Types Of Diseases

Effective treatment of male hemorrhoids

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  • Why develop hemorrhoids
  • How does hemorrhoids manifest
  • What is the treatment for hemorrhoids
  • Preventive measures

Hemorrhoids are considered one of the most common pathologies among men and consists in the defeat of intestinal vessels, leading to an increase in hemorrhoidal cones with their subsequent prolapse. Hemorrhoidal nodes are normally in the anal passage, but pathological is considered to be their increase. The hemorrhoidal node is a built-in cushion, located at the exit from the rectum. Under adverse circumstances, the nodes increase. According to statistics, out of thousands of adults, about one and a half hundred people suffer from hemorrhoids, and these are only those who turned to a specialist, there are much more real patients. Therefore, it will be very useful for everyone to know what to treat with hemorrhoids.

hemorrhoids treatment

Why the hemorrhoids develop

Many factors contribute to the development of male hemorrhoids, which lead to a common result - the hemorrhoids in the hemovirus, which results in their increase. From the anus and intestine, blood is diverted through two ducts. If varicose dilation is observed in the upper duct, then the internal form of hemorrhoids develops, when varicose affects the lower duct, the external form of hemorrhoids develops.

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To avoid the development of hemorrhoids, do not allow the appearance of excess weight, as full people are at risk.

Specialists distinguish several theories of the emergence of hemorrhoids:

  • Education in a small pelvic tumor character;
  • Hereditary predisposition( it is noticed that often hemorrhoids are of a family nature);
  • Lean food with insufficient consumption of fibrous food;
  • Frequent constipation, leading to increased pressure on the rectum, as a result of which the blood flows and stagnates in the hemorrhoids, which leads to their increase, and then to fallout;
  • Lack of movement, leading to stagnation of blood in the pelvic region;
  • Lifting weights or increased physical stress, contributing to increased pressure inside the peritoneum, which causes the loss of nodes;
  • Strong straining, a long sitting in the toilet, which provokes weakening of the muscles of the perineum;
  • Sharp and strongly flavored dishes provoke irritation in the anus;
  • The use of alcohol, accelerating blood flow, which provokes anal bleeding.

How the hemorrhoids

manifests Hemorrhoids form from the outer or inner side of the anus. A characteristic feature of internal hemorrhoids is its painless course, therefore at early stages it is practically impossible to detect such a hemorrhoidal form. Hemorrhoids, located on the outside of the anus, immediately felt by the patient, you can find it with your hand, and when you see the doctor sees it with the naked eye. Almost all patients state that when hemorrhoids occurred, they first felt that something in the anus had appeared, and some noticed blood on paper.

Many in the development of the disease feel some discomfort in the anus, accompanied by itching. In some patients, the nodes fall out, occurring usually after defecation.

Hemorrhoids in men can be acute or chronic. The acute form differs inflammatory processes of the nodes, which causes additional painful sensations. The chronic form is characterized by scarlet bleeding that occurs during defecation, as well as constant itching and dull painful sensations in the anus, with prolapsus of nodes. Most often, men with an internal form of hemorrhoids note a slight painless bleeding, which quickly stops. But not always the blood in the stool testifies to hemorrhoids, it can be signs of a more serious GI disease.

There is the following classification of stages of hemorrhoids, proceeding in chronic form:

Stages of hemorrhoids

  • Stage I is characterized by scarlet hemorrhage during intestinal emptying, but no nodal prolapse is observed;
  • II stage is distinguished by prolapsed nodes, but they soon spontaneously flow;
  • At the third stage, the fallen nodes of the hemorrhoidal veins need to be adjusted with hands;
  • At the IV stage the dropped nodes can not be fixed anymore. Usually this stage of the disease is accompanied by intensive thrombosis.

If we talk about acute forms of hemorrhoids, then its course is divided into three stages:

  • At the first stage, acute hemorrhoids are characterized by thrombosis of nodes, but inflammatory processes are not observed in them;
  • In the II stage, the inflammatory process joins the thrombosis;
  • III stage of acute hemorrhoids is characterized by the spread of the inflammatory process to nearby tissues.

A very unpleasant condition, which causes hemorrhoids, is the prolapse of nodes, which occurs when swelling of internal hemorrhoids, as a result of which they literally fall out of the anus. Usually, the cone can easily be reattached back, but if this is not possible, then the fallen cones will swell even more and will later be squeezed from the outside, the hemorrhoids will become entangled.

What is the treatment for hemorrhoids

Than to treat hemorrhoids, an experienced proctologist should determine. In general, it is recommended to eliminate the unfavorable factor in the form of constipation, which is done by adjusting the diet. You can not often resort to laxatives, because too thin a stool in the form of diarrhea only aggravates the general clinic of hemorrhoids. The treatment regimen is selected in accordance with the degree of development and form of the disease. In most cases, therapy is conservative and conducted in a home environment.

Drug therapy

For treatment of hemorrhoids, preparations with local action are usually used. They facilitate symptomatic manifestations, eliminate itching and discomfort, have a venotonic, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic or analgesic effect. These drugs can be released in the form of gels, creams, suppositories, ointments, etc. The ointment is applied to the area around the anus, a small amount of it is refilled into the anal opening. Treatment with candles is advisable to hold only in the case of internal hemorrhoids, then the candle is simply inserted into the anus. In the composition of candles, ointments are often anesthetic substances like novocaine, so the use of such ointments contribute to the rapid relief of pain syndrome. For the purpose of analgesia, suppositories Ultraproct, Bupivacaine, Lidocaine, etc. are often used.

Baths with potassium permanganate for hemorrhoids The treatment of hemorrhoids should be treated in a comprehensive way, combining several types of medicines that have a healing effect on the veins that stop bleeding and stop pain. This is the main goal of conservative therapy. In case of an exacerbation of hemorrhoids of the external form, application of warm sessile trays with a water pale pink solution of potassium permanganate is shown three times a day. Take such a bath should not more than 10 minutes. Baths with potassium permanganate have a bactericidal effect and soothe. Instead of potassium permanganate, you can use herbs with medicinal action: clover, chamomile, nettle, etc. These herbs should be simply poured with boiling water and insist a little, as soon as the bath cools down to about 40-45 ° C, you can proceed to the procedure. But such baths will be effective only in case of external form of hemorrhoids.

It is impossible to cure hemorrhoids with the help of drug therapy, but the clinical symptoms are eliminated, and if after such treatment the patient strictly follows the recommendations of the proctologist, then in the future the operation may not be needed at all.

During treatment it is recommended to wash the anus after each bowel movement, preferably with cool water. In extreme cases, you need to moisten the toilet paper with cold water and then use it for the intended purpose, as usual dry paper will irritate the anus. An excellent solution are children's wet wipes with cream - they will help to keep hygiene and irritated anus calm.
If the patient is concerned about frequent bleeding, then the use of suppositories containing adrenaline is recommended. In addition, experts recommend that hemorrhoidal hemorrhages use collagen sponges with hemostatic effect. Easing effect gives and ice, it stops bleeding, narrows vessels and relieves pain. But the use of ice does not have a therapeutic effect, but only removes some symptoms, so ice is used as an additional therapeutic measure.

Surgical treatment

Hirurgicheskaja terapija Surgical therapy is considered for hemorrhoids by the standard method and is used when the disease in the anus has reached 3-4 stages. The essence of the operation in excising hemorrhoidal cones. This procedure is considered quite traumatic, requires a long postoperative rehabilitation, including thorough hygiene and care for the anus.

Recently, proctologists have given more and more priority to de-varersion. This procedure is today considered to be the best method for treating hemorrhoids. Its essence lies in the intersection of the node feeding the artery. In general, the procedure for desartering is considered to be minimally invasive and painless, it does not require rehabilitation at all and is done in half an hour. Carrying out such an intervention can eliminate the immediate cause of hemorrhoids - isolate the pathologically changed, feeding the node vessels. After the de-hazardousization, the risk of recurrence is completely absent. Today, this method is considered the best in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

Diet for hemorrhoids

Dieta pri gemorroe Irrational nutrition usually leads to various disorders of the gastrointestinal system, such as constipation or diarrhea. Constipation provokes the swelling of hemorrhoid cones. Therefore, the diet should normalize the stool and facilitate the process of defecation as much as the affected hemorrhoid cones can be further injured if the stool is too stiff and irritated by diarrhea. Diet, shown with hemorrhoids, involves the exclusion of various sauces and mayonnaises, ketchup and mustard, spices and spices. It is unacceptable to eat products from whole milk, beer and strong alcoholic products, white bread. Also it is necessary to exclude from the menu fish and meat cooked by way of smoking, frying or drying. These products disrupt the function of the circulatory system, weakening the vascular walls and disrupting the blood flow.

Warning! To take food is recommended at a certain time, so that the stool was also regular, then the digestive process will stabilize and come back to normal.

What products should be eaten to facilitate and normalize the work of the intestines. It is necessary to consume a lot of fiber, as it improves and facilitates the processes of defecation, excluding the development of constipation. Cells of buckwheat, buckwheat or oatmeal, bran and black bread, prunes and fruit-vegetables in fresh form are rich in cellulose. Also useful are dairy products like yogurt, yoghurt, as they strengthen the intestinal microflora. Do not forget about drinking. It is recommended to drink more mineral or simply drinking water. Mineral water causes the intestine to function actively. No less important condition for eating with hemorrhoids is the amount of food: meals are recommended to be done more often, but portions should be reduced.

. Physical therapy.

. In the presence of hemorrhoids, there is a need for normalization of blood circulation in the rectal and pelvic region. For this purpose it is recommended to do special exercises for training muscles of the anus, perineum, buttocks and abdomen. The simplest exercise is the squeezing of the sphincter, which must be done at least 10 times three times a day. It does not matter how or where to do it, sitting at your desk or standing in public transport, because it will be invisible to others.

No less effective in hemorrhoids "birch", known even from school physical education lessons. You need to stretch your legs up and try to lift the pelvis as high as possible, supporting yourself in the lumbar region. Also useful is the imitation of cycling, lying on your back, and also the "scissors" exercise, when lying on your back with your legs you need to repeat the movements of the scissors.

Preventative measures

If certain recommendations are followed, you can reduce the risk of hemorrhoids, and also alleviate the current disease. So, with sedentary activity and sedentary work, it is recommended hourly to make a break for 15 minutes, during which it is necessary to walk around, actively move. It is recommended to replace the working chair with a stiff chair. Drivers-truckers are recommended to make stops along the way, during which you need to get out of the car, do a warm-up.

Do not physically work hard, especially when lifting heavy objects. Power sports also need to be excluded. After evacuation of the intestine, it is recommended to wash with cold water. It is recommended to eat correctly, laying on cereals and soups, fruit and vegetable dishes. Try not to abuse sharp and spicy dishes, alcohol products.

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