
Orthosyphon. Useful properties, contraindications, instructions for use

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  1. Forms of issue
  2. Chemical composition
  3. Useful properties of the plant
  4. Indications for use
  5. Contraindications to the use of a diuretic plant
  6. From what age can you apply?
  7. Instructions for use, dosage
  8. Side effects
  9. Overdose
  10. special instructions
  11. Drug interactions
  12. Price in pharmacies
  13. Video about Ortosiphon

Ortosiphon (other names for the plant are kidney tea and cat's whisker) has a diuretic and mild anti-inflammatory effect. The leaves of the flower are endowed with useful qualities. In addition to diuretic properties, drugs based on Ortosiphon are used to reduce weight. An additional advantage of the plant is the practically absence of contraindications (it can be used even by pregnant women).

Forms of issue

Ortosiphon is sold in pharmacies in the form of a medicinal collection, which consists of dry pieces of leaves and stems. The grass is green, gray, brown and purple shades are allowed. The aroma of the finished tea is weak herbal, and the taste is astringent with bitterness. The collection is packed in tea bags or in bulk. The carton can contain 20 sachets or 50 g of a dry plant.

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Chemical composition

Ortosiphon, useful properties and contraindications to which are indicated on the packaging with collection, has the following composition:Orthosyphon. Useful properties, contraindications, instructions

List of plant elements Notes (edit)
Beta-sitosterol Helps lower cholesterol and inhibits the development of cancer cells.
Rosemary acid Strengthens blood vessels, fights inflammation, has a diuretic effect and strengthens the immune system.
Triterpene saponins Show tonic and expectorant, as well as diuretic, laxative and sedative effects.
Essential oils They strengthen the immune system, have antitumor and anti-inflammatory effects.
Tannins Demonstrate anti-inflammatory and antitumor effects, accelerate the process of wound healing and the process of stopping bleeding.
Orthosiphonin glycosides They have anti-inflammatory properties, as well as improve appetite and stimulate the digestion process.
Organic acids They have a positive effect on the organs of the digestive tract, prevent the development and reproduction of pathogenic microflora, eliminate inflammation and accelerate the removal of harmful substances.
Potassium salts Replenish potassium deficiency and equalize the acid-base balance of the blood, as well as provide decongestants and help to normalize the work of the heart and muscle tissues.
Iron It is necessary for the transport of oxygen to tissues, and also participates in metabolic processes.
Copper Maintains the elasticity of blood vessels and tissue elasticity, and is also responsible for skin pigmentation.
Cobalt Participates in hematopoiesis, enzyme production and normalizes the activity of the nervous system.
Magnesium Normalizes the state of blood vessels, relaxes muscles, normalizes mood, as well as the activity of the nervous system.
Zinc Strengthens memory, immunity and teeth, also has an anti-inflammatory effect, prevents the development of cancer and improves the absorption of vitamins.
Manganese Normalizes blood composition, activates brain activity and reduces the amount of bad cholesterol.
Phenol-carbolic acids They have pronounced antiseptic, antiparasitic and bactericidal properties.
Flavonoids They strengthen the walls of blood vessels, have a vasodilating effect, eliminate puffiness, and also restore water and hormonal balance.
Alkaloids They have antitumor, vasodilatory and analgesic effects, they also lower the pressure and the activity of the cardiovascular system.
Vitamins They are necessary for the normal functioning of all organs and systems of the body.

Orthosyphon. Useful properties, contraindications, instructionsIt is the elements that make up the plant that provide a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Useful properties of the plant

Ortosiphon, after oral administration (drinking tea), demonstrates the following therapeutic effects:

  • activates the withdrawal of fluid from tissues and the body;
  • prevents the development of inflammatory processes;
  • attracts metabolic products from tissues, as well as harmful and toxic compounds, and removes them from the body;
  • dilates blood vessels, as a result, excess fluid is quickly excreted from the body;
  • promotes increased appetite;
  • improves the activity of the digestive tract;
  • protects against the formation and development of oncological tumors;
  • strengthens the body's defenses;
  • normalizes the kidneys, cardiovascular system;
  • restores the rhythm of heart contractions;
  • normalizes water-salt, hormonal and acid-base balance;
  • has an antioxidant effect;
  • prevents the reproduction of pathogenic microflora (bacteria, microbes, parasitic infection);
  • lowers the value of bad cholesterol;
  • strengthens blood vessels and makes them elastic;
  • facilitates the removal of phlegm from the lungs;
  • helps to normalize psychological balance in depression, aggression or anxiety;
  • has a mild laxative effect;
  • regulates the functioning of cells of the nervous system;
  • protects against the development of benign tumors;
  • accelerates the healing process of wounds;
  • reduces the time to stop bleeding;
  • eliminates puffiness;
  • restores metabolic processes;
  • prevents the development of oxygen starvation;
  • slows down the aging process of tissues;
  • replenishes potassium deficiency in the body;
  • regulates the process of hematopoiesis and the production of enzymes;
  • relaxes muscle spasms and restores muscle function;
  • strengthens memory, activating brain activity;
  • improves the condition of teeth and gums;
  • helps to lower pressure;
  • activates the production of bile;
  • reduces body temperature in case of heat;
  • promotes faster recovery of liver cells;
  • removes urea and uric acid from the body, which are the cause of a violation of the state of joint tissues;
  • promotes weight loss by removing excess fluid from the body;
  • improves the absorption of vitamins;
  • accelerates the growth of bones and strengthens them;
  • prevents the development of seizures;
  • normalizes blood glucose;
  • neutralizes the toxic effects of alcohol;
  • reduces pain symptoms, including during menstruation.

The period of therapeutic action, as well as the ways of removing the elements of Ortosiphon, have not been studied.

Important. When using Ortosiphon as a diuretic, potassium salts are not washed out, but on the contrary, their deficiency is replenished (classic diuretic medications provoke the leaching of salts, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous system).

Indications for use

Ortosiphon (useful properties and contraindications can be clarified with a therapist) is recommended to be taken in the following cases:

  • swelling of tissues and limbs, provoked by impaired renal function;Orthosyphon. Useful properties, contraindications, instructions
  • diagnosis of pathologies (including infectious or simply inflammatory processes) in the urinary tract in acute and chronic form;
  • abdominal pain, including during menstruation, as well as headaches;
  • deterioration in the withdrawal of bile;
  • violation of the pancreas;
  • heart disease and vascular disorders;
  • diabetes mellitus, Ortosiphon reduces the value of glucose;
  • an increased amount of uric acid in the body (manifested by salt deposits in the joints, accompanied by severe pain);
  • high blood pressure;
  • the presence of small stones in the gallbladder;
  • poor appetite or impaired production of enzymes involved in digestion;
  • development of inflammation processes in the body;
  • poisoning of the body with toxins or heavy metal salts. Tea speeds up their withdrawal;
  • the development of tumors, including malignant ones;
  • decreased immunity;
  • violation of the condition and work of the kidneys;
  • deterioration of the liver. The plant promotes faster recovery of liver tissue;
  • arrhythmia (manifested by a violation of the rhythm of heart contractions);
  • violation of salt, hormonal or acid-base balance;
  • in the combined therapy of infectious and parasitic diseases;
  • high cholesterol;
  • unproductive cough, accompanied by impaired discharge and removal of sputum from the lungs;
  • violation of the nervous system;
  • diagnosis of metabolic disorders in the body;
  • iron or potassium deficiency;
  • violation of the process of hematopoiesis;
  • having spasms or seizures;
  • fever or fever;
  • impairment of memory and brain activity;
  • increased weight caused by fluid retention in the body. Ortosiphon allows you to reduce weight without harm to the body;
  • growth retardation or increased bone fragility;
  • severe alcohol poisoning (hangover syndrome);
  • postoperative period, in order to accelerate tissue healing and reduce pain symptoms (used only as directed or with the permission of a doctor).

Tea from the herb collection Ortosiphon is allowed to be used during pregnancy and lactation.

Important. Doctors do not recommend using Ortosiphon to prevent the listed pathologies.

Contraindications to the use of a diuretic plant

Collection Ortosiphon has a small list of contraindications:

  • the presence of an allergic reaction to the plant;
  • the presence of large stones in the gallbladder or in the kidneys;
  • low blood pressure;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • asthma;
  • increased acidity of the stomach;
  • severe heart failure.Orthosyphon. Useful properties, contraindications, instructions

The official instructions indicate that during pregnancy and lactation, the drug should be used with caution, although the safety of the product during these periods has already been proven (but it is important to observe individual dosage). The limitation is justified by the fact that during pregnancy in a woman, the functioning of the body completely changes, in in connection with which the likelihood of developing an allergy to a plant increases (before pregnancy, allergies could not to be).

From what age can you apply?

Ortosiphon should not be taken by patients under 12 years of age. The limitations are based on the lack of safety tests for the drug in childhood.

Instructions for use, dosage

Orthosyphon can be used to eliminate pathologies, the list of which is quite large. But in order for the collection to fully reveal the beneficial properties, it must be steamed with water heated to 90-95 degrees and let it brew under the lid. When the tea has cooled to 40 degrees, it should be filtered, then consumed (after excluding contraindications).

Features of the preparation and reception of the collection Ortosiphon, depending on the pathology:

Orthosyphon. Useful properties, contraindications, instructions
Orthosyphon. Beneficial features
Purpose of admission The subtleties of cooking collection Admission rules, course
Pathologies in the urinary tract Put 5 g of the collection in a thermos and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Insist for about 5 hours. Strain the finished tea. Drink 100 ml of the drink in the morning and in the afternoon 20 minutes before meals.
Impaired removal of fluid from the body as a result of impaired renal function Pour 5 g of collection with 250 ml of boiling water and simmer for about 5 minutes. Infuse the drink for about 3 hours. Strain the broth. Take 120 ml in the morning and in the evening for 20 to 30 days.
Pain (headache, menstrual pain, and others), cramps or cramps Steam 5 g of herbs in 250 ml of boiling water. After cooling, drain. Cool the drink under a blanket. Take 50-100 ml of tea one time. The dose depends on the severity of the pain.
Violation of the outflow of bile and the presence of sand and stones in the gallbladder Put 5 g of the collection in a thermos and pour 250 ml of boiling water over it. Let the drink brew for about 8 hours. Strain the finished tea. Drink a drink approximately 30 minutes before breakfast, lunch and dinner, 120 ml.
Kidney stones (size up to 10 mm) Put 6 g of phyllanthus and 5 g of harvest in a saucepan. Pour the contents with 250 ml of water and simmer for about 15 minutes. Cool and drain. Drink 120 ml 20-30 minutes before breakfast and dinner. The course is approximately 30 days.
Diabetes mellitus and dysfunction of the pancreas Steam 5 g of collection in 250 ml of boiling water. Let the tea cool under the lid. Strain the finished drink. Drink 50 ml before meals in the morning and afternoon.
Increased levels of uric acid or cholesterol in the body Steam 5 g of collection in 250 ml of boiling water (in a thermos). Infuse the drink for about 6 hours. Strain. Take 100 ml of tea before breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Hypertension (high blood pressure) Put 5 g of the collection in a thermos and pour 400 ml of boiling water over it. Infuse the drink for about 7-8 hours. Strain the tea. Consume 150 ml about 15 minutes before meals, up to 4 times every 24 hours.
Lack of appetite or impaired enzyme production Steam 5 g of collection in 250 ml of water. Let the drink brew under a blanket for about 3 hours. After cooling, drain. Drink 50 ml before breakfast and before lunch. Course up to 20 days.
Pathologies occurring with the process of inflammation (including infectious ones) Place 5 g of the collection in a thermos and pour 300 ml of boiling water over it. Infuse tea for about 5 hours. strain. Consume 120 ml before breakfast and lunch. The course is up to 1 month.
Diseases of the heart and blood vessels in mild to moderate form Steam 5 g of collection in 250 ml of boiling water. Refrigerate under the lid and drain. Take 50 ml of tea in the morning and at lunch.
Poisoning the body with metals or toxins Steam 5 g of collection with 150 ml of boiling water. Insist in a thermos for 3 hours. strain. Drink tea for 3 hours (dose of 50 ml).
The presence of tumors Put 5 g of the collection in a thermos and pour 250 ml of boiling water. After 5 h. strain. Take 70 ml in the morning and afternoon.
Violation of the liver tissue Brew 5 g of the collection in 250 ml of boiling water. Insist covered for about 1 hour. Divide the resulting portion into 2 doses.
Growth retardation, impaired hematopoiesis and increased bone fragility Place 5 g of the collection in 250 ml of boiling water. Boil the drink for about 2 minutes. Let the finished tea cool, then strain it. Consume 50 ml about 15 minutes before breakfast and lunch.
Disruption of metabolic processes, as well as a deficiency of iron or potassium in the body Steam 5 g of collection in 250 ml of boiling water. Cover the drink with a blanket and let it cool to 40 degrees. After cooling, strain the tea. Drink 100 ml in the morning. Daytime admission is also permitted.
Fever, fever, unproductive cough Put 5 g of the collection in 200 ml of boiling water. Let it steam and strain. Drink the drink in the morning and afternoon.
Postoperative period Steaming rules and dosage are individual.
Disruption of the nervous system and decreased brain activity Brew 5 g of the collection in 200 ml of boiling water and let it brew for about 40 minutes. Strain the finished drink. Consume 70-100 ml before breakfast and before lunch.
Hangover syndrome Steam 5 g of collection in 150 ml of boiling water. Cool and drain. Take ready-made tea once.
Slimming Brew 5 g of the collection in 400 ml of boiling water. Insist 6 hours. strain. Drink the drink in the morning and afternoon.

Orthosyphon. Useful properties, contraindications, instructionsIf the course of tea intake is not indicated in the table, it means that it is set by the doctor individually. For ease of dosing, it is recommended to use the Ortosiphon collection in bulk.

Important. If the tea is prepared for a day, then before drinking it must be stirred, since the useful suspension is deposited on the bottom. The duration of admission should not exceed 30 days, and the course can be repeated after 1 month.

Side effects

Drinking tea from the collection rarely provokes the development of side effects (subject to the rules of preparation and reception), but the appearance of the following negative reaction is possible:

  • allergy to the drug;
  • dehydration (with a long course and with a high dosage);
  • lowering pressure;
  • weight gain due to increased appetite;
  • movement of stones or sand in the kidneys and gallbladder (if there are pathological data) is manifested by pain;
  • coughing;
  • weakness and drowsiness;
  • blockage of the renal and bile ducts with large stones. If the patient has them;
  • heartburn.

Not all side effects are the reason for tea withdrawal. In some cases, only a treatment adjustment is required.


Ortosiphon (useful properties and contraindications make it possible to make sure of the safety of the drug) is not recommended to drink in large doses at a time.Orthosyphon. Useful properties, contraindications, instructions

Cases of poisoning with a drink have not been recorded, but manufacturers do not exclude that when taking more than 1 liter at a time it is possible:

  • a sharp decrease in pressure;
  • the appearance of severe vomiting and diarrhea;
  • feeling of severe hunger;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • suffocating cough;
  • the appearance of symptoms of dehydration.

Tea is quickly absorbed in the digestive tract, therefore, in case of poisoning, it is necessary to give the victim sorbents, after which symptomatic therapy is performed.

special instructions

Before using tea, doctors recommend that you familiarize yourself with the features of its preparation and use:

  • a drink needs to be prepared for a new one every morning;
  • if the drink needs to be divided into 2-3 doses, then before each use the tea should be shaken;
  • the drink is more effective when taken warm;
  • the broth is most effective if drunk 15-30 minutes before meals;
  • during pregnancy and lactation, the rules for drinking tea are set individually;
  • do not take a drink before going to bed. The last dose should be taken no later than 3 hours in advance. Otherwise, sleep will be ruined by going to the toilet;
  • the finished tea should be supplemented with boiled water to the original level. That is, if the recipe contained 250 ml of water, then the finished drink should turn out to be 250 ml;Orthosyphon. Useful properties, contraindications, instructions

It is required to store ready-made tea in a cool place.

Drug interactions

Ortosiphon (useful properties and contraindications can be studied not only in the instructions, but also on the packaging) should not be combined with the following medicines:

  • enhances the effect of diuretics;
  • increases the effectiveness of antipyretic and analgesic drugs, so the dosage of the latter should be reduced;
  • increases the effect of vasodilating drugs;
  • enhances the effect of mucolytic agents;
  • increases the hypotonic effect of drugs to lower blood pressure;
  • increases the effectiveness of choleretic medicines.

Sorbents attract tea, reducing the effectiveness of the drink to a minimum. Therefore, you need to take the collection 3 hours before or after the use of sorbents.

Price in pharmacies

The cost of collecting Ortosiphon depends on the manufacturer, how the drug is packaged (sachets or in bulk) and the weight of the package. The approximate price range for the product is from 50 to 165 rubles. When buying a drug, it is important not to confuse it with other fees, since the product is on sale under the name "Kidney tea", and there are a large number of them with different compositions. This means with different indications, admission rules and side effects.

Ortosiphon is a natural remedy with a wide range of action. The drug (due to the large list of useful properties) allows you to normalize the state and activity of all vital organs and systems. The drink from the collection has a small list of contraindications.

Author: Kotlyachkova Svetlana

Video about Ortosiphon

Edema, pyelonephritis, kidney stones. Orthosyphon:

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