
Neuromidine analogs are cheaper in tablets. Price

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  1. Characteristics of the drug
  2. Basic instructions
  3. Analogues are cheaper
  4. Proserin
  5. Kalimin 60 N
  6. Axamon
  7. Nivalin
  8. Price of funds
  9. Video about the drug Neuromidin

Neuromidin - an effective medication in tablets and other forms, which affects the central nervous system and helps to stop the symptoms of certain diseases. The cost of the drug is high, so patients often prefer to select cheaper analogues with similar properties. Many substitutes have a different composition, but have a similar effect.

Characteristics of the drug

Medication refers to drugs that affect the central nervous system and have a positive effect on nerve tissues, impulse transmission. The main ingredient in the composition is ipidacrine, which belongs to the group of anticholinesterase substances.

Upon penetration into the patient's body, the level of calcium in the nerve cells increases, but the level of potassium decreases. This leads to an improvement in the transmission of nerve impulses to muscle tissues. Additionally, the agent has a positive effect on the state of cells, metabolic processes and renewal. Often, neurological disorders are accompanied by cell death and other complications, but the main ingredient in the drug helps prevent such disorders.

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The medication affects the level of serotonin, oxytocin and some hormones in the patient's blood, which has a positive effect on the course of pathologies accompanied by neuropsychiatric disorders. One of the properties of the drug is the ability to increase the tone of smooth muscles, as well as normalize synaptic connections in nerve fibers. As a result, there is an improvement in memory and concentration of attention in patients.

Neuromidin tablets are used for various neurological disorders, as well as cheaper analogs.

The main indications for prescribing the drug:

  • Multiple sclerosis at different stages of development. The drug can be used in the presence of complications, it is often included in the course of the main treatment.
  • Diseases of the central nervous system, accompanied by movement disorders.
  • Decreased bowel smooth muscle tone. The drug can be used for intestinal atony in patients with chronic diseases of the digestive tract.
  • Neuropathies of varying severity. The drug is effective for polyneuropathy and mononeuropathy.
  • Movement disorders that are associated with damage to the nerve fibers of the spinal cord.

An effective agent is prescribed as the main or auxiliary treatment, depending on the disease. The course of treatment allows not only to improve the general condition, but also reduces the likelihood of disease progression, the development of severe complications from other organs.

The medication is available in oral tablet form, which is considered the most popular. But the manufacturer also produces a clear, colorless solution in 1 ml ampoules, which is intended for parenteral administration. The tablets can be used at home, but the solution is usually used when the patient is admitted to the hospital.

The presence of several dosage forms allows each patient to choose the most suitable option.

Basic instructions

Neuromidine (analogs are not always cheaper in tablets, since parenteral dosage forms are considered fast-acting) in the form of tablets are used only internally. The solution is administered intramuscularly in the presence of certain indications.

The dosage of the drug in most cases does not exceed 2 tablets or 2 ampoules of solution. On an individual basis, the dose is changed, if necessary. The duration of the course ranges from 10-30 days, but in severe cases, it is possible to use it for 60 days.

The tool can provoke negative reactions, so it is important to take into account the contraindications described in the instructions:

  • Intolerance to the ingredients of the composition.
  • Severe arrhythmia and bradycardia.
  • Bronchial asthma with frequent asthma attacks.
  • Pathologies of the kidneys and liver, accompanied by dysfunction of organs.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Exacerbation of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer.
  • Internal bleeding.
  • Lactation and pregnancy period.

The medication does not often lead to complications if all recommendations are followed, but this possibility cannot be ruled out. The most common symptoms are diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea and indigestion. One of the specific reactions is the increased work of the salivary glands during the use of the drug.

The medicine can provoke an overdose, provided that a large number of tablets are taken once.

Analogues are cheaper

The tablet formulation and the medication in the form of a solution have analogs with similar properties. Doctors draw the attention of patients to the fact that substitutes often contain other ingredients in the composition, which may have other properties.

That is why the choice of an analogue is made by the doctor on the basis of examination data and the reaction of the body of a particular patient to the components of the medication.


Neuromidine (analogs are cheaper in tablets are not considered less effective than the original) contains ipidacrine as the main active substance in the composition. Its analogue Proserin has an effect due to the presence of the substance neostigmine. This is considered to be the main difference from the original.Neuromidine and analogues are cheaper in tablets. Price

Proserin is a medication from the group of cholinesterase inhibitors of synthetic origin. When applied, there is a narrowing of the pupil, a decrease in intraocular pressure, an increase in the tone of the smooth muscles of the organs of the digestive system. Additionally, the substance in the composition of the drug helps to increase the tone of the muscles of the musculoskeletal system, prevents their critical relaxation against the background of various diseases.

The drug also leads to the development of bronchospasm, which is dangerous for patients with bronchial asthma. The medicine is produced in tablet form and in the form of a solution for parenteral administration, like the original.

The drug has many indications for prescription:

  • The period of the patient's rehabilitation after undergoing surgery on the digestive organs. Usually, such patients have a critical decrease in the tone of smooth muscles, and the medication helps to increase the tone.
  • Myasthenia gravis at different stages of development.
  • Neuropathies and paralysis.
  • Open-angle glaucoma.
  • Deterioration of the patient's mobility after suffering injuries of the extremities, spinal column.
  • Atony of the bladder. The drug is often used for such violations, unlike the original.
  • Optic nerve atrophy.
  • Neuritis and neuralgia.

The analog has more indications for prescription than the original and is considered more effective. Neuromidin is not often used for children, but Neuromidin in the form of a solution can be prescribed to children of different ages, if the need arises. The dosage and duration of treatment depends on the symptoms and is determined individually. The original is often used within 2 months, the course of substitute therapy rarely lasts more than 2 weeks.

Like Neuromidin, Neuromidin is not prescribed for lactating, pregnant women. An exception is the case when there is weak labor. The original is not used even then. Contraindications are fashionable to include intolerance to the components of the composition, epilepsy, bronchial asthma.

Neuromidin can be used to diagnose atherosclerosis, but an analogue is not prescribed in this case, since the likelihood of complications increases. The differences include the impossibility of prescribing a drug for intoxication, peritonitis and thyrotoxicosis. Proserin often leads to the development of complications, even with proper application and adherence to all the recommendations of a specialist.

The original can lead to upset stools and some other reactions, but when treated with an analogue, complications affect the nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory and urinary systems.

Kalimin 60 N

Neuromidine (analogs are cheaper in tablets do not always have a minimum cost, often their price is slightly lower) is available for patients in the form of tablets and solution. Its substitute Kalimin 60 N is produced by the manufacturer only in tablet form. Unlike the original, the amount of analogue in the package is much higher, which allows the patient to complete a full course.

The composition of Kalimin is different, since the main ingredient in it is pyridostigmine bromide. This substance also affects the central nervous system, nerve fibers and muscle tone, but the mechanism of action is somewhat different. The tool helps to increase the tone of the muscles of the limbs and the spinal column, and has a positive effect on the condition of patients after surgery.Neuromidine and analogues are cheaper in tablets. Price

Usually tablets are indicated for patients with functional disorders of the digestive tract associated with neurological abnormalities. They are considered to be effective and relatively safe. Like the original, the medication is not prescribed for pregnant women, lactating women, patients with intolerance to the components of the composition and a tendency to such reactions.

In some cases, Neuromidin is prescribed to children, but a substitute in tablet form is usually not used, as it can provoke complications. Bronchial asthma is considered a contraindication for medication treatment.

Unlike the original, the analog often leads to the development of various complications from the internal organs:

  • Stool disorder.
  • Abnormal heart rhythm.
  • Severe bradycardia.
  • Pain in the stomach, nausea.
  • Convulsions.

The condition is aggravated by the addition of allergic reactions. Neuromidin does not often lead to such complications, and when negative reactions appear, they quickly disappear on their own after refusing to use the medication.

The dose of the drug and the duration of its administration is determined individually, as in the case of the appointment of the original. But the analog is more often used within 2-4 weeks. The likelihood of an overdose is higher in the case of using Kalimin. In this case, the patient's condition is serious, it is required to be placed in a hospital. Reception of Neuromidin can provoke an overdose only with a significant increase in the dose.


The most popular substitute for Neuromidin based on such an active component, that is, ipidacrine. The drug belongs to cholinesterase inhibitors, it is considered effective. The original is available not only in the form of tablets, but also in the form of a solution for parenteral administration. The analogue is available only in tablet form, which is considered one of the differences.

The drug has many properties due to its composition. When applied, there is an increase in the tone of the smooth muscles of the body and organs of the digestive tract. With intestinal atony or weakening of peristalsis against the background of any diseases, this effect is important for patients.

The drug additionally stimulates memory and concentration, prevents the progression of dementia in patients with a tendency to such disorders. Despite the same composition, the substitute has a more pronounced analgesic effect, has sedative properties, which is associated with the effect on cells.Neuromidine and analogues are cheaper in tablets. Price

Prescribe a medicine for neurological diseases, accompanied by impaired mobility, as well as pathologies in which there is a deterioration in memory, concentration of attention. The medication is included as part of a complex treatment or is used as the only method of therapy. It is often used to diagnose Alzheimer's disease, while Neuromidine is usually not prescribed.

The presence of only a tablet dosage form does not allow the use of the drug for the treatment of children and adolescents, as in the case of the original prescription. The drug is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women, patients with intolerance to the ingredients of the composition, bronchial asthma and severe postoperative complications.

As in the case of the appointment of Neuromidin, the dosage of the tablets and the duration of their use are determined individually. The drug can be used for long courses, which is associated with a similar composition.


Neuromidine (analogs are cheaper in tablets often cannot be prescribed to children) based on ipidacrine is considered an effective remedy for neurological disorders. Its analogue Nivalin contains galantamine. This ingredient also has anticholinesterase properties, but additionally belongs to the group of mn-cholinomimetics.

The agent acts on the nerve cells and tissues of the central, peripheral nervous system, which leads to a stop of the progression of diseases and the restoration of certain areas. When prescribed at an advanced stage of pathology, there is no full recovery of damaged areas, but the patient's condition improves significantly by stopping the progression diseases.

Prescribe a medicine not only for neuropathies and movement disorders, but also in the case of diagnosing radiculitis, cerebral palsy, poliomyelitis. Such indications are absent in the instructions for the original.

The drug is produced in tablet form and in the form of a solution for parenteral administration, like the original drug. Experts pay attention that a solution is used for children, since the tablets are difficult to dose, and the likelihood of complications during their use increases significantly.

The substitute has more contraindications that are absent in the instructions for the original:

  • Atrioventricular block.
  • Acute myocardial infarction, ischemic stroke.
  • Intestinal obstruction.
  • Hyperkinesis.
  • Age up to 9 years. Children are prescribed a remedy in the form of a solution, but sometimes tablets are used according to individual indications.
  • Exacerbation of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer.Neuromidine and analogues are cheaper in tablets. Price

The drug provokes complications more often than the original, especially with prolonged use. The tablets are taken orally in the dose prescribed by the doctor, which is determined individually depending on the condition and the presence of concomitant complications.

When using the drug, patients may develop an overdose, in which there is a depression of consciousness. There is a threat to the patient's life. The use of Neuromidin is usually not accompanied by such disorders, and an overdose is easily treated within 2-3 days.

Price of funds

The cost of the original and analogs is different, but some medicines are not much cheaper. This is due to its high efficiency, and also depends on the number of tablets in the package. When choosing, a specialist first of all evaluates the effect of the medication and the reaction of the patient's body, after which he pays attention to the cost.

Product name Price
Neuromidine You can buy the original product for about 700-1100 rubles.
Proserin The most affordable analogue, the price of which is 50-120 rubles.
Kalimin 60 N You can buy the medicine at the pharmacy for about 700-800 rubles.
Axamon The substitute price ranges from 400-600 rubles.
Nivalin In different pharmacies, the price of the drug is 700-800 rubles.

The patient should not independently choose an analogue, relying only not on its cost. The cheapest drugs can be ineffective, but expensive drugs do not always help to get the result.

Neuromidine is a tablet and solution for parenteral administration used for the treatment of neurological diseases and movement disorders. The price of the medication is high, especially with long courses, so patients choose analogues that are cheaper, but have similar properties. The choice of the remedy is made only by the doctor on the basis of the patient's examination data.

Video about the drug Neuromidin

Neuromidin tablets description and instructions:

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