal time intervals. As in adult therapy, the drug is consumed with meals, it is allowed to drink plenty of water.
Patients from 10 to 14 years old Such patients are prescribed 4 tablets per day. It is allowed to take the daily rate 2 times, that is, during breakfast and dinner.
Teenagers from 14 to 18 years old The daily norm of the drug for such patients is 6 tablets. Its correction is necessary only in case of any negative changes.

Pediatricians recommend monitoring the child's condition throughout the entire period of admission. Usually, children and adolescents are not recommended to consume for more than 4 weeks in a row. It is forbidden to independently change the duration of the course and the dose, especially in the treatment of children. If any negative reactions appear, you should immediately stop using it, visit a doctor.Magnelis B6 tablets. Composition, indications, how to take

Magnelis B6 - effective tablets based on the mineral component and vitamin B, which have a positive effect on the functioning of all internal organs and systems. The composition of the medicine does not include other minerals or vitamins. Prescribe pills to adults and children from 6 years of age when a deficiency is detected or prevented from developing.

Video about the drug Magnelis B6

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