
Belogent ointment. Indications for use, reviews

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  1. Dermatitis
  2. Eczema
  3. Diffuse neurodermatitis
  4. Lichen simplex chronicus
  5. Anogenital herpes
  6. Senile itching
  7. Seborrheic dermatitis
  8. Intertrigo
  9. Solar dermatitis
  10. Psoriasis
  11. Erythroderma
  12. Lichen planus
  13. Dyshidrosis
  14. Video about the drug Belogent

Belogent ointment - external antipruritic, antibacterial, anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory agent based on betamethasone dipropionate and gentamicin sulfate.

Used for the treatment of dermatitis, impetigo and lichen planus, the drug has a rapid and pronounced action in the area of ​​inflammation, reduces the strength of objective (edema, erythema) and subjective (itching, pain) symptoms, simultaneously exerting a destructive effect on the cells of pathogenic bacteria, including:

  • Streptococcus spp .;
  • Proteus spp .;
  • Staphylococcus aureus;
  • Escherichia coli.


Belogent ointment (indications for use are given below in the article) a drug with pronounced anti-inflammatory and analgesic qualities, indicated for the treatment of manifestations of simple and allergic dermatitis.

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Dermatitis is a group of skin diseases of a different nature, classified depending on the causes of occurrence and the degree of localization of the pathology.

Contact (simple dermatitis) It occurs as a skin reaction to the traumatic effect of irritating substances (alkalis, acids, detergents) and manifested by tissue redness, dryness and cracks, swelling, blistering or scabbing ulceration.
Allergic dermatitis Inflammatory skin disease that occurs at the site of its direct contact with the allergen and characterized by swelling and redness of tissues in contact with the allergen, itching, the appearance of papules and bubbles.
Perioral dermatitis Chronic inflammatory lesion of the skin around the mouth, which manifests itself in the form of separate or grouping papules located on the reddened skin.
Atopic dermatitis Chronic non-contagious skin disease that occurs with periods of exacerbation and remission. It is manifested by dryness, itching and redness of the skin.

Belogent ointment. Indications for use, reviewsBelogent ointment is used as a local anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and anti-allergenic drug in the treatment of all types of dermatitis. Simultaneously with it, detoxification therapy can be used, including the appointment of sorbents.


Eczema is a non-infectious acute or chronic skin disease that manifests as bouts of itching, redness, and a small rash in the form of bubbles with fluid. Pathology occurs with impaired immunity, hormonal failure, chronic pathologies of internal organs.

Belogent ointment is prescribed to relieve an acute attack of eczema as a local antibacterial, antipruritic and wound-healing drug to relieve skin irritation and eliminate itchy rash.

Diffuse neurodermatitis

Diffuse neurodermatitis - a skin disease, with allergenic or neurogenic nature, which has genetic factors and arises against the background:

  • significant psycho-emotional stress or disorders in the work of the nervous system;
  • disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine glands.

The main manifestation of diffuse neurodermatitis is intense, pronounced itching, accompanied by redness, thickening of the skin tissue and rash.Belogent ointment. Indications for use, reviews

Ointment Belogent is prescribed for the complex therapy of diffuse neurodermatitis as a local anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and antihistamine drug.

Lichen simplex chronicus

Lichen simplex chronicus is a skin disease characterized by well-defined, often hyperpigmented spots and thickened lichenified plaques skin located on the neck, ankles, skull, pubis, genitals and extensor surfaces of the forearms, resulting from chronic friction and combing.

The main symptom of the disease is severe pruritus resulting from previous dermatosis or eczema, chronic nervous tension or autonomic disorders.

The use of whitegent ointment allows you to reduce irritation of the nerve endings, preventing itching of the skin. The drug is prescribed simultaneously with sedatives.

Anogenital herpes

Anogenital herpes is a viral lesion of the mucous membrane of the genitals and anus, characterized by the appearance of a group of vesicles, and then erosions and ulcers. Manifested in the stage of exacerbation by a local burning sensation, swelling, hyperemia, increase inguinal lymph nodes and intoxication, the disease is chronic in nature and is caused by infectious reasons.

Belogent ointment is prescribed for exacerbation of anogenital herpes as an anti-inflammatory and antipruritic agent and is used in conjunction with immunomodulatory drugs.

Senile itching

Senile itching is a chronic skin pathology that occurs in women and men over the age of 65.

Caused by an age-related decrease in the activity of sweat and sebaceous glands, leading to a loss of elasticity and firmness of the skin, the disease manifests itself as uncomfortable sensations:

  • constantly changing intensity itching, more pronounced in the evening and at night;
  • a change in active periods of the disease with an almost complete absence of symptoms;
  • the occurrence of pain as a concomitant symptom.Belogent ointment. Indications for use, reviews

Ointment Belogent is prescribed for the treatment of the disease as an antipruritic and anti-inflammatory drug simultaneously with skin moisturizing cosmetics and hormonal drugs.

Seborrheic dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis is a skin disease associated with an increase in sebum secretion and accompanied by tissue inflammation. Caused by the pathogenic activity of a lipophilic fungus, the disease is exacerbated with a decrease in immunity, manifested by inflammation of the skin under the scalp, erythema, the formation of papules and mild itching.

Belogent ointment is prescribed as a local anti-inflammatory and antipruritic agent for complex therapy of pathology, simultaneously with antifungal drugs and physiotherapy.


Diaper rash is an inflammation of the skin that has been exposed to prolonged contact with moisture or friction. Appears under the influence of non-infectious or infectious (bacteria, viruses, fungi) the causes of the disease differs depending on the stage at:

Lung Manifested by a slight reddening of the skin without mechanical damage.
Medium severity Mechanical damage to the skin is accompanied by swelling and the appearance of red spots.
Heavy The skin becomes bright red, with a lot of ulcerative formations.
Belogent ointment. Indications for use, reviews
Belogent ointment. Indications for use

Belogent ointment is used at all stages of the development of the disease as an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing agent.

Solar dermatitis

Solar dermatitis is an inflammatory skin reaction to the activity of sunlight, manifested by redness, swelling of tissues and the appearance of rashes on them. The disease proceeding in a chronic form is accompanied by relapses of pathology, requiring the use of anti-inflammatory and corticosteroid drugs.

Belogent ointment is prescribed for exacerbation of pathology to quickly stop the skin reaction, relieve itching and provide an anti-inflammatory effect.


Psoriasis is a chronic pathology that affects the skin, nails, joints and internal organs and is manifested by itching and the formation of pink-red rashes - papules that can merge into larger plaques. Papules rise above the surface of the skin and are covered with pink scales that flake off when peeling. The appearance of pathology is due to genetic, infectious or neurogenic causes.

Belogent ointment is used for exacerbation of psoriasis as an anti-inflammatory, relieves the condition the patient of the drug and is used as part of complex therapy, including drug treatment and phototherapy.


Belogent ointment (indications for use admit the appointment of a drug for stopping the recurrence of chronic dermatoses) is prescribed for erythroderma as a drug that alleviates the patient's condition.Belogent ointment. Indications for use, reviews

Erythroderma is a diffuse inflammation of the skin, accompanied by hyperemia and edema of the skin, rash of papules, bullae and pustules, eroding with the formation of crusts and peeling. Primary erythroderma occurs spontaneously. Secondary erythroderma occurs when various types of dermatosis appear.

Belogent ointment is prescribed as part of the complex treatment of erythroderma as anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and antibacterial agent, to prevent recurrence tissue infection.

Lichen planus

Lichen planus is a chronic dermatosis, accompanied by the formation of papules that affect the skin, mucous membranes and nails. Multiple rashes occurring with red lichen are accompanied by severe itching and hyperthermia of the skin.

Depending on the degree of development of the pathology, they differ:

  • a hypertrophic form of the disease, characterized by warty layers caused by hyperkeratosis on the surface of brownish-red or purple plaques;
  • atrophic form, which develops in connection with sclerotic and atrophic changes at the site of resolution of the rash;
  • vesicular form, manifested by the formation of vesicles (vesicles) with serous or serous-bloody contents;
  • moniliform lichen, characterized by rounded waxy eruptions, grouped in the form of a necklace;
  • pigmented form of the disease associated with the formation of age spots;
  • a pointed form of pathology, represented by the appearance of pointed papules.

Belogent ointment is used as a local therapy for lichen planus in the treatment of hypertrophic forms of the disease. In other cases, the drug is not used.


Dyshidrosis is a skin disease that manifests itself as a primary lesion of the sweat glands of the hands and feet and is characterized by the development of chronic eczematous dermatitis. Dyshidrosis is manifested by the formation of small bubbles with transparent contents on the skin.Belogent ointment. Indications for use, reviews

Pathology has no definite etymology, but can be associated with:

  • disorders in the work of the endocrine system;
  • vegetative-vascular disorders;
  • problems in the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • allergic skin reactions.

Belogent ointment is used for mild disease as an anti-inflammatory and antipruritic drug, which also prevents possible infection of damaged skin. With the development of the disease, the drug is not used.

Belogent is an ointment with betamethasone, used to alleviate the patient's condition with exacerbation of various types of skin dermatitis. Possessing anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antipruritic effect, the drug helps quickly stop unpleasant symptoms of the disease, have a wound healing effect and prevent the development of secondary infections.

Video about the drug Belogent

Belogent cream instructions for use:

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